
Crafting Deception de Barbara Emodi

de Barbara Emodi - Género: English
libro gratis Crafting Deception


Ghosts of the past haunt the crafters of Gasper's Cove Two generations ago, Winston Churchill's greatest lie washed ashore in Nova Scotia. Before anyone can recover what was lost, a bus tour director is found murdered, and Duck, an ex-con with a soft spot for animals, is arrested. Promising Duck's heartbroken cat she will find a way to bring him home, Valerie sets out to find the real killer. Are ingenuity and creativity enough to save Valerie and the crafters from rum runners, murder, and the burden of their secrets?

The second book in this cozy mystery series set in the world of the fictitious yet immersive Gasper's Cove, where crafting and community collide

Mystery lovers and crafters alike will adore immersing themselves in this story featuring seamstress and empty-nester Valerie Rankin and her efforts to give an innocent man a second chance at life

A perfect gift for anyone who loves mysteries, crafting, sewing, or simply a great read

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I enjoyed revisiting the fictional small town of Gasper's Cove on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia in Crafting Deception, by Barbara Emodi. Valerie Rankin’s Craft Co-op is up and running and a Tour Bus stops by her store, but before all the shopping is done, the tour bus operator is found dead and Duck, the ex-con working for Valerie is arrested. Valerie is left to look after Duck’s cat and promises to find the real killer.
I enjoyed the local history Barbara weaved into this story including rum runners, using silk parachutes to make wartime wedding dresses, and the messages parachute packers included to wish good luck to the servicemen using the packs. Crafting Deception is an entertaining cozy mystery, with unique, quirky, and fun characters, a truly rural maritime story. I am looking forward to book 3.canadian cozy-mystery nova-scotia1 Sarah Wale6

Crafting Deception
Barbara Emodi

Those of us who have followed the exploits of Barbara Emodi’s fictional (but all-too-recognisable) community of Gasper’s Cove from the beginning will not be surprised that this book is yet another triumph for lovers of her special brand of ‘whodunit’.
This tale differs from previous stories in that it was inspired by true events, dating back to World War II and ill-fated attempts to protect Britain’s treasures by taking them to Nova Scotia. While this is a work of fiction, Barbara cleverly interweaves events from this time: the tradition of parachute-packers attaching messages of good luck to the servicemen who would be carrying their pack, and the use of ‘surplus’ parachute silk in the making of wartime wedding dresses are two examples.
It begins with a map of Gasper’s Cove, an imaginary facsimile of the plaque commemorating the part played by Gasper’s Cove store in the events mentioned above and a page of amusing ‘’ by tourist visiting the township. A reimagined account of the actual enterprise: ‘HMS EMERALD, SEPTEMBER 1939’. forms the Prologue to the book.
Characters are succinctly but imaginatively well drawn, with a single phrase telling us more about them than a whole paragraph of adjectives and character analysis. An example is the description of one of the male protagonists whom nobody can resist even with his ‘ long lock of gray hair that routinely fell a wing over one side of his smooth pink forehead, and which should have been annoying in anyone else, but on him wasn’t.’
The plot is plausible and the denouement took this far-from-inexperienced reader of murder mysteries by surprise. As with all of the author’s work, there are various sub-plots and always lots of human interest stories running through the narrative.
I have no doubt that anyone who reads this charming work will immediately start looking for the next adventure in the Gasper's Cove series.

Sarah Wale
December 2023
Denise P NS16

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.)

This is my 3rd read in the Cosy Mystery genre.
To me, a key measure of a mystery is that it keeps me guessing until the end, which this book did. I did not consider the guilty party as a suspect, even though there were scattered clues.

The characters are charming and largely believable in a small town setting. And I always characters who are devoted animal lovers. The precocious 13 year old is an interesting character, even if a tad unbelievably precocious.

Emodi wove some relatively little-known actual historical events and artifacts into the modern-day plot which added an interesting dimension.

The book was an easy read and moved along well.

I really d the thoughtful book club questions at the end of the book (What do the Blue Jays foreshadow?) and think they will create interesting discussions.

In my book club, the benchmark question is "Would you recommend this book to a friend?" I live in Nova Scotia and many of my friends would enjoy this pleasant read, set in Nova Scotia, written by a local author with familiar colloquialisms and landscape. So, yes. Yes, I would. Enjoy! C. John Kerry1,020 9

This book is set in Nova Scotia and as such was read as part of the Canadian Reading Challenge. Started out fine but bogged down near the midde and became a bit of a chore to finish. Not sure why but it did. it may have just been me, though my wife also couldn't get into it and she gave up. It started out okay but somehow things just got adrift. One thing that puzzled me. The beginning of the novel is set during WWII and involves something called "Operation Fish". This was an actual wartime operation. There are also some references to it during the book. However, near as I can tell, it plays no part in the solution to the mystery. However, another aspect of Nova Scotia history does, but saying anymore might be a bit of a spoiler. I am not giving up on the author just yet. She has written some other mysteries using the same setting so I may give at least one of them a try, provided the library system here has them. Interestingly the last part of the book has nothing to do with the mystery. It is more what is happening in the lives of some of the characters in the book as changes are being made. As I said, this one wasn't for me but don't let that stop you from trying it. I wasn't my cup of tea but it just might be yours. Happy reading.borrowed-from-library fiction mysteries Lisa Walters27 1 follower

This was another fun cozy mystery set in Gasper’s Cove, a fictional town in my home province of Nova Scotia. This one included some interesting local history, some of which was new to me, adding to my enjoyment. Seamstress Valerie Rankin and her friends get involved with another mystery that comes very close to home for her. We also meet some new characters including Valerie’s son and have more fun with wise-beyond-her-age Polly.

Emodi again had me guessing until the end with a book that had good pacing and was an easy read. I d the thoughtful book club questions at the end, and particularly the one about the blue jays, a part of the story I hadn’t thought so deeply about until seeing the question.

I would recommend this book to those who cozy mysteries, and for those interested in learning a little about beautiful Nova Scotia.

This is a good, quick read. The history is interesting and it's nice for a Maritimer me to read about things that are familiar. This is Book 2 of 2 and I haven't read the first one. That wasn't a problem. It was obvious the MC, Valerie, had gotten in trouble before, but not knowing wasn't off putting. Instead it made me want to read the first one. :) You know all you need to know about Valerie to enjoy the second book. There's a great twist ending that you won't see coming. This book was definitely enjoyable to read and I would recommend it to cozy mystery readers. Jane litherland2,071 34

Absolutely marvellous reimagining of a true event in history that begins with a map of Gasper’sCove and the Gasper’s Cove Store’s involvement of the crafting of the parachute wedding dresses and such interwoven with mystery . The writing is sublime , the descriptions vivid and beautifully crafted ( excuse the pun) The characters are great and realistically relatable. I can’t say enough good things about this well written book with lots happening throughout . Bravo Barbara Emodi for another triumph !
I read an advance of this book and my review is given voluntarily and in my own musings Alison Hoeksema91 3

This is a fun story about Gasper's Cove residents and visitors. The way a current and an old mystery developed was cleverly done. The way Valerie bumbles about thinking she is solving the mystery is hilarious! I also enjoyed the references to pets, and to sewing and other crafts.
I received an ARC from the author, but my opinion is given voluntarily. Annarella13.2k 143

I read the two first instalments in this series and it was a great way to relax and have fun.
A lovely setting, well rounded and relatable characters, solid mysteries full of twists and hints that keep you guessing.
I loved them and hope there will be more
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are minecozy-mystery edelweiss Sofi15 4

I received a copy of this book through the author and appreciate the opportunity to read and review.
This is not the type of book I normally read. I found it a fast and easy read with a great storyline. I enjoyed the characters and the interwoven historical details. I really want to go to NovaScotia now. Carolyn Hutchinson7

Another great adventure about Valerie and her friends! I loved the addition of the historical mystery as well. I hope there will be many more books in the series. I can't get enough of these characters. Janet SketchleyAuthor 12 books78

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