
Dark Water de Barry Napier

de Barry Napier - Género: English
libro gratis Dark Water


"Fox Mulder and Jack Reacher in a blender, stirred by Indiana Jones."

As a former Special Agent within a shadow branch of the government, Cooper M. Reid's work took him to some odd places...researching time vortexes in Kansas, demons in Norway, and UFOs in Jerusalem. The work only got weirder when he decided to go rogue and start investigating for himself. So it came as no real surprise when he disappeared one year ago.

Now that he has re-appeared, Cooper has no recollection of what happened to him. All he knows is that he is now driven to help those that are being tormented by the paranormal, and that he needs to stay hidden from the people he once worked for.

In Dark Water, Cooper finds himself drawn to a beach-side community in North Carolina where children are drowning by inexplicable means. While the deaths are certainly tragic, the real horror lies in what drew the children to the ocean in the first place.

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I enjoyed this book as it was a really quick read that kept me engaged! I d the paranormal aspect of it and it had good suspense. I would definitely be interested in reading more of the series to find out more about Cooper's background.

2020 Reading Challenge
January: Water1 David Briggs35 8

I believe I have found a new favorite writer!! This a fun book that does not wast a lot of time diving into the story. I am looking forward to reading about Coopers past, and the secret team he used to work for. For any fan of the X-Files, this book is for you.horror1 Deb Haggerty348 19

Deb’s Dozen: Cooper’s Been Missing, But Confident He Is to Help Solve Paranormal Mysteries

Dark Water, Book One of the Cooper M. Reid series, by Barry Napier intrigued me from the onset. Cooper has been missing for three years, but he’s not sure where he’s been or why he’s back. Most of his friends and colleagues think he’s dead. The only things of which he is certain are that he is still in love with Stephanie, and he is supposed to solve paranormal mysteries. His motive is no longer research, but a desire and confidence he is supposed to help those beset by them.

The first “case,” although Cooper doesn’t call the situation a case, involves the death of a young boy in the ocean off California next to two large, forbidding rocks. The last thing his parents heard him yell was “Dark Water!” When they looked, he was gone. Since the death of their child, Jenny and Sam Blackstock have been beset with odd happenings: childish laughter at night, damp footsteps leading across the deck and headed toward the beach, objects in the house moving or being moved. Needless to say, they are freaked out.

As he’s researching Henry’s death, he finds similar cases-Kevin and Amy. And the next door neighbor, Mary Guthrie, has had communication with them through Scrabble tiles. Way spooky. As Cooper, sometimes aided by Stephanie, continues his research and explores the area where the kids were lost near the rocks, he wonders if there is perhaps a cave. The closer he comes to the answer, the more visions he has and the more odd things occur. Four stars.

I couldn’t put Dark Water down. Napier made Cooper come alive for me and made me believe his story. You may wonder why a Christian blogger is writing about the paranormal. I believe Satan is alive and well in this world and uses all sorts of people and devices to entice people into his world. But God through Christ will win in the end. I believe we need to know about these things so we can guard against the temptation to think we can dabble in them unharmed. And you’ll walk with Cooper as he acknowledges his belief in God and the weak faith he has starts to become stronger.

Dark Water is the first book in the series. Napier plans at least five or six books to follow Cooper Reid on his journey. You will want to walk with him too.

Barry Napier is an author, ghostwriter, stay-at-home dad, and prolific writer. His speculative fiction borders on horror but always carries a hint of redemption. Two of his other books I’d recommend are Break Every Chain and Bound. Barry and his family live in Virginia.

Barry Napier gave me a copy of Dark Water, but I was in no way obligated to write a review. Linda948

This book presents the paranormal as a normal occurrence. Also, if there is evil, there must be good so how can you believe in one without the other. Good question? Cooper Reid is a former FBI agent who worked in a special division investigating paranormal events. He disappeared for a year where everyone thought he was dead. He doesn’t know where he was for 3 months of that time but he is not dead. He has come to Kill Devil Hill, NC, but he doesn’t know why. He soon finds out that a little boy drowned and he is there to help the parents. There are numerous typos which detract so I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 stars. The writing style makes the story creepy and some characters beyond belief but the story is well done and you expect Cooper will overcome evil in the end. It is interesting. Cooper is off to his next adventure leaving the ghosts behind, at peace, he hopes.american-theme e-books fantasy ...more Sandy238 4

I really enjoyed this book. There were some spots where the writing was a little clunky, but nothing that pulled me out of the story too bad. Cooper is an interesting MC, though the constant reminders about his past and the time spent missing was a little heavy-handed. At times, I just wanted to say, "Yes, I remember. You've told us all this two dozen times."

Despite that, the overall mystery was engaging, and the ending that set up for the overarching story of additional books was enough that I'll be reading more of them.fiction-thriller Michele1,852 54

You never want to encounter Dark Water--take my word for it. This novel takes you into the super natural with unexplained occurrences. Children drown in seemingly shallow water--never to be found again. One of the cotteges is haunted--and so is another actually.

It will take all of Cooper's ingenuity to figure it all out and to bring closure to some very unhappy parents-as well as rid the cottages of the ghosts.

The story and the curse that started all this will be explained--

Cooper is off to his next adventure in trying to help people--un what he did before he disappeared!
Terry203 6

A good spooky story

Dark Water contains mystery, paranormal activity and fear. Cooper's past is not fully disclosed, which may be revealed in future adventures. A lost love, can it be rekindled and a demon from the past. Plenty to keep you interested including making you feel you're there with him in the dark water and the caves. Aided by his visions and feelings he solves the mystery around the ghosts of children haunting the beach houses, although he doesn't disclose all of his findings. Where will he go to next? If you enjoy ghost stories, you should enjoy this one. Terry M231 2

A good spooky story. Dark Water contains mystery, paranormal activity and fear. Cooper's past is not fully disclosed, which may be revealed in future adventures. A lost love, can it be rekindled and a demon from the past. Plenty to keep you interested including making you feel you're there with him in the dark water and the caves. Aided by his visions and feelings he solves the mystery around the ghosts of children haunting the beach houses, although he doesn't disclose all of his findings. Where will he go to next? If you enjoy ghost stories, you should enjoy this one. Joshua Minso8

A great introduction to a series with a captivating story but leaving plenty of mystery and questions to look forward to discovering in the next installments. I did fee as if the climax was a bit weak but honestly it is nice not to have the ending of a story smack you around and attempt to fool you. While the story didn’t end with a bang it went out smoothly and leaves you ready for the next adventure. Michael Landfair71

Barry Napier is good at the supernatural

This is a wonderful story on many levels. I almost cried at the relationship between Cooper and Stephanie. The interplay between the parents of the missing Henry and Cooper was written with such sensitivity. Read the book. There is something for everybody Lynn16

Get a better proofreader

While I enjoyed the story, the typographical errors drove me crazy. Whether spell check was needed I don't know, but definitely needed a better job of proofreading. D.R.Slater891 5

Dark Waters

Barry Napier, is a new author in my library shelves. Worthy of the thousands of other novels on those selves. I don't give out many five rating. But, this creative read was well worth it. Mark Bromley54 Read

I dont normally read ghost or supernatural novels, but I did read this and totally enjoyed it. Well written and in parts, suspenseful and chilling. Look forward to reading the others in the series. Recommended. Dee Haddrill1,562 19

Barry Napier has penned a well-written and creepy supernatural thriller that, if you’re me, will make you wish you weren’t reading it in the dark of night. This is first book I’ve read by Mr Napier and will not be the last. paranormal part-of-a-series read-2023 ...more Sally Bishop131 2

Excellent read

Fantastic story. The atmosphere was dark, somber. I kept rooting for Cooper. He is such a tortured soul. No blood or Gore but still scarey. Frances Horne10

Dark Water

Really enjoyed this book. Great characters as well as story line. Will be reading more by this author very soon. Sam Wicked52 4

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