
The Fake Out Flex de Ash Kelly

de Ash Kelly - Género: English
libro gratis The Fake Out Flex


Ash Kelly Year: 2024

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I have some thoughts about this book, so I'll try to be organized, but realistically, this review will probably be a little chaotic.

First off, I just wanted to say that this book did make me laugh. Out loud. Multiple times. That is HARD to do for anyone who writes and can make the reader actually laugh, so I just want to applaud the author for making that happened.

Now, onto the not so great stuff and some good stuff.... So this book had a pretty decent plot. I d that the characters had known each other for years and used to be neighbors. I d that the FMC and MMC were both virgins and stuck to their values of wanting to wait until marriage. I d that this was a brother's best friend and it was clear that there was lots of medaling from the brother. And this book had really good banter, especially towards the beginning. The banter did die down a little, which was a little disappointing. I also felt sometimes the characters personalities didn't match what they did or always said. I do feel it could have been a little bit more fine tuned in that aspected, but this is a debut novel, so I'm giving it some leeway there.

Probably my biggest complaint, and honestly a huge pet peeve of mine when reading books, is that the Down syndrome representation was inaccurate. If you are going to write a book with someone with a disability, you better do extreme research and make the character accurately portray someone with that disability. You should not just make a normal person and slap on that they have down syndrome. It does not work that and it bothers me so much. This book felt very similar to The Fine Print in that regard, and I hate it. I have grown up with someone with Down syndrome, so when an author puts Down syndrome in a book, they better make it as accurate as possible. Okay, enough ranting about this because I think you get my picture.

There were times were I thought things were too cheesy, too overdone, and really just too over-the-top when they didn't need to be. The grand gesture at the end didn't really make sense, and comparing the tropes in books didn't really make sense in some parts since the characters didn't even read.

With all this said, I did enjoy a lot of parts within this book and feel this author has great potential. I am really looking forward to reading their next book because I can definitely see the author's writing getting better and better with every book.

Read this if you love:
- Closed-door romance
- Hockey romances
- Brother's best friend
- Fake dating
- Weddings
- High School crush

I received a free e-ARC of this book from the author, which in no way impacts my review.8 s Katie (hiding in the pages)3,160 276

(3.5 Stars)

Evie works on a morning TV show and was the star of a breakup video that went viral. I was so mad at that guy–who does that?! But what I really didn’t understand was why in the world she was determined to go to her ex’s wedding–who does that?! I’ll tell you why–because it opened up the door for her to be escorted by her high school crush, Fraser, who also happens to be a big-time hockey star for the Swifts (and is a closet Swiftie) and her brother’s best friend. And that, my friends, was the beginning of some unfinished business.

“It’s official. My crush on Fraser has returned with a vengeance.”

I’m deeply entrenched in my hockey romance era and this one is fun. I enjoyed seeing the flashbacks to high school and felt it added to the whole well-roundedness of the book, but it was the current sizzles of attraction that really made me swoon. It’s all about the timing and I really enjoyed the way all the unanswered questions were resolved, as sometimes what’s fake becomes real. While this was a fun debut journey, I didn’t love the emphasis on virginity and the big secrets and shame associated with that.

Content: mild romance; mild language

*I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given*brothers-best-friend childhood-crush contemporary ...more6 s1 comment Meghan699 83

It's difficult for me to fully understand why this book didn't work for me, because on the surface, it had a lot of tropes I really enjoy - brother's best friend and childhood pining being the top two. However, it read...a bit a Christian novel masquerading as a secular romance, which really made things confusing for me. I read Christian romance and enjoy it, but I always want to go into the book knowing that's what I'll be reading. I don't expect to be preached to in a secular book regarding purity and abstinence, and that's how it felt to me while reading. I don't know if this is the full reason behind my not enjoying the book, but I think it had a lot to do with it.

More context...with some spoilers...

Both main characters are virgins. They want to wait until marriage to do the deed, and this has made past relationships really difficult. The FMC is in a group of women who seemingly stick together because they are the only ones who understand that they want to remain virgins. It is mentioned AD NAUSEAM. To the point where I started to roll my eyes. Being a virgin felt it was their entire personality. I expected one to whip out a bible, complete with their favorite verse, at any moment. It was...weird.

The MMC's sister had a child out of wedlock who has down syndrome. Their family hid it from the world. This is a big thing for the MMC, who wants to protect both his sister and her son. I wasn't really understanding the big deal. The point seemed to be that it was to protect them from the world, but I got the impression it was more to protect the family from scandal. It read weird.

All this to say, I wasn't a fan. It wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't as advertised (to me). I also just didn't feel the two MCs had really any chemistry. Friends, yes. Romantic, no.

**I received a free copy from the author and this is my honest review.**6 s Ashley395 27

Adorable closed door sports romance!
I really d the first half of this book a lot! The second half I didn't quite as much. But overall, it is a great debut book by this new author! It was a funny and cute romcom. This book had a lot of tropes that I really : hockey sports romance, brother's best friend, and fake dating. It is closed door and has a lot of fun banter. The family and friends were good additions to the story and there seems to be a good series set up for books going forward. One thing I didnt love was the virginity trope. It felt too much. I love books where people wait until marriage, but I don't want it talked about too much. Fun, light, funny, and cute romcom!
Thanks to the author for an ARC of this book. All thoughts are my own. 6 s Melissa (christianbooksandcoffee)391 138

This is a Brother’s Best Friend and Faking Dating Romcom. Oh and also Hockey for those in your Hockey Romcom era. The overall story was good. There was great bantering between the main characters and between siblings. I loved Evie and Fraser and thought they were cute together. I thought the first half of the book was better than the second half. There were just a few things I didn’t love including the virginity emphasis was a little over the top, too many yellow roses, the grand gesture seemed extremely over the top and I don’t know why he had to do a grand gesture in the first place. He also is supposed to be an introvert but doesn’t really act it. Same with the Down syndrome kid doesn’t seem he has Down syndrome. I think with some more polishing this would have been a great story, the author definitely has great potential and overall I thought this was a good story.

Content: 7 uses of “D*mn”

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.arcs-launch-justread5 s Melissa aka Melmo2,763

This is the CUTEST story! I loved the banter/flirtiness between Evie and Fraser and the story was adorable. I have a list of characters that I need stories for and I can’t wait for book 2! This book made me smile the whole time which is one of the best I can give this book. I will be buying a paperback copy of this book for my keeper shelf as soon as possible!

I received a copy of this book from the author and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.2024-5-star-reads may-2024-reads4 s Melanie’s reads785 81

I don’t normally do sports romances as I lack interest in sport in general. But how could I not love it when Evie the fmc is so passionate about it. She is sunshine and joy wrapped in a hockey jersey and I am with her on naming inanimate objects, especially cars (mine is Myrtle).

Even if, me, you don’t really do sport there is so much more to this book. Brother’s best friend, childhood crush, unrequited love (or is it?) a fast plot, terrific characters and the cherry on top with a grand gesture.

This is a clean, closed door romance but that just made it more about the important things. a solid friendship base, terrific banter and genuine good old fashioned romantic love.

This is such a good debut and I hope there are plenty more books to come from other characters, especially the fast talking four.
5 s Madelyn- The Squeaky Clean Reader184 52

Really sweet and adorable!

I loved Evie and Fraser's story!

They had a unique take on the brothers best friend, friends to lovers romance and fake dating that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Also YAY for communication and for having healthy relationship values and examples in this book. I ADORED that part and it just made me love these characters even more.

Evie and Fraser are funny and I love the way Evie's mind works and their banter.

It was fun having the depths of their past and struggles unfold throughout the story. I'm super invested in our side characters and can't wait to to read the next book in the series!

I want the fast talking five to have their love stories!!

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