
The kissing booth 2. Un amore a distanza de Beth Reekles

de Beth Reekles - Género: Italian
libro gratis The kissing booth 2. Un amore a distanza


Elle, Noah e Lee tornano a farci girare la testa in una nuova, emozionante storia d'amore. L'estate è ormai giunta al termine, ed Elle sembra aver finalmente trovato un equilibrio con il suo ragazzo, il bello e non più così dannato Noah Flynn. Certo, i problemi non sono finiti: Noah sta per trasferirsi a Harvard per il college, a più di 5000 chilometri da lei, e la loro storia sembra doversi trasformare in "un amore a distanza". Videochiamate, mail e messaggi basteranno, Elle vuole crederci. Ma senza nemmeno l'appoggio del suo migliore amico Lee, a consolarla e consigliarla, è tutto più difficile. Come se non bastasse, il nuovo vicino di casa, Levi, sembra trovarsi sempre nel posto giusto al momento giusto. Ed è così carino... Elle però è determinata a tenere insieme i pezzi della sua vita senza farsi distrarre, senza pensare ai ragazzi carini del quartiere o alle ragazze carine di cui Harvard è sicuramente piena. Perlomeno fino al giorno in cui non scopre su Instagram una foto in cui Noah è abbracciato a un'altra. A quel punto la domanda è una sola: Elle combatterà per l'amore o preferirà la vendetta? Uno straordinario fenomeno del web che ha affascinato oltre 20 milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo: un caso editoriale e ora un nuovo film su Netflx.

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3.5 stars

Once again I was surprised by how much better this in than the movie. Is it the best book ever? No, but I had fun reading it. There is way less problematic elements compared to the movie, which doesnÂ’t make sense to me. Why would they adapt it and make it worse? Anyways, IÂ’m actually looking forward to reading book 3!

I did a full reading vlog on this book on my YouTube channel, you can watch the video here to hear more of my thoughts: https://youtu.be/xb3A7VIKb8Q76 s Cristina514 462

Ok... so: I started this book 4 hours ago and I had no plan on finishing it tonight. But boy... I was so caught in the story, I just couldnÂ’t put it down. Since I started it, I took two breaks (2-3 minutes each) -> the book was that good!
So probably you might ask yourself why did I give the book only 4 stars if I enjoyed it that much. Well, to be honest, even though I had I huge crush on Noah in the beginning, Levi kind of took his place in this second book. DonÂ’t know why... So yeah, I said in other , I always fall for the guy who looses in the end. And this is why I just canÂ’t give the book 5 stars. Otherwise, it was a blast!
By the way: I canÂ’t wait to see the movie! Which will be available on Netflix starting with 24th of July! ?? IÂ’m so excited!!! 35 s Chloe Reads Books936 430

I needed another 100 pages. The first chunk was so relatable to my current life and I loved it. But, without spoilers, I needed more from Thanksgiving to graduation for me to give it 5 stars.my-actual-bookshelf29 s Lily8 1 follower

I rated this five stars because it was exactly what I need and IÂ’ve been waiting for this book since Beth was writing The Kissing Booth on Wattpad.
I found the first chunk easy to relate too and as the book progressed I found myself so very engrossed in the story. I didnÂ’t put it down and finished it in one sitting. So thank you Beth I loved every minute (except when Elle kissed Levi and Noah saw, that just hurt a little) This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review16 s Bryce Rocks My Socks455 744

going back to YA after all the NA and adult books makes it seem so... PG. when i was in gr.7 i remember being so scandalized by the kissing booth because they had sex i was such a fetus i want to give my baby self a copy of acosfcontemporary14 s Jessica288 15

Oh man. This just barely got 3 stars. This book had a lot of drama and focused a lot on Elle missing Noah now that he was away at college, parties, and not communicating. To be honest, Elle kind of annoyed me, and Noah wasnÂ’t much better. Just talk through the problems youÂ’re facing! There also didnÂ’t seem to be much of a story either, mainly just how much Elle missed Noah.

I have to admit, I was rooting for Lee and Rachel and wished we saw more of their relationship, as well as Levi. 13 s Monica A.447

The plot was unoriginal and Elle was whiny and immature. The conflict was petty and took place for about 85% of the book, but was resolved on the last chapter — in a flash, as if it wasn’t even a big deal. Honestly, it could have been resolved faster if Elle and Noah talked from the start. Also, Lee has always been one of my favorite characters in the story, but I was thoroughly disappointed in him in this book. He and Elle are supposed to be each other’s halves, but he barely even acted a friend. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewfluffy11 s yasemin16 8

basic plot
unlikable main character
boring writing
this book is barely one star
took me four hundred months to get through
i said what i said. 7 s Christina Wilson527 11

Let's start by saying this is the best on in the series yet. I don't know if the author plans to write a third book for the series, but she did really well with this one. You can see the writer mature from the first book to this one. I feel the writing was better and this one sucked me in way faster than the first book. She has left the ending where you are content with how it ends, if this is where it ends, but it can also still be open to what happens next? I am curious to see how the Netflix movie for this will compare to the book. This first book and movie were similar, but different, if that makes sense. I would love to see Levi and Amanda hit the screen with our favorite characters.20206 s Fabulous Book Fiend1,170 155

Well this was the book we were all waiting for, I know I was anyway! This picks up right after the end of The Kissing Booth so whether you have read the book or watched the movie, you will be able to jump right into this one.

I loved being back with Elle and Lee again and of course the lovely Noah. I really the fact that we have a couple of new characters introduced as well to add some extra intrigue to proceedings. Levi is a great character to get to know and slots right into the cast as if he has always belonged. I really d the chemistry that he had with both Lee and Elle and really d the fact that he has he own stuff going on, a sub plot to really get your teeth into.

Obviously in this story we have the problem of Noah being away at school, in a whole different time zone from Elle. Elle has to negotiate senior year with that dilemma on her hands as well as all the fun the senior year brings with applying for colleges and facing the fact that life, loves and friendships are changing. It was lovely to see Elle deal with these issues and of course she makes mistakes along the way, that's why we love her right? Its also great to see her friendship with Lee change and develop as they both mature.

I had such a great time reading this novel. There were moments that made me laugh, things I could identify with and also some moments that made me mad at these characters but I just really enjoyed it overall. I left it feeling uplifted and really hoping for another book in this world!2020-reads series ya5 s Tessa769 20

Am I excited for the movie? Absolutely. Even though this book was downright disappointing? Yes.
Every character – except for Rachel, I think – behaved an absolute shithead. Lee especially disappointed me a lot. Why did he act an asshole and lied not only to Elle but also to his girlfriend?! Just because he spent time with the football team?!?!
Elle broke up with Noah because she thought heÂ’s cheating on her. He spends a lot of time with a girl named Amanda because heÂ’s failing his classes and sheÂ’s helping him study. Instead of telling his girlfriend that heÂ’s not doing well with his college classes, he keeps it a secret until the end of the book, where everything is magically resolved because they FINALLY talked to each other about everything!
Levi, a new character, was the only one I was rooting for. And IÂ’m disappointed that Elle tried to use him to get over Noah. He deserved better! #justiceforlevi
There was no real plot and the book just dragged on. Elle behaved incredibly immature and just whined about everything and everyone. I wasnÂ’t a big fan of the writing either.
5 s Yeasmin Alo199 332

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