
Minted de B. E. Baker

de B. E. Baker - Género: English
libro gratis Minted


B. E. Baker Publisher: Purple Puppy Publishing

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It was a nice surprise to get not one new Scarsdale Fosters book at the end of this year, but two! Minted was a surprise book that the author hadn't originally planned to write, but it ended up being a really good addition to the series. I think I even d this one better than the previous book, Nouveau Riche. I could sympathize with Barbara and the situation she was in, and all the feelings she had that went with it. I really wanted to give her ex-husband and some of her coworkers a piece of my mind! I enjoyed reading how the love story between Bentley and Barbara unfolded, and I loved that Bentley was happy with Barbara just the way she was and didn't want to change her. I'm looking forward to more books in this series.

Thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC of this book. adult-fiction clean-romance companion-series ...more4 s Katie188

Good book

I have enjoyed all the books by B.E. Baker that I have read so far. I enjoy the foster children stories mixed with the romance. I enjoy this story being about a couple that is a bit older.1 Kelsey99

Third in the series, Minted tells the stories of Barbara and Bentley, separate friends of Dave and Seren, and introduces two new foster children. This is the “Uncle Bentley” from Nouveau Riche. The first chapter will hook you and then you will want to read the whole story through. Bentley was a busy world traveler but now middle aged has decided he might want to more seriously look into finding his forever partner and not just a weekend date. Barbara is still feeling the stinging pain from a divorce that followed very shortly after the death of not one, but both parents. (You loathe the ex already, don’t you?). Barbara’s self esteem is in the gutter and she cannot see the diamond she truly is. Everyone else around her can see her sparkle, even when she feels her worst. Bentley never gives up reminding her just what a kind, strong, gorgeous woman she is, and one day she finally believes it. Gwen S.764 15

Bentley and Barbara's Fifteen Year Tryst! 4.7*****/5 Spoiler Alert

Barbara, still reeling from her divorce, her parent's deaths and having to work with her ex-James and his new younger flame during their company's Christmas activities, begged Bentley Harrison her bestie/billionaire buddy to be her fake date in exchange for dating pointers. Seren and Dave created a dating app profile for him and Barbara, being a Social Media influencer traded favors, not realizing that Bentley truly loved her all this time. They ultimately adopted the orphaned twins, Ricki and Nikki, whose mother recently died, got married, and became the family of five, including Lucky the dog. Great characters with Seren and Dave still providing love lessons and advice, while Bentley took care of the twins dead-beat dad both physically and financially. The theme revolved around our hardest critic in life is ourselves. A Must-Read!!

04/27 /24 -05/15/24 COVID-19 T-12 to Ret2024!

Donna1,698 30

Just loved this story. Reading Minted is a perfect love story. Barbara has had a very bad year and it is effecting her life. She doesn't think it can get any worse, after losing her parents, but it does with a divorce. Now with Christmas parties, that she must attend, plus her ex husband and his girlfriend working at the same place she does, how will she get through them. She needs a plus one, and Bentley is perfect for the job. They trade off with Barbara helping him on a dating service and him being her fake date. Somewhere along the way, it becomes not fake anymore. You will laugh and cry a little, but I know that you will certainly enjoy this book and returning characters from prior books.
I was given an ARC of this book by the author for an honest review.first-reads Madelyn- The Squeaky Clean Reader189 52

This was an amazing story with so many great themes in it.

From the beginning you're emotionally invested in Barbara and her life. You get into her head and heart real quick and I love the healing and growth that happens in this story.

Bentley is all things swoony and I absolutely loved seeing him realize his feelings.

There were some great twists and turns that led to the Happily Ever After and all of them were perfect for Barbara and Bentley.

This is the third book in the series. Best read in order but I read this one out of context and still understood everything and the story was still fantastic.

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