
Enchantment's Reach Book 1 de Ash, Martin

de Ash, Martin - Género: English
libro gratis Enchantment's Reach Book 1


In this world, anything is possible...

The small kingdom of Enchantment's Reach lies close on the border of the mysterious land of Enchantment from where strange energies seep, borne invisibly on unnatural breezes. Untamed 'magic' resides in the air, in the land itself, and sometimes also deep within the minds of its inhabitants.

It is a time of immense tension. Enchantment's Reach is being torn apart from both inside and out. From the southwest have come the Karai, a brutal warrior race not wholly human, one of whose armies now musters just a few leagues from the border. The Karai are in league, it appears, with mysterious entities who dwell within Enchantment itself, commanding awesomely powerful technologies and commonly held to have the powers of gods. Yet neither the Karai nor these godlike creatures of Enchantment have been known before to interfere directly in the affairs of lesser creatures.

What do they seek from Enchantment's Reach?

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Interesting story nicely written though it could use a copy edit. The characters are interesting but the pace drags in places where it gets too involved in the sociological/religious concepts that are never really clarified. The whole concept of Enchantment is ambiguous. The primary characters are developing nicely and the action scenes are well paced and interesting as are the fantasy elements. I know this is the lead into a series, but I think the ending is chopped off to quickly. 1 Janice Smith-gentry268 4

Good story.

A good story. So very different from other stories. I have enjoyed the twist on reality. Can't wait to read what happens next. Micki PelusoAuthor 11 books63

Enchantment’s Reach
By Martin Ash

Arene plans to kill a ‘vileborn’ toddler as the child's guardian nods off in sleep. Arene does not enjoy her murderous task and second guesses herself. Her actions are halted by a young man crashing through the woods — almost as if he knows her plans. Shenwolf is searching for the Great Castle Orbia, at Enchantment’s Reach, or so he says as nothing is what it seems in this strange land. Before leaving, he places an unusual leather thong, holding a small object within, and puts it around the child's neck. Arene knows she must yet try again to quell the evil of the vileborn.

Not all is Edenic in Enchantment, as factions attempt to overthrow the monarchy. Karai soldiers grow closer and King Leth is building his army to confront them. His dying mother, Fallorn, passes on special knowledge to her would be King — secrets passed on from one monarch to the next — to be opened alone. When opened, the small casket explodes pale lacy blue light, scaring the King with temporary blindness. The creature that approaches him makes the light seem harmless in comparison. It is the Orb, whose name is Orbelon. He tells Leth that he can destroy the Orb but warns that if he does, he better know first the full contents of the casket.

Queen Issul, worried about her husband, visits the mage, Pader Luminis, a Murinean, part of those who populated Enchantment before humans came. He teaches the Queen much about her strange world, full of extremes, bordering upon worlds where wonders often dance with danger and nothing stays the same. Issul consults Pader about the “Legendary Child” and the possible destruction of her beloved land..

Author Martin Ash writes a fantasy intricate and compelling, much Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings’ and “The Hobbit’. His writing flows with imagery, pulling the reader into the story; creating an exceptionally good read. Will the ’Orb’s Soul’, a lost artifact, be enough to cease the warring, further interfered with by the gods? And what of the little boy, Moscul? Is he the sweet child he appears to be?

This is a difficult book to put down, but upon reaching the fast-paced incredible climax, readers can enjoy the next book in the series, Enchantment’s Reach 2: The Orb and the Spectre.

Micki Peluso: writer, journalist, and author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang
Patricia HemricourtAuthor 1 book330

Riveting series, read at your own risk, it might cost you sleeping time :-)

I had to devour the entire series in a binge reading bout, entirely generated by the quality of the books.

Kudos to Martin Ash for creating a world that encompasses an incredibly well built "intrication" of worlds that reflect the various layers of the subconscious and conscious mind.
Through the adventures of King Leth, Queen Issul and "God" Orbelon, we are taken on a fascinating trip, securely guided by well formed characters who undergo many transformations.
Both characters and the various worlds they "travel" to and from are masterly described and their tribulations will keep you riveted to the page.
The only problem is the inability to let go of the books. Les929 1 follower

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

This is a very good story. The author describes both the setting and the characters in vivid detail. In some cases, the detail seems a bit excessive, which causes the story to drag a bit in the first half. But I am assuming these things will be relevant in subsequent books. The second half of the book moves much more quickly and ends (surprise, surprise!) in a cliffhanger.

There are a lot of characters and relationships that are significant, which may make it difficult (if you are me) to pick up the story after some time has passed and other books have been read.read-in-2015 mirba878 24

I don't know where the fast paced is. I tried to read it and left it again so many times that around 30% I surrendered to the evidence that this book is not for me.

When I tried again to read it today it was a big empty space. No memory of names or events. I should have started again from the beginning. Tried and saw it was useless. So that's it. It's probably just for me that something is not clicking in cause it's written ok.

fantasy one-star Greg40 23

A really enjoyable first episode of what promises to be a wide-ranging tale. This first book in the series introduces you to a wide variety of characters and plot lines, but you never get lost. Perhaps because the author does not spend a great deal of time developing each character in this initial book, you are left wanting more--but in a good way. Sandy Grissett262 3

Good read

you sure do meet some intriguing characters in this book. A lot of them I would not want to run into. This is just the beginning of an adventure yet the characters are something to behold. I am sure there is much more to follow in the next four books. FRANKEE WILSON18

Enchantment Reach

Slow at first but then it just took off. I loved the characters and the way it all unfolded. Wonderful. Barbara Sherrick31 4

The book was rather slow through the first 2/3rds of the book. But when it got to the part where Issul was captured it really picked up. I want to know who these beings are so I have to keep reading. Scott166 26

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