
Tomb of Gods de Brian Moreland

de Brian Moreland - Género: English
libro gratis Tomb of Gods


"The suspense of the story, aided by sly hints from the author, and the atmosphere of a dark, claustrophobic tomb work together to create a scary story. The characters' fear invites the reader into the world to experience the fright themselves."
Booklist Starred Review

Deep inside the tomb exists a hidden world of wonder and terror.
In 1935, British archaeologists vanished inside an Egyptian cave. A year later, one man returned covered in mysterious scars.
Egyptologist Imogen Riley desperately wants to know what happened to the ill-fated expedition led by her grandfather. On a quest for answers, she joins a team of archeologists and soldiers in Egypt. Inside a mountain tomb, they've found a technologically advanced relic and a maze of tunnels. Dr. Nathan Trummel believes this tomb leads to the most guarded secrets of the pharaohs. When the explorers venture deep into the caves, they discover a hidden world of wonder and terror.
FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing Independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at www.flametreepress.com and connect on social media @FlameTreePress

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My thanks to Flame Tree Press, Brian Moreland and Netgalley. I've had a soft spot for Moreland for years! I was first introduced to him by Samhain Publishing. Rest their lovely souls! I'm a fan! I did however come to this book with some hesitation. Honestly? I'm complete freaked out by Egyptian stuff! Not Egyptians, just the whole digging up shit! I just believe the dead should stay buried. "This is why I wish to be cremated." The thought of me ending up as a display in a museum freaks me out! Also, their deities sort of resonate with me. Many God's over one? Yes. I worship nature. Not literally, but sure.
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