
Otherworldly--A Genre Fiction Anthology--Volume 1 de Ben Penrod's Nerd Street

de Ben Penrod's Nerd Street - Género: English
libro gratis Otherworldly--A Genre Fiction Anthology--Volume 1


Memories bought and sold.

Unlikely knights claimed by dragons.

Humans evolved for a space-bound existence.

These are just some of the imaginative tales of science fiction, fantasy, and action woven throughout Otherworldly. Eleven diverse genre-fiction authors have come together in a single collection to bring you short stories that will explore worlds old, new, yet-to-come, and imagined.

Watch the stars, discover the pit, and visit time itself again and again. Implanted nanobots and government-controlled mutation take over more than they should. Genetically-altered soldiers, dragon warriors, and the life that follows death.

Enjoy the stories of award-winning, best-selling, and critically acclaimed authors from around the nation whose combined published works total in the hundreds. In this unique genre-fiction anthology hosted by Nerd Street and its founder...

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I loved this book. Having gone through my own terrors in my long life I understand the healing needed. I never had a wonderful island to go to but God provided the people and places necessary to my healing. For awhile I thought the book dragged out too long but the reality is t8me is necessary for healing. Generally it doesn’t come in one tidy, Ernest package. it was quoted somewhere, “Time doesn’t heal. Love does.” Love has to grow along with trust, and that takes time and relationship. All this came over the course of the book. It was done beautifully.1 Pamela32 2

Great story!

I was hesitant to read this book when I saw the word romance. However, this story is so much more than a romance. It is about two people coming together in an ideal island Christian compound set up for people needing God's grace and peace. Every person on the island has a story and is looking for something to soothe their soul and reconnect with God.
There is also a little mystery surrounding the spot where the compound is. At one time it was a monastery. The monastery was destroyed, but artifacts of another culture keep popping up. The couple with the aid of others start unraveling the story.
I could not put the book down.

D'anah1,697 12

Am jealous

Interesting reading the first book in a series when you have read later ones. This story has got a sense of 'history' to it. Lots of mysteries to unravel. Some known (from layer books), some uncovered in this story. Love how Jill always wraps up the story so well at the end. Left me jealous. Would be nice to have life work out so good at the end. Want to read all the other books in the series. Seems telling your story helps heal, if this story is true. A really good read, as always. Alison Hoeksema92 3

This is a special book in the St Ninian’s Sanctuary series, where many things are not sweetness and light. Brian and Rebel are hiding things, and so is Serenity, who doesn’t always live up to her name! However, the way the small community interacts to help each other and move forward together is so moving, with their faith and skills underpinning everything. A lovely read.
I received an ARC from the author, but this review is my honest opinion and left voluntarily. Lorraine55

Outstanding Lessons

The characters will take your heart for a ride. They are real and all suffering from loss, hardship and pain. All where they need to be for our Mighty God to do His finest work in them.

You will want to read this all in one sitting but I advise you too take your time. It is worth every minute.

Lorraine Diane Bailey329 4


Had such a great reading time with this one. Intriguing setting, well defined characters and a good plot with some mystery and romance intertwined with their struggle to come to grips with trauma, devastation and personal interpretation. Virginia Marshall10

Facing Tragedies

A truly wonderful story about the hardest of tragedies and our struggles with guilt , shame, fear and forgiveness. A story of two souls who come to this sanctuary to find answers and God’s plan for them. Beverly Brimer11

God at Work

Beautiful story of how God can take the ugly in our lives and redeem it into something beautiful. Beauty from ashes! We all need times of retreat to regroup, rest and /or heal. Then God tells us it is time to get back to work! And He shows the Way! Shipps3


Mystery, romance, adventure...all wrapped up in seeking, finding, and accepting God's love and grace! Excellent read for all, could hardly put it down. Nina Yahnke38

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