
Christmas with the Cornish Girls de Betty Walker

de Betty Walker - Género: English
libro gratis Christmas with the Cornish Girls


1941. The bombs still fall, but in St. Ives Christmas is finally approaching for the Cornish Girls... With the war ongoing, Lily is feeling anything but festive. That is, until Eva asks if she'll join her in working at an officers' convalescent home, lifting her spirits no end. Eva came to St. Ives to be near the man who almost gave his life to protect hers. But will the wounded pilot ever help to heal himself by opening his heart to love? Rose suspects the local orphanage is mistreating its charges – and it's her job to uncover the truth before it's too late... Can the Cornish Girls help one another through the darkest days in order to give everyone in St. Ives the sparkling Christmas they so deserve?...M.F

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Lily Fisher is living in Porthcurno, West Cornwall in 1941, her family’s home in London was destroyed during an air raid, and Lily, her gran Sheila, Aunty Violet and younger sister Alice are all living in a small cottage, and working as cleaners at Eastern House. Lily’s given the opportunity to work as a trainee nurse at Symmonds Hall Convalescent Home near St. Ives, and she’s nervous about leaving her family. She enjoys helping the soldiers, working with her friend Eva, and they want her to organize the Christmas party.

Eva Ryder is a nurse at the convalescent home, her father’s in charge of Eastern House in Cornwall and she’s knows Lily’s entire family. Eva recommended Lily to Sister Gray, Lily’s a sensible girl and she needs a change from cleaning at Porthcurno. Eva’s always getting into trouble with Sister Gray, she’s often running late and gets caught chatting to the patients. Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael, saved Eva from serious harm in London and he’s recovering at the home. He’s rather dejected, he doesn’t think his condition will improve, Eva’s madly in love with Max, she’s sure he will get better and she’s used to getting her own way.

Sister Rose Gray is in charge of the wards at Symmonds Hall, she works closely with Dr Edmund Layons, Dr Lewis Layons and she has a secret crush on the younger doctor. Rose is concerned about the safety of the children living at the orphanage next door, they look thin, are forced to play outside in the cold weather, and she hears crying at night.

Christmas with the Cornish Girls is a delightful story about the nurses and doctors caring for the injured soldiers at the convalescent home during WW II, you get to know the staff and owner Lady Babs Symmonds, discover what’s happening at the orphanage, how Lily plans the Christmas party with the help from cook, Eva, the children are invited and it's a huge success. Characters from the first book in series Wartime with the Cornish Girls are included in the uplifting narrative, I loved both books by Betty Walker and five stars from me. https://karrenreadsbooks.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/KarrenReadsH...2021-netgalley-reading-challenge netgalley netgalley-edelweiss-202115 s Louise Wilson3,127 1,665

The Cornish Girls Book 2

1941. The bombs still fall, but in St. Ives Christmas is finally approaching for the Cornish Girls.

With the war ongoing, Lily is feeling anything but festive. That is, until Eva asks id she'll join her in working at an officers' convalescent home, lifting her spirits no end. Rose suspects the local orphanage is mistreating its charges - and it's her job to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Lily, Eva and Hazel are back and we have a new character, Rose. The story mainly focuses on Lily and Eva. We follow the women through their everyday trials and their hopes and dreams for the future. Next to the convalescent home is an orphanage and we meet a young boy Jimmy. Rose is concerned that the orphanage is not being run properly.

As this story does not carry on where the first book finished off, it could be read as a standalone. It's an easy book to read with some lovely characters. I the friendship between the women and the character development. There's a little romance too. This is a great read.

would to thank #NetGalley #AvonBooksUK and the author #BettyWalker for my ARC of #ChristmasWithTheCornishGirls in exchange for an honest review. 16 s Cheri1,897 2,753

This is the second book in the Cornish Girls series, although I haven’t read the first one - ’Wartime with the Cornish Girls, I enjoyed this one.

Set in England, it is 1941, during the war, in St. Ives, and Christmas is around the corner. These young women are busy tending to the officers who have been wounded in the war. Eva wanted to help one in particular, a man who saved her life, but was wounded in the course of protecting her. Eva’s friend Lily joined her with some mixed feelings, her fear being overcome by her desire to join in this worthy endeavor with her friend, and her compassion for these men. And then there’s Rose, who can’t seem to limit herself to just her job nursing these men back to health when she notices disturbing trends at the orphanage next door.

Of course, with a war going on, there are moments of tension, there are also many more moments of genuine acts of caring for these men, and efforts to help them keep their spirits up, despite their present situation. And, yes, even a gentle hint of romance as the holidays approach, and the Christmas party these women are preparing for has them working extra hours, and their options limited along with supplies, but they are determined to provide a night that will remind them of better days. It was easy to envision this all, and I can easily see this being made into a movie, the kind that would be watched again each year as the holidays approach.

Published: 25 Nov 2021

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Avon Books, UK / Avon TheCornishGirls #NetGalley2021 2021-ng-challenge christmas ...more10 s Alayne Emmett1,314 94

I loved the first book in this series and this one was just as good. It’s better if you’ve read the first one as the same characters appear in this book and you need to know the back story. This one was very festive as well as a little bit sad but with a happy ending which is always a plus. I do hope there is more to co e in this series as I’d love to know what happens to these characters after Christmas. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review. This7 s Teresa622 164

The second book in the Cornish Girls saga which can be read as a stand alone but you get more enjoyment if you read them in order.
We meet some of the characters from the first book again. This time we follow Eva who's started working at a convalescence home for wounded soldiers, which was previously a stately home and was handed over for the duration by it's owner. Lily also arrives to work there and we see a huge transformation in her character. She really grows up and learns to deal better with life.
Part of the building is used as an orphanage and a large part of the story is played out around the children living there.
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the last. I still can't take to Eva. I know she's driven but she steamrollers everyone into her way of thinking without regard for their opinions or feelings. Quite a bit of it was dreary and I felt depressed at times reading it. There were an awful lot of thwarted passions.
Christmas was the highlight of the story. Dealing with war was not easy at any time and it shows you how difficult it was in this hospital situation.
Over all I enjoyed it and will be looking forward to the next one.

Grateful thanks to Avon and Netgalley for an early copy of this book to read. netgalley5 s Julie1,900 565

The story of The Cornish Girls continues in this second book in the series. Christmas 1941. Eva, Lily and Rose work in a convalescent home for wounded soldiers. The war has had an effect on all aspects of life. But, the holidays are a season of light and hope even during wartime.

These books would make an excellent PBS series. The stories remind me of The Land Girls or Home Fires. Enjoyable characters, dramatic events and heartwarming emotions. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop! I found myself sneaking moments of reading in whenever I could just to find out what happens next. I can only imagine what it was for the people who actually experienced this era in world history. So much change, uncertainty, loss, violence and upheaval. It would have been so difficult to adapt and survive. But little bright spots the holidays back then must have meant so much.

Another great book by Betty Walker. Can't wait to read the next one!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Avon Books. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

read-review-copies-20214 s Leith Devine1,635 96

This is the 2nd book in the series, set in Cornwall during WWII. It was a a light historical fiction book set at Christmas, and I enjoyed reading it.
The first book, Wartime With the Cornish Girls, tells how a group of girls left London because of the bombings. There’s a top secret facility where a few of them work.
This book tells the story of nurses in a convalescent hospital for badly wounded soldiers. There’s an orphanage next door as well. The nurses see some awful wounds, endure aerial bombardment, and some of them fall in love with their patients. Lily from the first book comes to the hospital to be a nurse’s aide and train to be a nurse at a same time. She plans a Christmas party for the hospital and orphanage.
It was interesting to read how they managed to have a party with food rationing in effect. The descriptions of some of the wounded are horrifying to imagine. If you WWII historical fiction that’s on the lighter side you’ll this book. 4 stars.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.3 s AnnMarie1,211 34

Christmas with the Cornish Girls is the heartwarming new festive book in the WW2 series, The Cornish Girls by Betty Walker. It carries on with the stories of some of the characters in the first book in the series. You don't need to read it first to enjoy this one but if you are going to read it, then definitely read it first.
This book focuses on Eva, Lily and Rose who all work at a convalescent home for wounded soldiers. We share in their joys, their sorrows and their romances all whilst dealing with the effects that war has on them and the area they live in. I would either be smiling or crying ugly tears at some of what the characters go through. I was so engrossed in their story that I would read into the small hours of the morning just to see what happened next.
I thoroughly enjoyed every part of this story and am very happy to recommend it.3 s Stina1,297 1 follower

Another Christmas with whoever I'm reading about! This time I'm back with Cornish Girls and naturally I've enjoyed my time with them once again. Whilst the previous one focused on Violet and her two young nieces escaping the East End for the sleepy confines of Cornwall and thensome, this one follows her eldest niece Lily and their friend Eva who have transferred to St Ives where they are nursing convalescing soldiers at Symmonds Hall.

As soon as Eva had heard that Max Carmichael, the Flight Lieutenant who was injured pushing her to safety during the raid in London that saw her leave the capital for Cornwall was alive, she took herself off to St Ives to become a nurse so that she could be nearer to him. Unfortunately, Max didn't want her sympathies or her care. His injuries meant that he could no longer offer her all that she deserved and no amount of cajoling or caring from her ministrations would change his mind. Well we'll see about that, Eva thought. But first she must ensure she escaped Sister's notice or she will be in danger of being put on a disciplinary charge.

After receiving news that Eastern House must let go one of their domestic staff, Lily decides to take Eva up on her invitation to join her in St Ives as a nursing assistant. Despite having never nursed before, Lily finds she enjoys it and develops a soft spot for a young soldier with horrific burns. The young soldier, Danny, takes an obvious shine to her but she's still haunted by the dark event of her past. And then Eva volunteers her for organising the Christmas party for the home which is held every year to help keep spirits up. But she hasn't the first clue as to how to go about it! But at least it might help keep her mind off things. But it's not until one day during a raid that something happens to give Lily new direction, making her rethink her options.

And then there is Rose, known on the wards as Sister Gray. She is a formidable presence to all those under her but beneath her tough exterior is an insecure woman just trying to do her best amidst a war. It's no secret she carries a torch for Dr Lewis but he is spoken for...by none other than her younger sister who upped and left to work in a munitions factory but will no doubt be back to stake her claim on the dashing young doctor. Then one day Rose sees a sad little face from the window of the orphanage next door and over the ensuing days and weeks, comes to learn that all is not as it seems behind those closed doors. Children just skin and bone being made to march in a circle in the cold without so much as a coat or a scarf to warm them which was explained away as exercising. When she looks for the young boy she has befriended she is told he is isolating as he has measles. But the more things she sees and the less she does of young Jimmy, Rose becomes suspicious. But no one will take her concerns seriously. Until an air raid brings secrets crashing down.

This book was quite different to the first one and took a little getting into as I was expecting to remain in Porthcurno with Violet, Hazel and co. They still feature here but it's Lily, Eva and Rose that shine this time round. We share in all the joys and sorrows, lifes and loves all under the bombing of the Germans.

I thoroughly enjoyed this installment and wonder where the next one will take us. It will be interesting to find out. But I'll leave that for another day.

A perfect heartwarming read for fans of Pam Howes, Rosie Hendry and Fenella Miller.

I would to thank #BettyWalker, #Netgalley and #AvonBooks for an ARC of #ChristmasWithTheCornishGirls in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at https://stinathebookaholic.blogspot.com/.2023 betty-walker british ...more2 s Kristina3,665 67

Lily, Hazel, Eva are back along with Lily’s family plus we get to meet Sister Rose Gray (a nurse). Thanks to budget cuts, Lily needs a new position. Eva writes to Lily about an opening as assistant nurse at Symmonds Hall Convalescent Home for Wounded Servicemen near St. Ives where Eva works as a nurse. Rose is Eva and Lily’s superior, and she is a tartar (a real stickler for the rules). Rose is in love with Dr. Lewis Lanyon, but her beautiful younger sister, Elsie has laid claim. Rose is worried about the children in the orphanage next door. She feels that something is amiss with the caretakers and is especially worried about young Jimmy. Eva loves Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael who is recovering at the hall from a spinal injury. Max has been told that he will never walk again and he has given up hope. He refuses to consider a future with Eva. Lily has been put in charge of the Christmas party for the hall and she has no clue how to accomplish the daunting task. Christmas with the Cornish Girls by Betty Walker takes us back to 1941 with the characters from Wartime with the Cornish Girls. I recommend reading the series in order (it will help you to know the characters and what has happened to them). I thought Christmas with the Cornish Girls contained good writing with a steady flow. The characters are developed and relatable. I enjoyed the beautiful descriptions of Cornwall. We follow the day to day of life of Eva, Lily, and Rose at Symmonds Convalescent Home. We get to see how difficult it was to manage the large facility with limited staff and resources. There was so much uncertainty, turmoil, loss, and violence. They had to find joy where they could during these tumultuous times. The point-of-view switches between Ivy, Rose, and Eva. I enjoyed seeing Lily and Rose change over the course of the book. I think Lily leaving home for the new job was the best thing that could happen to her. I love the Christmas feel in the later part of the book. The Christmas party was the highlight of the story. I loved the ending and appreciated the epilogue. Christmas with the Cornish Girls will leave you smiling and a good feeling in your heart. 2021 2021-netgalley-books historical-fiction ...more4 s Sandra568 20

This is a fabulous book to read if you wartime family saga's. Betty Walker writes a story that draws you in and has you wanting more. Excellent book 5*2 s Shell Cunliffe46 16

How do you know you love reading a book, when you stay up late and you just have to know what happens next. With this book I had a few late nights, because I was enjoying it so much. And now I'm sad the book has finished.

For me I can highly recommend this book.2 s Rachel (not currently receiving notifications) Hall1,047 85

This is the second book in The Cornish Girls series and picks up in the wake of Wartime with the Cornish Girls and in the lead up to Christmas 1941. I haven’t read the first book and although some of the same characters feature in this second book, it is a self-contained story that works well as a stand-alone. The story picks up in October 1941 in Porthcurno, West Cornwall with eighteen-year-old Lily Fisher, her younger sister, aunt and gran having left Dagenham for the relative safety of the countryside four months earlier. Eva Ryder, a family friend and daughter of the Colonel who heads up the Eastern House listening post, has recently taken a job as a nurse at Symmonds Hall Convalescent Home For Wounded Servicemen in St Ives to be near the American airman who saved her life.

When an vacancy arises and Eva contacts Lily with an offer to become a trainee in the officers’ convalescent home it gives Lily an opportunity to get away from the bad memories of a handsy great-uncle. In immediate charge of Eva and Lily is forbidding Sister Rose Gray who has resigned herself to the fact that when her younger sister returns from her war work she will marry Dr Lewis Lanyon, a man whom Rose works alongside and also loves. An orphan herself, Rose, has other pressing concerns about what she suspects is mistreatment of the children residing at the adjoining orphanage, also financed by the benefactress of Symmonds Hall. Meanwhile new girl, Lily, is charged with organising the residents Christmas party on a rationed, shoestring budget and Eva is struggling to stop her American pilot, Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael, giving up all hopes of recovery from his spinal injury and marrying her.

Unfortunately this novel felt a pretty weak example of wartime sagas and left me with the distinct impression that the author had simply read a few, bypassed the research and knocked her own saga series out. In the book Lily Fisher’s family come from Dagenham which is not the East End and wasn’t even considered to be in London until 1965 yet the author persists in using the two locations interchangeably. It was sloppiness this which characterised the entire book with Eva, a Colonel’s daughter who had been to finishing school, occasionally speaking in the manner of Lily from Dagenham rather than with the plummy voice she was described as having. An undemanding and heartwarming read, albeit a very predictable one that is eminently guessable from early on.1 Yannick Tricia202 26

It’s the second book of the series the Cornish girl. Violet, Hazel, Lily, Eva are back again…
Lily is hired as a nurse in a convalescent home where Eva is currently working to be near the man she absolutely wants to marry, Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael bedridden because of an injury in his spinal cord.

Then there is Rose one of the staff struggling with her feeling for a doctor and her loyalty to her sister Elsie. She also worries about the welfare of the children in the orphanage next door…

Lily’s new responsibilities help her gain more confidence and maybe find her vocation…

I think it’s better to read the first book first, this is a good serie about courageous women fighting for love and justice.

I received a copy of this book and this is an honest review.1 Caroline138

I absolutely loved this book. Superb story that kept me wanting to read more and didn’t want to put down. Hope there is another one in the series as I will be first in the queue to read it. Highly recommended.
1 Sams_Fireside262 43

It’s the middle of the Second World War and life in Cornwall may not be as difficult as in the big cities, but it has its moments.

Lily, Eva and Rose are working in St Ives, in Cornwall, at Symmonds Hall Convalescent Home for injured officers, and preparing for Christmas. Lily is footloose and fancy-free. Eva has her heart set on an injured Flight Lieutenant who doesn’t; think he’s the man for her, and Rose is in love with her sister’s fiancee. What on earth could go wrong?

Fun and laughter, sorrow and heartache, Christmas with the Cornish Girls has it all and Betty Walker brings the characters to life as we prepare for a wartime Christmas with them all. The nurses are compassionate and caring, and the injured men are brave and determined. In the uncertain and challenging times of war, we discover just how everyone works together to make the best of what they have.

If you enjoy a wartime story with a bit of love and Cornwall thrown in, then you’ll enjoy this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of Christmas with the Cornish girls by Betty Walker.1 Kathy E419 1 follower

Another brilliant story of these lovely girls which is any enjoyable story. On to the next one now. As I said before if you d The Shipyard Girls you will this series.1 Sarah605 14

Lovely. Delightful. Heartwarming. I absolutely loved this second book in the Cornish Girls series. Set in Cornwall during WWII this book centres around Lily, Eva and Hazel (the three women from the first book) with the addition of Rose. The author created strong and multi faceted characters that you will instantly love. I was cheering them on through the entire book. The setting was perfect and I could easily picture the convalescent home and the orphanage. While the book is full of love stories, it also touches on many important things that people lived through during the war. From air raids, orphans, injured soldiers, rationing to the etiquette of that era, this book shows you just what people had to endure to survive. I couldn’t put this book down and read until sunrise. Reading it transported me to Cornwall and I felt I was there with them. It takes a wonderful author to pull you into a. story and make you not want to leave.

If you love romance and historical fiction then this is a must read for you. Thank you to Avon Books UK, Harper Collins and NetGalley for inviting me to read the second instalment in this series. It was a pleasure to read this book. I can’t wait to read more about these women.1 Patricia Moren1,380

Another delightful story in the Cornish girls series. Hardship and loss during the war alleviated by the kindness and community spirit of those left behind. This story addresses the needs of children as well as adults and was extremely moving in parts. Great conclusion.1 Sherry Powell643 2

This is a sequel to Wartime with the Cornish Girls and a delightful book about nurses at a convalescent home during World War Two. Thank you to NetGalley and Avon books for the chance to read this lovely book. It will be published in November 2021. 1 Amutha638 3

This is an advanced copy from NetGalley...
Love this book so much...1 L. SamuelsAuthor 4 books63

This book was such a delight to read! Last year, I read Wartime with the Cornish Girls and was so excited to experience the second installment.

It didn’t disappoint! In fact I read it in one sitting.

A feel good, charming story that is a MUST READ. I loved the characters, storyline, the light romance, and picturesque setting. And I hope and look forward to the series continuing.

Thank you Avon Books and NetGalley for an opportunity to read an eARC.1 Rachel2,239 91

Christmas with the Cornish Girls by Betty Walker is a great WWII-era historical fiction saga and is the second book in the Cornish Girls series. I really enjoyed it!

I really loved the first book, Wartime with the Cornish Girls, so I knew I had to read on. This is a great series focussing on three friends: Eva, Lily, and Rose and their combined and respective experiences, struggles, and daily lives in England during WWII.

I really enjoyed following along as these three women sifted through all of the trials, tribulations, and obstacles thrown their way in their attempts to help out in the war effort, find their own respective purposes and dreams for the future, all while trying to bring Christmas hope and cheer to officers and local children.

I always enjoy a novel with strong female characters and friendships/bonds. It is always so refreshing and empowering. I also enjoyed the uplifting and positive ending. Looking forward to the next book.

5/5 stars

Thank you NG and Avon Books UK for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication. 1 Sarah197 4

I really enjoyed Wartime with the Cornish Girls and couldn't wait to catch up with Eva and Lily, believable characters who I grew so fond of.
Christmas with the Cornish Girls is the second in the series and although it can be read as a stand-alone, this being a new story, I would recommend that you read the first book in the series to begin with, just so you get to know the wonderful characters that feature in both books.
Eva and Lily start working at Symmonds Hall, a convalescent home for injured war veterans, and coming up to Christmas 1941, the staff want to give the men the best Christmas that they can.
But with so much going on, will they be successful? and will they be able to sort out their private lives? To be honest, I was unsure whether Lily would be able to cope with the job of nursing these physically and mentally damaged men. She's always had her sister, Alice, Aunty Vi, and feisty Gran to look out for her, but now she's alone with Eva and some staff who aren't so friendly - Sister Rose Gray.
As the story progressed, my opinion of Rose changed. I understood why she came across as cold, and because of her concerns in regards to what may be going on in the Orphanage attached to the home. I found myself really liking her and rooting for her.
All three girls are strong-willed and I felt that I was there in the home - the sights, sounds, every description was so clear due to the authors brilliant writing.
I found myself thinking of the characters when I wasn't reading, and needed to know what else would happen.
I felt so proud of Lily, away from her family, and having had a rough time in the past, she really blossomed and dealt with everything that was thrown at her.
I really hope that there will be another book to come. I highly recommend this series!

This is my honest and unbiased review.
Thank you2021-reading-challenge4 s Elizabeth1,174 101

This was hard to put down! I d this even better than the first book. I thought it was more even in its storytelling, helped by the fact that the three protagonists all work at the same convalescent home for wounded soldiers in St. Ives, Cornwall. The transitions between the characters’ points of view felt more natural and flowed better. I d getting to know Eva more from the first book and her devotion to her wounded soldier is admirable. Max is in an interesting situation. I wonder how many soldiers with significant injuries suffered from depression Max was in this book.

I love how Lily finds her own vocation in this course of the novel and transitions from childhood into adulthood. She bravely faces her own past and some hard things that happened to her and develops some lovely friendships. I think her storyline was my favorite. Though I wasn’t quite sure what happened with Private Orde at the end. Will we see him again? Parts of her story remind me so much of Judith in Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher.

Rose was the hardest character to , which makes sense with her own story. I love how much she cares for the orphans next door and sticks to her guns even when she’s risking her job. The part of the story was heartwarming at the end with all those who support her. She was quite harsh at times and some of her romantic storyline was frustrating at times. Fortunately not too prolonged.

There are lots of good side characters in this too. I wish we saw more of Violet though. Her story didn’t feel quite finished in the last book. I hope we more of her in future books in this series. 2 s Julie762 16

A well written novel telling the story of three women in 1941 as they work in a military officers’ convalescent home. Although the second book in a series, the setting is different from the first and new characters are introduced; it could certainly be read as a standalone novel. This book is a brilliant story of the strange circumstances of war, the frustrations of rationing and fear in bombing raids, the unusual circumstances of life and the difficulties of uncertain relationships. Each of the three young women who feature have very different backgrounds and circumstances, are not necessarily great friends to begin with, but are forced to make connections in order to get through. As with the previous book in the series, there is a wealth of detail in the setting, with the descriptions of the wards and rooms being particularly detailed, and the clothes and other personal details being just right for the time. The dialogue is well used and reflects the language and especially the accents of the time. There is obviously a lot of research behind this book, but it never interferes with the narrative. Altogether it makes for a really enjoyable and involving reading experience, and I was really pleased to have the opportunity to read and review this novel.

The Cornish setting of this book means that it opens in the small village of Porthcurno, the site of a top secret listening post which provides work for Lily with her aunt and sister. It perhaps also increases the number and intensity of enemy bombing raids, and some of the women are emerging from a shelter, relieved to see that their home is still standing. When they are told that one of them must find new employment, Lily realises that her bad memories and current restlessness may well mean that she should take up an offer to work at Symmonds Hall. Eva, a Colonel’s daughter, is working at the Hall and wrote to offer Lily an alternative to her cleaning job, and the young woman decides to take up the training post. Eva has trained as a nurse, partly because she has a special interest in one of the officers receiving treatment at the Hall. She is a vivacious and determined character, and soon involves several people in her schemes and plans, which are always well intentioned. Perhaps the most remarkable character to be introduced is Sister Rose Gray. An experienced nurse who grew up in the area, she is very dedicated to her work at the Hall, and tries to ensure that the other nurses are similarly hard working.She has a strict reputation, but secretly admires doctor Lewis Lanyon, who she has known for years. Rose also becomes concerned about the treatment of the children in the adjoining Orphanage who she glimpses through windows and fences. She ponders whether they are harshly treated, especially when one small boy, Jimmy, particularly comes to her attention. As the festive season approaches, preparations and concerns about various patients come to the fore, especially as bombing raids seem to interupt every plan.

This is a book that I greatly enjoyed, finding myself quickly immersed in the story and the fictional lives of the characters. The writing maintained my interest throughout, and the working out of the plot kept me guessing. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys female led dramas set during the Second World War as a lively and well written book.
BlueFalkon95295 2

Christmas with the Cornish Girls
by Betty Walker
Pub Date 25 Nov 2021 | Archive Date 27 Nov 2021
Avon Books UK, Avon

General Fiction (Adult) | Historical Fiction | Women's Fiction

A feel good story bringing together three young women together in sisterhood during wartime in 1941 at a convalescent home in St Ives Cornwall. Lily a shy 18 year old just gone through some non-wartime trauma wishes to hide away from everything then decides to do her part for the war she goes to St Ives. Lily decided to work alongside with Eva her friend who went into nursing to nurse Max an American pilot back to health. Sister Rose is changing from holding her closed heart to becoming open and letting both Lily and Eva become friends with her. Rose not liking how orphans are being mistreated next door goes to find out what’s happening. Certainly a beautiful heartwarming story which details relationships and friendships the three Cornish girls are embracing during wartime.

Even with being a second book of a series Wartime with the Cornish Girls; it’s rather easy to pick up the story without reading the first book. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read historical fiction- romance, wartime fiction- romance or womens fiction.

#TheCornishGirls #NetGalley
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Avon Books UK via NetGalley for my honest review of the book. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own thoughts, feelings and viewpoints of the book.
Publish date 25 November 2021 for Netgalley, on 21 November 2021 posted on my WordPress blog, Facebook blog, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon.com.au, goodreads, along with the non-linked retail online stores that sell the book is at:

My WordPress blog link is http://bluefalkon95adorationofallgenr... I have 27
My Facebook reader blog page link, is https://www.facebook.com/BlueFalkon95... I have 27
My Amazon.com.au link is: Sorry I do not have any , I have a reviewer ranking #10,871 now #6,489 on 18 November 2021 with 3 helpful hints.
My Amazon.com link is: No and reviewer ranking of #8, 975, 735 on 18 November 2021.netgalley Deborah J MilesAuthor 1 book14

I had forgotten just how much I had enjoyed the first book in this series until I began to read Christmas with the Cornish Girls, and then it all came flooding back to me.

In the first story we meet Violet Hopkins, Eva Ryder and Hazel Baxter in the setting of Porthcurno. Christmas with the Cornish Girls does not exactly follow on from Wartime with the Cornish Girls so can easily be read as a standalone, especially as the important facts of the first book are summaried where needed to give background to an event. This story takes us away from Porthcurno to St Ives and to Symmonds Hall which is being used as a convalescent home for wounded soldiers. It concentrates on Eva Ryder, who is now a qualified nurse, Violet's niece Lily Fisher who is taking up the position of assistant nurse, and Sister Rose Gray who is in charge of the wards at Symmonds Hall.

Eva became a nurse so that she could be near Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael who was badly injured when he saved her life in London. Eva is 'head-over-heels' in love with Max but due to his condition, he does not want her to waste her time with him and constantly pushes her away. Violet is still coming to terms with an assault which happened at the hands of her great uncle in Porthcurno. She too has a romantic interest, the badly burned Private Daniel Orde, but the assault is casting a long shadow over her future. Rose is very much in love with her sister's fiancé Dr Lewis Lanyon, whom she has know since childhood. It would appear that her sister Elsie set her cap at Lewis only because Rose was interested in him. Elsie was conscripted and is working in a munitions factory near Leeds leaving the door open for Rose but Rose is honourable and despite her own feelings she determines not to betray her sister.

I thoroughly enjoyed this absorbing and well-written WWII story. Once again the main characters are easily able and I found myself wanting each of the girls to get their happy ever after. I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series Courage for the Cornish Girlsfiction netgalley Anne2,543 20

Christmas With the Cornish Girls by Betty Walker is a freestanding novel but also a continuation of a story already started. It is primarily about Eva, a nurse, and Lily a nurse-in-training at a rehabilitation center opened in a private manor in St. Ives, West Cornwall in 1941, early in the war. Lady Symmonds had loaned Symmonds Hall for the purpose along with an adjacent building in which she kept an apartment. That building housed an orphanage. Most of the men stayed for a while as their wounds were serious and extensive. Eva had a sweetheart housed there. In the previous book they had been in London when there was a bombing raid and Flight Lieutenant Max Carmichael had pushed her to safety, sustaining some burns and a spinal injury that kept him immobile. She would not accept the fact that he no longer thought they were a march. New characters at the hospital were Sister Rose, Dr. Lewis Lanyon, and Dr. Edmund Lanyon, Lewis' grandfather, semi-retired.

This is a very character driven novel without an overlying plot. There were plenty of smaller stories to keep one engrossed. Rose was sour, pretty much due to the fact she had been in love with Dr. Lewis forever, but her younger sister had swooped in and then gotten drafted to work in a munitions factory up north. Soon she would come back and claim him. Eva was frustrated that Max would no longer consider her because he though his injuries made him no good for her, and Lily was a frightened little bird with no self-confidence. The mix of these personalities and more made for great reading. We weren't part of this world for the duration of the war, but long enough to get to know them all. It is a smashing book and they have entertaining lives. I highly recommend it.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Christmas With the Cornish Girls by Avon, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #netgalley #avon #bettywalker #christmaswiththecornishgirls

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