
Call of the Night Singers de Ari McKay

de Ari McKay - Género: English
libro gratis Call of the Night Singers


Ari McKay Publisher: Torquere Press, Inc., Year: 2014 ISBN: 9781610406673

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So dear readers, let me set the scene for this delectable little morsel of mystery and spooky suspense...( see I'm getting into character already!) Imagine this. Its the late 1800's. You're in a Gentleman's club, in a large, candlelit room. Old books line the walls and a couple of large leather wingback chairs sit before a dying fire, whose low flames are flickering, causing shadows to dance on the walls... a heavy door creaks open and two well dressed gents in evening suits enter, smoking cigars and carrying large brandy glasses filled with expensive Cognac, talking quietly as one of them stokes the fire and they settle themselves into the well worn leather. They swirl and sip their brandy and silently contemplate their surroundings, watching the flames flicker hypnotically. Then, breaking the silence, the distinguished looking man sat in the winged chair to the right of the fireplace turns to his companion and utters the words: " So my friend, tonight I shall relate to you a tale that, to this very night, haunts me still." And so the story begins to unfold...

Ooh...tingling just thinking about it!!! I remember when a lot of the great ghost and horror stories would possibly start that, back in the days when I used to devour these unearthly gothic stories. As soon as I started to read I was reminded of authors MR James, HP Lovecraft, Henry James and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu...all awesome at their craft and spooky as hell! I read this in bed, lights off with just the backlight of my Kindle to read by and I tell you...this was delightfully creepy!

Told in first person and narrated by Geoffrey, we learn how they meet and fall in love, then a few years later, when their relationship is established, his lover Garland receives news that he has just become heir to his still living, 80 year old Uncle Roderick's mansion and fortune but the news isn't as welcome as you would think as there have already been five before him who should have inherited, but they've all died. Four under mysterious circumstances... one probably of natural causes! They discuss the ins and outs of the matter but on reflection decide to journey to Heatherford House, where Garland is supposed to sign the documents that will secure him the title of heir. When they arrive they're greeted by the sight of a very dilapidated mansion, a strange tentacled door knocker, and O'Brien, Roderick's creepy butler. Ari has said they based him on Riff Raff from Rocky Horror, so you can imagine how freaky he is!

Without getting spoilerish, their hopes to get things settled so that they can depart as soon as possible, are cut short when Garland falls mysteriously ill and from then on eerie forces conspire to keep them from leaving and its a fight not only to escape but to stay alive! Disturbingly good stuff!

So I really have to give the writing duo of Ari McKay credit where credit is due because they got the atmosphere and settings in this 19th century,spine-tingling tale of ghastly goings on, at a VERY eerie and sinister mansion, absolutely spot on!! Not only that, it came complete with cursed villages, mysterious drowning's, somnambulism ( okay I could have said sleepwalking but somnambulism sounds way cooler!), disembodied singing, creatures from beyond, a menacing Uncle and his bizarre butler.

What I must stress is that this isn't a typical m/m romance. Admittedly the two MC's are gay and in an established (if not open to the rest of their peers) loving relationship, but this is essentially what I've just described...a hair-raising, gothic chiller with a plot worthy of any of the above authors I've mentioned. Sex is implied and off page but that didn't phase me at all because there's no mistaking the love between these two men and it's that love that ultimately plays a huge part in saving them both from the threat of otherworldly forces!! If you love a good old fashioned uncanny yarn, can put to one side the fact that there's not copious amounts of sex and just sit back and drink in a bloody good plot, then I think, me you'll be glued to your reader! This is a novella, but personally, I thought it was the perfect length for the subject matter and if Ari McKay decides to write more stories about Geoffrey Wainwright and Garland Heatherford (there's a possible hint at the end of the story that they might be) then I'll be very happy to read them! I love it when things feel refreshingly different to the norm so that's why its a frighteningly good five stars from yours truly. In the vein of the setting and style of the story I'll just say one thing...

This was splendid dear readers ...utterly splendid!

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12 s Meep2,143 211


A short gothic mystery with classical leanings.
The story is interesting but found I persevered rather than enjoyed, the writing style and tone aren't for everyone and didn't draw me in.

There's a formal first person narrative that keeps you distant, emotions muted to polite levels.
The learned narrator with his overly complicated sentences can feel snide.

'..uncharacteristic nocturnal perambulation..'

'These unproductive ruminations kept me from my slumber,'

While I love words and there's some great vocabulary, it's not engaging or endearing.3 s Joyfully Jay8,079 470

A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

Call of the Night Singers
by Ari McKay is a charming little novella that resembles one of those mysterious and scary campfire stories you were told as a child. With just enough supernatural influence to raise goose bumps and a dash of the “whodunit” as well, this story turned out to be a delightful addition to this writing duo’s bookshelf.

Read Sammy's review in its entirety here.sammy3 s Becky896

Fabulously spooky gothic horror set at the turn of the 19th Century.

It's a short read with a really interesting premise. The relationship between the MC's is sweet.

I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and I have chosen to leave an honest review.2 s Kaila5,702 35

this was really interesting... it kept me guessing and curious.. i was worried originally because i dont do historical but this wasnt bad at all.. it was well written and sweet. i d it 2 s tara208 7

so interesting!! i love the way it's written.

the romance in here was so touching and sweet.

and mystery here was cool (and creepy!)

enjoyed it so much!2021 grr-arc-211 Julia621

2.5. I get what the author was going for here, in the sense that you can easily spot her influences (nice opening statement straight out of Rebecca, for example) and how she tried to weave them into her story. I regret to say they didn't quite work for me. The Poe-esque nature of the plot and writing fell short in my opinion and you never quite get the sense of place and time that you would expect in a story this. On the contrary, the writing becomes sort of tedious and the tension is broken almost from the start.

We don't get any true insight into the MCs nor are they sufficiently fleshed out. The relationship feels shallow.
crime-mystery-leo historical m-m ...more1 Misty1,443

This moody and atmospheric novella was a surprising delight! The setting is vibrant because of the Gothic style of it and the storyline is elegant and well written.

The author did a first-rate job creating and maintaining a spooky and unsettling doom and gloom Gothic ambience while building a substantial amount of tension, offering here an exciting and fascinating tale. More please!
19th-c-america 2014-publ favorites-lgbtq-mm ...more1 Kat reads romance212

Rating: 3.5 stars
Even though this spooky historical mystery didn't work for me, I think there's a lot here that other readers will . "Call of the Night Singers" is a novella told in the first person by Geoffrey. Geoffrey and his lover Garland visit Garland's elderly uncle after Garland comes into an inheritance. However, upon arrival spooky stuff happens and Garland's life appears to be in danger...
Readers who are looking for a short, simple mystery with some scares will this one. Also, there's an established couple at the center, so you get lots of pledges of love without having to wait for them! Instead, Geoffrey and Garland are a team nearly from the start. This is a mystery story, not a romance despite the romantic elements.
It is told in first person and has some similarities to, say, Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"; however, while Poe's writing was certainly riveting during its time, writing in that style nowadays can be tedious to read. And occasionally eyerolling. The word "lest" was used lots of times. Look, some readers will no doubt be transported. However, for me, it didn't work. The attempt at writing in the older style was imperfect (plus saying "War Between the States" could easily have been dodged by just not saying it).
Shockingly enough, I didn't have much of a sense of place or time. I had to scroll back through it to try to orient myself when writing this review, and even now I'm a little vague. There's this sense that the novel exists outside of time, and I think that this suspension of time really works in the context of the mystery, which has built over a long period of years.
The mystery itself wasn't anything especially brilliant, but I think it was satisfying. I read this in the middle of the night, and there were certainly moments when I felt scared and wanted to know what happened next! However, I wished that Geoffrey had treated Garland more a partner than an invalid. The blurb to the book made me think that they were both going to be on equal footing as characters, but we really only get Geoffrey's POV.
Ultimately, I'd say this is a good effort and it maybe just doesn't match my own preferences. If this book was longer, I probably wouldn't have finished it. However, if this book didn't have the old-fashioned language then I would have wanted something twice the length! I think that if you read the first few pages and decide that you are OK with the narrative style, you'll this one.
**I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review** Sreberko79 3

Call of the Night Singers is a type of book which I'm very fond of, but I don't read a lot of them. The mix of mysticism, horror themes, the end of the XIX century, and forbidden relationships is always interesting, but you have to be in the mood for it. :)
As far as I can tell, this book was previously published a couple of years ago but didn't receive a big warm welcome. That's sad because I can see that it had the potential to start a series of short stories - or maybe even a full-length novel!
The story made me think of Simon Feximal's anthology, even if it was written quite differently. In the "Call of the Night Singers" the author gives us less explanation about the magical world we explore with the MCs than KJ Charles, but that makes the whole experience more mystical. We are almost as confused as the narrator - Geoffrey Wainwright. I had no idea what end the characters will meet and that itself was something special.
I d both of the MCs, immediately disd the villain(s) of the story, and felt the same cold chill as Geoffrey every time something dark happened in the mansion.
It was a nice read (if someone can use this word to express their feelings towards a horror story), not too dark or heavy, not too light to destroy the mood.
I can't say that the book is a full-time romance, although it has most of the necessary elements. It's nice to read about an established couple who has their plans for the future, similar interests, and is happily in love, with all the worries and small but familiar touches. However, for me, they were so... used to each other, accepting and understanding without words, that it felt a little bit too flat. Maybe it was because the author didn't emphasize sex scenes (which were almost classicly "fade to black") and didn't show us the passion - only familiarity.
Or maybe it was because it's a short story and you can put there only so much content.

CW: some skeletons, dead animals, and a couple of descriptions of murder, not too long, but gore-y.

I received an ARC of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review. Sammy Goode628 80

4.5 stars

The Call of the Night Singers by Ari McKay is a charming little novella that resembles one of those mysterious and scary campfire stories you were told as a child. With just enough supernatural influence to raise goose bumps and a dash of the “whodunit” as well, this story turned out to be a delightful addition to this writing duo’s bookshelf.

Centering around two professors in what appears to be late 1800’s America, the couple are quickly established and living together, cautiously avoiding the prying and condemning eyes of society. When Garland is contacted that he is to inherit his Uncle’s estate upon that same uncle’s death, he and his lover, Geoffrey, travel there in order for all the paperwork to be officially signed. However, there is something quite macabre and strange surrounding the official naming of an heir for five cousins have gone before Garland and met their death, four by drowning. Now the two young men become embroiled in the dangerous mystery surrounding Heatherford House and the very real idea that one or both of them may not live to tell the tale.

Once again, the writing team of Ari McKay delivers what they do best, a tight, compact story that immediately draws you in and holds you in its thrall. While the pages may be few, each one is loaded with information and a swiftly developing plot that has multiple twists and turns and is highly entertaining. Characterization does not suffer in this condensed story format, mainly due to these author’s abilities to expose bits and pieces of Garland and Geoffrey’s past as they build the day-to-day action around them. I found myself really involved in The Call of the Night Singers and enjoying the unfolding drama. Qin534 41

A cute little story that lacks sophistication and poise due to its overly cramped format (we were not even given an epilogue; as it is, the novelette ends abruptly) yet that manages to pack quite a whallop. Most appreciated was the effort towards time-period parlance, which some illiterate reviewers here evoked as reminiscent of Poe's style, and the effort deployed in order to create a properly Gothic atmosphere, even though the descriptive values are rather low-brow (the house is sketched in so summary a fashion that it is impossible to guess at its architectural style and to gauge its size, as all we are given, in tar words, is that it is ugly, dilapidated and covered in wood paneling; the inside does not fare any better, merely cobwebs, dust, musty drapes and broken furniture). It is unfortunate that the structure should be so poor (the last chapter is enormous, easily five times the size of each of the previous ones); that foreshadowing has been done wrong, so that things are flung in the reader's face instead of being properly introduced (Roderick should really have been declared a keen hunter from the start; the river that eventually plays a huge part in the climax is barely mentioned for three quarters of the story; that there are glaring non sequiturs (the mute cook is there for one scene never to reappear again; the matter with both the mud in the kitchen and the dead fish around the house is left hanging; and so on and so forth); and that the framing of the story did not allow for subtlety and depth of character building. Still a decent effort in a genre very much underrepresented in MM romance. Three deserved stars. Maijie238 10

I received an ARC of this book from GRR and this is my honest review.

Call of the Night Singers is a wonderfully spooky, gothic romance novella read best while perfectly tucked in bed with one's blankets and a warm cup of tea by the bedside table.

The tale begins with Geoffrey telling the reader of his memory of the setting of the horrors he has experienced - a start very reminiscent of classic gothic stories. It then transitions showing the reader how he has met and fallen in love with his lover Garland. The succeeding events involved an inheritance, an eccentric, reclusive, rich uncle bequeathing his riches to his nephew, a dilapidated mansion with a tentacle door knocker and an utterly creepy butler. The story told is beautifully spine-tingling, mysterious and sinister. It is haunting, melancholic and has that creeping horror that just seeps into one's consciousness. The tone and atmosphere the entire time is very spot on. The timing of when to reveal the horrors and the answer to the mystery that surrounds everything that is happening is done quite well.

It should be noted that if one is expecting explicit sexual content or the romance being the focus of the story then one might be disappointed. Yes, both MCs are gay and in an established relationship but all the very little sex scenes are implied and done off screen. It is very much a stylistic choice and it works very well as intended. This novella is very much a gothic horror story first and romance secondly. Please bear that in mind if ever you decide to read this.

Overall I recommend this book and give this 4.5 stars and should there ever be another story be released with Geoffrey Wainwright and Garland Heatherford, I will be down for it.mm-books-reviewed Kendra Patterson683 9

Garland and Geoffrey are professors and lovers. They live together in the guise of friendship. They are planning a trip to Greece when Garland receives a letter from his Uncle Rodderick, stating that he is his heir and is needed to come sign paperwork for the inheritance. Putting their much anticipated vacation on hold, Garland and Geoffrey head to Bath, North Carolina. Upon arrival they are both immediately on guard as the home and reception is gloomy. The first night in attendance Garland hears singing that Geoffrey cannot hear. Upon waking in the morning Garland is not in good health. Every day after brings more and more unease and gloom. Bad characters abound at Heatherford House. Geoffrey is determined that nothing is going to hurt Garland. While Garland is summoned to the meeting with the attorney, Geoffrey searches the house and finds the answers that are needed. Soon the horrors of Heatherford House are revealed and Garland is saved the fate of his five previous family members.

This is a well written book with no noted grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. It has good characters and world building. It has an eerie feeling that really sets the mood for a suspenseful book. The descriptions in the story are well laid out. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it for anyone who s suspense or horror. Juniper2,988 21

This book does an excellent job of capturing a kind of somber, supernatural mood. The protagonist/narrator’s formal diction feels time-period appropriate without being too cumbersome-- the narrative reads a bit Sherlock Holmes, only with some serious strains of the paranormal and the clearly romantic relationship between the narrator and Garland, which is openly acknowledged to the reader even while hidden from other characters in the story. Garland is an interesting character and serves as both catalyst and potential victim in this tale, as it’s his sinister uncle and odd inheritance that brings our two heroes to the scene of the horror, and him that the phenomena affect most strongly. The suspense builds well, the mystery is not what I was expecting, which absolutely made it more interesting, and the bond between Garland and the narrator is strong and clearly worth fighting for. While I questioned the narrator’s decision not to confide in Garland the true extent of the danger and weirdness until it was almost too late, overall they make for a capable team. The last line hints at future adventures, and I definitely hope to see more from these two.

*I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Megan1,467 26

For being such a short story, it sure packed a punch. It was very slow going at the start and the voice was quite boring, to be honest, but once all the supernatural stuff started going down it became vastly more appealing and captivating. Told only from Geoffrey's POV, it lacked the balance I was hoping for, but it did have quite a lot of story depth even though it was very light on character depth.

I wasn't wowed by the romance at all, and definitely not the MC's themselves, but the overall story was sufficiently creepy and suitable for the setting described in the book. The villains were very obvious as were the basics regarding so many deaths that came before, but the actual why, the motivations, the paranormal element, and the violent confrontations, those were all mysteries that were woven quite well and kept me reading.

This was a new-to-me author that I very well might give another go. Once the plot picked up so did the actual story telling and perhaps that speaks to a talent that needed a little warming up before hitting their stride. If that stride is anything to go by, this is an author I'd definitely revisit.arc mm-bi-pan supernatural ...more AshPenny37 864 2

I love the way in which Call Of The Night Singers harks back to those fabulous gothic horror stories from the Victorian era. Indeed, it is set in 1899 when a change in Garland's circumstances mean that he and Geoffrey need to take a trip to the run-down mansion belonging to Garland's uncle. Written entirely from Geoffrey's POV, this is the tale of how a terrible, generations-old mystery is solved.

Things I about this book? I really that Geoffrey and Garland are an established couple and that they're making it work in that era. Their love for each other is clear and this is a romance in a very traditional way - sex is implied, but doesn't happen on the page. I also the descriptions of the mansion, its inhabitants and the atmosphere - all lend themselves to the building sense of unease as the mystery is unraveled.

All in all, Call Of The Night Singers is a well-rounded novella, which manages to squeeze a lot of gothic suspense into a fairly small number of pages...great storytelling. 4.5*

An ARC was provided by GRR. This is my honest review. Yaredi Pizano1,024 1 follower

Garland discovers that he is the heir to a great fortune and has to go and sign the papers to be the official heir, I loved the gothic atmosphere that the authors give them, I could clearly imagine it.
From the moment they arrive at the mansion you know that something is not right, that something dark is happening between those walls, I never expected the turn it took, and I really d it, I couldn't stop reading I wanted to know what Garland's uncle was hiding. He knew he was in danger but exactly because he hadn't discovered it.
When Geoffrey discovered the truth of what was happening, I only regretted that it was a novella and not a larger book I wanted to know more about what he found.
Another thing that I really d is that he showed us, albeit briefly, what they had to go through in order to have a relationship, even if it could never be official, they had to settle for being together in secret.
This is a book that is cozy gothic mystery, despite being a novella the authors manage to create that chemistry between Garland and Geoffrey.


What an intriguing story! Garland Heatherford has been named heir to his uncle’s estate. He is not at all happy as past the five heirs have met with untimely deaths, four of them through drowning. Reluctantly, Garland travels to Bath, NC, a town reputed to be cursed. Fortunately Garland travels with his lover, Geoffrey Wainwright. The two arrive and find the house to be decrepit and forbidding. Roderick, his uncle, is frail but has managed to survive while his heirs did not. The first night, Garland falls ill and seems to respond to singers only he can hear. Geoffrey is perplexed but determined to get to the bottom this mystery.

The plot was very well done and revealed gradually and masterfully. Roderick turned out to be a nasty piece but he did have help. Fortunately, Garland had help as well in the form of Geoffrey. Call of the Night singers was spooky, engaging and entertaining. I highly recommend this story.
Katherine167 3

I don't generally read horror, so this was a bit out of my comfort zone! However, I am glad I did, because while this was definitely a spooky tale, the mystery element and romance is really well done and I enjoyed it.

There were definitely some mild plot holes, but I think most horror has those to keep the plot moving smoothly (including the usually illogical decision to, y'know, investigate and end the spooky happenings rather an sensibly nope-ing out of there!).

Overall, this is less horror than a good exploration of traditional gothic tropes - things don't need to be perfectly explained, and the short story format creates a nice sense of this being a snapshot into the MC's lives rather than providing us their life story.

I really enjoyed it - it helped reading it at the start of winter, when its cold and raining and gloomy, which added wonderful atmospheric elements! But it is well written and relatively easy to read, with a solid, happy ending. Maddy765

Now this is what I imagine as gothic horror...

It is short, but boy is it packed with suspense. There are secrets and haunting events, a lot of suspense and certain atmosphere of horror that is quite haunting. Throughout it all there is a certain feel of wrongness and unease, but in a good way. It was quite the setting. The first person narrative made everything even more involved, as if the reader is the one going through it. It was a delightful, spooky story.

**I was provided an ARC of this book from the GRR for an honest review**
arc fantasy fiction ...more Christina Sorrell36

Although this was not exactly my usual choice of reading, I found this book to be quite good. I picked it after reading the synopsis and recalling a show I once watched regarding a similar set of mysterious drownings. I believe that town had also been called Bath. Anyway, while the book is not long, it does a great job of telling the story of a selfish old man trying to prolong his own life at the expense of his male relatives. It makes for a slightly creepy bit of entertainment. Kkhmonrai1,586 8

I enjoyed this quick read and its dark, eerie gothic feel. The story was full of tension, suspense, and mystery. I have to say that the uncle seemed suspicious just from the book description, but the description of the manor and surroundings made it all the creepier. I d the MCs, especially Geoffrey and his devotion to Garland. Great story with secrets, mysterious illness, and sleep-walking. Good paranormal chills.

I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving this honest review. Ida Umphers4,390 35

I really d the fact that Garland and Geoffrey were already an established couple at the beginning of this story. It made their actions much more believable as they risked everything to save Garland. This book gave me definite Fall of the House of Usher vibes, there is even a nod with the character name Roderick, lol. Very atmospheric and creepy. If you love gothic romance with family curses and decay, old dark houses and a great couple, grab this one. Haylee Wireman288 3

Really enjoyed this book! It was a step out of my normal comfort zone but I’m so glad I snagged it! The writing is impeccable and the main characters are so intriguing which sometimes I feel is hard to do in such a short book, but the author nailed it! This Gothic drama is definitely worth the read! Devoted??Reader1,491 28

Beyond price

A delightfully creepy mystery in the style of a penny dreadful. Garland and Geoffrey, an established couple, find themselves at the dilapidated Heatherford House where everyone and everything is suspect. I enjoyed the atmosphere of this novella, was intrigued by how everything played out, and look forward to more adventures of this style. Diane818 5

This is the story of Geoffrey and Garland. The old house and evil they encountered was made very vivid by the descriptions written. You can pretty much visualize the scenes. I d the love and care that Geoffrey had for Garland and the steps he took to ensure his safety.

I received an ARC of this book for my honest review. Brandyn {Nyn}561


A classically told tale of greed, familial curses, and live conquering all. Quite enjoyable, a very quick read, nice details. I appreciate the hint of more to come with this lovely couple. Lena Grey1,561 28

nr Jamie Lovering126 1 follower

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