
The Hero Game: A LitRPG Superhero Adventure: Volume One: Tutorial de August Aird

de August Aird - Género: English
libro gratis The Hero Game: A LitRPG Superhero Adventure: Volume One: Tutorial


August Aird Year: 2024

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This book was decent, but it has its moments where you can see the author figuring things out. As such, it has some immaturity to it's writing.

The MC is a guy without powers in a world that has a decent number of people with super powers. He's an orphan that tries to intervene in a super/villain fight in the college library, after rescuing a really cute redhead from getting smooshed. He's a virgin, and that plays out continuously in the story. He's of good moral character, almost puppy dog in his eagerness at times.

There isn't a defined harem by the end of the book, but the rescued girl is clearly the first to be a member. There are several other women he's intimate with, but only one knows about him doing anything with another, something she wasn't happy about. And while I expect a lot more relationship growth in book two, it was stunted by events and behaviors in this book.

I do plan on reading book two, which I would have said I wasn't going to about half way through the book. Robert L.483 5

Very good book

This is a fine fantasy harem urban super hero novel. It is well written and edited. I especially the Pizza Girl. I anxiously await the sequel. James Riley769 11

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