
4-Ever de Ava Olsen

de Ava Olsen - Género: English
libro gratis 4-Ever


Ava Olsen Series: Wayward Lane 03 Year: 2024

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“Just the air I breathed every single day, he was necessary to me.”

I am an enemies-to-lovers girl through and through but when someone writes a friends-to-lovers this, I simply melt. Add in some hurt/comfort and I’m sold. This series is in one word amazing and Faisel and Ronin are the perfect ending. They have been pining for each other and you can feel the tension starting in the first book. Their storyline takes you through their entire friendship from start to HEA. You see their feelings develop and mature over the ages, both too afraid to speak their feelings and risk their friendship unaware the other is right there along with them. All this build up made for such an amazing slow burn. I loved how their first kiss came about, so sweet and innocent yet lifechanging.

I have enjoyed this series but especially this book so much, beautiful characters, amazing storylines, and great writing.

“The rift between us made me pause and question our friendship. I’d always been comfortable in his persona; space but now it was more a need than a want. We were shifting, and I hoped that whatever was going on, it would bring us closer, not push us apart.”

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
1 Mir Jak263 1 follower

Dare I say, it's......adorable ? ......bahahahahahaha

This one was a tough read ....you follow both Ro and Faisel from when they first met to current time .... and all, and I mean all, of the downs and ups...and that's no typo !! The behind the scenes portrayal of the rockstar life is an eye-opener....you kinda assume what'd be ...but this, you are right amongst it all - it's raw, gritty and unapologetic. And it's not a sweet and romantic story - we know they are in love with each other. This book is how they finally admit it ...to themselves and each other. Yes, you'll cry and gasp and laugh (I mean, they still act teenagers) .... but at the core, it's got plenty of heart & love - with each other and their family/found family. Great series.1 Heather MMRomanceReviewed1,333 60 Read

This book takes us through Faisel and Ronin's entire friendship, building us up to the moment where pining and cluelessness fall away and something clicks to take them from friends to lovers... but since it wasn't an easy road to get to lovers, being lovers won't be entirely easy either...

I love that these two finally get together and we also see the rest of the band settling into life after their tour. It was a beautiful finale to the series and a fitting end for the Wayward Lane band.1 Natalia Forciniti239

??: 7/10
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