
Los Cinco en caravana de Blyton, Enid

de Blyton, Enid - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Los Cinco en caravana


La caravana de Los Cinco es atacada por una cabra. Su propietario les ofrece llevarles al circo de su tío. Éste se muestra muy amable con los chicos; pero cuando Los Cinco acampan en una colina cambia su actitud y trata de convencerles de que se vayan de ahí.

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Five Go Off in a Caravan (Famous Five, #5), Enid Blyton

Five Go Off In A Caravan is the fifth book in the Famous Five series by the British author, Enid Blyton and published by Hodder and Stoughton. The Famous Five go on a caravan holiday, which ends up in another adventure for the intrepid gang when they meet a travelling circus, where some of the circus folk have more sinister plans than just clowning around.

The story begins on a hot sunny day when the children see a circus go by. This gives George an idea for a camping holiday. The others are excited about this and Julian asks his mother to hire a caravan. After a few days they leave for Merran Lake where they befriend Nobby, a boy who works for a circus. The Five camp near to the circus and soon find that some of the people including Tiger Dan, Nobby's uncle, are less than happy with their presence.

Five on a Treasure Island (Famous Five, #1)
Five Go Adventuring Again (Famous Five, #2)
Five Run Away Together (Famous Five, #3)
Five Go to Smuggler's Top (Famous Five, #4)
Five Go Off in a Caravan (Famous Five, #5)

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The title is a lie!!

Five actually go off in two caravans. Horse drawn caravans no less. Because of course the parents are fine with putting four small children in charge of vehicles on the public highways and sending them off by themselves.

While that title is a lie, it is at least strongly associated with the story. Later volumes drift off into the generic laziness of "Five have a lot of fun", "Five enjoy themselves", "Five frolic about" etc.

It should be noted that the Five may have difficulty actually recognising their parents given that they all go to boarding school and spend every available holiday in the wilds getting into scrapes with armed baddies.

Anyway, it was a passing circus that put the idea in their heads, and they end up camping by the circus miles from home. This begins a repeating theme of circuses and circus folk through the series. Generally there is a chimpanzee in the mix. On this occasion it's Pongo, and the circus child this time is Nobby. The circus also has a bad tempered clown. Blyton returns to this archetype on other occasions.

As usual we are treated to considerable detail on the organising of the camping arrangements and on meals. There seem to be very few entries in this series where the virtues of "ripe plums" are not extolled. Presumably because in post war Britain these were one of the few fruit that we Brits had access to.

In this book the conflict arises when the circus men refuse to have the children camping besides them despite their new friendship with young Nobby. The whole adventure arises because of the utterly freak chance that the children, in all the wideness of this wild part of the country, park one of their two caravans directly on top of the hidden entrance to the cave (yes ANOTHER cave! Enid loves a good cave, regardless of geology/geography) to the hidden stolen goods that the circus men want to retrieve.

For the umpteenth time someone tries to poison Timmy. This time, although Timmy dodges the bullet, Nobby's dog, Barker, does not!

Rather than just wait a short while or opting for any one of a dozen good alternatives the circus men come and enter the cave with Julian in earshot to hear their wicked plans.

There follows the usual to and fro, getting trapped, escaping, and ultimately bringing the bad types into the clutches of the police. Timmy holds off angry men, and Pongo the Chimp, who understands directions almost as complex as those that the dog does, also plays his part.

A fairly average entry in the series. The treasure (stolen jewellery) is recovered and all is well.

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.113 s Paul2,306 20

Another exciting entry into the Famous Five series... This one has a gentle start (especially compared to the beginning of book four) but the action really ramps up once you get past the halfway mark.

Timmy the dog has become my favourite character. In this book, he always seems to be one restraining hand away from a berserker rage!

This one will be especially harrowing for anyone who has a phobia of clowns... You have been warned!

Buddy read with Sunshine Seaspraybooks-read-in-2016 books-read-in-201929 s Alan Cotterell535 183

A nice but rather dated story. Good palette cleaner between books. 3.25.read-202023 s Sophie Crane4,277 168

This book is so cool the famous five start by sitting on the grass hen a circus cane by on there way to a place where they stay every year and that gave the famous five an idea to go caravaning so they do but tiger Dan and his friend loo soon made this holliday an adventure...

This is the best of all the famous five books I've read so far and I'm trying to read the whole series.I'm buying all of the books but I wish they come as a pack not just separate books.favorites17 s Eliza16 22

Things I learned from reading Five Go Off in a Caravan:

1. It's totally fine for 8 - 12 year olds to go on road trips with no supervision
2. Make friends with strangers, it'll probably be super fun and totally fine. Except Tiger Dan, avoid Tiger Dan (the clue is in the name).
3. There will always be a convenient unpolluted, crystal clear and delicious stream to drink from and wash your clothes in.
4. Don't worry about feeding yourself, just get Anne to cook everything. Oh, and she'll wash up and clean all your clothes too.
5. If Anne isn't about, find a farmer's wife to feed you. They're always happy to do that. It's they're just waiting for a bunch of entitled, posh children to turn up on their doorstep and eat all of their fruitcake / crumpets / potted meat / crusty bread.
5. Vigilante justice is the best possible choice every time.

Also, as with all Enid Blyton books, if you read this novel prepare yourself for intense, unexplained bouts of ginger beer cravings.

Say no more.lightning-read youngsters11 s Michael423 53

Or more correctly: Five Go Off in Mobile Larders. After deciding against a walking holiday (fitting several tons worth of ginger beer and a small mountain of lovely vittles into their pack might be a bit tricky) and having failed to hire a fleet of Ocado vans the children head off.
Loved this one as a child. I immediately drew up plans to go on a similar Mobile Larder expedition with a select group of my school chums. Our destination: Loch Ness. In between copious and frequent scoffing we'd discover Nessie and become world famous monster hunters. But for some unfathomable reason nobody would let us go. 2015 for-children mystery10 s Kavita798 412

The Five are allowed to go off by themselves in a caravan because 'Timmy is there' and 'Daddy has to go away for a while'. In Blyton-land, no one ever took care of their children. Obviously not! Why would they do such a thing? But that's what makes these books so delightful! The Five come across a circus and decide to camp next to them. Before they know it, they are embroiled in a crazy adventure with stolen goods, a gang of thieves, clowns, a circus boy, and a chimpanzee.

I think my favourite char of the Five is Dick. Despite his name, he is no dick. He is smart, brave, doesn't lord it over the girls un Julian and doesn't go off into tantrums un George, and doesn't annoy me un Anne. children mystery uk9 s Gary951 213

One of the best children's book series ever!8 s Kelly-Marie206 5

Some aspects to this book I didnÂ’t agree to however all the same I did thoroughly enjoy book 5. They are perfect for the younger generation by all means as an adult I now tend to read between the lines of books for a deeper meaning than when i was a child and never picked up on particular aspects within the novel. 5 Star
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