
Death in the Dark Woods de Annelise Ryan

de Annelise Ryan - Género: English
libro gratis Death in the Dark Woods


A potential Bigfoot sighting is linked to a vicious murder, but skeptical cryptozoologist Morgan Carter is on the case in this new Monster Hunter Mystery by USA Today bestselling author Annelise Ryan.
Business has been booming since Morgan Carter solved the case of the monster living in Lake Michigan. The Odds and Ends bookstore is thriving, of course, but Morgan is most excited by the doors that were opened for her as a cryptid hunter.
Recently, there have been numerous sightings of a Bigfoot-type creature in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest area of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. After a man is found dead from a vicious throat injury in the forest, the conservation warden asks Morgan to investigate.
When Morgan and her dog, Newt, go there to investigate, they uncover a trail of lies, deception, and murder. It seems a mysterious creature is indeed living in the forest, and Morgan might be its next target...M.F

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Death in the Dark Woods is an enjoyable second installment of Annelise Ryan's Monster Hunter series. This time Morgan Carter and her dog Newt are on the hunt for Bigfoot (Bigfeet? Bigfoots?) in the forests of northern Wisconsin. But is the elusive cryptid really to blame for the recent murders in the area?

If you've read the first book in the series, A Death in Door County, you probably already know what to expect with this one since they follow a pretty similar formula. And, in the previous installment, the mystery in this one isn't really all that complicated. There are no Agatha Christie-esque twists and turns, just a straightforward but entertaining who(what?)dunit.

I think I actually enjoyed this one a bit more than the first book – there's less romance and more cryptid hunting, which is a win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. Ol' Flatfoot Flanders is still the love interest, but he's not around quite as much this time … but don't worry, because when he is, he and Morgan are just as awkward with each other as ever.

Newt, of course, is still the star of the show. If Newt were a real dog, I'd totally take a trip to Door County just to pet him.

Basically, if you d A Death in Door County, you'll probably enjoy this one, too. If you haven't read the previous book in the series, maybe go back and read that one first? While this one might work okay as a stand-alone if you really want it to, you'll miss out on a lot of the backstory.

Final rating: 4.25 stars, rounded down.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review.
arcs-and-such fiction waiting-for-the-next-book53 s2 comments megs_bookrack1,815 12.2k

Death in the Dark Woods is the 2nd-installment to Annelise Ryan's Monster Hunter Cozy Mystery series.

This series features cryptozoologist and specialty bookstore owner, Morgan Carter, who helps investigate mysteries that may be linked to potential cryptid activity.

The beauty of this series is that it combines two of my very favorite things: creepy vibes and cozy mysteries.

I really enjoyed the 1st-book, A Death in Door County, when I read it last year and was looking forward to going on more adventures with Morgan and her lovable dog, Newt.

While that first story featured a potential lake monster, in this one, Morgan travels a little farther from home to help investigate possible Bigfoot sightings.

Specifically, the Bigfoot sightings have occurred around the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest area of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. When a man is found dead, with an injury to his throat not thought to be cause by a human, a local warden, Charlie, calls Morgan for help.

Morgan is excited that her cyptid hunter business is finally getting some traction after gaining notoriety following the lake monster case. She's more than happy to assist Charlie.

Nevertheless, Morgan is a skeptic at heart, so it's gonna take solid proof for her to claim a Bigfoot is responsible for the fatal attack they're investigating.

Morgan and Newt travel there and meet up with Charlie, who introduces them to their comfortable temporary lodgings, and then they get straight to work.

Morgan immerses herself in the small town, questioning numerous people about their experiences and opinions when it comes to the area's Bigfoot legends.

It's true that some claim to have seen Bigfoot type creatures, but that's not the only thing Morgan uncovers. She reveals a trail of secrets and lies that could end up having more to do with the recent murder than anyone seems to be suspecting.

As the pressure starts to build, will Morgan and Newt be able to sniff out the killer before they strike again, or could Morgan end up being the next victim?

I had so much fun with this. I actually enjoyed it even more than the 1st-book. I loved that Morgan was traveling away from home, and that she was sort of inserting herself into this new place and digging around, trying to figure out whatever she could.

I loved learning about the local area along with her and meeting the various colorful characters of the small town.

Jon Flanders, the Police Chief, who asked for Morgan's assistance in the 1st-book, appears in this one as well, as their relationship has continued to grow.

There have been some sparks between them and I love the way the chemistry is continuing to build. They both have some traumas in their past, so I that it's moving slowly, at a pace that seems realistic. It makes sense.

I also d the dynamic between Morgan and Charlie. Charlie, as the local girl, has her own very strong opinions on the Bigfoot legends and I d how Morgan didn't let Charlie really sway her one way or another.

The highlight for me though is definitely the relationship between Morgan and Newt. I absolutely adore and appreciate the way that Ryan writes their connection.

As a Dog Mom, who frequently spends the majority of a book worrying about any doggie characters who may be involved, it was so nice to just sit back and enjoy the fact that Newt got to participate in pretty much everything Morgan does.

And I never worried about him! You can tell that Annelise Ryan is a dog person, and I just knew that she wouldn't take it anywhere uncomfortable. It was freaking great!

At this point, I'm not sure what the long-term plans are for this series, but I really hoping for more books. There's so much left to explore with Morgan, both as far as potential cryptid mysteries, but also with her personal life.

At this point, I am properly attached to Morgan, Newt and even Jon. Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be getting news of a 3rd-book soon!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I recommend this to Cozy Mystery fans. It's a unique series and a lot of fun. I've never read anything quite it!arcs-read41 s6 comments Karen1,976 500

Could it be Bigfoot? What happened to Brodie in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest?

Morgan a cryptozoologist, has special talents, besides being a bookstore owner of books and strange “Odds & Ends.” When she is called to investigate with her dog Newt, what will she discover?

What makes this story interesting, isn’t just Morgan’s character, but the author’s interest in deep diving into the history of Bigfoot and the mysteries of this particular forest. Some of the solutions made sense, and Morgan’s character showing reason and intellect felt realistic and easy to follow.

This book was filled with atmosphere, her charming dog named Newt, and a well-built mystery.
captivating compelling complex ...more32 s16 comments Wanda Pedersen2,038 427

Morgan Carter has an unusual and complicated life. She is still recovering and grieving the deaths of her parents. She has inherited their wealth and the business they established. She has also inherited their penchant for hunting cryptids, those mysterious animals whose existence is hotly debated. The first book was lake monsters, this one it's Bigfoot. Morgan insists on scientific proof but hopes for the miraculous.

It's difficult to gain the trust of the true believers when you regularly play the devil's advocate. But humans aren't the best observers. I've experienced this frustration when non-birders describe birds to me. They fixate on the wrong characteristics and fail to note significant behaviour. They misjudge size and ignore vocalizations. They describe colour in odd ways. I endured a long description of a “beautiful bird" only to figure out eventually that it was a gull. Certainly well adapted for what they do, but pretty boring (to me, anyway). There are lots of gull species that can be tricky to distinguish from each other, causing long, boring discussions among “gull guys."

As with most of my preferred mystery series, there is continuing personal development of the main character, Morgan. We watch her friendships deepen and see her edge gingerly towards a new romance with lawman Jon Flanders. We wonder when the other shoe will drop with the absent ex-fiance. Obviously there will be at least one more book and I will be reading it when it comes out.
female-authors good-dog monsters ...more17 s Carole (Carole's Random Life)1,898 551

This review can also be found at https://carolesrandomlife.com/

This was entertaining! I enjoyed the first book in this series so I was eager to pick up this installment. I love a good mystery and the fact that these mysteries deal with possible cryptid situations only added to the appeal. I was hooked by this mystery early in the story and couldn’t wait to see if Bigfoot was really what was responsible for the murders in the small Wisconsin town asking Morgan for her help.

Morgan is called to help out on a case once again, but this time she is looking for Bigfoot. I have to admit that I kind of wanted to see her find the creature but I that she tends to look for other possible explanations. I enjoyed Morgan’s approach to investigation and was impressed that the story kept me guessing until the very end. The fact that Morgan always has her dog, Newt, with her only adds to the appeal of this story.

I listened to the audiobook and thought that Susan Bennett did a wonderful job with the story. I d the various voices that she used in the narration of this story and thought that she brought a lot of life to the story through her reading. I found her voice to be very pleasant and had no problems listening to this book for hours at a stretch. I am certain that her performance added to my overall enjoyment of this book.

I would recommend this book to others. This book could work as a stand-alone since the mystery is contained in this volume but I would recommend reading the series in order if possible. I found this installment to be very entertaining and must admit that I d it a bit more than the first book. I was very satisfied with how things worked out in the end and look forward to the next installment.

I received a review copy of this book from Berkley Publishing Group and Penguin Random House Audio.2023 2023-netgalley-challenge cozy ...more8 s Joey Preston26 13

I am a permanent fan of the monster hunter series, I am hooked! If you read either of the two books, you won’t be disappointed. Death in the Dark Woods is a fun read that picks up where the last one left off. The characters continue to develop but it is written in such a way that you won’t be lost if you haven’t read the first one.

Death in the Dark Woods inspects a couple of deaths that might be connected to a Bigfoot sighting. The way the author wove this mystery was brilliant and intriguing. I was hooked right away. Ryan does a fantastic job of tying some local history in that made me appreciate the story even more. Her writing style is so comforting and she has quickly caught my attention.

I will say this one was hard to rate. I was torn between 3 and 4 stars and went with 4.
The only thing that kept me from 5 was the recapping.
There was almost too much recapping for my own liking, but I understood why the author made sure to give a thorough summary of book one. I just found it repetitive and it took away from the new story.

Overall, great book and start reading these mysteries!

I would recommend if you :

mysteries with a different spin
Outside the box thinking
Cozy mysteries
Quirky characters
Descriptive sceneries
Mythological creatures
Dogs as a main character
Depth and tragedy sprinkled in

I would caution you if:

You don’t mysteries that veer off the beaten path
You don’t “monster” stories
You classic mystery books10 s Shannon5,604 314

This was another fun cozy mystery featuring cryptozoologist Morgan Carter, this time she is enlisted to help disprove that there is a Bigfoot type creature hunting the woods along Lake Michigan. I really d how this story wrapped up, the history of circuses and runaway animals (based on actual events) and finally learning what was actually behind the deaths. Full of equal parts suspense, cleverness and a touch of romance, Jon makes another cameo in this one and Morgan finds herself fighting for her life once again. Good on audio narrated by Susan Bennet. Many thanks to @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review!cozy-mystery mystery-thriller prh-audio7 s2 comments Mookie17

This is a fun murder mystery read, based on the premise that Bigfoot could be killing people in the Wisconsin northwoods. I enjoyed the details of the milieu of Bayfield and the Chequamegon. 6 s1 comment Rebecca141

Death in the Dark Woods is a classic case of a book with a great concept falling flat. The book is a mystery/thriller following cryptozoologist Morgan who is called to a Midwestern town to investigate deaths thought to be caused by Bigfoot. Somehow, Annelise Ryan takes a fun, quirky plot and makes it unusually sterile. It reads a scientific investigation rather than playing up the monster/fantasy side. After learning Ryan used to work in the ER, it explained the clinical writing style, but I was still disappointed. The mystery itself wasn't extremely obvious, which I d, but the motives of the suspects were weak and I didn't feel any shock or confusion once the pieces came together. There's some really great visual descriptions, but for every good description, there's one that's overdone and clunky. It's very much telling not showing. There's a few subplots that feel unnecessary as well. This book reads quickly, and is worth it for the setting alone, but for a "Monster Hunter Mystery" it's lacking in both monsters and mystery.4 s Allison289

I am giving 3?? for Wisconsin but 2?? for the actual book. This one felt way more cozy leaning than the first one.

I was so disappointed in the twist/reveal about what the Big Foot sightings actually were. I didn’t it at all and it felt a weird cop out to not actually be anything supernatural or anything that anyone would have been able to come to that conclusion. If a reveal comes so far out of nowhere I feel there weren’t enough clues given or it’s really just that unbelievable. Coworkers- I will spoil it for you in detail if you want.

And I am still unsure about the motive for the actual murder that took place. Did I miss something? Why did Trip kill that guy??

Not sure if I’ll continue the series or not - maybe just to keep up with it because Wisconsin but I was disappointed. ?? This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review4 s1 comment CZ231 4

This author has a way of making Wisconsin seem the most magical, mythical place in Earth. And I'm not going to give anything away, but the solution to the mystery is so deep-cut Wisco, I jumped up and said "Hey I know about that! I've been there!" Between that, the solid mystery, and the cryptid hunting, I swear to you, I am the exact target audience here.audiobook owned-audio4 s Alex Wagner117

2.5 rounded up.
Relative to first book, this kinda was not it. It did feel the first book and the relationship between Morgan and Jon did not progress at all which I was so disappointed by. The only saving grace was that it takes place in Wisconsin but even that was not enough to buoy it. Chimps in Wisconsin? NORTHERN wisconsin at that??? no frickin way, not possible.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s1 comment Mary621 197

3.5 stars rounded up! I read this author’s first WI-based monster mystery this summer while in Door County and enjoyed it, but found the whole thing a little flat. I’m not sure whether I’ve adjusted my expectations or if this book was just executed a bit better, but I flew through it and enjoyed the whole thing! The mysteries themselves are fairly straightforward, but the spooky other-worldliness of the inciting events are fun, and her weird historical facts about Wisconsin are my favorite part of the entire reading experience. I enjoyed that this one left a little more to the imagination than just entirely explaining away the more magical elements (plausible existability!) but if that would annoy you, be aware. I’ll definitely keep reading within this series!3 s Sara Bacon18 5

Another one I listened to on spotify, it was a fun and different listen that I needed! Just a fun and easy little mystery to indulge in. The setting was generally local to me so that was also fun to imagine the little towns I've been to in this story with their characters. I this author and her style. It was a fun change of pace and I also enjoyed the narrators voice which is rare for me. I think I was supposed to read the 1st one in this series but I don't think it makes or break the mystery in this book. I hope she writes more!3 s Emily130 4

I enjoyed book 2 even more than book 1 in Ryan's Monster Hunter mysteries. I love the premise, and I that she does keep things grounded in reality for the cryptozoology portion of the story. Since I live in Wisconsin, I always enjoy reading books featuring places I know, and Ryan does an excellent job of moving Morgan around. I absolutely adore Newt, and though I would have d to see a little more of Rita, I enjoyed Morgan's character development. The only negative I have is that I felt Charlie was a little bit of a shallow character and often unable. However, I did learn about both Wisconsin and circus history, which was a fun surprise!3 s Sandra106 1 follower

I really enjoyed this cryptid-hunting dark cozy. Morgan is a cryptozoologist with a difficult past. Her parents were murdered by her ex-fiancé and now she runs their oddity store in Wisconsin. In this latest mystery, Bigfoot appears to be tearing apart hunters in the Chequamegon Forest, but Morgan is skeptical its Bigfoot until she has proof. Dealing with a questionable DNR warden, a town full of people she can't trust, and a Bigfoot- creature roaming around in the forest, Morgan has a lot to deal with before finding the truth. Her adventure camping in the deep dark woods is admirable, but downright scary. Morgan has guts! This mystery series is a nice departure from the normal, and I enjoyed every minute of Morgan's investigation.3 s1 comment Andrea Regina8

I love local authors! Such a good read!3 s Jessica298 16

I really loved the first book in this series so I have been anxiously awaiting this second one, which might be why it feel a bit flat for me.

I still love the concept of a cryptozoologist who ends up accidentally solving murders instead, and I love that they take place in the upper Midwest. But for this book I don't know why but I had a harder time connecting with the story and characters. I think partly because this one we didn't get as much of Morgan's background - it was just dropped in since it was explored more in the first one - so it was harder for me to connect with Morgan and there was no one really around that she wasn't suspicious of to see her interact more. I also feel this one walked the border of horror genre more than the previous book, and I personally don't enjoy horror books, so I was left trying to push through the book to get to the parts that weren't as horror filled.

I would still read more in this series, and I am interested to see what American cryptids will show up next.arc-netgalley-giveaway3 s Jenny Hall48

Very slow paced and the beginning was filled with repetitive exposition. Didn’t start getting interesting until about 60% in, at which point I just wanted to finish it up and move on.

Another beef I have is that the main character sounds she’s in her mid-50’s rather than the late 20’s I think she’s supposed to be. It kept taking me out of the story and making me feel confused.

It did get a little better but I don’t think I’ll read another one from this series.3 s Christian Grondziowski6

Reading this book was similar to watching paint dry. 3 s Catethereader325 22

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Many thanks to PRH International for the free copy!

”May all the monsters of your lives be kind ones.”

”Death in the dark woods” is the second book in the “Monster hunter mystery” series, but it works great as a standalone!

After a man is killed by what people think was a Bigfoot,
Morgan Carter, a cryptozoologist, is hired by a conservation warden to investigate the case. But not everything is what it seems, because Morgan together with her dog, Newt, discover many things, even a murder.

This book was a great and interesting cozy murder mystery. I’ve never read something this, and I was pleasantly surprised to realise how much I it. The action is simple, easy to follow and understandable and the main character is smart, capable and brave. I loved her and what I d the most about her is the fact that, even if she believes in mystical creatures, she remains a skeptic and she’s not after people’s money. She still needs real evidence to believe. She does her best to find out the truth and to get to the bottom of the case, and she’s not intimidated by the “big boys”. She always listen when someone tries to convince her of what he or she saw. And she has a great dog, which is a plus!

The writing style was plain, but beautiful. The gorgeous descriptions of Wisconsin and the forest around it made me open Google Maps and search for it, which is a first for me! Colourful trees, red squirrels, bald eagles, sunsets and sunrises, silent forests full of colours, as Morgan said ”Mother Nature at her finest, utterly breathtaking”. It made me realise that the world is a beautiful place and sometimes we take it for granted.

The ending was satisfying and unexpected. There is only a thing that I predicted, but that didn’t make the book or the ending disappointing. I recommend it if you want something easy and fast, with great nature descriptions and easy loving characters.

”It was tranquil and serene, and for a brief moment, I envied the creatures of these woods, coveted the earthly sounds and smells, the feel of nature surrounding them, and the simplicity of life without all the strict social constructs we humans have to deal with.”arcs2 s Weronika346 8

I very much enjoyed A Death in Door County and the follow up is just as good!

Death in the Dark Woods finds Morgan, the cryptozoologist, and her dog Newt, chasing a lead about mysterious deaths and sightings of Bigfoot up in Chequamegon National Forest.

What I the most about Annelise Ryan’s writing are the lowkey atmosphere and surprisingly easy to follow investigative procedures. She makes it realistic and believable, while also taking certain creative liberties with the plot. The colorful descriptions of Wisconsin in the Fall were to die for, the Midwest does that rather well!

The plot was peppered with clues throughout and wrapped up with a satisfying reveal. I enjoy the group of characters we see- Jon, Rita and Devon - making Morgan’s team complete.

Another terrific monster hunting cozy mystery!2 s Karley Sisk11

I was so blown away by Annelise’s descriptive story telling. I couldn’t put this book down. If you Cryptids and logical story telling I could not recommend this book more.

Best book I’ve read all year!2 s Ryan Stoffield86 1 follower

A solid sequel to Death in Door County. This book took place up north in Wisconsin and while I appreciated being able to connect to where the story took place, wasn’t a huge fan of the storyline and ending. I’ll always support local authors though!2 s1 comment Susan5,854 60

Morgan leaves the curiosity shop her parents started and goes to northern Wisconsin to investigate a possible sighting of a Bigfoot--a cryptid that might have killed two men. But the locals have blamed a bear for the killings. There's a forest warden who has her own reasons for believing in Bigfoot, and an unfriendly policeman who wants Morgan gone. Still, with her trusty dog, her degrees in biology and zoology, ad her expensive equipment--plus, of course, her gut instincts--Morgan is sure that there is something strange out there, something that is neither a bear nor a human being.mystery-wisconsin2 s Christine1,540 32

3.5 stars - Very unique premise to a promising series.2 s Ashley Woodhouse 2 2

A great sequel to an equally spectacular book. With mystery, suspense and a whole new look at Wisconsin’s history and natural wonders. 20242 s Timothy Grubbs693 2

Is something with big feet killing hunters in the wild forests of the Badger State? Or is it something with human sized feet?

Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan is the second volume in the Monster Hunter mysteries, a series about a cryptozoologist investigating suspicious deaths in Wisconsin…

Morgan Carter is called in my a park warden to help with the suspicious death of a hunter allegedly at the hands of a Bigfoot.

Of course, it’s no so easy and sometimes the true is even more unusual.

As she’s road blocked by a rough local sheriff’s deputy, a competing cryptozoologist, and assorted unreliable witnesses, Morgan also has to deal with her growing feelings for a new man in her life while also being reminded of her murderous ex-fiancee…

Fortunately, Morgan has Newt…the best dog and partner she could ever need…along with her other friends and colleagues…

As with the first book, the resolution of the mystery was quick, but the monster explanation was surprising and interesting…along with the various anecdotes that the author includes regarding the history of the cryptid being investigated (both culturally and scientifically)…

Highly recommend and I hope this series continues for a long time…2 s Sarah Warner59 7

I have absolutely loved this series and I can’t wait for more! The best way I can describe them is grown up Scooby-Doo! They are charming and clean and I just can’t say enough. I also love being outdoors, camping hiking etc and Wisconsin I a place we frequent. It’s fun to read about these places in fiction this way. I loved it. 2 s Grace3 4

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