
The Complete Atlantis Series, Books 1 - 5: A Sci-Fi Fantasy Technothriller: Ascendant Saga de Brandon Ellis

de Brandon Ellis - Género: English
libro gratis The Complete Atlantis Series, Books 1 - 5: A Sci-Fi Fantasy Technothriller: Ascendant Saga


Brandon Ellis Year: 2021

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A good series that was fun to read. What a great story. It had it all - mystery, military secrets, scientists vs the military, underground installations, space ships, and pyramids on a Jupiter moon.

Project Atlantis - Some parts made me laugh and some made me think. Spent most of the book trying to figure out who were really the bad guys and who were the good guys. And who was crazy and who was not. Thought it would be over the top tin foil hat crazy kind of story but was not. How the story was written made me almost believe it could happen. Once I started it I had to see how it would end. Would I find out how put the pyramids on Earth and Jupiter's moon. The story flipped between different characters points of views and odd things popped up to keep me reading to see what would happen next. Really had to see what Slade needed Jaxx for. After the first few chapters I was hooked and read it all in one sitting. So many questions left unanswered so cannot wait to see what book 2 brings. I received a free copy and I honestly really d the story. Felt it was a different kind of story then the usual and that worked for me.

Destination Atlantis - Kaden Jaxx is back and the book is a wild ride. Full of action, adventure, and there is the mystery about the moon Callisto to solve. I was hooked after the first chapter as I expected from the first book and loved it. All the "good" and bad guys that survived the first book are back. I d that I was surprised a few times. Plus a few scenes made me laugh. Just a well written fast paced ride that kept me entertained. I received an advanced copy and I loved it. I just this series as it is a little bit different then most space operas.

Colony Atlantis - Jaxx and the gang are back for another crazy ride. Full of action and a few twists it keep me reading until the end to see what would happen next. Most of the good and bad guys from the first 2 books are back as Jaxx tries to save everyone it seems. Of course my favorite bad guys are back to with a new plan and don't forget the evil aliens. Plus new friends are around too. I received an advance copy and chose to review because I loved it. I that I cannot always predict what is coming next.

Enigma Atlantis - Another chapter in Jaxx's story as he saves the world again. It started out with action as Jaxx, Drew, Megan and Mya are on a mission on Earth and takes off from there. It had a lot of action and a few funny scenes. Mya and Jaxx were rather funny interacting together. Then the story got really crazy, twisted, and a lot of fun. A few answers from questions raised in other books were answered but not all. I d that I never quite knew what or who would show up next. Just an entertaining story. Quilting Tangent405 4

Book 1 - 5.0 out of 5 stars Exciting adventure story on earth and in space.
Archaeology dealing with pyramids in space, Government cover up with deep Black Ops. Twist and turns, that you don’t know what will happen next. Beginning of a great series.

Book 2 - 4.0 out of 5 stars Earth and Space Adventure
War in space and on Earth. Characters trying to figure out who they are and which side of the war their on. The last quarter of the book got a bit choppy and was harder to follow the story.

Book 3 - 4.0 out of 5 stars Continue the Atlantis story
Continues the story with war everywhere, with so many races. You bounce between three different locations in this story. Can the characters come together and save the galaxy? We will see with book 4.

Book 4 - 5.0 out of 5 stars Page Turner.
Fast paced intergalactic war story. Who will win? Is the Prophecy fulfilled? Read this book to find out what happens to your favorite characters through the twists and turns of this wonderful story. Looking forward to the book 5.

Book 5 - 5.0 out of 5 stars Non-stop action adventure conclusion to the series.
With a whole bunch of twist and turns, read to see what happens to Jaxx and his friends. Katrina5

A difficult read

This series was immensely difficult for me to finish. It was so filled with grammatical errors and gross plot holes. The characters are pretty underdeveloped. We have an idea of their irrationality but almost no physical description. The cities on Callisto are given more description than the main characters. I also cannot get over the glaring science errors. You cannot instantly communicate between Earth and Jupiter. There is only one mention of G-forces in the last book. The "magic" system with Chi is underdeveloped and not well described. I felt we were missing a while book about what happened on Taiyo. There was some misunderstanding between Rivkah and Jaxx that was somehow another over and suddenly they're soulmates? Ascension isn't well described. The whole concept of "negative" and "positive" beings is completely glossed over. And did the Agadon get sucked into the vortex on Callisto or in Earth? It seemed to happen twice. And the sheer number of misspellings, homophone errors, extra words... Did no one edit this put guy's book?

There's a lot of good ideas in the series but the execution is severely meh. Dan Mibourn129 1 follower

Overall done right

The beginning of this series was slow while toward the middle the story line was somewhat confusing the story line was jumping all over the place had I have been reading 5 separate books instead of a series I would probably quit about the end of the third book, but then some exciting areas appeared so I just had to continue on just in case there was more coming, yes, there was more coming and finished the last two books satisfied that everything was right with the world. Yes it was overall an excellent read although I had my doubts around the middle, Sometimes I give up way too soon but not this time. Good job Brandon Ellis. Dan Hans-Peter Drexel61

Sci-fi adventure with a hint of plausibility

As soon as I read a few pages I was hooked. The story is very intriguing and the characters superbly detailed. Action is becoming more and more intense as characters are added to an increasingly fascinating adventure. The interactions evolve in a way that I can "feel" all the emotions involved. A wonderfully written series which is ideal for everyone loving sci-fi and adventures. Aurora 2,001 26

I love the convenience of having all of this great S.F. space opera all in one place. It's full of ordinary people caught up in the battle for the solar system. It's alternately funny and deadly serious, full of hair-raising, skin of their teeth escapes, knock down-drag out fights and exploding space ships spanning five novels and multiple worlds.
Brandon Ellis writes great classic science fiction and I loved it. Mrs. Rita W. Bantz19 1 follower

Your favourite fight for good against evil by comic book heros.

Well told story of battles and intrigue, seeking the release And freedom of captives held and mistreated by aliens, across the galaxy.
A story that expands and explodes with action and intriguing twists, fought by friends and heroes that show courage enough to succeed, eventually, to unravel the evil plots that try to restrain, capture and kill the human race and all that assist them. Bernard491 4

The entire book is scattered into little slivers that requires the reader to, somehow, assemble it into a story... The plot is a do-it-yourself assembly project, that is not a good thing.

The characters are all over the place and are not particularly interesting. After completing 25% of the five book series, I realized that I had no intention of finishing it.

No, just no. Don't bother with this mess. Angie60

Great fun story. Believable characters with interesting twists and turns.

This story dragged me in taking a roller ride.
There are problems. It needs a proofreader and/or an editor. Way too many misspelled words and grammatical errors.
Difficult to read at times due to the frequent errors. Andrew Wortham2

Space opera saga at its finest.

This was fairly good read , however the writer could have left out all the "sound effects" .They reminded me of the old Batman TV show from the sixties. At first I thought that it would be actual SF, but as I got further into it, the wilder it got. A combo of Star Trek, Star Wars and Star Gate stuff all mashed together Cara Tafoya-Toste64

Worth the time

The story line is good. There are siome slow spots, but worth the time to complete. I am a sucker for happy endings and this has one, not to mention that there are spots of dialog that I have written in a journal that I hope will teach others how to live a good and meaningful life. Judy Jarrell70

Enjoyed the series but NOT the grammatical errors and misspelled words

Story and some of the characters were relatable. My enjoyment was diminished by the number of misused words and careless errors in spelling and grammar. If you can overlook those the series is an entertaining read.

Peter Bruyns406 1 follower

Worth more, poor scoring system!

As my headline said, I'd prefer to give a higher score. 3.5 would be closer to right. The scoring jumps from 60% to 80%, I'd take a 70% anytime.
This story is actually five books long, and it is long, they are full books, not 220 page things. Be prepared for a whole weeks reading here. Enjoy! John4

Junk writing

The story line showed promise but that's where it ends. Very little imagination replaced by constant repetition . It got boring after the 1st book. The grammar was atrocious which made for slow reading at times. The final blow was the biblical ending which I found a bit simplistic. Very easy to write if you take 1 theme and repeat 200 times Peter3

Really wanted to it

This series was quite the pickle to get through there were times you really loved it and then there were times where you are left scratching your head thinking this is a stupid stupid series. having just forced myself to finish it I'm gonna give a a C+. iainascot230

Childish nonsense

Bad grammar,,bad spelling, pseudo Japanese, frequent misuse of energy and all of its derivatives. Full of onomatopoeia. A veritable comic illustrators dream. Idea for children who can just about read gordon wilson and sandra wilson83

Atlantis pyramids power galaxy.

Lost Atlantian technology is uncoded and sought after by aliens. Elected officials abandon earth and head for the stars. Intrigue and treachery as the battle begins. Valarie Clark2

Good Story, but ....

d the storyline, but the continued use of adjectives in describing explosions etc. was annoying to say the least. This series was obviously intended for younger readers. Murray Lowe4

Heavy into fight and destruction

Lots of constant destruction and death, but at least the ending lightened up the negativity.
The ending made the terrible things that had happened throughout the story line give some respite of all the misery and death. Kath Denny32

Epic story

Great story over the 5 books. Have not been able to put it down. Some twists and turns along the way keeping you wanting to know more. Loved all the different characters and the overall plot which isn't revealed completely till the end. Michael Eddy7


There was nothing to dis about the series. It was captivating from the start. The only thing I could say was needed was to explain Mya and the other 2 children. I would highly recommend theirs to others. Stephanie J Brunette3

This take on Atlantis was fantastic. Nonstop action, wonderful story line and riveting characters. I love series books and dread the end but Brandon did a fantastic job with this series.
Highly recommend to all sci-fi lovers and Atlantis storyline themed books. Robert Lenzi29

It could be worse

The hero of this book is a putz. He heads off to do one thing but before he gets half way there he gets sidetracked doing something else and the time ending up were he started.
Tom Triplett1 reviewRead

Too much Star Wars

With evil Aliens fighting with starships and trying to take over Earth and other friendly civilizations including super tech post- Atlantis society living on a Jupiter moon. Roseanna E. Stanley2


I could not put down this series! It was captivating. I loved all the characters.
My only gripe was that Jaxx never seemed to learn about the importance of teamwork. Very bullheaded. Tony Dionizio1 review

Enjoyed reading this

I think this is well written. It moves along well and the action is believable. It took me a long time to get through only because life got in the way of reading. Jim4


Way to long. Lots of repeated scenes . Good concept on the story.

Can't believe Amazon requires a certain number of words. Julie51

good read! Michael westwood29 1 follower


A great series, it kept you reading f
or the next episode to see where the next story would lead you to.
Bill Bowers15 1 follower

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