
The Lady in Glass and Other Stories de Anne Bishop

de Anne Bishop - Género: English
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Anne Bishop Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9780593639054,9780593639061

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I haven’t read all of Anne Bishop’s books but The Others is one of my favorite series so I knew I needed to read this collection. While there were a few that weren’t great for me (I haven’t read her other big series, so those didn’t hold the meaning they could have), but there were several stories in this collection that amazed me. While not the most amazing or with the best message the new to me Others story was obviously my favorite, but I really loved a couple of the twisted fairy tales (Match Girl and Rapunzel were my favorites). And the final story A strand in the Web was amazing and haunting. A possible future with barely a possibility to hold it together. Altogether this is a lovely collection of stories by a truly talent author who writes about humanity and the monsters and all that ties us together. 34 s Corina767 2,460

I'm here for The Others universe?

It's full of wonderful characters and scary monsters.

I love the small town feel of it, the friendships, the smart and witty dialouges, and the unique creatures that are part of this universe.

There is no other series this.

Scary monsters that balance good and evil.

Actually, these monsters have the last word about how humans live. And they don't care if humans die and in some instances get eaten. It's such an interesting and unique concept. A universe were humans are not the biggest predators, and someone else decides over life and death.

The author's stories are about the few humans that have found a way to live and coexist with the monsters, made friends and even formed relationships.

When I read the two The Others novellas, “Home for the Howlidays” and "The Dark Ship" I got the biggest urge to re-read some of the books again. I miss these characters so much and really hope that the author decides to write more full novels in this universe.

I'll be the first to buy them.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review. My opinions have not been influenced by the publisher or the author.fantasy novella21 s4 comments Linda 1,874 300

I am not going to lie. I received this book from our public library so I could visit Meg and Simon in Home for the Howlidays. Since completing The Others series, I have missed many of the characters. I just wish there was more romance. short-stories urban-fantasy13 s2 comments Robin (Bridge Four)1,727 1,557

Anne Bishop has created some wonderful and some brutal worlds. In this anthology we get a little bit of everything all in one place. For those who have loved the Others series or the Black Jewels there are a few stories from those books to enjoy plus some new tales and musing Anne has had through the years.

The hard thing with anthologies is that it is difficult to rate the overall book since some stories are great and others possibly so so. Plus is you haven't read the series that some of these go to your connection to the story isn't going to be as deep as a series reader.

The Others series has two stories set in that world. One with Meg and Simon for Christmas, which was so cute and the other named The Dark Ship was a new tale with all new characters. It follows some intuit children sold into slavery only to be saved by a brave girl and a ship full of Others. I really enjoyed seeing some of the sea faring Others and how they sale the seas a little pirates and a lot policers of the sea. Really a great new story set in the world of the Others.

I will give a trigger warning for The Match Girl. It is a great retelling but Anne Bishop does not shy away from some of the horrors of rape and human trafficking in this story. So it is not going to be for everyone. It is a really harsh tale but overall I thought the story was really well thought out and I loved the ending.

Repunzel also gets a retelling that was very different from the original tale. It was a very interesting take on the story and I d the twist Bishop added to it. Nothing a girl saving herself instead of waiting for a prince to come along and do it for her.

There is one story that reminded me a lot of Utopia from the Landscapes of Ephemera, which is a series I have not read but now am very interested in. The Voice features a small village where one orphan is chosen to bare the weight of everyone else's unhappiness. She has no voice and suffers in silence. On girl will be brave and try to free not only herself but a few of her friends from this place of given away unhappiness and the cost of that on one person.

Most of the stories follow the fairytale vibe accept for a few. The Weapon was more of a military type setting in a strange world where historical battles are 'recreated' and the young are just fodder for the machine. It was a bit twisted and I didn't see that ending coming. It was very different than all the other stories in the anthology.

Then there was Friends and Corpses, a murder mystery in a town where the water might just have the strange effect of you walking around as a corpse for a bit before you finally kill over. Kinda fun and funny in spots. Enjoyable who-dun-it type story.

One of my favorite stories of the entire book was the last story, A strand in the Web. It follows a character on a ship. Their entire job is to learn how to bring balance to an ecosystem to restore a world. As the ship begins to fail, one girl will find if she has a talent to build a new world and keep it healthy. I enjoyed how this story went and the ending to it as someone discovers everything they were meant to become.

Some of the stories are really short and quick and others bring you into and entire new world for a short time.

Overall I would say this is a 3.5 star read but I rounded up to 4 since there are some real gems in this anthology.


Alexandra Harris and Gary Littman take turns depending on the gender of the PoV and really do give a stunning performance overall. I had such a good time listening to their performances. Each did every story well whether it was a short short or a novella in length. I appreciated all the diction and the different voices for all the characters throughout. Wonderful way to enjoy the book. I was able to listen at my usual 1.5x speed.2024-reads 4-5-stars beautifully-broken-bastards ...more13 s Sandra Hoover1,303 217

THE LADY IN THE GLASS is an Anthology of Author Anne Bishop's short stories written throughout her career including both previously published and unpublished tales from both old and new worlds. This collection of work ranges from the very dark retelling of well-known fairy tales to horror to sci-fi to fantasy.

Fans of Bishop's The Others award winning series will be ecstatic to discover a new story taking place after Etched In Bone and featuring Meg Corbyn, the blood prophet and Simon Wolfgard, the shapeshifter in "Home for the Howlidays. Friends to Corpses will appeal to zombie fans as well as fans of police procedurals in a world where the police are tasked with controlling the zombies.

Author Anne Bishop is a master at bringing fantasies to life - from the very darkest to the scariest to the heartwarming. I found it interesting to read some of her earlier writings and hear from the author herself about her progress in her writing journey. From Realms of Blood and fairytale retellings to stories of space exploration with its' unique creatures, the evolution of the author's work is evident.

Fans of Author Anne Bishop will want to grab this collection and settle in for an entertaining afternoon of reading. While every story isn't for everyone, there's something here that will appeal to readers of various genres of fiction. Bishop's work is unique and magical with a tendency to skate on the dark side just , I suspect, the author herself. Highly recommended.

Many thanks to Berkley for a free copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own. Review available on my blog Cross My Heart Reviews. arc-publisher berkley-influencer fantasy ...more6 s ??Kimberly (Caffeinated Reviewer)3,225 717

A collection of new and old short stories by Anne Bishop spanning across some of her beloved series. I admit I grabbed this for the shorts set in THE OTHERS world. I absolutely love the series and own them all in hardcover & audio format.

The Lady and the Glass - a twist on Sleeping Beauty where a town of deformed humans, find a perfectly formed girl sleeping in a glass box after a landslide. A curious tale.

Bear Trap - The story of a young girl who gets herself caught in a bear trap. This was a short story with lessons on kindness and judgement.

Not A Princess - A Rapunzel tale with a delightful twist. A witch doesn't want to be witchy. She wants to be Princess and devises a plan to get her into the castle. I had a good chuckle with this tale. Go Rachel!

The Weapon - This was a tale about battle, economics and magic. A haunting story that held my attention.

Hotting Fuggam and the Dragon - A man with tales comes to town deflating the spirits of many. A young woman tries to trick him into leaving and gets a surprise. A quirky little tale

Tunnel - A creepy tale about a young woman driving through a tunnel. Reminded me of the tunnels carved through mountains in Pennsylvania.

The Fairy Tales - short message from the author about the tales with warning. All deal with women being taken advantage of by men.

Match Girl - This was a dark tale that ends on a cheerful note for Phoenix. Be warned there is violence and rape.

Rapunzel - A tale about envy and cravings.

The Wild Heart - another version of Rapunzel with Sleeping Beauty twist.

The Fairest One of All - A dark look Snow White. Be careful what you ask the mirror.

Black Jewels - Three short stories from this world. Authors note describes where these take place. I skipped these, as I want to read the series first and was fearful of spoilers.

The Landscape of Emphermera - Author explains beginnings of City of Vision. Set in the series world of Ephemera.

The Voice - I enjoyed this tale about the woman with no voice. This was heavily themed with men taking advantage of women, but also showed us one girl's strength and determination.

The World of the Others - author explains short stories from THE OTHERS and where they fall in the series.

Home for the Howlidays - A Christmas story about Simon & Meg. Of course I loved it! Christmas comes to the Courtyard, Meg has a vision and Simon wants to get her the perfect gift. Gads I miss this world.

The Dark Ship - This story was previously published and I loved reading it again. When a young girl in a seaside village helps a pony, she ends up saving herself and others.

New Places- Cecily Blanque.

Friends and Corpses - Cecily is a Deceased Reclamation Officer in Neuterville. The water in town has some magical properties. The first, it limits couples from having more than two offspring. The second, the dead sometimes don't realize they are dead. Cecily and her team need to bring them to the End of Days facility. This story has a murder and hooked me from the start. All I can say is I want more.

Potpourri - A mix of standalone pieces.

The Day Will Come - September 11, 2011 remembrance.

Truth and Story - a clever short about a man who speaks truth, and a woman called story.

Stands A God Within the Shadows- This was a longer tale, and I quite enjoyed it. It's about a woman held in a tower and a god who stands in the shadows of her prison.

She Moved Through The Fair - This was a clever ghost story.

A Strand in the Web- Loved this one. It had a science fiction vibe, off planet, end of days, survivalist.

I loved this collection by Anne Bishop. Whether you are a fan or new to her works, this collection has a little something for everyone.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer5 s Annie 2,472 944

THE LADY IN THE GLASS AND OTHER STORIES is an anthology of Anne Bishop’s short stories. I was excited about this because it features stories from her best-selling series as well as some never-before-released stories.

Anthologies are great for loyal readers because you can have all the novellas in one place to read, but they offer a lot to new readers too because you can try out the author’s writing style and different series with one book!

All these stories are well-written and almost poetic to read. Bishop’s writing continues to impress as she delves deeper into her worldbuilding and characters with all these short stories. It gives greater insight into the mind’s of the characters as well as show off her unique worlds that she has created. If you’re a Fantasy reader, then you definitely skip out on this one! It’s a definite recommended read for all people who love fantasy and Anne Bishop!author-anne-bishop4 s Dianne1,680 133

Most of these stories were interesting and dealt with some people that we already know and love. Some stories deal with the universe that we are familiar with. but there are quite a few that are outside the realms that we are familiar with. One of them is quite amusing. Several are remakes of famous fairytales.

I'm just not that into short stories even when they are written by my favorite author.20244 s Amy Imogene Reads1,088 1,042 Want to read

hyperventilating, I'm so excited

Blog | Instagram | Libro.fm Audiobooks3 s Yodamom2,062 208 Want to read

On Netgalley right now3 s Shelley5,352 484

*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Fantasy / Anthology Collections
*Rating* 3.5-4


Anne Bishop's The Lady in the Glass and Other Stories is a collection of over a dozen short stories, some longer than others, including some never before released short stories for this release. Two brand-new stories include Home for the Howlidays (The Others), and Friends and Corpses (unusual murder mystery). Some of the stories have not been available in decades, including tales that were released in a very limited way, or have been out of print, or were never published at all.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

https://gizmos.blogspot.com/20...2024-release fantasy-anthology2 s Darcy13.2k 512

This was an interesting collection. There were so many different stories, some really short, some a bit longer. I think what made things more interesting is that these stories spanned the authors career. And any collection this, some were better than others, but all were enjoyable.2024 anthologies audio-book ...more2 s6 comments Janalyn Prude3,283 93

The lady in glass and other stories is a short story collection by Anne Bishop that is broken up into five sections the early stories, fairytales, black jewels, the story of the others and a potpourri of stories. While reading these short stories I found Ann Bishop has a way of ending every story with a twist and although it is rare to have a short story collection with so many surprising endings in every story be a class act but that was the case with this collection. There’s a short note at the beginning of the section she also has short stories in here that correlate with her which in vampire book series and although I have never read those books I absolutely enjoy the short stories. Whenever reviewing a short story collection I always pick my favorite story and in this one there were two. The first one is Truth And Story it was a really quick story that was so cute, then secondly there was She Walks At The Fair. It was a ghost story and a murder mystery and although it was hard for me to pick my favorite in this collection especially with the great Rapunzel and the title story and many others those are the two that stood out to me I am sure if you read it you’ll have your own. If you love magical realism Syfy and all the goodness that genre has to offer including fairytales the you absolutely love this book, I certainly did! I want to thank Berkeley publishing and Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.alternative-whirl net-gally omg-what-a-book1 Carolyn F.3,493 51 Currently reading


1. The Lady and the Glass - deformed men and women are either in love or hate this beautiful preserved woman in a glass case. They discuss whether to let her out. 3 stars.

2. Bear Trap - Very short story about a young girl who is trapped and has to rescue herself. 3 stars.

3. Not A Princess - Kind of a Rapunzel story but the "princess" falls in love with not who expected. This was kind of funny. Different than the author's usual stuff. 3 stars.

4. The Weapon - Was the guy the dad? I was confused. 2 stars.

5. Hotting Fuggam and the Dragon - Silly story. Hotting didn't really redeem himself at the end, he still left everyone miserable. 2 stars.

6. Tunnel - Very short story about driving through a tunnel and not getting through. 2 stars.

7. Match Girl - I enjoyed this story. Very ruthless/stark beginning but ended well. 4 stars.

8. Rapunzel - I felt really sorry for the husband but was glad the daughter got away. 3 stars.

9. The Wild Heart - Two sides of one person are divided and then brought back together. 3 stars.

10. The Fairest One of All - The mirror is sick of being questioned and shuts down. 2 stars.

11. By the Time the Witchblood Blooms - A woman is hired to get rid of a monster. She does. 3 stars.

12. The Khaldharon Run - An male friend is freaking out when his female friend does scary things. 3 stars.

13. The Price - Another story I must have read in an anthology. I'd forgotten a portion of it so that's good for a second reading. 3-1/2 stars.

14. The Voice -

15. Home for the Howlidays - (Others story) It's winter solstice and/or Christmas and Simon is wonder what to get Meg. Then he comes up with the perfect gift. I was surprised Meg's prediction wasn't shared with the wife and mother, but it ended up great. 4 stars.

16. The Dark Ship - I read this before - it must have been in another anthology. I d it. 5 stars.

17. Friends and Corpses -

18. The Day Will Come -

19. Truth and Story -

20. Stands A God Within the Shadows-

21. She Moved Through The Fair -

22. A Strand in the Web-anthology-omnibus-essays apocalyptic-dystopian fantasy ...more1 Carola574 44


Loved The Others stories
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