
The Brittany Murders de Anne Penketh

de Anne Penketh - Género: English
libro gratis The Brittany Murders


Discover your new favourite cozy mystery series set in Brittany.
Jennifer and her family are starting their new life in a small village in Brittany. The views are stunning, the bread is amazing, and the locals are mostly friendly. But life in France still has its perils . . .
It’s their first family Christmas in the village of Louennec and Jennifer decides to throw a party for some of the other expats.
The wine is flowing and her new friend Pippa’s homemade biscuits are going down a treat.
But before the festivities can really get started, they realise estate agent Adam is missing . . .
Jennifer and Pippa are horrified to find him face down in the fish pond. A tragic accident . . . or something more sinister?
Adam’s death shakes the whole community. All the Brits in the area bought their homes from him. Who would want to hurt him?
The French police are making slow progress. So Jennifer and Pippa start doing some digging. Can they solve the mystery before anyone else dies?..M.F

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This was an interesting cosy read, set in Brittany focussing mainly on a group of British people now residing in the area. The group are involved in a local dramatic pantomime society group and we are immediately focussed on the murder of an estate agent. Further murders occur and two of the main characters, Jennifer and Pippa, somehow find themselves trying to insert themselves into the investigation.

I enjoyed the characters of Jennifer and Pippa and the whole British blow-ins versus French local inhabitant relationships. For me, it was this that made the book rather than the actual mystery. It's not a book that will grab you and not let you go. It's more of a relaxing Sunday kind of read and I did enjoy it.

I received a copy of this and this is my honest review.1 The Sassy Bookworm3,633 2,797

Book Review: "The Brittany Murders" by Anne Penketh

????.5 Stars

If you're looking for a cozy mystery series that will transport you to the picturesque landscapes of Brittany, then "The Brittany Murders" by Anne Penketh is the perfect choice. This delightful novel introduces us to Jennifer and her family, who have recently moved to a small village in Brittany to start a new life. However, their idyllic existence takes a dark turn when a local estate agent is found dead, sending shockwaves through the community.

The story unfolds during Jennifer's first Christmas in Louennec, where she decides to organize a festive gathering for fellow expats. As the wine flows and homemade biscuits are enjoyed, the disappearance of estate agent Adam casts a shadow over the celebrations. When his lifeless body is discovered face down in a fish pond, Jennifer and her newfound friend Pippa decide to take matters into their own hands and investigate the murder.

Penketh's writing style is both warm and witty, effortlessly capturing the essence of cozy mystery storytelling. The pacing is spot-on, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. While the mystery aspect of the book may take a backseat at times, it serves as a compelling backdrop to the true highlight of the novel: the characters and their interactions.

Jennifer and Pippa make for delightful amateur sleuths. Jennifer's decision to leave the rat race and start afresh in Brittany adds depth to her character, while Pippa's transformation from City banker to baker adds an intriguing layer. Their friendship is genuine and heartwarming, and it's a pleasure to accompany them on their journey of uncovering the truth.

The setting of Louannec is beautifully portrayed, with Penketh's vivid descriptions bringing the rugged beauty of the Brittany countryside to life. From the sweeping hills to the stormy Atlantic coast, readers will feel transported to this enchanting corner of France.

One standout aspect of "The Brittany Murders" is its cover design. It perfectly captures the essence of the story within, drawing readers in with its charming and inviting imagery.

In conclusion, "The Brittany Murders" is a delightful cozy mystery that will captivate readers with its engaging plot, charming characters, and picturesque setting. While the mystery may the strong point of this book, it is more than compensated by the warmth and wit that permeates every page.

I eagerly await the next installment in this captivating series.

??This review was written based on personal opinions and experiences with the book. Individual preferences may vary??fiction holiday mystery ...more5 s Kate97

I struggled with my overall rating for The Brittany Murders. It's a cozy murder mystery by Anne Penketh, and I tend to hold cozy mysteries in a different category than other genres, as it is a specific style of writing in the sub-genre. It has the murder element, interpersonal issues, but also tends to be more lighthearted than other murder mysteries. Set in Brittany, largely following the interactions of an ex-pat British enclave, this book follows primarily the experiences of Jennifer and Pippa as they deal with their new lives in Brittany while trying to also figure out murders.

There were several areas that I would have d to see more of the story line fleshed out. Jennifer's daughter's backstory is mentioned, and there's a sub plot for her but it's "resolved," and we don't hear about it again. There are also some major issues and tension between Jennifer and her husband Jonathan, that also feel unresolved at the end of the book. I know there will be other books in this series, so it will be interesting to see if those threads are picked up, or if the book picks up without addressing their issues.

The book also really shows the stereotypical British attitude to being somewhere else, which I thought was a good portrayal. They both live apart from and with one another, and struggle to assimilate with the locals. It's an interesting dynamic to have going on in the background of a murder-mystery. Overall, there's a lot going on in the book and it's an interesting new cozy mystery series. Also, I loved the cover of this book. It's one of the first things that made me look at the book to see what it was about, I really loved the cover design. I think it's a good first start to a series, and would pick up the next book to see where it goes.

Please be advised I received an Advance Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley. Brittany109 1 follower

I went into this book blind, never having read a novel by Anne Penketh and not diving into the synopsis before opening to the first chapter. I decided to read "The Brittany Murders" for two main reasons: the gorgeous cover art and the simple fact that the title promises murder will be afoot.

About a third of the way into this novel, I found myself in a predicament that I had not been put in before: I started to care less about the murder and suspects and more about the hidden gem of this novel, the relationship conflicts. I was more drawn in by these human interactions than by the (at-times comical) murder that continued to occur in this small hamlet. The backdrop of this novel also revolves around class and ethnic disparities, which was always lightly hinted at, but never fully explored.

I wanted more from this book, chiefly to explore the character's viewpoints around the conflicts they found themselves in, including the underlying tone of class inequality that existed between the Bretons and other Europeans who had migrated and settled in Brittany.

One of the main characters who I thought deserved more time was Mariam. Being an orphaned refugee and adopted daughter, there were so many layers that could have been explored with this character. Instead, the author barely scratched the surface of these real-world issues.

The pros:
-Gorgeous cover
-Interesting characters that you want to know more about
-Comedic at times
-Real-world issues of social injustice

The cons:
-Just give me more about Mariam and Pippa

I received an ARC of this book and was not compensated in any way for a review. vince weldon95 4


Do you remember that old song "Nice Legs, Shame About The Face"? This book for me is a case of "Nice Cover, Shame About The Content"!

The cover depicts a coastal clifftop village, set above a calm blue sea...the content included characters that I struggled to raise interest in...after  six chapters I was not invested in any of them and had no interest into who lived or died, nor discovering why they had to go...which was disappointing for me.

I've never been drawn to moving abroad for anything other than a holiday so the concept of an ex-pat community doesn't grip me, and perhaps that clouds my view - but the writing did little to draw me in...at times it was clichéd, stilted and bland (one character regularly calls her partner dear in normal conversation, which is abnormal to me)...and I'm afraid to say unbelievable...if someone from that small community died on your property, during a party that you were hosting, wouldn't you know about AND attend the funeral? Not if Anne Penketh has control of events it seems.

I gave up on the book a third of the way in...the pantomime production going on in the background was at best annoying, the lack of interest in the characters (with one exception) was making it a hard read for me and this close to Christmas I could do without the disappointment...the exception was an adopted Somali child who was being bullied at the local school  by village children ...there's a story to be told there, but I suspect  not by this author if it's to be explored properly...

2* is seasonally affected generosity as I really gained little from this book personally. Julie2,316 35

Fans of The Madame Blanc Mysteries will lap up The Brittany Murders by Anne Penketh.

Jennifer and her family have decided to make a new life for themselves in the charming French village of Louennec. With its stunning views, lip-smackingly delicious bread and reasonably friendly locals, Jennifer and her clan quickly begin to put down roots in Brittany and they decide to throw a party for their new neighbours?just in time for Christmas.

However, the party hasn’t even got started when Jennifer notices that somebody has gone missing: estate agent Adam who had sold them their property. As Jennifer and her new friend Pippa begin to wonder what happened to Adam, they are stunned when they find him – face down in the fish pond. Was this an unfortunate and tragic accident? Or could it be something much more sinister and terrifying: murder?

With the French police dragging their feet and their community panicked and terrified, Jennifer and Pippa decide to take matters into their own hands and do some sleuthing of their own. Can they manage to find out whodunnit before more bodies are found? Or will a ruthless killer continue to evade justice?

A pacy, breezy and nail-biting mystery packed with French style and flavour, Anne Penketh’s The Brittany Murders is a total delight. Fun, enjoyable and unpredictable, The Brittany Murders kept me engrossed till the end with its blend of humour, tension and excitement.

Witty, entertaining and an absolute joy to read, Anne Penketh’s The Brittany Murders is not to be missed.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Erica B597 7

This was a very simple murder mystery. Perhaps it would work as geared towards youth, but none of the characters seem they would appeal to youth well.

Overall the idea was okay- English in small French town getting picked off. But then it was just very concise in each step. this happened then this happened, without a lot of context and jumping quickly. Which made for a quick read. But then the reveal was also very so we found out this, voila! Little lead up, as well little connection to the motivation or sympathy for those murdered it did not do well to make you care about what was happening. I cared more about Pippa opening her bakery and her connecting with the gendarmerie.

The best part was laughing about a glossary at the end for US readers of British terms... even included Margaret Thatcher. Was surprised it didn't include a Fahrenheit to Celcius converter as was confused at one point when was summer and said was 20 degrees warmer than normal temperatures, which I think for Celcius would be too high, but was written about Brits in France so not sure why F would be used...

Anyway it didn't offend so give it an extra star- except I guess in part I was also miffed about the people being against wind farms which is so NIMBYism and supports incorrect information as well denies the current environmental racism than many marginalized people live near other dirty areas, e.g. near factories or coal plants and no one complains about that.

Again, anyway, thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.giveaways Misfits farm1,900 80

A group of friends, all expats, get together to arrange the local pantomime in a village in France. A short while later it is noticed that one hasn't returned from nipping outside. Further investigation finds him dead in the fish pond- what on earth has happened? Jennifer, Jonathan and their family have not long lived here and are trying to make a new life, despite their marital issues. Pippa is also starting anew, she is about to open a boulangerie- an English woman opening a bakery in France is a brave step to take. She is already trying the locals out on curry- something that is rather an anathema over there. When more people are killed what is the village coming to? Could it be that someone is against the Brits or is the wind farm to blame?
I very quickly took to this, it's a lovely easy read set around Christmas with a light-hearted feel. My only complaint is that I felt hungry reading about all the wonderful bakes! (I'm a keen home cook so may well be trying some!) I'm hoping that this will turn into a series, the characters developing well and I took to Jennifer and Pippa well. A brilliantly entertaining read for anyone enjoying a lighter feel crime novel. A word of warning- this book may contain delicious calories!

For more please follow me on Twitter or Threads @nickisbookblog
1 Court (croe) 10

Two women, Pippa and Jennifer, take it upon themselves to investigate a string of murders in their small commune, Louennec.

We follow a tight knit cast of characters in a lo al theatre group who are struck when one of their fellow thespians is found dead. It gets more intricate and complex as more people are murdered. My favorite parts of this novel have to be the dynamic relationships between all of these characters. I found myself wrapped up in the day to day of these characters and their humble, rural lives.

The use of French language and a French village as a setting made for such an interesting and cozy read. I enjoyed reading about the socio-political dynamics in this small village that operates much different from the US, and offers the question of what happened after Brexit.

Personally, I wish some scenes were more fleshed out and given more depth. The reveal could have used more set up and payoff, to give more of a punch, but I understand the choice to keep everything cozy and mysterious. I wanted more of the family dynamic with Jennifer, Jonathan, and their kids, and how things resolve for them. I’m hoping that since this is labeled as book one, that means there will be more exploration of these characters and their surroundings in future books!

Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for an ARC of The Brittany Murders in exchange for a review.

2023 arc netgalley Sarah Ritchie20 2

I went into this book hoping for a cozy murder mystery to read by the fire on a cold winter day. However, the murder mystery was almost being camouflaged by everything else going on in the book. It felt there were several overlapping but disjointed subplots (family, political, social, environmental, etc) that I didn’t have thoroughly worked out details regarding. The story also reads almost as a retelling after the fact (but not quite), i think writing it from a point of view where we were experiencing it with the characters and being brought along and shown rather than just told later would have helped me to connect to the underlying story and murder mystery plot a bit easier. This book had really strong potential but ultimately was not for me.

I received a free digital advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review of this book. Thank you to @netgalley and Joffe Books for the advanced copy and the opportunity to review this title. Rowan_books117 2

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author Anne Penketh for providing me an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. This is a cozy mystery novel that is about a women named Jenneifer and her family relocating to a new place called Brittany for a fresh start at a new life. The real mystery starts after the family moved and during their first Christmas in the new town. It takes a dark as well as mysterious turn when local real estate agent is found dead, shocking everyone in the town. I really d the authors writing and how she kept readers engaged along with keeping people on the edge of their seats guessing what will happen next. The Brittany Murders by Anne Penketh is a 4 star read that captivated my attention throughout the whole book addition to having great character developments. Christine Piepmeier770 8

Jennifer and her family have moved to France and are looking forward to their first Christmas there. However, things take a turn for the worse when a local real estate agent is found murdered at their house. Jennifer feels the police are moving too slow, so she and her friend Pippa decide to investigate.

I wanted to this one as I love cozy mysteries. However, I feel the pacing was really slow. I also didn't the character narration shift if this is supposed to be a cozy mystery. I think that is one of the reasons that I never really got into it - we didn't have that clear protagonist to connect with many cozy mysteries.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Jordan59 4

Sadly I had to give this book 1 stars. I think it has potential but the writing style feels awkward and almost robotic. In my head the narration sounds an automated voice over and it made it hard to connect with the characters or sink into the plot. There was a lot of telling instead of showing, along with details that would pop up with little to no context which made the entire book feel disjointed and confusing. With some work I think this could be a good cozy mystery but it has a long way to go. Marsi Darcy273 6

2.5 stars

I really wanted to love this book but it was quite disjointed and there were a lot of subplots going on (including family, environmental and political drama). There are also a lot of characters to keep straight. The murders felt tacked on and I never experienced that moment in a mystery when you get the big reveal and it's a satisfying experience.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Joffe Books through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Joffe Books.

ps - the cover is STUNNING!!!! Dave Bate117 1 follower

Not so much a murder mystery but more of the inter reaction of a group of expat Brits living in a sleepy French village that has the threat of a ‘blot on the landscape’ with wind turbines. You won’t find an inspector Clouseau solving cases but a newly installed ‘bread maker’ and potential female Brit mayor as our sleuths. Certainly not a pacy novel, probably trundles along at 10 mph but it’s ‘nice and easy to read’ albeit not too exciting. Wouldn’t recommend this book, you’ll have to find out yourself whether it’s to your taste or not. Meredith31 1 follower

It was an ok cozy mystery. I did feel through most of it I was reading a daytime soap opera, with most of the drama having absolutely nothing to do with the storyline. I think that’s just how the author chose to write out her characters. In book, it took a year to solve the murder, ending with a couple of the characters solving it and the police remaining absolutely stumped. I never really got “drawn” into the mystery and actually had to force myself to sit down and finish the book and quit dragging it out. Ok, but not something I would rave about and recommend. Lucy Grace78 2

A different perspective

I enjoyed this glimpse into French village life from the perspective of Brit ex-pats. It was a little slow to start and I’m still puzzled by the whole Emma-Jonathan-Jennifer thing that was not really resolved. I d the storyline of the adopted Somali daughter and her teen surliness. The mystery part was okay. I did the final mystery denouement that was totally plausible. Implausible was the two women taking it upon themselves to break into someone’s home to sleuth. Clearly the start of a series and I will continue. Michelle34 8

Unfortunately, I got one chapter into this book and couldn't get myself into it. I was confused with the characters being introduced in a very rapid fire way, and felt I was missing out on information already, even though it was only a few pages. It left me questioning if there was something I had skipped, missed out on, or if I accidentally skipped ahead without realizing it. It was a very quick DNF for me. Avril Hemingway753 3

A rather disjointed story with no real effort to solve either of the mysteries mentioned here any one of which could have been developed to become one interesting mystery story. The character's felt very flat with infidelities and other issue's affecting children mentioned but then left. Not a good one for me 2.5 rounded up. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review Jan5,479 78

The cozy mystery is quite well done and the protagonists are excellent and fun. But the story as a whole seemed to tackle too many social and environmental ills at once. At least that's how it seemed to me. I think that the characters need to take more space and the ancillary dilemmas need thinning out. But. I'd love to see more in this series and watch it grow and improve.
I requested and received an EARC from Joffe Books via NetGalley. Thank youamateur-sleuth brittany first-in-series ...more Carol256 2

This is a great start to a new modern day series about English families integrating into village life in rural France. I thought it very enjoyable with interesting characters and accounts of believable everyday village life. There is also a murder mystery to solve and I d the chapter headings. I am looking forward to seeing how the series develops. Sue Wallace 6,547 84

Book 1 of 1: Brittany Murder Mysteries.
Jennifer and her family are starting their new life in a small village in Brittany. The views are stunning, the bread is amazing, and the locals are mostly friendly. But life in France still has its perils . . .
A good read. A good start to a new series. I'm looking forward to the next book. 4*. Carola Mac160 2


When I started ir I almost left it, I found it a bit dense. But I persisted and found myself getting into it. Are there more of these. I want to know more about Jonathan and Jennifer. She deserves better, she is to generous and he is a pig. So is Emma. Kirsty Smith58 1 follower

Written with multiple viewpoints, which didn't make me anyone. It didn't really feel a proper mystery, it was more incidental to a slice of life of a few folk. Foe me, it didn't flow smoothly. Not my scene. Brittney Doran36 1 follower

The Brittany Murders was so hard to get through. It was boring and predictable. I wanted to it so bad. K277 8

Slow in places, but an ok read. Set in a small village in Brittany and focusing on an amateur dramatic group of British ex-pats. Avril Caryer114

Terrible book. Ridiculous plot, one dimensional characters, poor editing. Did neither the author or the editor know that the past tense of the verb “to creep” is “crept” and NOT “creeped”! Simon Gosden766 9

A pleasant enough bucolic murder mystery set in the French village of Louennec.
A ragtag mix of expats, a French mayor and some local skullduggery involving wind farms.
Mrs L Turner1 review

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