
3000 Words (The Hollywood Socialite Book 2) de Bridget Van der Eyk

de Bridget Van der Eyk - Género: English
libro gratis 3000 Words (The Hollywood Socialite Book 2)


Bridget Van der Eyk Year: 2023

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Thank you Bridgett for another great book. I enjoyed reading this one as well.

Lilly’s world has been set up really well for even more books to come out in the series.

Lilly is having some trouble again but this time it’s against her and not from her.2 s daily fifi poetry books (fatima)170 1 follower

I don't know where to start but one thing that this book is far better than the first book, I couldn't really feel that I read 251 pages as it was a page-turner and so light even though it talked about some deep subjects low self-esteem and how people see us from outside and how does that affect our mentality and we start to act according to that, and in which way we can get over that if we just did what we do best and prove them wrong and the most important thing is to do that thing for ourselves first not just them or then we would lose the meaning of what we were doing and for who, because at the end of the day, you don't have anyone but yourself. Also, I would say that the friendship in this book has taught me a lot that even if we fight sometimes we will always get each other back and we will never disappoint each other no matter what. one last word I can say is that this book has taught me how to love myself first and not care about the rest, and when I do something I should do it for myself not for other people to see which was great advice Thanks to the author

let's move to the story
This time the book talks about the new journey of Libby in Colombia University and how is she dealing with all the gossip about her being a model and a great student how she doesn't deserve to be here, and how love has and will affect her life in the university and in which way the things will turn out to be, and as a new male lead enters the scene guiding the whole situation with all the wisdom he has with such a perfect figure and mind, you can't but really love their conversation after all, but would Libby handle that love correctly or would thing go down the drain again, well you have to read to figure out what happened to Libby through her journey to discover her heart, her mind, her career, and her love life, and would she always choose the right track or would she lose it somehow, and what kind of friends will she have there and what kind of enemy would she gain , would she be safe , i don't think so trouble will always follow her no matter what but every trouble has a solution after all .. I guess that is all i can say about the story or i would be spoiling alot..

Let's move to the Character
Libby, the FMC goes to Columbia University with a broken heart would she survive the pressure of people looking down on her and her heartbreak or would she surpass it all, she is a person with two sides so strong sometimes that she can handle the worst condition and make things easier and she is also so weak that everything affects her self esteem and she does everything she can just to prove the people around her wrong, but would she be able to grow up as she is guided by a great person or would she fall in love and make things worse well you have to follow her journey, and as we see her navigating her life between study , love, work , good and bad friends we would see a lot of things that we can relate to from the low and high self-esteem to the wrong and right kind of love, the stubborn side that can lead you to good places and all the in between

Ramsey, the new MMC is just boyfriend material, so smart, has a way with words, a professor with a great figure that you can't but fall in love with somehow, and just he has a way of making things better with his smartness, as he falls in love with her he makes things better and worse and just does everything he could to make her reach the place she deserves while trying to make her look into her strength not just her flaws which were amazing cz no one can really see through her as he did and no one can easily reach her hear as he did but would he be okay at the end of the road or would he not, so yeah you can count him as my fav character now he is 10/10 nothing can be said more

Wentworth, I really don't know what to talk about him, as he was really out of it and he just destroyed my heart and Libby as well, also coming back late and trying to get her back and being so jealous for nothing , he was just not worth it, I was so shocked with the way he turned to be but it is okay cz we got someone better after all

the rest are just either Lo, theo, the best friends you can get as they do everything they can just to make you happy and stand by your side no matter what which made me wanna have friends that I can fight with and still be friends with as they really care about how I feel and what I'm doing to myself ..

Caroline , and her friends made the book more interesting as they just made the book even funnier presenting what the brat pack was but into different kind , couldn't but hate them but at the same time their ending was just as perfect as i hoped it would be

One last word, this book was better than the first and i can't wait to see the third one in the series, And fir sure it is also worth turning into a movie, cz i was able to imagine every and each scene that was described,
Thanks for the Arc copy i couldn't be happier

Let's move to the quotes :
To every girl that’s ever had her heart broken, this one’s for you

“and you’re not supposed to see me looking pathetic and attempting to cook pancakes for the first time in my life.

You,” he whispered. “All I ever want to do is stare at you.”“And why would you want to do that?” she whispered back.“Because you, Libby Evans, are mine, and I love every inch of you,”

so now Libby was here. Wentworth was not, but his name kept coming up all the fucking time

everything I am is more than enough. No one has ever made me feel that, but you do. You make me feel that every time I’m with you. You have always made me feel that, and I know you always will.

I’m only ever trying to be good enough for you,” You are always good enough for me

She felt she was in a deep abyss of blue and grey, and all the depression and sadness that came along with it

Caroline,” Libby smiled “It’s sweet you think this is my first time around the block, but I have been dealing with bitches you my whole damn life, so you are nothing special, honey

when he talked to her they were in their own little bubble and the other people in this dive bar didn’t exist except to create the white noise that surrounded them

he'd tried to call again this morning, not that Libby should have been surprised. He’d tried to call at least once a week since the summer, or at least she assumed he’d been that regular

What were the actual rules of a break-up? Libby didn’t know. She wished she did

Only for you, my love,” Wentworth replied as his lips descended slowly onto hers. “Only for you.

Regardless, he couldn’t help but notice how stunning she was. Whether she was ‘sparkly pink cocktail dress Libby’ at a NYC dive bar, or ‘casual jeans and a T-shirt Libby’, she was still absolutely fucking gorgeous

“I mean, I’m the dumb Hollywood socialite who was late for our meeting last time because I clearly don’t care about anything unless it’s drinking cocktails or getting my nails done

“Being a woman who is both incredibly intelligent and incredibly beautiful

Yeah?” Libby asked, trying to keep calm while Gigi continued to talk about the one person she had been avoiding talking about at all costs.The one person she never wanted to talk about

He stared at her enough that even the littlest things about her were catching his eye. It was those little things that were haunting him when he thought about her, and he thought about her a lot

Had he remembered it right, though? This touch felt more intense. He could feel all his insides turning. They felt warm and fuzzy. He felt a schoolboy with a crush

she was passionate about all of this and that was evident in the way she talked about it. The passion simply oozed out of her with every word, and unfortunately it was making her that much more irresistible to him right now

Every time he was around that woman, it was he lost total control of his mind and his body. He couldn’t control his eyes. He couldn’t control his breathing. He couldn’t even control his heart so it would beat a normal person’s. He couldn’t act a normal person at all apparently

You do you, Libs. I’m just looking out for you.

maybe the more he said it the more she’d realize he meant it, because he did. He fucking sucked at this, but he needed Libby to know how he felt. She deserved to know. She deserved more than he had given her so far. She deserved to be adored and cared for. She deserved everything, and he wanted to give her that

Just stop it,” she repeated.Libby could hear her own cries ringing in her ears. Her mind was replaying Wentworth’s words over and over. It was chaos in her head right now. So much chaos that even though she could feel the stares and whispers disappearing from the terrace, she couldn’t focus on any of it

She didn’t want to think about how he was feeling, because he had done this to them. She knew that, but it was so hard to be strong in that notion when he was standing there with that pain in his voice. His green eyes were wide as they pleaded with her

“I’ll do anything, Libs. I’ll do anything. Anything you want.”“You can’t do anything,” Libby said, feeling the tears finally start as she averted her gaze to the New York skyline in front of her, “because you broke us

I know I will never be able to erase the pain I have caused you and it kills me every day that I can’t. It kills me every day that I hurt you at all. That I couldn’t be stronger for you, and that I couldn’t be better. I could apologize every day to you for the rest of our lives and it still wouldn’t even come close to how sorry I am for how badly I fucked this all up. How badly I broke us, especially when you are the best thing I’ve ever had

she was washing her hands of everything that had happened in the last twelve months. She was washing her hands of all of it, and now as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her glass of champagne, she finally felt cleanThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 1 comment Mackenzie Roberts3 1 follower

First off, are you kidding me?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

As the sequel to “10 Dates” this was not at all what I was expecting out of the second book! I have to say that I definitely loved this one more than the first!

I am so torn between this love triangle. At first I was so excited for Wentworth and Libby to be end game, I wanted to hear more about their love story. Then my heart got ripped out, you’re thinking Wentworth is the perfect boyfriend, then it’s HOW COULD YOU?! As your heart aches for Libby. Then Mr. Professor West comes along and the slow burn of their undeniable attraction towards each other eats at you as you read through the book. Then they FINALLY happen and you’re thinking ok, maybe I’m ok that Wentworth and Libby aren’t end game. She’s got hottie Professor West in her corner now. And just has your completely falling in love with the idea that they’re going to be together, they are going to be end game, POOF. It’s gone. Heart. Broken. Again. I’m going to say it again, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Then just as I’m thinking ok cool, she needs some time for herself while she’s shopping this movie, NOPE. Wentworth swoops in with a letter we don’t get to finish hearing!

This gave me whiplash. Im so torn between the two men in her life and wanting her to have BOTH, because both of their love stories are EPIC. I want to know, scratch that, I NEED to know which one she chooses. I am so rooting for Wentworth but also so rooting for Professor West!


Thank you so much for letting me read your book, in exchange for a review! Loved it! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 1 comment NikkiReads365192 10

? 3000 Words by Bridget Van Der Eyk ?

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