
Yes, Forever de Bailey Bradford

de Bailey Bradford - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, Forever


John's said no in the past, but now he has a chance at forever—if he can move past his doubts and say yes.

John Weston's misspent youth has left him a more cautious man, one who doesn't dare take a risk. He works, comes home, and every day seems like the one before. It's what he deserves—it's all he deserves. That's what he's convinced himself.

Added to his past mistakes, John has struggled with depression off and on for years. He keeps to himself, but he might come to realize that his reasons for doing so aren't what he believed them to be.

One man appears, and John's going to have to figure out why he prefers to hide from life, and if he's ready to reach for something more.

Benji Marks, with his beautiful eyes and bright smile, makes John want things he never thought he could have.

Nothing comes easy, and heartbreak is a risk that John must weigh as he tries to sort out who he is and why he's made the choices he's made in the past.

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This review will be for all stories in this series although I may refer to something from each individual one. All of them make one whole.

John is a gay man who happens to suffer from clinical depression. Do not link one with the other. The treatment of his disease feels real as it has no easy or quick fix. It is a real disease that he must deal with for the entirety of his life. The problem is he is letting his fear of a recurring episode rule his life. He lives in Texas, not a friendly place for a gay man.

San Antonio was home, but there were some days when John Weston wished he lived somewhere else. Somewhere cooler, with less humidity and perhaps not governed by a man determined to stomp all over John's rights...

Besides, when it came down to it, he wouldn't leave San Antonio. His family was here, his parents, sisters and brother. Without their love and support, he'd have been lot a long time ago in the morass of depression and hopelessness that had once claimed him...

John had one friend, Henry, who really knew him, knew about the depression that had at times knocked John on his ass. Henry is also gay, but only and always a friend to John, a friend without benefits. John's family is supportive. His Mom wants him to find a nice guy to love and settle down. All of her other kids are married and she wants the same for her son. No matter that Texas does not allow same sex marriages, to her the commitment and love is what is important.

John's apartment neighbors are delightful characters. One has his grandson, Benji, staying with him. The senior citizen neighbors are matchmakers. From the first meeting, John lusted after Benji.

...those dark eyes John had noticed through the peephole were something else. Stunning, really, framed as they were with thick lashes that curled up at the tips, and features that all in all should have had the guy on magazine covers. John was tongue-tied in the face of the attractive man.

Of course, John and Benji hit it off beautifully - NOT! Sparks flew but not all of them lustful. John hasn't had even a hook-up in two years. Benji has issues with commitment as he had recently split with his long time, but two-timing, boyfriend. John had been wild before calling his brother, by mistake, for help. He was afraid to go out or have a drink. He did not want to be that guy again. He did not think he would survive if he did become that guy again.

He was not nervous about possibly running into Benji. John tapped the steering wheel. well, okay, he was, but only because he feared Benji would do his confusing hot and cold routine again. Jesus, John didn't need that in his life. He wanted calm, steady, dependable. Sure, that sounded a little boring, but it wouldn't be. It'd be...safe, he decided. Safe was good. Safe had saved his life, kept him from going out and taking stupid, deadly risks.

For someone who has had no man in his romantic life, now John lusts for Benji and has the interest of an older man. Maybe that would be better than Benji's erratic behavior.

Misunderstandings and miscommunications abound, yet an interesting short. Read all of them one after the other. grabs-my-heart m-m made-me-think ...more Crystal Marie1,483 69

So after waiting for Part 2 to be released, there were many ideas that went through my head, (yes I almost sound the writer here!) as to what I was hoping Bailey would have John would do next. But I have to say, I was soooooo excited when I was finally able to read the second part of the series!
One thing I really enjoyed about this part of the series is we got to know a little more about John’s family. It was nice to get to “meet” them and actually learn about them. They aren’t just the family that’s in the background anymore.
The confusion that John is feeling with Benji is so life, because even while reading, it was almost it was happening to someone you know. As funny as it sounds, I am glad that Bailey had John go on the date with the older man, because it helped teach John about his feelings.
All in all, once again I can’t wait to see what Bailey has in store for John in the next installment! Katy Beth Mckee4,185 52

There is still nothing but confusion. Can't wait for the next installment. m-m series-books Shelley2,780 19

3.25 stars2013 mm mm-challenge-2013 Amanda 982 61

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