
Rabbit Skin Glue de Bedlam, Elizabeth

de Bedlam, Elizabeth - Género: English
libro gratis Rabbit Skin Glue


Bedlam, Elizabeth Year: 2021

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Ever wanted to take a deep trip into the mind of insanity? In Rabbit Skin Glue Iris beckons us to take that journey. Fasten your seatbelts, it is a hell of a ride. We find our main character, Iris, commissioning a painting. Not just any painting. A painting that will predict how she will die. While she is waiting she becomes convinced a rabbit, called Slipshod, is residing within her body. As her madness deepens you will find your mind slipping too. Soon Slipshod will need to be born from his constrictive womb. Will Iris survive the labor to bring her beloved rabbit into reality?

This was some serious good writing. I felt I was wrapped up in the madness that was Iris. Very good read.

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