
Noose de Brennan LaFaro

de Brennan LaFaro - Género: English
libro gratis Noose


It's been fifteen years since Noose Holcomb perpetrated the Buzzard's Edge Train Robbery of 1872, leaving Rory Daggett an orphan. Settled in with a new family and a second chance at life, Rory never quite sheds the thirst for revenge. When one of the gang members returns to Buzzard's Edge, Rory's life is violently upended once more. Capturing the rogue spurs on a furious chain of events that pits Rory against each member of Noose's gang, every one more twisted and terrifying than the last, in order to work his way to their leader. With the help of a fellow orphan whose life Noose turned upside down and the town's sheriff, Rory will stop at nothing to be the man who ends Noose's reign of terror, but can he do it without becoming the man he seeks to kill?

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NOOSE has everything!

Everything you could want in a horror western is here. A protagonist you can root for, an evil antagonist that is easy to hate, a mysterious witch, loyal horses and of course, a need for revenge.

Brennan LaFaro blends it all together in this tasty novella sized package that I ripped through in one day. I had a blast with it, maybe you would too? Highly recommended!

*I bought this book with my hard earned cash.*

dark-fiction group-read horror-western ...more30 s John DurginAuthor 14 books383

Brennan LaFaro is quickly becoming a must read author for me. I read Slattery Falls a few months back and absolutely loved it. When he offered me an ARC of Noose for an honest review, I couldn’t say yes fast enough. The first thing I want to point out, is the growth I see in his writing from one book to the next. He did a great job writing Slattery Falls and then rode in on his horse and wrote a horror western he was a veteran of the Wild West. This cast of characters is so colorful and memorable. I try to write my book as spoiler free as possible, so I won’t say too much about the characters.

What I will say, is Noose Holcomb and his gang of henchmen(and henchwoman) are such amazing antagonists for Rory to go up against. Rory and Alice are a wonderful duo to root for and the way their relationship grows throughout the book was one of my favorite aspects of the story. I can not wait to read the other stories in the Noose universe, and really anything that LaFaro writes for that matter. Don’t miss out on this book!16 s Jeremy HeplerAuthor 15 books157

Really enjoyed this face-paced, revenge/western/gore-fest of a tale, just as much as Lafaro's debut, Slattery Falls if not a smidge more. His characters in this one, Rory and Alice in particular, are relatable, genuine, a pleasure to ride along with and root for. And his prose is crisp and poignant, delivering an engaging, delightful slice of fiction with a satisfying ending. Highly recommended for lovers of westerns and horror a!17 s Tyler JonesAuthor 14 books161

a bullet from a gun, Brennan LaFaro's NOOSE comes screaming off the pages.
A blood-soaked western with assassins waiting around every corner, this darkly funny adventure crackles with energy.

A story about how sometimes the past isn't done with us and we have to choose what the future becomes, about how family are the people we choose to love. It's also about witches, mad scientists, giants, riddles, and a man who cannot be killed.

Strap on your six shooter, saddle up and take a ride to Buzzard's Edge, but keep an eye on the shadows, they're filled with danger.12 s Stitching Ghost794 149 Read

I was so not the right audience for this book, I've tried other books in the same vein to a much similar result; I can tell the writing is pretty good but I just generally don't get invested in any of it. This could be the best or the worst example of its genre and I wouldn't be able to tell you either way. The characters were cool though.

No rating because that wouldn't feel fair.
10 s Ross JefferyAuthor 24 books313

Brennan LaFaro crafts a dusty gem of a book with ‘Noose’ the first line sets the book on its way and it doesn’t let up, it’s fast paced and shoots from the hip… brutal, visceral, gritty and a breakneck, whiplash of a ride through the Wild West.

I enjoyed how this story unfolded, I have questions and some remained unanswered, but for a book that swept me away and which I read in a few hours - the journey was worth it - the only thing I could say which could be seen as a negative is that I wanted more, I wanted to be drenched in this world, but it’s probably and I’d it to be seen as one of the biggest compliments I could give - because it made me want more, made me thirst for more of the brilliance LaFaro has penned - the world he crafted draws you in and doesn’t want you to escape it unscathed.

Buy a ticket, take the ride! 11 s Michael J.813 23

This was a quick read that I was able to sandwich in-between simultaneous readings of several books. That's what happened when you sign on to several group reads in the same month. But, they are were so enticing. I challenged myself and feel good having survived it.
NOOSE is a great adventure yarn, especially if you enjoy weird westerns. There's just enough strange and odd about this to take it beyond standard western fare. It's a short novella and a quick read. Author LaFaro also included a short story featuring one of the more interesting characters from the novella, Mirella the witch, which sheds a more sympathetic light on her. This proceeded at a different pace than the main novella and spotlights the writing skills of LaFaro.

This reminds me of the paperback westerns my father used to read, although I suspect NOOSE is a bit more gruesome. I'm ready for a rooting-tooting, rip-roaring weird western adventure yarn. I believe this will be a quick read, even quicker if I wasn't trying to multi-task and read several books at the same time.
My favorite line so far, about 13% into the book: "I'll spare you the grisly details, Rory, but you ever been so sick you felt you was gonna vomit 'til your innards turned to outards?"
About 38% into the story. The supernatural element has been introduced as well as the remaining members of the Noose gang.
21%: I had about as much energy left as a horse that just hauled a fat man up a mountain."
At 60%, just finished Chapter 9, the most brutal and violent chapter so far and very well done. a David and Goliath battle. David had God on his side; Daggett has Alice/Pip.
DECEMBER 13Now at Chapter 12 (72%).
I enjoyed the mirage- entry into the saloon. A different beginning to that encounter.
Hate to stop mid-way in a fight scene. Hope to get back to this soon.
at 61%: ". . . the setting sun bled a mixture of pink and purple so vivid, it looked more a painter's palette than the hellish sky that had overseen this day." 1800-s ha-group-read-with-author weird-western9 s Brian BowyerAuthor 28 books222


This was my first read from LaFaro, but it will not be my last. NOOSE is violent, fast-paced, and thrilling. Highly recommended! 8 s Badseedgirl1,365 68

Read as part of the Horror Aficionados December 2022 Group read with Guest author Brennan LaFaro.
Once I started reading this story I could not put it down. Mostly a western revenge story with some supernatural elements. This did not remind me of a splatter western, but was quite enjoyable. I would be happy to read more about Rory and Alice.7 s John LynchAuthor 11 books132

I was lucky enough to get my hands on an early copy of Noose, by Brennan LaFaro. Noose is the sophomore release from the author, and while a western setting may feel familiar to some because horror westerns are in right now, LaFaro does his own thing, with a voice of his own that manages to separate his book in terms of feel, despite that familiar setting, while also establishing the fact that the author is no one trick pony.

Rory Daggets quest for revenge is an interesting one, and one that introduces you to some bad people, while also giving you the characterization that fans of Slattery falls will come to recognize. This book however, while I wouldn’t call it extreme, is definitely more bloody than his debut. I d it, it shows the author flexing his muscles and writing what he wants to write.

Fans of horror westerns will want to check this one out, and fans of Slattery Falls will be happy with the authors follow up. 6 s Aiden MerchantAuthor 32 books71

The blurb: "With NOOSE, LaFaro manages to create an adventurous Wild West with a touch of supernatural and a game of revenge against a nefarious gang full of memorable characters. It's highly entertaining, the kind of tale you devour in a sitting and ask for more. At this point, I'll show up for anything LaFaro puts out; he's damn good."

Some other comments: This is a well-written and exciting tale of the Wild West. I especially loved the destructive potions and would have d to see more of them, but I'm glad they made a brief return in the finale. The bonus short, Come Take My Hand, is also great, though it does seem I'm reading about different characters than the bad guys presented in Noose. I would have d to see more of their progression from abused to utterly evil. Maybe LaFaro can do a full novella or novel of their early years turning diabolical. Regardless, this is a fantastic book that will ly to appeal to anyone that enjoys adventure and battle. A must buy!5 s Brian McAuleyAuthor 2 books124

Grabs you by the neck from page one, and it's full steam ahead til the end of the line. Fans of violent revenge tales The Crow will find much to enjoy here. LaFaro's voice shines with humor and grit, so I'm delighted to know we'll be seeing more tales from him out of Buzzard's Edge.5 s Patrick R. McDonough128 13

Noose possesses the cast of characters of Batman and the smooth narration as Lansdale.

Noose is one for all the big and small hosses!4 s Paul Preston1,243

George “Noose” Holcomb “the whole damn town watched him dangle from the gallows and laugh about it ’til they cut him down. They hung him high and he refused to die.”
NOOSE by @brennanlafaro from @darklitpress -We don’t have no typical shoot ‘em up western on our hands, wait, that’s a double negative, scratch that. This ain’t your normal giddy-up western we got here. This is so much more. A touch of mad scientist, a touch of brutality, a touch of witchery, and a bit of invincibility. Toss in some humor, and a whole bunch of “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT BRENNAN, YOU FLEA-BITTEN VARMINT!!” -mix it well and you have Noose.
So Bandit, what are these here colorful jars? I’m so glad you asked, that is where the mad scientist comes in but I’m not telling you what they are for. Bad enough I risked my hide by touching them, I saw what happened to those poor people at the bank with the blue liquid, and I can still hear that guy screaming after he was exposed to the red. It ain’t pretty. Just looking at that black one makes me break out in hives.
Welcome to Buzzards Edge, I suggest you leave. “Even in the best part of town, the sand would drink the blood and unloved creatures would dispose of the rest when darkness fell.”
A lot was left open in this one. It could have been a full novel but I think Brennan has set himself up a nice world to keep coming back to.4 s Scott J. MosesAuthor 14 books105

The Batman meets Django Unchained

LaFaro takes to the West in this story of revenge and blood. It doesn’t take long to get started, and I couldn’t help but root for Rory as he encountered members of Noose’s notorious, albeit, almost mystical gang.

I look forward to more tales in this world, and as LaFaro says in the afterword, it seems there may be more to come.4 s Kendra Raptor86 4

3.5 ?

This Western horror story was a gripper from the beginning, for me.

It was well written and the characters and emotions connected with me.

I did feel the ending was a little rushed, thus making me feel something was missing.

I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a Western Horror Novella.arc-reads may-233 s Leigh F284 9

I received a copy of the audiobook of this from the publisher.

Truly an enjoyable listen. Don’t get me wrong the narration started off as not my favorite but I kept going and honestly I think it really made this story jump off the page and into my ears. The story was fantastic and I enjoyed Rory’s story. Alice has become a hero of mine and I really would to know more of her story.

Highly recommend. 3 s Dale RobertsonAuthor 6 books28

A really well written Western tale about a boy who seeks revenge.

Although i really enjoyed the story, I did find that it was too confined to Rory and his quest, i didnt get a sense of a wide open wild west place. The first chapter is when he was a boy and the train robbery happened, then the next chapter is him as a grown man. It just seems to jump from situation to situation. I suppose it's a fine line between the story and overloading it with "filler" information that bores the reader. I was also wanting more of a supernatural element, there's a bit (the witch) but it's never elaborated on and all the bad guys are taken down a bit too easily for my liking. The vials too! I was really curious as to what the mad scientist had been making.

The author notes towards the end explain that there's more to come in this world so my points above may well be sorted out in different books and expand the world and characters. There's a fun little short at the end as well which tells the tale of how George and Merella met but again, it lacked specific information to do with this particular tale.

I know i seem im moaning about it but don't take that the wrong way, i still really enjoyed this read.3 s Horror DNA1,169 102

Brennan LaFaro’s second novella, Noose, hits the ground running. Pulling no punches, this is a story of violence and brutality. Life is cheap out in the west and there is no romanticizing the sheer cruelty man is capable of there. LaFaro writes Rory Daggett with immense skill. From the start, we are in this man’s head, feeling what he does and seeking his righteous vengeance with him.

You can read Zach's full review at Horror DNA by clicking here.zach-rosenberg3 s Joshua Jonah 345 17

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

If you high stakes action line John Wick or the badassery of Clint Eastwood in The Good The Bad The Ugly, you’ll get a kick out of this book. From the comfort and familiar they comes from a revenge tale, to the easy flow of the genre this book kept me engaged, rooting for the main character and loving the development of the villain. The way the author builds the infamy of Noose, you can’t help but either want to see him fall or have the author do more with him. I give this book ???????? out of 5.

Thank you to the publisher and author for this book!

2 s Syn224 33

Noose by Brennan LaFaro is a gritty western tale of revenge. A searing story of blood, sweat, and tears. Old endings and new beginnings.

Rory Daggett is a survivor of the 1872 Buzzard's Edge train robbery where the passengers were brutally slaughtered by Noose Holcomb. As a young child he watched his parents brutal murders while they were standing right next to him. For some strange reason or maybe a whim. Noose, who is one of the most dangerous outlaws of the wild west, lets Rory live.

That day sits in Rory's mind and edges and shapes him as he grows older. It never lets go or forgets what happened that cursed day. A reckoning is coming for Noose, one built on those blood, sweat and tears. A showdown of epic proportions as Rory works his way through Noose's eclectic crew of bandits. Making his way to the man himself that took away so much of his life.

As the showdown commences another curtain is opened into a prequel with 'Come And Take My Hand.' A book within this book, it takes us deeper into the story and life of Noose Holcomb and where he came from and how he met one of his partners in crime. I believe that there will be more stories to come in the future with this landscape and series and I can't wait to read them!2 s Jordan496 21

I have a lot of love in my heart for Noose. Brennan did such a beautiful job of capturing the heart of the West in this, and I really want to extend my thanks for taking me back to my childhood watching John Wayne movies with my dad. Noose gave me huge Rooster Cogburn/True Grit vibes and I was captivated from the get go.

Noose Holcomb was an extremely fascinating Western villain. He had a brand of crazy all his own and I was so satisfied with his ending. It made so much sense for him and I'm glad the author didn't try to force a big shootout. I really d Edwards as an outlaw too, though I felt he was underutilized. There's something to be said for an outlaw who uses knowledge and riddles as foreplay to murder, and I'd love to see more of his cunning and charisma.

Noose was an absolute gem. I was expecting a typical spaghetti western with some horror elements, but Brennan really blew me away. I've fallen in love with this world, and I seriously can't wait to see how he shapes it even more!2 s Cody ThompsonAuthor 3 books30

Noose by Brennan LaFaro is a fast paced, action packed, super natural Western dripping in whiskey and blood. (By the way, another incredible novella from the amazing team at Dark Lit Press.) A full on revenge Western with horror elements that slash and shoot from all sides. Once the story kicks off, it doesn't let up on the action, suspense and super-natural surprises. Definitely not a one-sided story. This story has a lot of heart, the characters are deep, and each story has enough firepower to break your heart. If you love horror, westerns or both - this is the perfect read for you. And the short story which LaFaro uses to close out the book is beautiful as well. Pick this one up and strap in for the wildest ride in the old west. 2 s Bradford68 7

I want to thank DarkLit Press for an audiobook of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I'm trying out Western horror again with this one by a familiar author to me. I have previously read Last Stay by the same author.

This one really felt I was in an old western movie, with more gore and violence, of course!

The main character, Rory, is extremely likable along with his sidekick, Alice. The bad guys gave me batman villain vibes, and I am here for it. Noose, the big bad, is a really bad dude, horrible. Well done with all the characters, Brennan!

This was a fast-paced adventure in the Wild West. It had great characters that were appropriately likable or hateable. The book had a straightforward story that was executed well and was easily digestible in a couple sittings. I really d this, and I'm giving it a 4.25??s. I would recommend this to lovers of violent westerns that have some good horror elements!2 s Adperfectamconsilium - Gavin216 3

'The first time I ever met George "Noose" Holcomb, I knew that someday I'd kill him.'

Here we travel to the fictional town of Buzzard's Edge, Arizona for this horror western novella.

This is not your usual gun-totin' western. This is a blood splattered revenge story with a supernatural element and an emotional look at the loss of family. It asks the question of what we would do to avenge them and whether we could do so without becoming a monster ourselves.

The opening chapter acts as a prologue where our main protagonist, Rory Daggett, on a train trip with his parents is witness to the most blood drenched train robbery courtesy of Noose, the most feared outlaw around.
Young Rory is left alive to finish the train journey with his parents corpses amidst a scene of carnage.

Cut to 15 years later and Rory finally gets a lead on Noose's gang of outlaws and so begins his mission of revenge.
To get to Noose he'll have to overcome witchcraft, mad science, a knife wielding maniac, and a supernaturally strong enemy.
Along the way he acquires unexpected help from young orphan Alice.
For such a short book there's real depth to their characters, plenty of emotion and well rounded bad guys.

As a bonus there's a short story after the novella which acts as a prequel and delves into the past of George "Noose" Holcomb in a brutal and emotional tale of abuse and murder.

A superb novella from @brennanlafaro published by @darklitpress

?????5 stars1 Lisa Robbins345 9

I'm not normally into westerns, but I figured I'd give a horror western a try. It did not disappoint! From early on the blood and violence were everywhere! Rory's back story and desire for revenge were interesting and he was a pretty relatable character. There was plenty of action to keep things interesting. I enjoyed the addition of Alice later in the book. I thought she was an interesting character with a sad back story. I'd definitely to check out more by this author!
1 Jason38 4


Noose is a horror western that was just plain fun to read. I actually might call it a bit more "action gore" than "horror", but that's probably just splitting hairs.

The story opens with a bang - actually a lot of bangs - and doesn't slow down relentlessly delivering intense scene, after intense scene. If I had to make a complaint, it's that being a novella the book ended far sooner than I wanted it to.

Noose is full of great characters, fun (and gory) action scenes, and a bit of a supernatural element. If you're looking for a quick read, and are horror-western-curious, Noose is a great place to start!

1 Bean127 6

If you are a fan of splatter westerns, this quick read (under 200 pages) from Brennan LaFaro is a good one to tuck into. Well-paced and entertaining, really d the gang of miscreants Rory was up against. d the pinch of supernatural that he offered up in the story as well. My thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book for an honest review. 1 Ghost268 14

This was a fun, fast read and both the novella and short story were more than gripping. It’s not as much horror as it is western which was more of a positive than anything. I also loved how Lafaro wrote a short story about the villains past, and stuck it at the end to make the reader sympathize with a villain we spent 100 pages hating. Overall a good read 3 s Austrian SpencerAuthor 3 books96

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