
A Hidden Past de Blake Pierce

de Blake Pierce - Género: English
libro gratis A Hidden Past


Nate Harlow is a seemingly average 19-year-old college student who takes on a summer job for extra cash. He expects to be skimming pools for rich families. He never expects to find a dead body.
As a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, Nate is already a fish out of water. And now he feels compelled to solve a murder.
But behind these gilded mansions lie secrets better left alone.
Or he may be the next one found floating face-down…..M.F

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A Hidden Past - a review by Rosemary Kenny.

They say you can choose your friends, but not your family - and that's certainly true for the victim in Blake Pierce's thriller, A Hidden Past.

Homicide Detective Lena Ramirez's latest murder investigation begins when pool-cleaner Nathan Harlow finds the body of a young woman who's drowned in suspicious circumstances.
Was this simply a tragic accident...or a cover-up for something nefarious?

See if you worked it out before the answers are revealed in the final chapter, by reading this riveting murder-mystery... satisfaction's guaranteed! Claudete Takahashi2,015 29

I really enjoyed reading A Hidden Past. There's a good plot and relatable characters, and it has a surprising end. If this is going to become a new series, it's a great start, as I'd love to read how Nate will progress with his life and his dreams. There are a few typos that better proofreading could have corrected but they do not impair the quality of the story. Ms. Pierce's writing style is also different (and I find it much better) from the recent series.
I thank the author for this ARC. Debbie Joyner114 3

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I really enjoyed reading A Hidden Past. There's a good plot and relatable characters, and it has a surprising end. If this is going to become a new series, it's a great start, as I'd love to read how Nate will progress with his life and his dreams. There are a few typos that better proofreading could have corrected but they do not impair the quality of the story. Ms. Pierce's writing style is also different (and I find it much better) from the recent series.
I thank the author for this ARC.1 Rosemary3,305 55

A Hidden Past - a review by Rosemary Kenny.

They say you can choose your friends, but not your family - and that's certainly true for the victim in Blake Pierce's thriller, A Hidden Past.

Homicide Detective Lena Ramirez's latest murder investigation begins when pool-cleaner Nathan Harlow finds the body of a young woman who's drowned in suspicious circumstances.
Was this simply a tragic accident...or a cover-up for something nefarious?

See if you worked it out before the answers are revealed in the final chapter, by reading this riveting murder-mystery... satisfaction's guaranteed! Debbie Joyner114 3

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