
Blood Spilled de Ashlynn Mills

de Ashlynn Mills - Género: English
libro gratis Blood Spilled


Ashlynn Mills Series: Cartel Wars 02 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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"Are you going to kill me today?"
"Not today, but maybe tomorrow."
--> Angel and Santiago's version of "I love you".

That's what I'm talking about when I say I want dark romance. This book gave me everything missed in the first one, which was good don't get me wrong.

Blood Spilled was a dark, gritty, twisted book. Actually the relationship between Santiago and Angel was all that. Everything else was typical for a mafia/crime lords book. But, still, it was soooo good.

"This thing between us is too messy to be love, too chaotic, and unhinged."
"Love knows no bounds. It isn't always black and white. It's not always right or wrong. Sometimes it's all of the above and more. Sometimes it's just two people drawn together in ways that can't be explained or ignored."

In the first book, Santiago was an awful person. He treated Mateo horribly. In this one though, everything he did to Mateo, he paid for if tenfold. Who knew Angel could be so cruel? Don't let the name fool you. There's nothing angelic about him. He literally kept Santiago a dog. He wanted to break him and then kill him. But, in the end, he couldn't do it.

As I said/wrote, Santiago was terrible, but when things about himself were revealed I eventually sympathized with him. I didn't forgive everything he did, but I could understand him better. And I can say, I d him as a character and I enjoyed reading his POV. We saw a different side of him in this book. One that is more emotional and has feelings beneath that cold ruthless exterior. He was already a broken man, when he fell into the hands of Angel. But, that was the best thing that could've happened to him. Angel set him free.

As for Angel, he is also broken in his own way. He wants revenge on Santiago so much so that's everything he focuses on in the beginning. I d Angel since the first book and I continued to him in this one too. I enjoyed reading about him slowly realising that he doesn't want to hurt Santiago and that he has feelings for him.

There's nothing conventional about their relationship, nothing sweet, nothing too romantic. And that's perfectly fine, because it suits these characters so well. By the end of the book it was obvious they loved each other and that they'd do anything for one another.

"No, love isn't always kind, or patient. Sometimes it's rude and delights in evil. Other times it's boastful and is easily angered. Our love is unhinged and messy, but what a beautiful mess it is."

The only thing that bothered me a little was the fact that Mateo and Santiago never talked. Considering their circumstances, I expected them to have at least one interaction and somewhat clearing the air between them, but nope. That never happened and it bugged me a lot, but not so much to deduct a star.

All in all, though, I loved this book and I believe everyone who is dark romance fan will enjoy it too. I've read a lot of fucked up things and I have almost no hard limits, but anyone who isn't used to these types of books should keep in mind this isn't for the faint of heart, especially in the beginning.

Also, I wouldn not recommend reading this as a standalone. You should definitely read Bad Blood first so you won't be lost and get a fuller experience.5 s True Loveislovereview2,526 1 follower

Too late I saw it’s not a stand-alone :(
Nevertheless, I gave it a try and stepped in at a clear moment.
Santiago is kept prison by Angel and he’s injured.
There are more cruel forces who want Santiago.

I’m not sure what to think of this story, I loved the concept, there were moments where I really felt the story, but more where it was dragging with no progress. On the other hand, I loved that the biggest part was focused on the proximity of both men.
It was cruel on one side and sweet on the other.
For me not fully convincing. Maybe partly because I missed book 1.
The concept is good, the build-up and development ditto but all a bit too much.2021 crime dark ...more2 s Mona williams2,617 24

this was a really great book! he cant wait to finally have a life after living through hell. only hes kidnapped and caged a dog. he doesnt want to want this man who treats him a dog. theres so much to this story. read to find out !1 Ty28 2


DNF. How do you come back from someone spitting ON your face!?

I can't.1 mm_spice_reader92

"This man was supposed to be my reckoning, my one-way ticket to Hell, and then he became my nirvana."

This freaking book y'all!!! Holy moly... I thought Out For Blood was my favorite, but apparently I was wrong. THIS is my favorite Ashlynn Mills story, hands down. I was invested in this story from page 1! If you read Out For Blood, you've already met Santiago. And if you're anything me, you absolutely hated him. He was a deplorable human being. I spent a lot of time at the beginning of this wondering how Ashlynn was going to redeem him but man did she ever! She put her entire heart and soul into this story and it most definitely shows!

In Out For Blood, we already saw glimpses of how horrible both of Santiago's parents are. This book delves even further into that, and into the events that shaped Santiago into the man we knew (or thought we knew). It was also absolutely stunning watching Angel's feelings towards Santiago start to change and morph.

The spice!!! The spice in this was top tier (hello primal scenes). All throughout, these two have a bit of a "hate f**k" attitude towards each other, but I just loved it!

This was captivating, engaging, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it!
This one is most definitely going into my "top mm mafia reads", it was amazing! Kristy Lynn247 3

Blood Spilled by Ashlynn Mills is book 2 in the Cartel Wars series. When I finished Out For Blood I immediately new I needed this story! Also, could NOT imagine how she was going to make me fall in love with either Angel or Santiago, let alone root for their HEA. Well, spoiler alert---she did!

Angel has been given the gift of revenge. He has Santiago all to himself to do as he pleases and it pleases him to keep Santiago in a cage a pet. He has to earn the priviledge of everything from basic needs to some comforts. And the more time Angel spends with Santiago the more blurry lines become. With each new detail of Santiago's life, Angel sees a different man than the one he thought he knew.

Santiago knows he is not going to make it out of the cage but he keeps trying. He doesn't want to give in to Angel but finds that with him he has never felt more safe. They are both so confused why they are enemies but want to love and protect each other.

There are so many fun twists and turns in this story, you will definitely be kept on your toes! Ashlynn has said she has a love for telenovelas and this series she gifts us witha taste. Surprise guests, unexpected unalivings, unknown relatives, interconnections. FUN!!

Blood Spilled is a dark mafia story so please read the trigger warnings if needed. Brianne McCallum1,017 4

4.5 stars

Read in order and definitely read the freebie on bookfunnel Cold Blooded or you will be lost.

This is Santiago who treated Mateo crap. Everyone assumes him dead after there's been a funeral for him. However, he wakes up quite literally chained a dog in Angel's home.

Angel has bad history with Santiago and his father and wants revenge. Torturing his new pet is his plan.

This book is dark, gritty, a little twisted, kinky, sexy and yes in some warped way it's also sweet with an interesting plot to keep you reading.

I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this one cause I despise Santiago and would normally pass on reading a villains story but I loved all of Ashlynns books and had to read it. Especially if he received some karma.

I won't lie, right off the bat there were some gross scenes that made me gag. Revenge is sweet so I certainly didn't feel bad for Satiago however, we do get insight into who he truly is and his motives and looks can be deceiving. I'm not saying I d him just that i understood his behavior. As for Angel I also understood his motives but doesn't mean I thought he was any better. In the end they seemed similar and a good match that understood each other. LateciaJ1,970 10

Gritty, Dark and HOT!

WOW!...this was so far from fluffy and sweet. Ashlynn brought her A game to this one. I thought the first in the series was dark...she pulled no punches with this one. I didn't think I would have ANY feels for Santiago from getting to know him in the first book...after how he treated Mateo but my word...getting to know his past...understanding came to light. I broke the same time Angel did...LOL Their love/hate relationship mannnnnnnnn...that was some rollercoaster...didn't know who was gonna kill who first but it all came down to their INTENSE chemistry...no holds barred with these two. Hardly any romance...a lot of gritty action...if you can't trust your family, who can you trust??? I think it was a nice matchup with Santiago and Angel...so much a in ways...ruthlessness side by side with tenderness for each other...ending wasn't too shocking but a relief all is right in their world...all I know is every time I hear "Besame" I will think about this story and smile...LOVED IT 5 STARS!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Kathy Seabrease607 1 follower

Went into this book with a little apprehension. Knew this was going to be a darker book for Ashlynn and I was afraid it might be too dark for me, but boy was I wrong. Sooo glad I read it. When I first met Santiago in Bad Blood, he was written for us to hate him and man did I. Going into this book, I was leery as to if he was redeemable, much less lovable. The relationship for him and Angel was definitely going to be hard to grasp, but as written as Ashlynn does, we were drawn in from the beginning. I waited with baited breath as things progressed between them, rooting them on, wanting more for them. The cat and mouse game of who would actually be Master was intriguing to say the least. I found myself wanting Santiago to just give into Angel so they could just be together, but then that would have made for a much shorter book, lol. Darker at times and taking twists when you least expected it, made this book even more interesting to read. In the end, I got my HEA. Although a darker journey than I usually want to take, I am so glad I took it. Frances ReganAuthor 11 books8

I found the series after reading the first book Bad Blood (Cartel wars)
I was hooked. Imagine my surprise to find an author that writes so well and so dark with some sense of the world she writes in. Mafia mm dark has always interested me. I was so happy to find the second book as an arc, I took up the chance to review this.
I find Angel an interesting character. I didn't expect him to fall for the bad guy. I love their will you kill me today. Toing and froing they have going on.
Santiago should hate Angel, and I think some part of him does. He shouldn't want to feel for the man who broke him down. And yet he does. It's made an interesting read. I wanted to murder his mother; her vindictiveness was on point.
I also love the brother's relationship between Angel and Gabriel. The support he has for his brother overshadows the disgust he holds for Santiago. That's respect right there.
Five stars from me. Looking forward to anything else the author writes.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Georgette B225 1 follower

OMG!! If you have not read book one, you can follow this storyline, but you are doing yourself a great disservice. In this book, which is primarily about Santiago and Angel, but you will continue to see more of Angel’s brothers Carols and Gabriel; Santiago’s husband Mateo (who is currently partnered with Gabriel); Angel’s father (Marcus) and Mateo’s father (Manuel); and we are introduced to Santiago’s mother.
Because this book is centered around Angel and Santiago, the author goes into more detail about the reason Angel hates Santiago’s family and the reasons Santiago is the monster everyone thinks he is. But you will need read the first book to see why Mateo also loathes him.

This book is so intense, I could not put it down. I slept on the couch just so that I could read without disturbing my wife. I can’t wait for book three!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Daisy Sauceda1,809 22

Uh do you remember Santiago? Yeah the guys who treated Mateo crap! Well now it seems as though some roles have been reversed. Remember Angel has a bone to pick with him. LOL, well it seems Angel wants revenge. He is determined to break Santiago and then kill him. Well as he is doing this, Santiago reflects back to when he was growing up. So here we learn things that blow my mind. really his dad treated him this way. Well mommy dearest is no better. Then we see a shift in both Angel and Santiago. So did he break? Well it seems time might be up for Angel because someone is looking for Santiago. Seems more secrets come out, more betrayals, action and the dead rising. It all gets crazy and the steam just keeps rising. Woah baby was this hot. Anyways this is a must read. Don't miss out. AshleyAuthor 14 books21

Blood Spilled is book two in the Cartel Wars series. While it could stand alone, I wouldn’t recommend it. There is some overlapping larger story arch that extends from book one.

This book follows Santiago (formerly engaged to Mateo) and Angel (Gabriel’s brother). Santiago desperately needs a redemption arc after book one, and this book gives it. We learn more about his past, what made him do certain things. We see character progression, and it’s very well written.

These two quickly became a favorite couple for me. I originally read this book when it first came out. And I loved them even more for this reason-read. The book is all love and hate colliding, dark, twisty goodness. The two MCs have so much chemistry. Ashlynn Mills does dark romance so well, and this is no exception. I love how she can make me love a character that I wanted to hate. Can’t wait for the next one!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Christopher Shelton239 3

Continuing the overarching story from Bad Blood, this book gives us more insight into the 2nd brother, Angelo, and his plan for revenge after capturing and saving his nemesis, Santiago. While everyone else simply wants Santiago dead, Angelo wants him humbled and broken before he gives him the escape of death.

The book is fast paced, with lots of action, subterfuge, betrayal, loyalty, passion, and love. It's dark, with plenty of threats, death, and a little torture thrown in. It's also got a hint of kink to add a little extra spice to some of the interactions between the two MCs.

It's a fun read, and absolutely necessary if you want to continue the Cartel Wars story and see how all these families end up. Courtney Turner1,697 4

I knew this book would be dark but how dark it was, was definitely a shock. This book isn’t for the faint of heart so turn back if you are looking for a hearted low angst romance. And if you are ready jump into this super dark romance. There were times I thought I couldn’t read further. But I’m so glad I did. I wasn’t the writing more the story was so heavy. But I’m so good I kept on trucking because this was such an amazing book. At times you might think that they might not get a happy ending. Just be prepared for blood. This book is a bloody mess and it doesn’t stop till the very end. So hang on because this journey is intense, scary but oh so amazing!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Heidi1,397 12

This series is just so freaking fantastic. Ashlynn writes dark and twisted romance so well. I loved this. Angelo/Angel wants revenge against Santiago for all his sins. Santiago is the jerk who was in Bad Blood. He was cruel to Mateo. That is just one of Santiago’s many sins. This is one intense, dark and twisted read bout on revenge and I just loved it. Santiago has some secrets. Will it change how Angel feels or will he not care? I don’t want to give too much away. You just need to read this and see what happens between Santiago and Angel. You definitely need to read Bad Blood before reading this. Buckle up and dive right into a dark and twisted ride. If you have triggers and do not MM, this may not be for you, but if you’re okay with those, jump in. Carmela Dimattia1,374 16

This series gets darker and hotter with every book. This book truly has it all. So much betrayal, passion, love and a story that will capture your imagination from the beginning. Just book one there is drama and lots of it and some scenes that will blow your mind. As the tables are turned on Santiago we see an extremely volatile Angel wanting to extract his revenge. This book is definitely not for the faint hearted so be prepared for some trigger scenes but it is a very well written book by Ashlynn Mills who seems to excel at the dark and twisted.

I received an arc copy via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Wendy Livingstone17.5k 213

This is the 2nd book in this awesome series. Everyone assumes that Santiago is dead as there was a funeral for him, but he is anything but as he wakes up changed in Angelo’s house. Angelo has a history with Santiago and his father, and he is all out for revenge by any means and will stick to just torturing him for now. This is a well written story which is dark, raw, gritty, twisted, intriguing, and with vengeance, action, violence, and trust issues, and with an intriguing and fascinating intricate and in-depth plot, which had me completely hooked throughout. This talented author has pulled out all off the stops in weaving this tale, and I look forward to reading more from her.1 Janet Hunt3,505 41

We meet Angel and Santiago in Bad Blood. Santiago was Mateo’s fiancé in that story and so rotten to the bone! He was shot in the end of that book. This story takes off immediately following that. This story gave me so many emotions! I equally loved and hated both Angel and Santiago. I seriously hated Santiago parents! I loved what happened to his mother, just deserts! I loved how Angel had empathy even though he’s was so horrible in his own right.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Barbara189 11

OMG!! This book! We meet Santiago in the first book, but this one where we learn about him is just wow!! Caged, defiled and feeling dirt he is just trying to survive and deal with what his life/father deems he is worth. Enter Angel, who captures and cages him thinking he is breaking him, but how do you break something that is already broken beyond what is deemed normal. I loved the push and pull of the two, but loved how Angel finds his worth and who he can depend on more!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Mami Bear443 6

YES. This is more it!

Book 1 didn't work for me but holy shiiiiii did Ashlynn make up for it with this one. Dark, gritty, smoking hot and despite their less than stellar characters I loved both Santiago and Angel.

This reminded me of call the coroner by Avril Ashton which I also loved.

The only reason I deducted a star is because sometimes I felt there were TOO many characters and intertwining relationships and it got a bit convoluted trying to keep track of who's who, but still - great book. Stephanie W1,833 3

Angelo and Santiago were on fire! Not for the faint of heart.

This was a dark book and I could not have loved it more! Hit the nail on the head, kind of good. The story line is so intriguing, you almost forget about all the betrayal, secrets, and... weird kind of love??!!

After reading the first installment, you knew the second in the series would be all kinds of gritty and dramatic.

Definitely worth your time! I hope we don't have to wait too long for another book.

**I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.** Cheryl1,553 10

Blood Spilled by Ashlynn Mills was a deeply emotional story that follows the story of Angel and Santiago. Angel has plans for Santiago…but they seem to go awry after he slowly sees the truth.

This was a great story…though it wasn’t my typical read….I decided to give it a chance!! I was actually surprised at how much I could empathize with these characters!! Good story!!!

I am volunteering to leave a review for an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Michele1,450 9

This is the second book in the series Cartel Wars. This book is outstanding! I was pulled in and I was in so completely that I read it straight through. The emotions are intense! The danger and action will keep you on the edge of your seat! You will be turning pages as fast as you can to find out what will happen next! Santiago and Angel will steal your heart. The twists and turns will have you going no way! This is a must have! This is intense, dark and wickedly good book! I loved it! I can not wait to read the next book! Suzanne Ellis179 3

After Bad Blood, I expected to hate Santiago. But I ended up hating Angel instead. That eventually wore off with the endearing (believe it or not) way that Angel came around from hate to love.
I don't want to say to o much else since almost anything will spoil the story, but it was very interesting to read about 2 very strong, Alphas with a definite Matter /Slave type of dynamic. I usually don't these type of stores too much, but this one I d.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Cindy1,150 10

This next cartel book is all about Angel and his revenge on Santiago. He tortures him, plays with him and finally falls for him. The feeling becomes mutual, ly through conditioning. This dark, Mafia m/m is full of torture, death, blood play and depravity and somehow, from the ashes, Santiago is redeemed and Angel and he are an inseparable killing machine entity. It's a horrible accident you can't walk away from - tied in fascination to the end when it all burns down. There will be more to come and I can't wait. I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary opinion. Cynthia M Brow572 2

Blood Spilled is the second book in the Cartel Wars series. It is not a standalone it is best read after book one. I loved this book more than the first one. This is the story of Santiago and Angel. I love Ashlynn Mills dark mafia stories because she does them so well and this book is no exception. I love the chemistry between these two broken men. Learning about these two's past helped me understand them better. I can't wait for the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this book and series. ashlynn-mills Bren1,156 9

Ashlynn Mills did an awesome job writing this book it's my favorite so far. Angelo and Santiago's story is smoking hot and has many double crossing back stabbers who make it their mission to crush and destroy their rivals. There's some very shocking truths revealed that are stunning and will leave you speeches. I was so caught up in this book before I knew it I had the whole thing read in a afternoon.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jennifer Reilley1,093 27

This is book two in the Cartel Wars series. You can not read it as a stand alone. Must be read in order. We met Santiago and Angel in book one

The is book picks right up where book 1 ended. Here we see what Angel puts Santiago through as both hating each other.

This book had lots of twists and turns and never knew who was going to show up where.

Ashlynn has done a great job with this series to date. Stay tuned for more. MM Book1,204 42

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