
The Paris Package de A.W. Hartoin

de A.W. Hartoin - Género: English
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For Stella Bled Lawrence being wealthy and stylish in 1938 is exactly what it's cracked up to be. She's blissfully unaware of the rising tensions in Europe even as she travels to Vienna on the eve of the Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass. Stella and her husband, Nicky, witness the night's atrocities first hand. Even as they watch the horror, they never imagine it will touch them personally, a pair of wealthy Americans on their honeymoon but touch them it does. In the chaotic aftermath, Stella finds passion and purpose in the form of a package with a Paris address. She promises to deliver it, not knowing what it contains or who wants it. Soon Stella must decide who and what she's willing to sacrifice to keep a secret that has been quietly guarded for five hundred years.

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I very seldom abandon a book but this was just too silly to continue on.
Spoiled newlyweds out to save a mystery package across1939 Europe! They get themselves embroiled in one crazy “adventure” after another! I felt i was reading the same thing page after page. Dont waste time on this book9 s Linda1,024 41

Good Read

The book was 'cute' historical fantasy, and cute will not get you anything but cute. Nicky and Stella are let loose on the European continent in 1938 while on honeymoon. Guess the rest of the story. They have something that the Nazis want--Gutenberg's diary. I tried hard to create a plot for the book but came up lacking. The author's writing mechanics, otherwise, were good.

Thank you, Ms. Hartoin, for the read.6 s Sally730 26

For those of us who have been huge fans of author A.W. Hartoin’s Mercy Watts series from the beginning, hearing the name “Bled” was a real treat. There have been little bits of info about what happened to Stella Bled scattered throughout the series, and little hints that Mercy may in fact be a Bled. So, wow, now we meet Stella! Is Mercy a Bled, or isn’t she? But Mercy isn’t in this story, so I guess we’ll have to wait and see about that. And that’s okay, because Stella Bled’s journey in The Paris Package will keep you riveted from beginning to end. It’s an exciting story of what starts out to be just the European honeymoon of two wealthy, privileged newlyweds on the Eve of World War II, when tensions are rising, and Hitler and the Nazis are just starting to make their presence, their restrictive, strangling, ugly, deadly presence, known. Stella Bled and Nicky Lawrence have just married. They are what most of us would think of as the pampered rich. Societal expectations constrain them. They had a whirlwind courtship and didn’t know each other very long before marrying, so are still learning about each other. Some of what Nicky learns about Stella shocks him, to say the least. I would love to see more of this marriage as it grows and matures.

In the beginning of the story Stella and Nicky both seem so young, especially Stella. Nicky seems to know a bit about the political climate and has some serious discussions with their Jewish travel guide Abel, but Stella is more interested in shopping and the sights, and when she does question things her new husband assures her there is nothing she needs to worry about. If eighteen-year-old Stella seems young, naïve and inexperienced it’s because she is, but she is also brave, resilient and fiercely loyal. Just before he disappeared, possibly on one of “the trains” that rumors are swirling about, Abel asked her to deliver a package to Paris. Stella is determined to let nothing stop her from keeping the promise she made to do so.

The plot is solid and the characters engaging and believable. Thanks to her Uncle Josiah and unknown to Nicky, Stella reveals herself to be remarkably calm under stress and to have a lot of surprising skills and talents that see her through the danger encountered on the journey to Paris. Some of the situations she finds herself in may strain credulity, but it works within the story. She is so focused and determined you believe she can do whatever she sets out to do.

I couldn’t put this book down and I highly recommend it. It provides an accurate portrayal of the chilling times leading to WWII, as well as the strong, fascinating characters and storylines A. W. Hartoin always provides. It has excitement, danger, humor and love. I received an advance copy in exchange for a fair and honest review, and as I always do, I will purchase the book as well. I hope this is a series that will continue, as I can’t wait to read more about the mysterious Stella Bled and to also join in again with Mercy Watt and her next adventure.
2018-read5 s Denise7 1 follower

This book was difficult to finish. The characters are one dimensional and the main character Stella is incredibly annoying. I almost gave up in chapter 11 when the couple must run from an inn because the innkeepers call the SS, but they pause to leave their payment. Running for your life, of course one would stop and honor their deal with a Nazi. Poorly thought out story with Stella hobbling around in her satin shoes from one perilous situation to the next. 4 s May812 96

This was sooo much better than I expected!! Stella and Nicky are multi-talented, well developed protagonists. The story picks up speed as we learn more about their Families, Europe in 1938 and the Nazis infiltration of countries, businesses and families.3 s Terri96

The novel started out well but there were too many
unbelievable “coincidences “ and “hidden “ talents for me
to buy into the action.
3 s Carol A.15 1 followerRead

Keep me reading until completed. Love the book, historic, intrigue, and a love story.2 s Linda53

This was a historical fantasy that takes place pre WWII. Young newlywed’s attempt to save their young Jewish friend and tour guide from the Nazi SS who are after the package he trust them to protect. Enjoyable read, I give 3 stars rounded up.2 s Colleen Whale131 1 follower

High society American newlyweds, Stella (Bled) Lawrence and Nicky Lawrence are on a honeymoon of a lifetime, exploring Europe in November 1938. Unaware of the dangers they're facing as they leave Paris and head to Vienna, Stella and Nicky, chaperoned by their personal tourguide Abel, find themselves in the midst of chaos after the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). Abel, who is Jewish, is captured but before he gets on the train to one of the concentration camps, he thrusts an unknown package into Stella's arms and tells her the package must get to Paris. Not knowing what it is, she makes her promise. Pretty soon, Stella and Nicky find themselves as Public Enemy #1 in the eyes of the Nazis as they try to escape and deliver the package safely.

I'll be honest. I wasn't sure about this book at first. I got it either for free or super cheap on BookBubs and I'm really hit or miss with the books I get from there. And based on the first chapter, I really didn't think I would it. Stella was insufferable. Typical rich American who had no clue what was going on in the world around her. Both Nicky and Abel knew Vienna wasn't going to be safe but Stella just shrugged and insisted they continue on with their itinerary, which they do because Nicky couldn't possibly disappoint his new wife. Her constant use of her infamous family's last name throughout the novel was a bit of an annoyance as well. I wasn't looking forward to reading everything in her point of view. However, she surprised me. With some secrets of her own, skills taught to her by her eccentric uncle for example, and incredible character growth, I quickly started to enjoy the story and couldn't get enough! It's very fast-paced, action-packed, funny, thrilling. It ended in a way that really makes me want to read the second book in the series because I really need more answers. Also, while I know the series is supposed to be about Stella and her point of view, but I wish I could've found out what happened with Nicky for the three days they were separated. Maybe we'll find out in subsequent stories.2 s Jill889 2

This book was just okay. Interesting to see the beginning of the Nazi invasion through the eyes of Americans - Stella’s description of the eerie quiet after Kristellnacht was one I’d never imagined before - but from there it got a little messy for me. Repeated references to the Bled and Lawrence families and their recent marriage were annoyingly vague, there are no details about their connection to Abel (they seem awfully attached to someone they refer to as their tour guide), and to have 18 & 24 year old socialites repeatedly evade the Nazis is a little unrealistic. Too much dialogue and too many missing details. I’m a tiny bit curious about Cyril but not enough to read the sequel.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Jill Rowles50

a tale of very difficult times

what an interesting story that is certainly based on truth. the SS and the Nazis were beasts capable of great cruelty they had a hatred of the Jewish people and vowed to kill them all.
Stella is a breath of fresh air along with her young husband she has adventure after adventure.2 s Barb845 22

This book does not have very many ratings and I cannot imagine how it has over 4 stars. Two stars is being very generous. The plot is pretty unbelievable. The characters are one dimensional. Stella is not only annoying and naïve but the odds of her being able to do what she did are slim to none.20th-century e-books fiction ...more2 s Judith285 8

Don't bother

This novel misses the mark on so many levels. The plot is so ridiculous that it fails as historical fiction. The characters are shallow and carry on the most insipid conversations. I finished it but the reading was painful.2 s Meredith134

The main characters (Stella Bled and her new husband Nicky Lawrence) remind me somehow of Nick and Nora Charles, but younger. Wealth couple, caught up in adventure, humorous bantering, clearly in love. They are caught up in a situation during the Nazi era with all sorts of interesting people and intrigue. They have been given a particular treasure for safekeeping - something the Nazi regime is anxious to get and to destroy - and now have to get that treasure into safe hands, and keep themselves safe from the Nazis who are hunting them country to country. The book got better and better the more I got into it and then suddenly I saw "The End". I was stunned since clearly it was not the End. It was the first third of a trilogy and if I want to see how this wonderful story plays out, apparently I need to read at least the next book and presumably the next two. I haven't decided what to do as I have dozens and dozens of paperbacks and hard covers at home and over 100 books in my iPad and so not sure I want to cough up for the next book or wait for a library delivery. I kind of wish I hand known that I was only getting a third of a story. 1 Charlene1,163 69

A young wealthy American couple travel to Europe for a grand tour honeymoon in 1938 or '39. Their tour guide is a young Jewish man who seems to be carrying a great secret that he off loads before being herded onto a cattle car on its way to Dachau.

I'm not sure what to make of this book: the cooky eighteen-year-old bride has a few more dimensions, perhaps, than her cardboard cut out handsome 24-yr-old husband.

I'm undecided whether I will read the second book in this series, which picks up where the trains diverge early in the book, this time from the Jewish man's perspective, I'm guessing.

The ratings are all over the map on this one. cliff-hanger e-book historical-fiction ...more1 Claudia2,881 39

Not really a bad book, but you have to be in the mood to go through it. I mean, Stella is... not a very ly heroine and you'll need to suspend disbelief to buy into soooooooooo many coincidences and strikes of good luck :P

Nevertheless, if you don't take it very seriously, this is a fun read and quite entertaining.

Justine Eyre's narration is really good and makes it easy to keep listening to the story ;)adventure audiobook series1 Jacinta Meredith505 6

I wavered between three or four stars for this. It was well-written and enjoyable but I had a hard time believing the premise and couldn't decide whether I d the main character or was annoyed by her. In addition, I had a hard time with so many people hitting on a married woman but I think that was personal preference.1 Loretta342

Stella and her new husband Nicky are on their honeymoon in Europe as WWII breaks out. They are caught in a race for survival as they help a friend with a mysterious package. This was an entertaining story that ended with a definite cliffhanger. I would definitely read the next book (this is a series of 4 books). I give it 4 stars rather than 5 as some of the events are rather improbable but it makes for a fun and imaginative story.historical-fiction mystery1 Swhitesitt22

It was a silly, but very good book.1 Wendy Plant178

Brand new author for me. The book was a page turner from the first to last page. The main character turned out to be much more than I expected. I will follow up and read the sequels!1 VickiAuthor 3 books362

I wavered between three or four stars for this.
Americans Nicky and Stella are their honeymoon in 1938 Europe. It isn’t hard to guess that the story involves Nazis and narrow escapes.
The novel was fast paced, and the beginning had a good hook, however, I soon found the plot to be predictable and simplistic and the characters thinly drawn. I had a hard time believing the premise and there were too many improbable events and coincidences.
It was not until after I read the book that I discovered Ms Hartoin writes for the mid-grade and young adult audience. The book is a little mature for the 8-12 group, but if I were a teenage girl I would find this book a good read and a good introduction to Historical Fiction.
As an adult, I found the plot to be simplistic and predictable. The book was cute and enjoyable. Yes, I just used the word cute to describe a book with Nazis. Sorry.
1 Loretta Rockwell10

This book was full of action from the very start. I couldn't put the book down.1 Dave871 1 follower

Stella and Nicky are honeymooning in Pre-WWII Europe. They find themselves being chased by the SS from city to city. An exciting thriller with very good characters. Can't wait for the next book to continue the saga.1 Deb1,038 2

This novel read lie the script for an action movie. While on their honeymoon in Europe in 1938, a wealthy young American couple become inadvertently involved in the Anschluss into Austria. Their travel guide for their trip is Jewish and, as it turns out, in possession of a rare old book the Nazis want to get their hands on. While in a Viennese hotel on Cristalnacht, the couple are threatened by the SS and their guide disappears. Days later, on the run from the SS, the coulee and their guide at the train station just long enough to receive a package from him with the urgent request that they carry it to Paris. Thus begins a mad chase across Austria, Germany and on into Paris itself. Who can they trust? Where are the travel guide's relatives to whom they were supposed to deliver the book? I could picture it all in HD.1 Dalice Peterson51

Lovely book; this is the start of the backstory of the Bled family and Mercy Watts. Stella is a lady of her time who has more depth and skills than anyone suspects. She and her new husband Nicky are spending their honeymoon in Europe on the cusp of World War II. (Probably not the best timing…) Stella is unaware of the risks they are facing but her innate sense of justice lands her in the middle of the action. A tightly written story that progresses at a fast pace. There isn’t really a cliffhanger, but this book begs for the next installment. Terrific.1 Marie Z Johansen578 31

Non Stop Suspense

I read this on a whim and could not put it down. It is thoroughly unbelievable in some ways (no one could survive some of the desperate situations), but for some reason it did not bother me. Pure entertainment that was generally very well written (I did find a typo or two and bit of incorrect information...but heck this is fiction after all!). Well developed characters, a star leading lady with strength and integrity.

Thoroughly enjoyable...I will look for more by this author!1 Susan Levitt7

Totally unly

The plot is totally unly. Two ignorant wealthy Americans decide to go to Europe for their grand honeymoon during the rise of the Nazis, and run smack into Kristalnacht. They take off traveling through Austria and Germany, visit family friends who know top Nazis, end up in the midst of an assassination attempt on Goring and Himmler, eventually going to Paris where they become fast friends with another American couple on vacation, who help them escape from the clutches of more Nazis, and on it goes. 1 June337 3

I did not intend to this...in fact I did not Stella or Nicky at the beginning...spoiled,indulgent and rich Americans on a tour of Europe at a time that was not really too warm for honeymooners. But that did not stop them even when they met Abel with is message and a book everyone seems to want. The adventures that ensue seem to go beyond imagination but somehow fit into the book and towards the end become actually funny..... I did enjoy this book and thought it well written.
1 Jacqueline Harris109

Stella is unbelievably naive. She had to know more about what was going on in the world. She was educated well and lived among people who had knowledge about what was happening. Her father and uncle seemed to know, why did they not advise she and Nicky of the danger.at happened Abel certainly knew, as a guide why didn't he speak about the danger to him as well a them. I know this is fiction, but a lot of the things that happened were to far from reality.1 DonnaAuthor 9 books20

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