
Hair of the Dog de Berenson, Laurien

de Berenson, Laurien - Género: English
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"A well-paced and well-organized story, a surprise ending, and an ability to capture the great bond between dogs and people." –Booklist

The dog days of summer have just begun, and Melanie Travis is looking forward to savoring each lazy afternoon. And where better to enjoy herself than at her Aunt Peg's Fourth of July barbeque? It sounds ideal, until an uninvited guest proves that even the laziest dog day of the year can suddenly turn vicious. . .

"Abundant with dog lore, this lighthearted adventure will charm dog fanciers and cozy fans." –-Publishers Weekly

Melanie knew someone should have kept Barry Turk on a short leash. The star Poodle handler and lady killer had a habit of chicanery that bred contempt in the dog show circuit. But when Barry is shot dead in his own driveway, even Melanie is stunned at how unsporting the competition can get. Now, as Melanie digs for clues deep under Connecticut's well-groomed surface, she finds herself sniffing around in the... ???

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Boy was this book packed with mystery! I was absolutely hooked by the plot. Un other books, I that the series brings back, or continues to have characters from other books in the plot. I especially that these characters have substance and aren't just there for the heck of it.
I think that Melanie and Sam have a long way to go, but I am so happy with the way things are going.
Last, I how every murder or death so far has had to do with the dog show world in some way. I get that is kind of the point, but I just absolutely love seeing Melanie interact with the other dog people.
The book was well-written and paced with just the appropriate amount of slow parts to keep me interested but not bored. The concepts of the dog show world were again thoroughly explained, which was extremely helpful.
Overall, I d reading this book and seeing some of the characters from previous books while meeting new ones.4 s Georgette177

I have just ordered the next 5 books in the series. Does that tell you how much I love this series.4 s Gary Sundell366 57

Another fun entry in the series. 4 s Kristin1,007 8

This is clearly one of the early books in the Melanie Travis series, as she is just getting familiar with the dog show world, and many of the established characters, both human and canine, who I've encountered in later books in the series are introduced here. 'Hair of the Dog' does reference the events of at least one earlier book, but I've read them out of order and by the time I get to that one, I probably won't remember the spoilers from this one.
Travis is following the lead of her strong-willed Aunt Peg, who is well known for showing Poodles in New England and thus has many connections among others who do the same, when one of the guests at a party Peg throws following a local show is shot to death days later. Melanie has an uncomfortable encounter with the guest in Peg's kitchen during the party, so it doesn't surprise her that few are saddened to hear of his passing, particularly women familiar with his brand of sexual harassment. One woman who is upset though is his girlfriend Alicia, and she wishes to use Melanie's semi-outsider status to try to infiltrate the dog show circle and figure out if there's any gossip on who might have killed him.
I'd say the book is typical of the series, very dog show centered, and thus the list of suspects is comprised solely of others in the dog show world. No chance it was something random, a potential carjacking, or a local gang member looking for drugs/money. Some of the human characters recur again later in the series, and some seem specific to this book only, and I enjoyed getting an introduction to them and a little backstory that doesn't appear in other books once Melanie knows them well. Other than the assorted Poodles belonging to Peg, Melanie, and Melanie's beau, I don't recall seeing any of the dogs in later books, but I may not have read books close enough in the series to this one and thus the dogs mentioned ly have retired from showing to become breeders of the next generation of their breed within a few books.
Overall, I'll continue to read the series, in whatever order I find the books, until I get through them, though I won't explicitly hunt them down to ensure I read them all soon. It's a good series to fill in gaps when I want something before bed, light-ish reading with enough action to keep me awake but not so heavy as to prevent me from setting the book aside to go to sleep. Plus, reading the books sporadically helps to forget any spoilers I might have encountered in later books than the one I'm currently reading.
3 s Dena319 7

Another keeper. Love Melanie. Dog lovers will enjoy every moment of these!3 s Dyana776

One thing about these books so far is that Melanie Travis doesn't have to trip over policemen meddling in her sleuthing attempts. They are rarely mentioned - she blithely does her own thing and she's never a problem for them. This is another lighthearted cozy mystery with plenty to learn about dog grooming, maintenance, showing, and breeding.

It's summertime and school is out so Melanie is available when Aunt Peg wants to put on a Fourth of July barbeque, because Aunt Peg hasn't had a chance to socialize since her husband's death (Book 1). There is a trio of important dog shows converging in Connecticut for the weekend so it's a perfect opportunity. One of the guests is Barry Turk, a Poodle handler with low professional standards and even less moral character, who is known for sexual harassing other female handlers. He is shot at his home when he returns from the barbecue. Suspects include:

- Alicia Devane - who had been living with Barry after she left her husband Bill for him. She asks Melanie "to find the person who did this to Barry". It turns out she is pregnant but not necessarily with Barry's baby.

- Bill Devane - who is later murdered when Alicia moves back in with him after Barry's death.

- Vivian and Ron Pullman - who show Chows. Barry was ecstatic over beating Ron's Chow, Leo, in the last dog show. Ron has a secret of his own.

- Austin Beamish - whose Golden Retriever was supposed to win Best in Show over Barry's dog but didn't. Obsessions seem to run his life.

- Beth Wycowski - Barry's assistant who's eager to learn dog handling and is ambitious to move up in the field. Ralphie Otterbach, her mechanic boyfriend, has a hot temper and thinks Beth is wasting her time being a dog handler. It's not a real job. She also had a short affair with Barry. Did Ralphie know this?

Aunt Peg has a new love interest in Douglas Brannigan who knows nothing about dog shows. Aunt Peg can't seem to find the time to share any of his interests. Will this relationship last? Melanie's brother Frank also takes an interest in dog handler Bertie Kennedy when he takes Davey to a dog show for one of their play dates. He asks her out for a date but also asks Sam Driver (Melanie's boyfriend) and Melanie to go along too. Crawford Langley also has a new assistant named Terry Denunzio who is also a love interest. Terry has some choice dialogue. Davey, Melanie's five year old son, also is a lively and fun character.

This is a well written, well-plotted, and somewhat convoluted story with some mystery mixed in with the dog show circuit. Sometimes the repetition of the dog facts seem to make for slow reading but overall, it is a book worth reading. But I almost waited too long to review this story as the plot, for me, is a forgettable one. Hence, the detailed review so I will remember it.2 s Julesy368 38

I agree with the other reviewers that there were too many details on dog shows and poodle grooming. However, since this is the mystery of a dog handler who was murdered, it is not unexpected to see all these details. They do become boring and repetitious by this fourth book so hopefully the next books we won't read as many details.

I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous 3, not so much because of all the dog stuff but because it seems the mystery didn't really go anywhere until more than halfway through the book. The mystery did pick up about 2/3 of the way through and I was very satisfied with the outcome.

I really do love reading about Davey's antics as he seems your typical 5-year-old boy. It was also interesting to see the brother Frank a bit more in this book.

All in all I enjoyed this book, not as much as the previous ones, but I still am looking forward to the next one.2 s Bridget999 17

I have been reading these books out of order, but it's not really a problem, since each stands well enough on its own.

In this one, Melanie Travis' aunt, Peg, who is a breeder of Standard Poodles and a force unto herself, holds a Fourth of July barbecue. Because it is on the weekend of a major regional dog show, most of the whos-who group is in attendance, with one noticeable exception. An important - but shady - breeder and handler has been murdered.

Aunt Peg is determined to find out what happened, and turns to Melanie to help her. At first there are a number of suspects, but when another murder happens, it gets even murkier as to what might be happening.

I this series because the character of Melanie is pretty much a normal person, a single mom with a boyfriend, but the books focus more on the characters and mysteries more than being all about romance.

This was the perfect read for a trip to the beach!2018-reads2 s Leah1,910

This takes place around Independence Day in Connecticut. The story focuses on a murder and dog shows. I still enjoy reading about the dog shows. There is also romance and infidelity. Some of the relationships were a surprise. Some will continue, and some will not. 2 s Heidi Burkhart2,275 50

I am really enjoying these cozy mysteries. They are all about dog shows, dog owners, and pets. Of course there is always a little murder thrown in.2 s Karen-Leigh2,218 15

Another book that made me stay up late to finish.
The dog days of summer have just begun, and Melanie Travis is looking forward to savoring each lazy afternoon. School's out, her son's at camp, even her rambunctious Standard Poodle is taking a break from the show ring. And where better to enjoy herself than at her Aunt Peg's Fourth of July barbecue attended by members of Connecticut's most elite kennel clubs? It sounds ideal, until an uninvited guest proves that even the laziest dog day of the year can suddenly turn vicious...

Melanie knew someone should have kept Barry Turk on a short leash. The star poodle handler and ladykiller had a habit of chicanery that bred contempt in teh dog show circuit, particularly among its female members. But when Barry is shot dead in his own driveway, even Melanie is stunned at how unsporting the competition can get.

A pack of yelping pups saw it all, but it's the hysterical appeal of Alicia, Barry's latest lover, that convinces Melanie to investigate. Especially when the litter of suspects includes Barry's ruthless young assistant, her hot-tempered boyfriend, a Blue Ribbon judge with a grudge, and even Alicia herself. Each of them has reason to kill. And as it soon appears, reason to kill again...

Now, as Melanie digs for clues deep under Connecticut's well-groomed surface, she finds herself sniffing around in the killer's own backyard, and counts herself lucky to have the animal instincts to keep herself alive.cosy-mysteries1 Camilla Harry575

I might be a cat person rather than a dog person, but I can still enjoy reading about dogs. Went to a couple cat shows. Sorry, didn't interest me either. I'd rather rescue non-pedigree cats. However, the ones I do have now have quite a bit of Siamese in them. Only 1 looks it (sorta), but the big black boy sounds a Siamese (or baby) screaming!
Anyway, back to this book. I'm enjoying the series. Don't seem to be reading the books in order I prefer doing of series, but I'm glad there are quite a few in this series. It'll keep me busy off and on for quite awhile. Writing is good, didn't have the plot figured out (as usual). Keep 'em coming!1 Ed Sarna119

This fourth book in the Melanie Travis Mystery series, is populated with quirky, easily identifiable characters and a murder mystery set in the world of competitive dog shows. The writing is clean and inviting. There is almost too much information on the grooming and various preparations for the shows for the uninitiated, but she breezes through it in such a pleasant manner, that it never bogs the story down.1 Patty22 1 follower

Though perhaps i learned more than I'll ever need to know about poodle grooming, I found this book a light, satisfying read. a salad, on a hot day, instead of a heavy full course meal. Berenson writes smoothly and her characters are well-drawn and familiarly recognizable as, well, fond acquaintances.1 Sarahanne700 9

Some authors make me smile when I remember that I'm in the middle of one of their books. knowing you have dinner in the crockpot. I know I will be engaged and entertained. I'll have fun reading and there won't be a lot of effort involved.

I feel that way with Laurien Berenson. Just knowing that I have a couple more books in this line already on my Kindle is a cozy thought.1 Eileen146

A little predictable (I had the killer pegged halfway through the book), but a fun read as a dog owner and lover, nevertheless.1 Margaret1,969 21

Library find. Written well. Easy read.1 Liisa299 3

Slow in a couple places, but a good plot.1 Shawnee495 4

Who's your daddy?1 Lis Sigona462

A pleasant little mystery who done it book with the owners handling pedigree dogs. Delightful and kept me wondering if I could figure it out before the end. 1 Sheila384 1 follower

Another good book! Murder runs rampant in the dog show community!!!1 Michelle Lemay73

Fun read1 Barb1,214

I am enjoying this series more with every book, although I don’t think I’ll ever understand all the talk about scoring points at dog shows. The rest is starting to make sense, maybe because we watch the AKC and Westminster dog shows when they’re broadcast, so it’s not totally foreign.

Davey is growing up, which is going to make Melanie’s life more challenging than it already is, but Sam’s influence might help in that regard. Melanie is the epitome of the old saying “If you want something done, ask a busy person,” but she really needs to learn how to say no now and then. Aunt Peg’s imperious behavior makes me want to scream, but she’s not my aunt, something for which I am very grateful.

The murder victim was not a popular guy, so there were a lot of suspects to consider. My list kept changing as the story progressed, but I was surprised when the killer was revealed. Given that person’s identity, the motive made sense and was probably something I should have figured out earlier in the book.

I look forward to returning to Connecticut to see what Melanie, Peg, Sam and the rest get up to next.
animals audio cozy ...more Rudolfssan Hammarberg23 3

I love all of the books in this series! They are great fun with lots of humerous situations. I specially the detailes of everything dog-breeding and dog-show related! Laurien Berenson really knows how it is to live this life with dogs, children (yes in that order) ;) and all people that are involved to make the wheeles spin around. I rate her book with 5 stars just because of her ability to give us an interesting and funny story with the dog-world knowledge.humor-fiction-fantasy-sarcasm-funny Lori Holcomb13 2

I just really didn’t any of the characters. The plot was uninteresting and I had no emotional ties to anyone.
Aldo, there was a LOT about dog shows. I know that is the setting of the book, but I really don’t care about trims and breeds, etc. It felt filler, with no importance to the mystery or character development. I love my dog, but I certainly don’t want to attend a dog show.
This may not be the series or author for me. Amy Ingalls1,199 14

Another easy, fun read. However, these books are very heavy on dog show details, which may not be for everyone. I don't mind-- I love dogs and find it interesting. I that the background/minor characters carry over from book to book, because this brings a sense of familiarity and I find I am more invested in the stories overall.audiobook cozy mystery Marilyn Mccloud105 1 follower

Another great book with wonderful characters especially the dogs.

Another great book with wonderful people. I especially love Melanie, Davy, Faith, Sam, and Peg. I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about dog shows. I know the information is important to the story so I will continue to try to enjoy the complete story. Thanks.
, Mary Foster98 2

Part documentary, part mystery

Berenson spends more time with Melanie's explanations of dog show details than with solving the whodunit. Gets a little tedious, and the mystery wraps up almost as an afterthought. Pauline31

Murder in the Dog show world

You will learn a lot about what goes on in the background at a dog show. Along the way2 people will be murdered and Melainie will begin to ask questions. So many suspects will she ever figure out this puzzle. Very entertain mysteries. CSP10

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