
ARMS War for Eden de Arseneault, Stephen

de Arseneault, Stephen - Género: English
libro gratis ARMS War for Eden


Harris and Tawn, former Biomarines with the Domicile Defense Force, have been out of work since the centuries-old war with New Earth came to an end. After falling into the illegal arms trade, they quickly find it to be lucrative. When their weapons sales increase the likelihood of the Great War returning, they are committed to making every effort to prevent it. Their adventure begins here!

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A nice easy read. An excellent airport book or, in this instance, waiting out the US Election process. First of a series and easily enough fun for me to want to read more. 2 s Mary Hartshorn593 2

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with this story and how realistic the camaraderie is between Tawn and Harris. Tawn and Harris are both genetically modified humans born and bred only for war. Now that there has been peace for a few years, these ex-soldiers have a hard time adjusting to civilian life especially when it comes to finding a job. Tawn works as an overworked, and underpaid (if ever) employee for Bax, an illegal weapons dealer. Tawn, because of what she is, is mistaken for being stupid but is far from it. It doesn’t take her long to become suspicious of Bax when some of her customers are blown to bits before they can complete a deal.

Due to her suspicions, she warns off Harris, whom she later partners with to become successful arms dealers. Only something doesn’t feel right about their success, and the 'peace' between New Earth and the Colonials which is preventing Tawn from really enjoying her new life. Tawn is anxious to get to the bottom of this and drag Harris along for the ride.

A very entertaining read! I highly recommend this book.
1 John Purvis1,235 20

“ARMS War for Eden” eBook was published in 2016 and was written by Stephen Arseneault (http://www.arsenex.com). Mr. Arseneault has published nearly 40 novels. This is the first of his ARMS series.

I received an ARC of this novel through https://www.netgalley.com in return for a fair and honest review. I categorize this novel as ‘R’ because it contains scenes of Violence. The story is set in the far future. The primary characters are Harris Gruberg and Tawnish Freely, both former Biomarines with the Domicile Defense Force, but now taking what ever work they can since the war with New Earth ended. The Biomarine label identifies them as part of the 10,000 or so humans that were genetically modified by Domicile to fight in the war with New Earth. Their presence in that war is part of what drove New Earth to sign a truce.

They soon find themselves involved in a scheme of questionable legality selling arms to the colonists in the border area. They are able to make more funds than they had ever expected to see in their lives. Now quite wealthy, they begin to see signs that the weapons they had been selling was going towards stirring up the war with New Earth once again.

Even though they are now mercenaries and gun runners, they still are loyal to Domicile. They decide that they must use the wealth they have gathered to calm the unrest. They soon find that they are not up against just rebels, but military operators sent by New Earth to stir up trouble and force the war to resume.

I enjoyed the 5.5 hours I spent reading this Science Fiction novel. It did have an old time Sci-Fi Fi feel to it. I d the characters and contrary to most Sci-Fi Fi thrillers, the main characters are not super intelligent. These are just dedicated Biomarines who are still loyal to their homeward of Domocile. The cover art does a reasonable impression of a Biomarine. I give this novel a 4 out of 5.

Further book I have written can be accessed at https://johnpurvis.wordpress.com/blog/. Jon SvensonAuthor 9 books95

The story gets off to a bit of a rough start, and I had trouble knowing who was who during the first 10% of the novel.

Once we get past that, the story is clear. We have stumps and slugs, bioengineered humans bred to fight but not reproduce. They're ugly as their names imply, so they have a difficult time finding respectable work.

Our two MC's (stump and slug, not their real names) stumble upon an opportunity to sell small arms from the war. Despite their inexperience, they get the job done, then do it a few times more until they're wealthy.

Honestly, I thought that story in itself would be enough. But the author takes it in a different direction, with the stolen arms being shunted around to outlying truce worlds to cultivate rebellion so New Earth can take them over and get the minerals it needs to rebuild its fleet.

I won't go into the plot line as it can get complicated at times, but it was a fun read. There are numerous editing errors and shortcuts that aren't explained, but I tend to review based on whether I enjoyed the story, not on how perfect the book is.

And I enjoyed this one. It was fun, humorous, and had just enough action to keep the story moving along. Our MC's aren't the sharpest guys in the universe, and they get bamboozled a couple of times by leaping without looking where they are going.

Recommended for readers of military sci-fi who don't mind editing errors.

4/5*action-adventure military-sci-fi science-fiction Gary Weinman152 1 follower

I got this book from a Bookbub email. It didn't take me long to realize that I had read other books by this author as I was seeing the same MO. Basically the plot is our heroes just magically end up getting an unlimited amount of credits, technology that nobody else has, special skills no one else has, etc. and they use these to move a plot along. When I read the first couple of books of the AMP series I kind of felt the same way, they were fun, but it was the same over and over again with a lot of deux ex machina. Well this book is more of the same, just with different characters and a different universe. I will probably pass on reading more books in the series and I am probably going to have to be more careful of this author. Ed Fultz81

There have been 5 star . I felt this was more of a 3.5. It took a little for the story to get going. In the end it was enjoyable but I am not so connected that I feel the need to get the next book.

There have been 5 star . I felt this was more of a 3.5. It took a little for the story to get going. In the end it was enjoyable but I am not so connected that I feel the need to get the next book. Tony Hisgett2,726 32

I found the start of this story was quite confusing and by the end of chapter one, I really disd this book.
It would have helped if the author had made a better job of introducing the two main characters, within a dozen pages I really didn't them.
The dialogue was inane and the plot seemed to consist of them repeatedly selling arms and then a Destroyer turning up to blow up their client’s ship.science-fiction D. E.3,199 23

An Introduction Into War in the Future/Combat Personnel

SA has penned the 1st novel of a series of war novels which take place in the future. The personnel train for any and all conditions for any planet they have to hit. Once the area is settled, if possible., then the settlers begin to either move back in or lay claim to what has been gained. This is an excellent read for the genre. When you read SyFy expect it to be SyFy and not the mystery of the Universe......ER Melinda35 1 follower

Good character development

I Stephen Arsenault's books. This one has a heavy military orientation, but it also has good character development. It's not just one battle after another. And the battles have an underlying reason. It's not just, "We hate them and we have always hated them ". I look forward to reading the other books in this series. Philip Jones90

I enjoyed reading

I enjoyed reading and am going to continue reading the next episode as soon as I can get it will check amazon to see if I can get it there for my kindle. The story was bit confusing in the beginning but after it got started kept my attention. Thomas D. WHite21

Great read

Good new science fiction with excellent cast characters situations plot twists and turns your enjoyed it look forward to reading more about this series when they come become available Thomas Tilque8

I've read many SciFi books over the past 55 years but this is the first time I've read one that is geared towards a 3 grade level child. Everything is so very simplistic. I had to finish it just to see how bad it was and it was bad. I doubt if I will ever read any books by this author. David W. Clements10

Light and Fun

Easy and light and entertaining. Enjoyable and
light while still providing enough intellectual entertainment. Easy and light reading while still having some conflict.

War For Eden is the first book in the Arms series. This can be read as a standalone but does end in a soft cliffhanger for the next book. There is violence. There are plenty of twists and turns in this story to keep you guessing. Mike Mackey332 5

This is a great Space Opera type Book.
Steve has created great characters, and a very great planetary system for them. As usual I will not write any spoiler for this Book. However you will grow to love Tawn and Harris and their adventure.
Great Read, Santa Mike Deuard58

Good read

I mostly the book. I’d d a few more details about the history of the two main characters. The running commentary about their intelligence seems at odds with what they do. Kim32 1 follower

Story was told versus shown

I only got through the first 12%. I didn't feel a connection to any of the characters or to the setting. It felt ... bland. Few sensory details or other such descriptions. Gonzalo Vera Zorrilla11 1 follower

Loved it

Arseneault has yet to disappoint. Great, original characters. Very good relations. Varying rythm in the plot. Different. And clean from unneeded erotic narratives (landmark, IMO, of a poor sci fi writer). Highly enjoyable. Tom Riggio64 1 follower

Fun and enjoyable reading

First book I've read by this author and I'm impressed. Easy reading and great chart development. I'm hooked and on to the next book in this series Phil Matthews500 2

Pretty darn good

Well written, fast enough moving. Interesting characters. Not sure why the author makes the two main characters, genetically engineered soldiers, ugly though. Jack Landfather11

Great read.

Was a book that I could not put down at times. Enjoyed reading this well put together read. Highly recommend. Peter Rock16

Farker and friends

Great!love the fact the ships are buckets and that the heroes?are ugly bugs with big hearts(and big guns)keep it coming! Tad Pierson20 1 follower


Well written space yarn! I really enjoyed it! Great characters and believable tech. I plan on buying the sequels and highly recommend this book! Rbjumbob265 13

Ok read, the style was a little 8th grade level it seemed to me. Chris Page214

Enjoyable, probably suitable for pretty teens too, a bit EE Doc Smith in its simplicity. Ron Clark104 1 follower

Kindle Unlimited

If you're using KU I suggest not starting this series until the entire series is placed in the Kindle Unlimited option. Patty Steen5


Was slow start. Once I got into it, it became very enjoyable with lots of twists and turns. Great read. John169 6

Written with a sense of humor. Enjoyable if easy read. Ray619 4

Sci Fi comedy. Not especially good, but enough fun to keep reading. I'm in for book two. Lee168

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