
From Bad to Worse de April Kelley

de April Kelley - Género: English
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April Kelley Series: Saint Lakes 12 Publisher: Hard Rose Publishing, Year: 2023

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Reviewed for Love Bytes – 3.5 hearts.
Since being rescued, Westley has been under the guard of Anna, an enhanced human, and Sully, a wolf shifter. While events unfold in Saint Lakes, Westley’s tainted worldview of shifters is changing. Also, the closer he gets to Sully, the safer he feels. Westley’s safety is paramount to Sully since Westley is Sully’s fated mate. But, with events on the horizon, will they get their happily ever after?
From Bad to Worse is the twelfth book in the Saint Lakes Series. It is a sweet enough tale, with Sully and Westley being lovely men who are made to be with each other, incurring tender and protective elements throughout the story. However, the account is similar to previous installments. While the overall narrative arc is furthered (in baby steps), and another book is now being advertised, I can’t help wondering if it will ever conclude.
The story is told in the third person from the viewpoints of Westley and Sully. Worldbuilding has evolved over the series, and other than some more details on new characters introduced in the previous book, there isn’t much to add. Although I must say that I very much d the alliances that are being forged, proving that Saint Lakes isn’t the only place where interspecies collaborations happen.
There is much to about this story. The kitten is cute. I am an Anna fan – I love her blunt delivery of the facts, and she has a well-hidden heart. In some ways, she is a female version of Fane. The introduction of Spider Sylvain (a scene stealer) makes me wonder about the long-term purpose of others. Although I Sylvain’s bad boy image, which makes him an interesting character who could handle a spin-off series of his own (which I would read) – emphasis on the spin-off, not, included in this one. While a formidable task force is building, which gives the impression that it’s no longer the Somerset clan against the world, the cast has expanded so much that I find it difficult to remember who is paired with whom and their skillset.
As already mentioned, what I thought was a twelve-book series is now thirteen. I get that characters and tales take on a life of their own, But what began as the somerset boys finding mates while dealing with a considerable threat to their existence – has now expanded to other clan members. They are nice books, and some of the novels are memorably great, but they are getting formulaic, dampening the suspense, and my interest in them is waning. In truth, I am now only reading the books because I’m too far in to stop, and the end has got to be close.
In conclusion, From Bad to Worse is a nice enough story containing some series progression and the inclusion of more potentially bad-ass characters. However, I am now hungry for the final act.
This book was provided free in exchange for a fair and honest review for
Love Bytes.
J. Walker205 4

Interesting segment of the Saint Lakes saga, but the weakest entry yet. The worst case of sequelitis I've encountered since I started reading the MMPreg books a year ago.

Senator Fowler, one of the villains (painted as the primary villain until late) of the series, finally puts in an appearance, and does nothing but cower in the background until he's captured. By this point in the series, he is no longer actively engaged in the struggles between humans and paranormals, he's a passerby, a tool of the plot, not a character engaged in furthering or countering the narrative. This is a necessary chapter, but an unexciting one; the attempt at psychological depth is appreciated, but insufficient for a complete character arc.

Saint Lakes is a strong series, I've enjoyed the twists and turns since first encountering Sawyer and company, but this penultimate chapter is all set-up and little actual delivery.

What? Of course I'll be back for the series finale; I'm too caught up in the larger struggle to give up on it now. You will, too. Marta137

I read this book without knowing anything about this series or any of the related ones and I enoyed it greatly.
After some traumatic experiences suffered by Wesley in the hands of a vampire he is wary of paranormals, but he is rescued by Sully a wolf shifter and his mate.
Bit by bit Sully earns Wesley love and trust, but their happiness hinges on ending the threats that pend over the paranormal community.
This book has very interesting characters and is action packed.
A great love story meshes fated mates with working to build a good relationship and I loved that both of them talked about the little misunderstandigs instead of letting them grow.
Going to read this series from the beginning now. Donna3,031 39

My one complaint: The stories move along so quickly... the series, NOT so much!
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