
Dead Sand (Lewis Cole Book 1) de Brendan DuBois

de Brendan DuBois - Género: English
libro gratis Dead Sand (Lewis Cole Book 1)


Brendan DuBois Publisher: Severn River Publishing, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781648759901

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I d this murder mystery -- kind of a sleeper. Lewis Cole is the victim of a government experiment gone bad, and has restarted his life as a writer for a magazine in a New Hampshire shore town. A young women, summer worker is found hanged, but the preliminary investigation shows she was strangled. Lewis and the local detective Diane have a solid friendship, but when the bodies start piling up, they both work to figure out the culprit. Nice setting, good complex multifaceted characters.crime-detective8 s Scott Rhee2,003 94

Beach towns are all roughly the same in their seaminess. Ratty, cheap hotels masquerading as resorts. Boardwalks with rigged games made to suck money out of the pockets of tourists. Dive bars and mediocre seafood restaurants that overcharge everything. Not to mention the beaches themselves, usually overcrowded with people. It’s a wonder they are such popular tourist attractions, but the locals count on it.

To the locals, it’s home. To Lewis Cole, a new arrival to the beach resort of Tyler Beach, New Hampshire, it could be home. He certainly s it here, but anything beats where he came from. Tyler Beach is relatively peaceful and quiet, which is exactly what he needs to forget his troubled past life.

Unfortunately, things can’t remain peaceful forever. A body is discovered in a marsh being razed for new development. By the looks of it, it’s been there for a long time. Then, the body of a young girl is found in town. What originally seems suicide is determined to be murder. Shortly after that discovery, one of Cole’s new friends goes missing, and a fisherman is killed when his boat explodes on the dock.

Soon, a town whose law enforcement is used to nothing more than rounding up weekend drunks and giving out speeding tickets is having to deal with three murders and a missing persons case. Thankfully, Cole---in a completely unofficial capacity---has agreed to help out his local police department. He enjoys a good mystery.

I do, too, which is why I thoroughly enjoyed “Dead Sand”, the first novel by Brendan DuBois, written in 1994, to feature his intrepid protagonist.

Cole, himself, is a bit of a mystery. Townsfolk wonder how and why he is living in the old house that was originally owned and operated by the U.S. Navy. They wonder how he can live on the paltry income he is given from writing an occasional column or article for a magazine called Shoreline, a magazine that nobody reads. They wonder why he doesn’t to talk about his past.

Over the course of the novel, of course, Cole’s tragic backstory is revealed, and (almost) all of those questions are answered.

Fans of hard-boiled detective stories should enjoy “Dead Sand”, and if they do, it’s nice to know that DuBois continues the series in about a dozen sequels.
lewis-cole mystery series-detective6 s Maddy1,695 76

a master artisan, Brendan DuBois weaves a beautiful first book, Dead Sand. He begins by creating a basic design using the highest quality ingredients--interesting characters, a fully developed plot and finely detailed settings. If that alone were the extent of his efforts, the result would be very fine. However, he's added some accent threads that move this from an accomplished book to something approaching a work of art. Those accent threads are not visible when first looking at the overall picture; however, when they begin to come to light, they illuminate and enhance the total output. In truth, the accent threads are what make the design beautiful.

The book takes place in Tyler Beach, New Hampshire, a place that is overrun by tourists in the summer and deserted the rest of the year. One of its residents is Lewis Cole, a writer for a monthly magazine. He's on a drive-around with the town's only detective, Diane Woods, when a call comes in. It turns out that a young woman has hung herself. There's something about this that calls to Lewis, and he begins to investigate the death with Diane's tacit approval. The town budget doesn't provide for her to have any assistance, so Lewis is helping her out by looking into the circumstances. This is purely a personal mission on the part of Cole, as the magazine for which he works will never accept a story about a murdered woman in a beach town.

One of the first accent threads that begins to come to light is centered around Lewis. He seems to be a fairly straightforward man, but there are hints that he has a mysterious past. He won't reveal why he has returned to the town where he was born but not raised. He lives in a refurbished government cottage; and within, he has a veritable arsenal. The reader's curiosity grows with each of the strange revelations about Lewis-who is he? What did he do in the past? Is he running from someone? The thread begins to come to light and become a dominant theme. The reader can hazard some guesses, but is totally unprepared for the horrific events that unfolded one day in a desert in Nevada, a day that was the change point in Lewis' life.

The "dead sands" of the title refer not only to the shores of Tyler Beach, where so much of this story unfolds, but also to the sands of the deserts of Nevada, where Lewis Cole's personal tragedy occurred and which is revealed periodically throughout the book. Another event from the past plays a large part in the motivations of the book, the discovery of a woman who was buried in the sands of Tyler Beach almost 40 years earlier.

Although the focus of the book is on the present day, the reality is that the past is the key to understanding the strange happenings in Tyler Beach, just as the past is a key to understanding Lewis. A lobsterman is blown to smithereens aboard his fishing vessel; an elderly woman friend of Lewis' has disappeared and is presumed dead; a scumbag scheming hotel owner is killed execution style. There is something tying all of these actions together, but that something is elusively difficult to discover.

The narrative is laid out using a low key, conversational tone. DuBois is one of the best writers I've seen at describing a setting. He creates a sense of place where the reader can see every molecule of the environment. At times, though, I felt that the descriptions slowed down the narrative. However, DuBois has done a fine job of developing characters, both the good and the evil. I particularly d the depiction of the Tyler detective, Diane Woods, and the local mob man, Felix Tinios.

As we reach the denouement of the book, DuBois escalates the action and creates a taut sense of suspense. The resolution is complex but entirely credible with only one inconsistent stupid move on the part of Lewis. I found this book to be an exceptional first effort, with high marks for plot, character, setting and pace.

2000-reads3 s Jane908 6

too much description of geography. kept losing my place and losing my interest.20153 s Terri Lynn997

I tried and tried and tried and couldn't get into it. It was too dull. I couldn't even picture the lead characters in my mind and kept forgetting the lead male's name. It is set in New Hampshire in a tiny beach town. The lone detective- Diane (can't even remember her last name)- gets some help from Lewis Cole in solving the murder of a girl working as a waitress made to look a suicide. An old man gets his boat blown up for planning to tell Lewis something about it and Lewis' friend Alice, an older lady also gets killed. You really don't see any police work here- just Lewis going about asking random questions. And much of it is some information about things he sees a statue or a bridge which is totally irrelevant. Or he thinks about unrelated things at great length. He is supposedly a magazine writer yet does no writing. Too dull and slow for me. fiction mystery-suspense-thrillers1 Denise 601 5

Rounding up from a 3 1/2 star rating. The mystery is very good and will keep you guessing. The blending of the story of Lewis Cole’s past into his current life and his investigation into the murders was interesting and gave depth to his character. There is a lot of description of setting, people and events which is helpful for visualization, but it can also be a distraction if there’s too much. Less wordiness would have tightened up the flow and kept more focus on the important aspects of the story. All in all, this is a solid introduction to this series and it will be interesting to see where the next installment takes us. 1 Claudete Takahashi1,995 28

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dead Sand, the story moves from past to present and the characters seem to be simpler and easier going than those pictured nowadays. Lewis in anchored in the past - it keeps him fighting for the good ones - whilst he knows he needs to move forward. He walks in a very thin line and he can fall to the bad side easily if he does not pay attention. Dead Sand has beautiful descriptions of New Hampshire, of people and feelings and the story is full of twists and turns that keep you guessing how all the killings are tied together and who is the culprit. Great entertainment!
I thank the author, and his publisher for the copy of this book.1 LJ3,159 308

DuBois, Brendan - 1st in seris

Lewis Cole, a resident of tourist town Tyler Beach, New Hampshire, turns sleuth when prominent community members are marked for death and a beautiful girl is found hanged.

The first in a very interesting, very good series. Really the character of Cole.contemporary_post_1945 journalist male_author ...more1 Sally Sugarman235 5

As the book opens Lewis Cole, a magazine columnist, is with his friend, Diane Woods, the only detective in the Tyler, New Hampshire police department. They are covering an automobile accident when Diane gets another call about a body at an address in Tyler Beach. Thus begins an adventure which Lewis narrates. As often happens one murder leads to another and another. There are many surprises not only in events, but in the characters who are more complex than at first appears. The reader also learns about Lewis’ background, something his friends know little about. The reason for the secrecy gradually becomes clear to the reader. Besides memorable characters and an intriguing protagonist, the book recreates a section of New Hampshire in rich detail. Visually, the landscape comes alive with contrasting sections of the town and the beach. The summer visitors and the locals inhabit the same space quite differently. Most successful mysteries take place in a specific locale which has an effect on what happens. One wants to revisit the town of Tyler and Lewis. Since this is the first of eleven books in the series, there is much to anticipate. Never having read this author before, I had selected the book because it was set in New Hampshire. However, even though New Hampshire is recreated as I wished, the book is far more than that. The quality of the writing, the complexity of the characters, the excellent plotting makes this author a wonderful discovery. Perhaps what clinched the deal was when on page 203, Lewis. taking down a favorite book, ponders why people would ever give away their books. It would be giving away a child, he thinks. Yes, indeed. One wonders how many other fine authors readers may be missing. This is why many of us have stacks of To Read Books in different rooms.

John1,227 6

I received an ARC from Severn Publishing and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

The book introduces Lewis Cole and how he came to live in N.H. Lewis and others from his office were on a training exercise when they came upon something that wasn't expected. As a result, Lewis woke up in a hospital, but the rest of his group weren't that lucky. Lewis as he was almost recovered made an agreement with an individual who represented a secret organization.

Lewis is riding with Diane, a detective from Tyler, when a call was received of a potential death. On arriving at the scene, they discovered a girl who looked she had hung herself. Lewis on his own decided that he was going to look into this death. As his investigation proceeded, many other events happened which led Lewis to believe that they were all related. Lewis finally came up with who was responsible. When he finally went to confront this person, he had to run for his life.

To discover what Lewis did before moving to N.H., what events happened during the time of the investigation and what the motive that the killer was, then you need to read this book. If you are me, then you will want to read more of Lewis's adventures. Aubrey Daly83 3

"Dead Sand" by Brendan DuBois is a gripping and suspenseful thriller set in a small coastal town in Maine. DuBois's writing is taut and fast-paced, with well-drawn characters and a plot that keeps the reader guessing until the very end. The book also explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and redemption, adding depth and nuance to the plot. One of the strengths of the book is its vivid and evocative descriptions of the Maine coast, which add to the atmosphere of the story and make the setting feel a character in its own right. The dialogue is also well-crafted, with believable and distinct voices for each of the characters. Overall, "Dead Sand" is a highly entertaining and well-written thriller that will appeal to fans of the genre. DuBois's skillful storytelling and attention to detail make for a satisfying and immersive reading experience. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good mystery with plenty of twists and turns.
Thank you to Severn River Publishing and Netgalley for the Arc in exchange for an honest review! Gary2,734 396

This is the first book in the new Lewis Cole series by author Brendan Dubois. It was an interesting read that I did enjoy but don’t expect to read any more of the series.

A young waitress is found dead at a New England beachside resort and retired defence analyst Lewis Cole is trying to solve the mystery. Lewis retired from his stressful position in the Defence Department hoping for a quieter life working as a magazine columnist living in the New Hampshire coast.

The dead woman worked as a waitress and there is something very mysterious surrounding her death. Lewis senses that there is far more to this case and is determined to find out the truth. The more he investigates the more deceit and danger he uncovers but he is also trying to deal with his own past that is full of tragedy.

I never really fully got into this novel and struggled to connect with any of the characters.

I would to thank both Netgalley and Severn River Publishing for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.4 s Sara132 3

Dead Sand is a fast paced thriller that pulls you into a touristy New England beach town with fantastic characters, expertise scene-setting, and really interesting plot that keeps the pages turning. Lewis Cole is a local writer who happens to be with Detective Diane Woods on a ride-along when she gets the call that a body has been found. I enjoyed the way DuBois slowly reveals Cole’s past to create a full-circle story filled with personal tragedy, a seedy underbelly of the beach town, and a cast of characters who are well-developed. If you thrillers, great descriptions, and incredible voice, you’ll love Dead Sand. Big thank you to the author, publisher, and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review.2023-reading Sharon 144

Brendan DuBois writes books with interesting plots, however, he felt the need to use fake names for his locations in a small state New Hampshire. His town of Tyler is obviously Hampton and Porter is Portsmouth; it was very disconcerting to anyone from New England to have such obvious locations mis-named. When a state only has 18 miles of seashore, it is unrealistic to resort to such tactics.
Having said that, the storyline itself was interesting enough that I read the book in one sitting - and will be going back for the rest of the series. Ilona357 2

Dead Sand
This a reprint of book one in the Lewis Cole series. It is a great introduction to what makes Lewis Cole tick. Lewis Cole currently a magazine columnist, has a past that is never to see light of day, living in a beach resort in New Hampshire. During a ride along with the local detective is the first on the scene of the ‘suicide’ of teenage summer waitress. It doesn’t right with Lewis, and slowly he unravels the mystery, and gives us a glimpse of the life he left behind.
Great read, glad to see it reprinted.
2023 Roger4,597 17

Dead Sand (Lewis Cole Book 1) , my first read from author Brendan DuBois. A 393-page murder mystery, a well-written, entertaining & enjoyable read. I'll read more from this author. I own 7 other books by this author & after reading this one they've just moved to the top my TBR list. “I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review." The gifting of this book did not affect my opinion of it. I look forward to reading Black Tide (Lewis Cole Book 2) next. (RIP Marley January 20, 2014 - July 24, 2018). Alabama Anthony571 4

This book took a bit to get used to the styles and the idioms of the ‘90’s but I wanted to see how this author got his start. Now if I could just understand why and how he got dragged into the James Patterson machine. Is doing all the work and only getting half the credit really more lucrative to an author than continuing on your own? After this story finally got rolling and I ignored the repetitive sections it really kept my attention trying to figure out who the real killer was. Doug Yonce1,124 37

Reading the prologue was an added bonus as the author wrote of his early endeavors before this book was released. The novel itself was very well designed with a protagonist who grows with each page. After trying to leave his past, he finds that his unique skills are required in this excellent murder mystery. I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher and voluntarily provided an honest review. Judy174

I have read all of the Lewis Cole series and I ended with this one because I could not locate a copy. Lewis' relationships with other characters found later in the series starts here. It slowly starts to explain his life. While I don't think it was as good as later ones in the series, as far as edge-of-the-seat action and drama, the book is very well-written. Now I have to begin my hunt for other books written by Brendan DuBois! Rod morgan18

To many pages for this story

Dubois is an excellent writer. His descriptions of the environment, landscapes, and people are impeccable, and the story is compelling. His writing style reminds me of James Lee Burke as does the characters in a Burke novel. But Burke, James Patterson, and John Grisham he needs to cut out at least forty to fifty pages to make a novel much better. Ronpoet176 13

Great Read!!!

Just finished this novel and it's 2:30 AM. In a few minutes I'll start the next one in the series. Wonderful writing, fast pace, great characters, and a great new hero that is believable. One of the fun parts of this book is I grew up and spent almost 50 years living and playing in Hampton Beach, visiting all the places Mr Dubois writes about and he has brought the small New Hampshire sea coast to life. Highly recommend. Five stars out of five stars. J Kromrie951 16

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

When a young waitress is found lifeless, her body dangling a forgotten kite, retired defense analyst Lewis Cole is thrust back into action. Cole, seeking solace in the tranquil New Hampshire coast, stumbles upon a mystery that refuses to stay buried. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a town’s hidden underbelly—a place where innocence and malevolence collide.

An entertaining series by Brendan Dubois. Bryngel1,031 5

This was one of my worst hate-reads. Why, you say? Well, let me give you a few hints or tips if you will.

Do not over explain or describe exactly everything in detail, because after a couple of pages it gets very, very annoying.

The pace, the pace, man, it was so slow the first half of the book that I had a hard time trying to stay motivated to read it, at all.

The story is a bit farfetched as well, but that was not a problem once I decided not to question it, at all. Heh.

Needless to say, I won't be reading any more books about Lewis Cole. Gail421 2

I d the characters, their back story and the mystery very much, but the fact that some of the geographical names in the story were correct for the Seacoast area of MA and NH and some were changed made no sense to me. And I was annoyed and distracted by it. But if you don't live in this part of New England? It's a great story. Katy Pawlowicz17

Thoroughly enjoyed Brendan's first book. Humor, suspense, romance, and mystery kept my interest and look forward to reading Brendan's 2nd book. Found out about the author when I saw him on the game show 'The Chase' - Brendan's delightful personality sparked my interest in wanting to read his work! Rachel Burke566 6

A great, if dated mystery.

How were mysteries solved in the time of VCRs and before cell phones?

Pretty well, if turns out.

Dead Sand is an excellent mystery. Sure video tape porn is a quaint idea, but the mystery itself agrees pretty well. DuBois writes tight action scenes, but over does it a bit with the descriptive narrative. The mystery is well paced and thought out. Sandy725 11

Dead Sand is a wonderful start to a new series! Intriguing mystery, interesting new characters & great storytelling. If you miss Travis McGee, you’ll probably enjoy meeting Lewis Cole. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next in the series. I received a complimentary copy of this book and chose to write a voluntary, unbiased review. Sophia15

I was familiar with Mr. DuBois' name from his collaboration with James Patterson and I loved reading them. When I learned that he as well wrote his own novels , I was intrigued. I just finished reading Dead Sand and was introduced to Lewis Cole. I simply devoured the book and will the rest of the series. Great twists and turns and Lewis is a lovely character. Peter Sidell717 8

A clever story about a man with an unusual back story of injury due to a government training mishap. He gets involved trying to understand who killed a young woman who initially presented as a suicide by hanging. The plot has some unusual and interesting plot twists. Look forward to reading the next in the series. Emz455

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