
Erast Fandorin 01 - The Winter Queen de Boris Akunin

de Boris Akunin - Género: English
libro gratis Erast Fandorin 01 - The Winter Queen


Moscow, May 1876. What would cause a talented student from a wealthy family to shoot himself in front of a promenading public? Decadence and boredom, it is presumed. But young sleuth Erast Fandorin is not satisfied with the conclusion that this death is an open-and-shut case, nor with the preliminary detective work the precinct has done–and for good reason: The bizarre and tragic suicide is soon connected to a clear case of murder, witnessed firsthand by Fandorin himself. Relying on his keen intuition, the eager detective plunges into an investigation that leads him across Europe, landing him at the center of a vast conspiracy with the deadliest of implications.

From Booklist

Three million copies of Akunin's Erast Fandorin historical mystery series have been sold in Russia, where the author is a celebrity. This volume--the first of nine installments so far--should get the series off to a rousing start in the U.S. It's set in Czarist Russia and stars the naive but eager Fandorin as a young investigator with the Moscow police. Why would a university student shoot himself in the middle of the Alexander Gardens? Fandorin sets out to find the answer and soon lands in the middle of a far-reaching international conspiracy. Yakunin effectively juxtaposes the comical innocence of his hero against the decadence of nineteenth-century Moscow--aristocrats idling in gambling clubs while the winds of revolution freshen. In his debut, Fandorin comes across as an odd but appealing mix of Holmesian brilliance and Inspector Clousseauian bumbling. Occasionally, Akunin's style seems a bit affected, aping the manner of, say, Thackeray, commenting on the foibles of his characters, but at the same time, that nineteenth-century tone is part of the book's appeal. Anne Perry fans, in particular, will enjoy this series. Bill Ott
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“A galloping story of murder, suicide, deception, and disguise.”
–Entertainment Weekly

“As international as caviar and vodka! A crafty tale full of atmosphere, character, and action.”
–Anne Perry

“Marries old-fashioned manners to a nonstop array of plot twists to rival the best detective tales . . . The Winter Queen is an energetic hands-down winner.”

“There are secret panels, hidden tunnels, a false mustache, intercepted letters, gunfights, and a glamorous female villain. . . . Akunin knows how to build suspense.”
–The Boston Globe

“A wondrous strange and appealing novel . . . Elaborate, intricate, profoundly czarist, and Russian to its bones, as though Tolstoy had sat down to write a murder mystery. Not quite like anything you’ve ever read before.”
–Alan Furst, author of The Foreign Correspondent

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I don't know if the charm of this novel translates well into English, but in its original (Russian) language this short historical mystery is delicious.

The Winter Queen (or as it was originally titled, Azazel) is the first book in a series of detective stories whose main character is Erast Fandorin. In this novel (set in 1870s Russia) Erast is a 20-year old wide-eyed youth who accidentally comes to investigate a strange case of public suicide. In spite of his naivete and innocence, Erast proves himself an astute detective and manages to untangle a world-wide conspiracy.

The best thing about this novel is that while it manages to give a taste of Russian history, culture and mentality, it never stops being a first-class entertainment, dynamic and fun.

I would recommend this book to anyone remotely interested in 19th century Russia, but who is intimidated by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. 2011 historical mysteries-thrillers-horror ...more91 s1 comment Richard Derus3,208 2,109

The Publisher Says: Moscow, May 1876: What would cause a talented young student from a wealthy family to shoot himself in front of a promenading public in the Alexander Gardens? Decadence and boredom, most ly, is what the commander of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Moscow Police thinks, but still he finds it curious enough to send the newest member of the division, Erast Fandorin, a young man of irresistible charm, to the Alexander Gardens precinct for more information.

Fandorin is not satisfied with the conclusion that this is an open-and-shut case, nor with the preliminary detective work the precinct has done—and for good reason: The bizarre and tragic suicide is soon connected to a clear case of murder, witnessed firsthand by Fandorin. There are many unresolved questions. Why, for instance, have both victims left their fortunes to an orphanage run by the English Lady Astair? And who is the beautiful "A.B.," whose signed photograph is found in the apparent suicide's apartment? Relying on his keen intuition, the eager sleuth plunges into an investigation that leads him across Europe, landing him at the deadly center of a terrorist conspiracy of worldwide proportions.

My Review: Young, orphaned Erast Fandorin has landed a comparatively cushy job for one whose comfortable future in czarist Russia was snatched away by the machinations of capitalists, beggaring and causing the suicide of his father: Erast is a fourteenth-class state functionary, serving a police official as amanuensis and errand-boy. It leads him into some odd alleyways, serving his about-to-retire master; his wit, his proficiency with language, his unquenchable curiosity lead his boss to allow, amused and indulgent of his junior's silly fascination with nothing criminal, Erast to investigate some odd goings-on among Moscow's Bright Young Things, including the suicide of a youth whose estate, over a million rubles, is left to elderly English philanthropist Baroness Adair.

That one fact, that odd itchy ill-fitting wool sock of a fact, unravels an international conspiracy touching every government in the world, though it is unclear that this conspiracy has any evil intent, at least to me. Erast, extremely young and naive at the outset of the book, ends it extremely young, concussed, and in no possible sense naive and inexperienced any more. How that comes about is a page-turning pleasure to read.

For once, I am glad I read the second book in the series before the first. I felt much more I was investing my time wisely after reading Turkish Gambit than I might have had I read this book first. It's good, don't mistake me, but it's not as good as "Gambit" and it's not as clear and succinct, either.

But good golly Miss Molly, it's a ripping good read full of explosions, betrayals, and general all-around wickedness and sneakiness. It's got young love, it's got hopeless infatuation, it's got comradeship and affection, and even a *very* memorable wedding scene. I am completely entranced with its picture of czarist Russia; I am excited to discover the roots of some of Erast's oddities; and I hanker to see these books turned into movies or TV shows, Montalbano has been. I really feel I can SEE the action as I'm reading, and that's usually so much less of an issue for me; but this series is supremely visual.

Read, and enjoy, and don't fear the commitment of time a new series requires, because Rutledge, Montalbano, there are a lot of 'em and they get better as time goes by.51 s sAmAnE758 102

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This is a brilliant book. The plot is clever and full of those "no way!" moments that I love in mysteries. I laughed out loud more than once - Fandorin is such a silly and unassuming hero, and his use of the "male corset" was absolutely divine. I did see a few things coming - but the writing was such fun to read, that it didn't spoil the book for me.

I appreciate it as a work of Russian literature (excellently translated) - of course, the ending was incredibly Russian (we can't have things be TOO happy, can we?), as well as the banter between characters about famous Russian novelists and poets - even reciting some Russian poetry. I d getting a feel for Russia and Europe during the late 19th century - and how different detective work stretching across nations must've been before the telephone and internet. This book was a pleasure on many different levels, I'd read Akunin again. 2008 historical-fiction mystery ...more25 s Margarita Garova483 206

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Ül a krimiíró a kocsmaasztalnál, és hullik a könnye, mint a zápores?. Odamegy hozzá a kollégája:
- Hát veled meg mi van?
- Ne is kérdezd...
- Jó, nem kérdezem - elindul a pult felé.
- Jól van, jól van, kérdezd meg inkább.
- Oké. Hát veled meg mi van?
- Semmi.
- Ne idegesíts.
- Bocs. Szóval egy recenzió...
- Aha. Lehúzták.
- Rosszabb. Azt írták, "aranyos".
- Huh. Durva. Vendégem vagy, mit iszol?
- Mindent. Krimiíró vagyok, nem?

Akunyin krimijei érzésem szerint nem is annyira b?ntörténetek, hanem a krimik zsánerelemeivel felturbózott stílusgyakorlatok. Ezzel pedig nincs az ég adta egy világon semmi baj, f?leg mert szövegileg remek produktumok, árad bel?lük az orosz XIX. század franciás illata, amit kellemes mellékízekkel gazdagít, hogy közben van egy zseniális Eraszt Fandorinunk is, aki ebben a pszeudotolsztoji közegben üldözi a b?nt.

Az se gond, hogy ebben a kötetben Eraszt még nem annyira zseni - inkább a hebehurgya kifejezés illene rá. Végtére is minden detektív volt pelyhes kiskacsa, még a nagy Sherlock is biztos sután botorkált az élet ösvényén, miel?tt elméje teljes vértezetbe öltözött. Az eredettörténeteknek amúgy is nagy divatja van, az olvasót (mozirajongót) érdekli, h?se hogy lett az, aki, mert ez emberibbé teszi. Fandorin is letett már annyit az asztalra, hogy kapjon egy ilyet.

Csak az a krimiszál. Az ne lenne ennyire harmatos.

Van olyan, amikor az olvasó rájön, ki a tettes, párhuzamosan a detektívvel, vagy akár ?t megel?zve. Ilyenkor általában jogos büszkeséget érez. Én rájöttem (el?bb), de a büszkeségnek még a nyomát sem találtam magamban. Ez a "rejtély" ugyanis annyira egyosztatú, olyan kevés potenciális gyanúsítottal dolgozik a szerz?, hogy inkább kihívás rosszul megtippelni az elkövet?t, mint jól. Aláírom, Fandorin még naiv és tapasztalatlan, de hát amit m?vel, túlmegy minden határon. Bántóan kevéssé támaszkodik sokat dicsért intuícióira és elemz?készségére, nyomozati munkája kimerül abban, hogy "Nézd, itt egy feneketlen szakadék! Leugrom, hátha kimegy a bokám." És tényleg leugrik, és tényleg kimegy a bokája, de valahogy mégis megússza - logikai apparátus helyett a rohadt nagy mákjára támaszkodik*, ami engem mindig idegesít.

Ha az elkövet? személye nem is annyira titok, a motivációja még lehet érdekes, és igaz is, hogy ebben az aspektusban Akunyin tudott újat mutatni. De hiába vetett fel érdekes dilemmákat, itt meg azt éreztem, hogy kényszeresen valami hatalmas nagyot akar markolni. James Bond betegsége ez, ? se elégszik meg kevesebbel: ha nem a világuralom megszerzése az ellenség célja, fel se kel reggel az ágyból**. Túl grandiózus az egész, ami ordító ellentétbe kerül azzal, hogy Fandorinunk egyszer?en még nincs kész. Gigantomán összeesküvés vs. tojásból éppen kikelt kiscsirke... valahogy nem passzol ez a két elem. Talán praktikusabb lett volna valami emberi lépték? b?ntettel nyitni. Pedig mint szöveg, az Azazel helyenként kiemelked? irodalmi min?ség, ám mint történet, összeroppan saját nagyravágyása alatt.

Megjegyz.: Bár a fülszöveg szerint ez a legels? Fandorin-sztori, nekem inkább olyasfajta munkának t?nt, amit a kiégett krimiírók szoktak letenni az asztalra, amikor nyomozójuk már baromi népszer? lett, ?k meg viszonylag kevés fáradtsággal szeretnének lehúzni róla még egy b?rt. Igen, így belegondolva: ez is az "eredettörténet" egyik lehetséges definíciója.

* Enyhe spoilerjel alatt mondom: azért a végkifejlet árnyalja kissé mindazt, amit Fandorin mákjáról mondtam. Ez mondjuk érdekes volt, meglepett, mint ahogy az is, hogy Akunyin mennyi nyitott kérdést hagyott a végén. De ez az összképen alig változtatott.
** Jó, hát ez amúgy nem James Bond találmánya. Doyle óta tudjuk, hogy minél zseniálisabbra van megírva a nyomozó, annál zseniálisabb b?nöz?t kell mellé teremteni - Sherlock nem elégedhet meg holmi tyúklopásokkal, neki minimum a "b?n Napóleonjával" kell szembenéznie. Minden h?störténetet némiképp a drogfüggés logikája mozgat: folyton emelni kell a dózist. Ha a protagonista szintet lép, az ellenfeleknek is így kell tenniük, különben unatkozni fogunk. És velük párhuzamosan az olvasó (néz?) ingerküszöbe is csak n? és n?, a határ a csillagos ég.18 s Nancy Oakes1,971 807

Absolutely and totally fun novel, reminiscent of those old cliffhanger series things. I would recommend this book to readers who what I would call "literary" mysteries, rather than the more fast-food type of reads (although, I must say, some of the ffrs (fast-food reads) are pretty good so I'm not slamming them -- I have read hundreds in my time). Anyway, this one demands a little more of your patience & time, but you will be rewarded in the long run.

brief plot review w/o spoilers

Set in Moscow in the czarist Russia of 1876, the novel opens with a young man (a student named Kokorin) standing in front of a bench in a square full of people. The man takes out a revolver, puts it up to his head, and informs a young girl sitting there with her governess that unless she kisses him, he's going to blow his brains out. She doesn't and he does. Of course, the police are called in, and it turns out that on that same day, there were other public suicide attempts, all using the same method, all over town. The police are left baffled, but one enterprising young man, Erast Fandorin, sees that there must be more under the surface. Erast is just a newbie in the police department, but he is sharp. What follows keeps Erast on the edge of danger, and leads to a crime so vast it spills out of Russia's borders.

I could say more, but I'd wreck the story and I HATE when people do that!

Considering that this is the first in a series, the main character comes off very strong, enough to where I found myself rooting for him the entire way. You might agree with some reviewers that it's a stretch to believe that a relative newbie to the police department would be the one to be put on this case, and that a joe nobody would rise up so quickly, but hey...it's fiction. No one says this must be believable. And it's a fun story. crime-fiction crime-fiction-russia-ussr historical-crime-fiction ...more18 s El1,355 497

Boris Akunin is actually a pen name of Grigory Chkhartishvili (bless you), according to the "About the Author" section in the back. "Akunin" is Japanese for "villain", a rather fitting pen-surname for someone who is apparently legendary in Russia for his crime novels. The Winter Queen is one of three mysteries featuring the detective Erast Fandorin. I understand all three of them were made into big Russian blockbuster movies. I think I might the better movie. I'm just sayin'. This particular story is being remade into an English film coming out next year. Thank god for Wikipedia for those of us who live under rocks.

Akunin has the opportunity to create a really awesome detective, a Russian James Bond, if you will - yet I found Fandorin to be rather a wiener. He's a 20-year-old detective, still wet around the ears, who uncovers a plot for world domination. In Moscow, 1876. The concept seems pretty awesome, but my literary planets were clearly not aligned and I found myself mentally snoozing most of the way through this. Which is sort of a hard feat if it's meant to be a conspiracy novel. I expect these sorts of books to grab me from the beginning, shake me a dog toy, and not let go until the end, when my proverbial neck is broken.

I might check out the other two Fandorin novels. I want to this guy because he's Russian, but I'm wondering if maybe I have a problem with contemporary Russian authors (ugh, Victor Pelevin) and may just need to stick to the classic Russian writers who had to write to save their lives.

I wouldn't tell others to not read this book. I think a lot of people probably it. Hell, all of Russia can not be wrong. They love this guy there, so I figure the fault is on my own side. So knock yourself out, and I promise to someday (no rush) check out another book by him. In the meantime someone needs to recommend a contemporary Russian author who isn't crap.20th-centurylit-late russia16 s Nick Davies1,581 51

For the first half of this book, I was of the opinion that this was an 'ok' crime thriller, but one ( a few others I have read) which felt a bit thin. Some historical crime thrillers feel to me a bit once the well-researched chosen cultural and chronological aspects are stripped away, you're not left with much except a simple story dressed up in unusual words. This had some strange names and social ranks, and the story set up in a fairly able way, the first half was fairly enjoyable.

But the second half, especially the final twist(s), was just silly. The repetitive superhuman and seemingly psychic qualities of the central character just got unbelievable, yet his blundering stupidity to get into the scrapes he then extracted himself from in amazing manner.. this was ridiculous too. There wasn't much wrong with the writing and much of the characterisation, but the plot was just daft. Meh. I read the last hundred pages quickly, rolling my eyes at the multiple sillinesses.2016 book-group14 s fleurette1,512 157

Oh wow! I did not expect this book to be so good. And so funny. Earlier I heard a lot of good things about this series. But now I've found out what a good story it is myself.

This book has everything. A great and interesting plot, a fantastic main character and lots of humor. Let's start with the plot, because ultimately this is the reason why you read a detective novel, right? I really when the book starts with a strong blow, when we find the corpse on the first few pages. And I love when immediately afterwards, without undue delay, we start looking for a villain. I prefer to get to know my heroes through subsequent events in the book. And this is whatÂ’ve got here. On the first pages we see a strange suicide, and a few pages later Fandorin begins to look for answers. What more could you want? The story is complicated and interesting, there are so many suspects. All the time, you donÂ’t know exactly what happened and who is involved in it. Friends turn out to be enemies, nobody can be trusted. A really great story. I really wanted to know what would happen next.

And in the middle of it all is Fandorin. I am surprised how much his character evolves during this short book. It doesn't happen that often. And I must say that I love all his faces. From a shy young boy to a confident agent. Fandorin is simply a very well-written character. He is intelligent, clever and learns very quickly (especially on his mistakes). Every good story deserves an intelligent main character who is easy to . I am very happy that this one has it. I will gladly meet Fandorin in the next books.

And finally humor. As a rule, I don't funny books and movies, because they rarely entertain me and more often I found them annoying. I have a specific sense of humor, but I generally intelligent humor. And this book has just that. I can't say how many times I really laughed when I read this story. It's hilarious. For a long time I was looking for something this, a lighter story full of good humor. I'm glad that I finally came across such a book.

The only thing I would change is the ending. And I do not mean the end of the criminal intrigue. I am talking about the last scene in the book, which surprised me with its sad and tragic character. The whole book is so cheerful and funny that I didn't expect it at all. I would prefer it to end up completely different. I wonder if this topic will continue in the next books.

I'm so glad I finally read this book. Certainly this is not my last meeting with Fandorin.historical-mystery humour19 s Amir Z135

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I have no idea why this series is so popular. It fails as historical fiction. It fails as detective fiction. It fails in pretty much every way imaginable.

I did enjoy the part where the hero was saved by his own vanity in the shape of a 'Lord Byron' corset. 11 s Emma2,608 1,002

Really well done historical mystery set in St. Petersburg. We observe the rising career of Erast Fandorin who manages to confound a global conspiracy from the smallest of starts.historical-fiction historical-mystery mystery ...more11 s Zane368 7

Dar?ts! J?tos lepna, ka pabeidzu las?t gr?matu krievu valod? (bet ne par to šis apraksti?š).
Man nav daudz detekt?vrom?nu, ar ko sal?dzin?t, jo ?sti nesaista šis žanrs, t?p?c varb?t b?šu nepopul?ra viedok?a p?rst?vis. Bet.. man šis rom?ns š?ita naivs.
Dažbr?d l?dz absurdam izsp?l?ts, ka kur nu varonis griežas, tieši tur notiek visa darb?ba un aizvijas pavediens.
Beigas labi pav?rs?s, bet man t? vien š?ita, ka kaut kam ta?u ir j?notiek, lai autors var?tu turpin?t gr?matu s?riju.
Varb?t kaut kad v?l?k n?kam?s da?as palas?šu vien aiz intereses, vai galvenais varonis joproj?m tik naivi?š un veiksm?gs savos atkl?jumos.
Vair?k uz 3,5* velk, bet j?apa?o uz augšu.10 s NeilAuthor 2 books48

A to Z project, book 6
What a delightful mystery/adventure! Set in 1876 in Russia (and other parts of Europe) it follows an energetic but naive young man who has just begun a career as a minor functionary in the Moscow police. Erast Fandorin is something new (or perhaps something old made new again), a character who succeeds not through his abilities, although he is not without talents, but because fate seems to be on his side.

Akunin catches the tone of Victorian adventure very well. Plotwise, this reminded me of one of Sherlock Holmes's escapades: a small local crime that expands into a big (and admittedly rather silly) international conspiracy.

There's a dark twist at the end that has me anxious to continue in this series. On to The Turkish Gambit!a-to-z-project10 s Saman1,170 1,063 Read

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Labs klasiskais detekt?vs. Las?t?js ir liecinieks jaun? Erasta Fandorina pieaugšanai, kam?r vi?š velta visas savas p?les atkl?t paties?bu gudro noziedzinieku savilktajos t?mek?os!
9 s Katerina Kondrenko498 1,004

8 out of 10
I've seen the tv adaptation of this book almost 20 years ago. Yeah, I'm that old, gooosh. And I really d it but decided to read the original story only now. It's turned out that the adaptation was very close to the book, and I still remember all the twists (I'm old, but dementia didn't come yet xD) so no surprises waited for me here. And still, I enjoyed the writing and am going to continue with the series. 08-out-of-10 characters-antiheros characters-book-boyfriends ...more9 s Jill39 2

I discovered Boris Akunin last year and immediately fell into his prosaic style. His novels are full of humor and suspense and there are parts that made me laugh aloud. These books are a fun, riotous read that you don't want to put down until you've completed each and every one of them.foreignmysteries9 s Siv302,488 151

?????? ?????? ??????, ????? ????? ??? -

https://sivi-the-avid-reader.com/????...mystery-crime russian10 s Bloodorange767 204

3,5 stars, may revisit the rating; very promising, but too many rapid turns, and generally predictable from the start. But the writing is good. I intend to read the following volumes.library mystery-noir-crime russia9 s Elena Toncheva485 81

??????? ?????!
????? ???????? ? ??????????, ?? ?????? ? ?? ?? ??????????? ????.
??????? ?? ?????? - ????????? ? ??????????? ??? ????? ?????????. ???? ??????????? ?? ?? ?????? ? ???? ???????.
??????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. 8 s EllaFuchs118 25

Ein gut geschriebener, auch humorvoller historischer Krimi. b-cher-2023 krimi8 s3 comments Magdalena149 87

????????? ??, ?? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????, ?????? ??? ? ??????. ?? ???? ???? ??????? ???????????? ?????????? ?? ????? ?? ??????, ????? ?? ???????? ???????. ???????? ? ???????? ?? ? ???????? ?????, ?? ??????? ? ????????? ?????, ????? ????????? ? ????? ?????, ????? ???????????? ????????? ? ????.
????????????? ?? ?? ????? ??????, ?? ????????? ???? ????? ????????? ?? ?????, ? ?????????? ??????, ?????? ? ?????????? ????????.
????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????? ?? ?????, ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????, ??????? ?? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ? ????????? ?????? ? ???? ????? ??-?????? ? ???????.8 s Laura6,991 584

This is the first book of the series Erast Fandorin Mysteries.

The plot is based on Erast Fandorin's investigation of the suicide of a wealthy student at Alexander Gardens in Moscow. He then discovers this a part of the "American Roulette" which was very well portrayed in the movie The Deer Hunter (1978) with Robert de Niro among others.

A quite promising historical mysteries series.bookmooch historical-mystery mtbr-challenge-2014 ...more8 s César Carranza304 58

????? ??????, ????? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ???????, ???????? ????? ????? ? ???? ????????, ???? ?????????? ?????? ??????????? ???????, ??? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????! ??? ?????????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ???? ???????, ? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????, ????????? ???????? ??? ?????????.8 s Ali Noroozian215 27

?? ???? ????? – ????? - ?????? ????? , ?? ??????? ????? ? ?? ???? ? ??????? ?????? ? ??? ???? ? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ????? ... ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ? ????? ????? ???. ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???
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7 s ?lkim1,423 11

Autor del comentario: