
Shallow End de Brenda Chapman

de Brenda Chapman - Género: English
libro gratis Shallow End


Still waters run deep.
English teacher, mother, wife, and convicted child predator Jane Thompson has made parole and she has a plan. She begins her life in the shadows while she bides her time. One month later, the bludgeoned body of the student she was found guilty of corrupting four years earlier is found on the shores of Lake Ontario.
Officers Stonechild and Gundersund head up the investigation and Jane Thompson quickly becomes the prime suspect. But knowing guilt and proving it are two entirely different things.

Wading through deeply buried secrets to the truth will take Stonechild and the team on a twisted journey into the heart of evil. The question is: who will come out the other side?

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Chapman’s STONECHILD AND ROULEAU series moves from one strength to another!

Jane Thompson was a dedicated and successful English teacher and a loving wife and mother. Now she’s an ex-con, a mother whose children are in the sole custody of their father, a divorced wife, and a child predator convicted of the sexual assault of one of her grade seven male students. Shortly after her release on parole, the boy whom she was found guilty of molesting (now a young man) was found brutally beaten to death on the shores of Lake Ontario. Kala Stonechild and Paul Gundersund, assigned as leads on the case by Jacques Rouleau, head of Kingston’s Criminal Investigation Division, don’t take very long to place Jane Thompson in the #1 slot on their suspect list.

For much of the novel, SHALLOW END is a gripping, character driven police procedural that wends its way with single-minded compulsion through the murder investigation and the continuing development of the personal lives of the returning cast members of the series – Jacques Rouleau, the kind-hearted, recently promoted detective still in recovery from the death of his wife and worried about the health of his aging father; Kala Stonechild, an aboriginal female torn by her feelings for Paul Gundersund and deeply concerned for the welfare of her troubled niece who was recently removed from her care by the municipal government and placed in a foster home with a family that just doesn’t seem to care; Paul Gundersund, (Stonechild’s partner) with the inability to walk away from his marriage to a conniving and very practiced philandering wife; and Zack Woodhouse, the narcissistic, bullying and crudely misogynistic member of the police team who just can’t seem to figure out the meaning of the word teamwork!

Then there is the list of newly created characters who form the core of the current story SHALLOW END! It simply blows me away at the extent to which these characters can be developed so meaningfully and so completely in the course of a single novel. You might love them or you might hate them but – make no mistake – they will definitely interest you, they will delight you, they will surprise and astonish you, and you will care about the resolution of the murder case and its effect on their lives.

For 80% of the novel, Chapman meticulously and deliciously unfolds a masterful description of a slow and steady police investigation intended to ensure that the evidence is irrefutable before any charges are placed. But then, but then … the pedal goes to the floor, the story goes into overdrive, and SHALLOW END enters the realm of high speed suspense thriller. The climax, the dénouement, and the closing twist are engaging and there isn’t a reader on the globe who won’t walk away with a pleased smile on their face ready to pick up the next entry in the series, TURNING SECRETS.

Definitely recommended and already on the list of one of my favourites for 2022!

Paul Weisscanadian-author mystery police-procedural ...more39 s Sandy873 226

Jane Thompson used to have it all….beauty, a handsome husband, 2 great kids & a rewarding teaching career. Now she lives alone in a tiny damp flat, sneaking out the back to dodge reporters on her way to work at the Salvation Army.

Her new “career” is courtesy of an early release program. Four years ago, Jane was charged with the sexual assault of one of her students. In short order, she was convicted, imprisoned & divorced. All she lives for now is a chance to see the kids but her ex is not exactly the forgiving type.

Over at the Kingston Police Department, the detectives are getting restless. Local criminals seem to have taken the summer off & things at the station are slow. Then the call comes in. The body of a teenage boy was found by the lake. Jacques Rouleau assigns the case to detectives Kala Stonechild & Paul Gunderson and they quickly determine 2 things. It’s definitely a homicide & the victim is Devon Eton, Jane’s former student & accuser.

I’ll leave it there for the investigation aspect of the story. There are plenty of twists (and a few bombshells) ahead & the less you know going in, the more you’ll enjoy each WTH moment. Suffice to say I was in danger of needing a neck brace after my double take in the final chapter.

What has always distinguished this series for me is the equal time devoted to the development of interesting & original characters. Kala is First Nations & it’s been a rocky road to where she is now. Due to her childhood she is a quiet, self contained woman who prefers the company of her dog Taiku to most people. A few years ago she met Jacques Rouleau (book #1) & he’s been her boss ever since.

Jacques is a kind, patient man moving toward the end of his career. Usually he keeps a sharp eye on his detectives but in this outing, his personal life has him distracted. On top of that, he has to figure out what to do about one of his detectives who is a slime ball (Woodhouse, you are so lucky you're fictional or we'd be having words) while placating a superior who’s never met a camera he didn’t .

Paul Gunderson is a big brawny cop with more than a professional interest in Kala. There’s just one eensy little problem….his estranged-wife-from-hell Fiona who also happens to be the coroner. And as much as I sympathize with him for the hoops she’s put him through, there are times I’d to cuff some sense into him. He’s a man in desperate need of a V-8 moment.

The case is a gripping one with Jane as the obvious suspect. And it’s not helped by the cops having to deal with a bunch of teenagers who lie they breathe. The author does a good job of examining the ripple effects when someone is convicted of such a hot button crime. In some ways the perpetrator gets to escape the fallout when they’re put away. But their family remains on the outside where they’re subjected to the whispers & sideway glances of friends & neighbours. Purely by association, they too serve a sentence & theirs may be life.

It’s a twisty & thought provoking read that could stand alone but I really recommend starting with “Cold Mourning”. There’s a huge back story behind the characters, particularly between Kala & Jacques & each book is all the richer as the relationships develop. Can’t wait for book #5. arc-from-publisher canadian-authors contemporary-fiction ...more22 s Sue1,328 595

Sometimes it appears there is true evil in the world.

Another excellent mystery in this series, which has the police and the reader looking down many paths for a solution. The story could be ripped from the headlines of AnyTown...the tale of a teacher developing an inappropriate relationship with a student. But this goes beyond the headlines, to after a sentence has been served, then--murder.

Jane Thompson is paroled after serving part of her sentence for abusing a middle school student four years before. She has lost her marriage and her children, her teaching career. Now she is living in a walk-up, working at Salvation Army, having regular meetings with her parole officer and looking forward to the day her ex will allow her to see her son and daughter again. But then that abused student from the past dies, in fact is murdered, and everything is put on hold. The who, why, where, when, etc of popular thought quickly point to Jane but the police must investigate and prove before pointing themselves.

This is an excellent procedural series with well-developed characters who have back stories of their own. This adds to the enjoyment of reading of any series. The book can be read as a stand-alone but parts of these back stories may ly be lost. The main story would be very complete! Highly recommended.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review.canada mystery net-galley ...more18 s Carol - Reading Writing and Riesling1,156 122

This author just keeps getting better!

My View:
This is another remarkable read in the Stonechild and Rouleau mystery series – and believe me this author just gets better and better!
Our favourite characters are back tackling a murder that some have already decided is an open and shut case – and nothing could be further from the truth. This author spins a sticky tale – there are so many twists and turns, false starts and misdirection’s you will ly end up dizzy, caught in a web of intrigue.

Central to the plot are a few very contemporary scenarios of abuse and manipulations that are becoming headline stories in our newspapers, but the full depth of this tragedy will leave you gobsmacked. What a fantastic read! You will not see this ending coming.

Encore! Encore! More please Brenda Chapman.netgalley16 s Paula780 200

Started a bit slow,ended with a bang.Great series.11 s Amanda Jane59 98

Review to comecrime-fiction suspense-thriller5 s Karen884 113

shallow End (Stonechild and Rouleau Mystery, #4)

I think the author wrote this book with the idea of illuminating How a life can be forever altered if allegations are made against any adult that gets accused of having sex with a child. Even if you are innocent your life is never the same. Life becomes before the allegations are made or after the allegations are made. The accused life will always be tainted even if the sexually abused and witnesses later say that the event never occurred.

In this story a twelve year old boy and his best friend say that Jane a teacher in Canada sexually molested the twelve year old. Jane goes to prison. Her husband divorces her and gets sole custody of their two kids. Jane is now out on parole. The alleged teenager is killed. Nobody knows what happened to him and Jane becomes the main suspect in the case because the dead teenagers mother and father are insisting she killed their son and they want her back in prison.

Inspector Rouleau is leading the investigation with Kala, Woodhouse, Gundersund an more officer's. It is a big mystery as to who killed the teenager. The Officer's interview witnesses, family, friends, teachers, students and of course Jane. In this story nothing is as it seems. There are definately child predators everywhere and it is scary. layers are unraveled. I really d Kala and Rouleau and Gundersund for the very human qualities they exhibit as Officer's and ethics.

Thank you to Net Galley, Brenda Chapman and the Publisher for providing me with my digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.6 s Yellagirlgc404 44


I wish I already had another Stonechild and Rouleau mystery to read. There has been several female teachers arrested for having sex with students in the last few years. Evil comes in many shapes, sizes, races, genders and the list goes on. For some reason it's easier to believe evil people should be ugly. Their outsides should match their insides but that's not the case. That would make evil people easy to spot.

Jane, Charlie, Sophie, Ben, Olivia and so many others lives were changed after Jane was accused and convicted of having a sexual relationship with her student. For many felons the sentence isn't over after their release from incarceration. Families have it hard. The one thing everyone commented on was how Jane looked.

This was a great book with a heavy topic. I hope Stonechild and her niece Dawn figure things out. I didn't want to put this book down once I started it. It was that good. Thanks Brenda Chapman. 2017-brok arc-books edelweiss ...more4 s Michelle Only Wants to Read415 58


This was a very entertaining mystery/detective story. I wish I would've paid more attention when I requested it and realized it was book 4 in a series. The story development is at excellent pace, and the twists and turns of the story were to my satisfaction. Unfortunately, it was hard to completely grasp the whole set of characters as it does not serve well as a stand-alone novel. Even though the author does an effort to catch up the reader who may not know the history behind the characters who are recurrent in the series, there is much information missing and I can imagine it would be more enjoyable if one knows the background of all the side stories outside the main plot.

About the story, it's pretty tight and the author made sure most of the knots were tied. There was one thing that was unresolved for me, but I won't be giving any spoilers. The subject was interesting, as it shows how--sadly--in our society, once you've been convicted of something chances are you'll carry that label with you whether it's true or not. I enjoyed the suspense, and I'm satisfied with the ending. I can see myself reading more from this author.

Thank you Dundurn Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC received in exchange of an honest review. around-the-world fiction mystery ...more3 s Debbie1,751 103

This was my second book in this series and I am really liking it. This one dealt with a teacher, Jane, who just got out of jail for having had sexual relations with her 12 year old student, Devon Eton. She was sentenced to three years, but only served two as she pled guilty and they minimized her sentence. Of course, she was married and lost her husband and two children during this time, as well.

Either the day of or the day after, Jane, gets out of jail, the Devon Eton is found dead near the water, near his home. Of course, Jane is the main suspect. The boy's parents are rich and obnoxious and immediately want her put back in jail. They know Jane has done it and what are the police waiting for? When I say obnoxious, I mean disgustingly so. You know the type.

So just when Jane was going to get to see her kids, her ex-husband zips them off and says no way. He is, naturally, being a real pain about all of this. Of course, he already has a live-in girlfriend whom I think he had right about the time Jane went to jail. And she's a real treat, not.

Meanwhile, Stonechild, the police officer is having her own personal problems. One of her fellow officers, Wickless (change W to D) still can't stand the fact that a woman is better than him, so he is out to get her. Also her niece in foster care (put there thanks to Wickless) is having issues).

The chief is dealing with his wife's recent death due to cancer and Stonechild's partner is dealing with a wife he wants to divorce and she thinks their marriage can be saved. Actually she thinks that her husband will go running to Stonechild if she gives him up. Now she has cheated on her husband several times and will do so again. However, there is no one in the wings right now, but she can't stand the fact he will run to Stonechild. Oh yes, there is drama. And that's just the human emotional part of this book.

Then, we have the solving of the murder part of this case. And there are also a few surprises. And a HUGE jaw dropping ending. I myself quite all of this going on and really seeing the bad guys tripping over themselves, the users getting hung out to dry. There was a lot of fist pumping going on in my house due to the outcomes. Yes, quite a few.

HUGE thanks to Dundurn for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. There was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for this reader.

ebooks net-galley-books3 s Diane421 1 follower

This series keeps getting better. Good mystery with lots of plot twists. Interesting characters. Love most of them. Except the bad guys. 2 s Jen1,885 65

Shallow End by Brenda Chapman is the latest in the Stonechild & Rouleau series set in Kingston, Ontario. Chapman's previous plots have taken inspiration from current problems that beset society, and Shallow End is no different. Chapman, a former special education teacher, was at a special development day when a young teacher told about false accusations against him by two young women. Although the girls eventually confessed that they were lying, the damage to the man's life and marriage was incalculable.

Child predators can be found in churches and schools and sports training, and in recent years, the predators have frequently been women. Accusations of sexual predation are hard to refute, and even if proven false, the repercussions for everyone involved can be devastating. The story that Chapman heard that day simmered in her brain until she formulated the plot that became Shallow End.

Jane Thompson, admired teacher and loving mother is accused of a sexual relationship with one of her twelve-year-old students. The evidence appears solid, but Jane refuses to confess, and is sentenced to prison. A year into her sentence, however, Jane confesses and agrees to therapy, earning a year off her original sentence.

Shortly after Jane returns to Kingston and a much diminished life, Devon Eton is found murdered. Jane's husband has already been denying Jane's visits with her children and now refuses any contact between Jane and her children until the person who killed Devon is arrested. Of course, Jane is the suspect who comes immediately to most minds.

In addition to the major story line, Kala Stonechild is dealing with her own grief and frustration over her niece Dawn, who has been taken from Kala and placed in foster care. Paul Gunderson continues to cope with Fiona, his manipulative estranged wife. Rouleau has his own grief over his ex-wife's death. Woodson remains the cunning, misogynistic, and vindictive presence that keeps Rouleau's team at odds.

While it isn't necessary to have read the previous books in the series, the characters and their overarching stories are part of the appeal for me.

If you have a chance to read this series, take it!

Read in Dec.; crime-police-procedural2 s Cheryl HarringtonAuthor 6 books15

It's SO good to be back in Kingston with Stonechild, Rouleau, Gundersund and the rest - I've been impatiently waiting for SHALLOW END since devouring the third book in the series last summer. This time the murder of a teenage boy draws the Kingston investigators into the disturbing aftermath of a crime pulled from real world headlines. Jane, a gifted teacher and mother who seemed to have it all, was convicted of the unthinkable: a sexual affair with one of her young students. Two years later, Jane is released from prison the very week that same student is found murdered. The victim's family, and even some on the police team, believe Jane is the obvious culprit but Stonechild is convinced there's more behind the murder and pursues her own investigation behind the scenes.

Off the job, Stonechild must find a way to help her niece who is not coping well in foster care; Gunderson tries to ease his way out of an unhappy marriage; and Rouleau worries about his elderly father while still grieving the death of his ex-wife. I really enjoy these ongoing background stories. Chapman is highly skilled at creating personalities a reader will care about. The mystery in SHALLOW END is tightly plotted, too, with plenty of twists and genuine suspense - I was not expecting that ending! Over all, another strong book in a highly recommended series. Five stars!

With thanks to NetGalley and Dundurn Press who provided a digital ARC of this book in return for my honest review.netgalley2 s PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps 2,441 231

I received a complimentary copy of SHALLOW END from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

JANE Thompson lost her husband, children and freedom when she raped one of her students. Now out of prison, the body of the boy she abused is found floating in the lake and the investigation begins.

SHALLOW END is the fourth book in a series by Brenda Chapman featuring Stonechild and Gundersund. Having not read the previous three, I felt at a disadvantage following the detectives backstories and was more interested in Jane's parts of the story and the mystery of the murder. I think readers who follow the series will give SHALLOW END four or five stars.

I enjoyed the mystery and didn't guess the resolution. The characters were interesting and unique, even though I felt I was missing aspects due to being a new reader of the series.2 s Autumn2,243 46

I received this book via NetGalley to give an honest review.


So I read the blurb and was you know this book sounds right up my alley of reading, I need to give it a try. When I went onto Goodreads I noticed in the title it said book four and that concerned me as would I be missing out on things that I need to know? Well I can say the book can be read as a stand alone though it seems that some issues that some characters have going on, are in the previous books. With that said overall it was a good book.

Jane Thompson had been accused of being a child molester. Her whole life has gone down hill she has been in prison, her husband has divorced her and won't let her see her kids, and she no longer can be a teacher. Though the book doesn't say she had to register as an offender which I thought was weird, especially since she has kids. She really wants to just be with her kids and her husband isn't making it easy. He seems a bit of a controlling person and I felt we see why she ended up with him because of up bringing. I think it is really good for an author to write a bit of why a character acts or does something a certain way because of their past when it is needed.
When the kid she has been accused of molesting ends up dead the spotlight is back on her and the parents of the boy will stop at nothing to make sure she is behind bars again. Though it will be up to the detectives to solve the case while dealing with their own things going on in their personal lives. What they will uncover had me going oh wow this was a bit more deeper psychological than I thought it was going to be. I really d the way the detectives just didn't go straight to blaming Jane Stonechild could really tell that something was up when she was interviewing witnesses. To me that is what makes a great detective.

There are things I didn't see coming when we got towards the end and I was very surprised with it all. Just by reading this it seems the author has an amazing way with pulling you in and having you guess why someone would kill another person.
If you enjoy cop thrillers and murders give this book a try.2017 arc netgalley1 Eustacia TanAuthor 15 books283

Started and finished this book in a day because I was extremely eager to see how it turned out (and by the way, I did not manage to guess who the real killer was).

Shallow End starts with the death of Devon, a teenage boy. What makes Devon "special" is that a few years ago, he was involved in a case where his teacher was accused of sexually assaulting him. That teacher, Jane, got out of prison a month ago, so she's obviously the top suspect. But can Jane, who seems to want nothing more than to see her children, be the killer?

First things first. After I downloaded the book, I noticed that this was labeled as Stonechild and Rouleau Mystery #4. Kala Stonechild is one of the detectives in the book and Rouleau is her superior. To be honest, I didn't really feel Rouleau's presence in the book, and I felt that Kala was the more active character here. That being said, I had no problems reading this book as a standalone - there are probably a few things I missed, but the team dynamic was easy enough for a first-time reader to grasp.

What stood out to me was the sheer number of unable characters in the book. Jane's ex-husband, Adam is unpleasant, as is his new girlfriend. I didn't the parents of the dead boy. I didn't Woodson, a cop that hates Jane and I didn't the reporter either (and I seem to have forgotten her name). Luckily, I did Jane and Kala, who were the main characters, as well as Gunderson's, Kala's partner at work.

The mystery was pretty well-done, but the characters were what stood out more. I didn't manage to guess the killer either, and I thought the twist at the end was pretty good too.

When I have the time, I'll probably go back and read the first few books in the series.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.

This review was first posted at Inside the mind of a Bibliophilenetgalley1 Heidi1,128 225

Five years ago, Jane Thompson, wife and mother of two, lost everything she held dear when she was convicted of sexually abusing one of her students, 12-year-old Devon Eton. Now, having served her prison sentence, she is out on parole, trying to get her life back together and fighting to get access to her kids, who are living with her ex-husband and his new partner. Living in a shabby flat and working as an unskilled shop assistant to make ends meet and comply with the conditions of her parole, her existence is about as far removed from her previous life as it can get. Then Devon’s body is found murdered on the shores of Lake Ontario, and she is suddenly the prime suspect again. But what motive would she have to murder Devon? This is a question Detectives Stonechild and Gundersund will be asking themselves many times in the course of a murder investigation which has as many turns and twists as an elaborately constructed labyrinth. Trying to see their way through the lies, they must uncover the truth to bring the murderer to justice.

Shallow End was an intriguing and clever murder mystery, and I was delighted to find out that this is part of a series featuring the troupe of detectives I had become very fond of in the course of reading this novel. Thankfully, I did not feel disadvantaged by not knowing the characters’ previous histories, though I am now more than eager to pick up earlier instalments in the series to remedy that. Why did Kala lose custody of her niece Dawn? And why did Gundersund’s marriage get into trouble? I must say I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters Brenda Chapman has created in this addictive series, and look forward to reading a lot more about them. Chapman’s skill as a writer is evident in her well rounded, true-to-life characters, who seem to leap off the page and acquire a personality all of their own.

As to the events in Shallow End: if the band of detectives wasn’t enough to keep my interest, the rest of the storyline alone kept me devouring this book until late into the night. A teacher accused of abusing one of her students – certainly a current and contentious topic. As a former special education teacher herself, it is obvious that the issue lies close to the author’s heart and she tackles it with sensitivity and grace whilst weaving it into an utterly compelling story. There are a lot of surprises along the way, so don’t get complacent reading it – just when I thought it is all over, a surprise revelation delivers a final sucker punch I did not see coming. I thoroughly enjoyed Shallow End – even better that it opens the door to a whole crime series I am sure will keep me entertained for hours to come.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free electronic copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

*blog* *facebook*arc-netgalley read-in-2017 want-to-read-more-from-this-author1 Lori508 12

Another entertaining book in this series featuring Kala Stonechild and Jacques Rouleau. In this story, a 17 year old boy is found murdered, dredging up a 5 year old case of sexual abuse by a teacher. The character of Jane Thompson is tragic and compelling, a highlight of Shallow End. As always the intriguing Kala Stonechild, with her very effective intuition, does not take what unfolds during the investigation at face value. Other than Jane and the recurring characters of the series, not a single other character in this book is likable and some are downright evil. That such evil can exist in a family and a school community without anyone raising even a flag of concern or doubt defies the imagination and takes away the believability, just a bit, of this story. That said, this is still an excellent installment in what’s fast becoming one of my favorite series. Can’t wait to dive into the next one. crime-fiction1 Jo1,201 68

I'm not sure what it is about this series that I love. I can't stop reading the series. I know that I will be sad when I get to book 6. Kala is such a great protagonist. She has her flaws, but she is genuine and real. Gunderson needs to grow up and be definite about what he wants. I would rank this series right up there with Tana French and William Kent Krueger. kindle-doc mystery-thriller-adult1 Susan6,123 55

Convicted child molester and ex-teacher Jane Thompson has been released from prison. But within one month the child she molested has been found murdered on the shores of Lake Ontario.
When Sergeant Rouleau appoints officers Stonechild and Gundersund to the enquiry Thompson becomes their prime suspect.
An interesting and twisty mystery, with time spent on the development of these original characters.
This is the fourth in the series but can easily be read as a stand-alone book. Though I hope to go back to Book One to start reading the series.
A NetGalley Booknetgalley1 Hannah Nagle758 37

This really surprised me! mystery-thriller-horror series1 Stephanie123

My favourite in the series so far. I could not put this book down. So many twists that I didn't see coming right up until the very end.1 Terri Milstead702 21

The book was so compelling that I stayed up far too late last night finishing it. Just couldn’t stop reading. Definitely my favorite of the series so far. library1 Kendra384 8

Enthralling mystery. I love the many viewpoints that add suspense and intrigue as you try to figure out whodunit!read-for-work1 Elite Group3,066 51

Fourth time’s a charm for this detective novel

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the fourth Kala Stonechild mystery and will make a point of reading the first three novels in the series. Kala Stonechild is the first female First Nations detective in Canadian crime fiction so kudos to the writer for this breakthrough.

The story is set in Kingston, Ontario in Canada and the discovery of the body of a young man sets the scene for the murder investigation. The victim turns out to be sixteen year old Devon Eton and his mother is adamant that he has been murdered by Jane Thompson. Jane had been convicted of sexually assaulting Devon four years previously and had just been released from prison on parole.

The story explores how Jane is trying to rebuild her life and her struggle with her ex-husband to be allowed to see her children. In a similar parallel, Kala has lost custody of her young cousin and is also struggling to come to terms with not having her around.

Kala is also drawn into a messy relationship struggle between her partner Paul Gundersund and his estranged wife Fiona and the writer manages to flesh out her central characters fully and engage the reader in their personal issues, whilst the drama of the murder unfolds.

I felt a deep sympathy for the ex-teacher accused of and found guilty of sexual misconduct as it becomes clear that this act of totally out of character for her and has left her life in tatters. I kept hoping that she was indeed an innocent victim.

The writer spins out the storyline with great precision and keeps you wanting to go back for more. Nothing is as it seems and the big reveal at the end of a total surprise. You are kept guessing until the very end.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of this book to review

1 Margaret Bryant302 30

Tricky and twisted -- a good addition to this series.1 Michelle Melski15 11 Read

Wow, I really didn't see that ending coming! A great mystery book filled with depth and intrigue. books-for-work canadian mystery-crime-thriller ...more1 Wisterious Woman855 2

I love this author! I read the first 3 as a bundle eBook from Amazon on my new Kindle Fire 7. It's a really good idea to read the series in order. As soon as I finished the 3rd book I decided I just had to know more about Stonechild and bought Shallow End as an eBook too. This definitely is not a stand alone book since there is too much of a backstory related to why her 'niece' was living with her in the 3rd book and who her mother is in the first book. And all the details in between....

What I about Brenda's writing is that it feels I'm watching a movie. She always sets the scene telling you what people are wearing and what exactly they are eating. They seem neighbors--they do laundry and use the washroom sometimes. I even cared about Kala's dog and I'm not a dog person. The author gives as much attention to beautiful people as to plain people. You know people are having sex but she doesn't describe it blow by blow. And it is refreshing that Kala orders soda and cranberry juice whenever she is out drinking with other people. Not all detectives have to be dragged down by alcohol. The stories deal with relationships of all kinds and some of them are happily married and most are not. There were too many people with red or blond hair for my taste but maybe that is just where it is set in Canada. If it was set in Vancouver that might be different story. Stonechild is such a unique heroine that I have grown fond of her and all her quirks. How many other black-haired aboriginal women are featured as the protagonist in a novel? I the whole idea of 'girl grows up in foster care but turns her life around and helps other women and children'. If that doesn't warm your cockles than this series isn't for you.

That said, this is not the type of mystery that is a fast paced and edge of the seat page-turner. It would be too confusing as an exercise bicycle book because it shifts around from scene to scene and back again. If I hadn't read all the books within a close time period I might have been confused about many of the important backstory details--she tries to remind you with each additional book but it is not enough to really fill you in on what you might have missed. Read them in order!

Great book for a hot lazy summer day in the shade or a cold snowy day in front of the fire. I can't wait until the next book comes out in 2018.

Wendy2,361 43

In "Shallow End" the third book in the riveting Stonechild and Rouleau series, convicted child molester Jane Thompson has admitted her guilt and is out on parole trying to resurrect the life she lost when the student she’s accused of abusing is found dead on the shore of Lake Ontario. Rouleau sends police detectives Stonechild and Gundersund to ferret out the murderer only to discover that all the evidence seems to point to one person with a strong motive for the death.

Intertwined within a powerful murder-mystery Brenda Chapman weaves in the emotional upheavals in the personal lives of Stonechild, Gundersund and Rouleau as one deals with issues surrounding a niece placed in the care of a new foster family; another is trapped in a failing marriage and the last still grieving the loss of his ex-wife. Even within Rouleau’s squad emotions run high with an ambitious, philandering police chief, and a jealous, vengeful team member who despises Kala Stonechild.

Set in Kingston, Ontario, intensity and suspense quickly escalate as the investigation takes a turn with the unraveling of hidden secrets, lies and the uncovering of a truly evil presence. With twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, the plot thickens with subtle romantic feelings brewing between Stonechild and Gundersund; Jane Thompson’s desperate attempt to flee the country and her controlling ex-husband’s realization that he still loves her. Compelling with all the intrigue, the plot swiftly flows to an exciting and unexpected climax.

Among a host of complex and fascinating characters are the shrewd, smart, loner Kala Stonechild; the often stone-faced and withdrawn Paul Gundersund; the crude, bully Woodhouse; the quiet, awkward and insecure Charlie Hanson; the brash, unapologetic reporter Marci Stokes; and after her stay in prison the attractive but cynical and often panicked Jane Thompson.

I thoroughly enjoyed “ Shallow End” an enthralling murder-mystery that I highly recommend.murder-mystery Judith Kalil25

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