
It Had to Be You de Beth Moran

de Beth Moran - Género: English
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Beth Moran Publisher: Boldwood Books, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781804833704,9781804833698,9781804833711,9781804833681,9781804833674,9781804833759,9781804833766,9781804833735

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‘You don’t think love’s enough?’ ‘Not when it’s about a momentary feeling rather than a conscious choice, day in, day out, whether we feel it or not.’

I have loved every book I've read by this author. Let It Snow , Take Me Home and ‎ Because You Loved Me were all four-star reads for me and I am happy to report that It Had to Be You did not disappoint. Moran's books are always realistic and detail-oriented.

In this one, we have Libby who is a single mother with a life in chaos. She has a messy house, runs a charity and is very work-oriented. I could relate...even though my boys are now 35 and 40 I remember those days and though I remember them with fondness they were also really hard.

This is a second-chance romance with now and then chapters. I enjoyed getting the backstory of the characters to see what they were growing up. I am not a big romance fan but Beth Moran always adds something to her stories where the romance is secondary. Even though this is a romance it is in no way a fluffy read. Moran tackles some tough topics mental health, parental abandonment, drugs, teenage pregnancy, divorce and extramarital affairs. I love that she writes about these issues in such a realistic way while being sensitive at the same time.

I loved the foster care angle, it was so refreshing to see a positive spin on it. I've read lots of thrillers with foster parents and they were always negative. Some of the stories in this book were so heartbreaking and I appreciated that the author showed a single teenage dad stepping up and taking responsibility, these are few and far between. I loved the side character, Nicky the most, she reminded me of my own sister in the way that she's always there for her sis no matter what. All in all a wonderful book on second chances, what it means to be a success and learning to love yourself.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.204 s77 comments Laura A473 16

Libby' life is anything but quiet. Libby is starting to second guess some past decisions she has made. This book was a nice read3 s Samantha Rodriguez62 4

starting off with I absolutely enjoy beth moran’s books and the writing style. They are typically a little longer and maybe even overly detailed, but they are such wholesome and realistic books and characters that is very easy to read.

it had to be you focused was not your typical romance. it can be a harder read because of all the real life representation going on - toxic/unhealthy family relationships, broken family, social services and the foster care system, divorce and not having a handle on life. while the book could be condensed, following along libby’s trials as she gains back a hold on her life and household was interesting to read. I love the past and present telling because you really are able to understand what lead to the current day situations.

the book did end happily, as beth moran’s typically do. libby was able to mend her broken relationship with her mom, jonah and libby did have a second chance at love and a life together, and libby was also able to get a grasp on her life and structure with parenting.3 s Eclectic Review1,482 5

I can always count on Beth Moran to give me a great tragic love story with character growth and a valiant journey to find happiness again.

Told in past and present, you slowly learn Libby’s sad story where a young girl takes the weight of the world on her own shoulders looking for love and acceptance in her life. When her lost love Jonah returns, all the old feelings come back, but Libby needs to heal herself before she can move on.

The heart of this story is Libby. Her guilt with what happened 13 years ago has weighed heavy on her. Her life has not been easy as a single mom and then her past returns in full force. Libby is a good person who thrives on helping others, but she neglects herself. Jonah’s return is surprising, but Libby takes it in stride. His transformation from a brooding foster kid to a compassionate teacher is admirable and his unwavering devotion to his vulnerable sister is heartwarming. Jonah is a good man who has overcome so much and I love his patience and commitment to Libby.

Ms. Moran writes realistic imperfect characters who learn truths about themselves and strive to change for the better. This is so true for Libby and it is enlightening to see her become the bigger person by forgiving those who wronged her, but not allowing them to walk all over her anymore.

I love the idea of Libby and Nicky’s charity, Baby Bloomers, to empower single mothers to “defy the odds, smash the stereotypes, and conquer that long, hard road together”. Libby’s older sister Nicky is Libby’s protector and a force to be reckoned with. I admire her strength and her straight talk especially as she and Libby confront their long lost selfish mother.

If you enjoy poignant stories about real-life hardships, dysfunctional families, and second chances, give this book a try.

Thank you to Ms. Moran for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.1 Erin Sparkes113 6

Libby and Nicky grew up sharing their home and their parents with other kids. A foster family, they both loved helping support kids in need of a safe space and struggled to grasp the security and consistency they needed to. Now adults they run a program for vulnerable mothers to be together. Divorced and raising her kids without the father who walked out on the everyday is it’s own brand of chaos and struggle for Libby. When the troubled boy she loved at 17 turns up, her memories of the reckless choice she made 13 years ago, that lead to the destruction of her family as she knew it haunts her. But Jonah and his sister need her support and she is determined not to fail them, or let anything else in her life slip through the cracks either.
I really enjoyed this story. It was less of a romance then I anticipated but rather a story about life with some romance included. I love when an author lets a character give themselves an honest look in the eye and make adjustments to themselves accordingly, and I love when it’s done in a realistic way and @bethmoranauthor did that beautifully with Libby. She is a great character to start but her development through the story made her all the more endearing. This book does go through some hard subjects, neglect, adoption, drug use, abuse, but it’s handled with empathy.
This is the first book I’ve read by this author and it won’t be the last.
Look for it June 10, 2024.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for letting me have an ARC copy to review.
1 thewoollygeek (tea, cake, crochet & books)2,700 107

Beth Moran has done it again, she has written a another book that had me running through all my emotions, she always somehow manages to pull me through the wringer when I come out the other side I feel warm and uplifted.

It Had To Be You is such a wonderful story, I love how Beth has clearly used her experiences with foster care and put her heart into the story. Libby is a beautiful character that you can’t help but feel for and connect with, you’ll be routing for the best things for her and willing her on (or maybe that’s just me when I’m reading
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