
Loving Jake de Annabelle Jacobs

de Annabelle Jacobs - Género: English
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Annabelle Jacobs Series: Dark Forest Pack 04 Year: 2023

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The pining, OMG the pining!

This book has the most delicious UST and pining I’ve read in a paranormal for ages.

Anabelle sets up the journey in the opening chapter, which sees our paranormal police detectives, pack and flatmates Max and Jake, realising that their long friendship has morphed into something else.

Desire is oozing off the page as they cautiously explore this attraction, fuelled not only by their human feelings, but by the wolves inside them too. Max wants to claim Jake, and vice versa, but both are worried it might be too soon and they’d ruin their friendship if they rush into a bonded relationship.

So they get down and dirty with some passionate snogging and a quick rutting mutual handjob before deciding to take things slowly as Max is still deep inside the case which has occupied the first three books in the series.

Of course, fate’s a fickle thing and s to put people through the fire and here it comes with the news that Jake’s dad has been fingered for a murder at a shifter bar and reparation from the murdered beta’s pack is now due.

Annabelle then takes the reader through the mill as both Max and Jake have to deal with the consequences of this event, while being alpha ordered not to talk about it – or investigate.

Of course, you know neither of them are going to settle for that constriction and we get to follow along as they stretch the boundaries of their alpha’s demands as much as they can, all the while having to deal with the insane chemistry and all the feels that keep drawing them together.

I’ve loved every single book in this series, it’s probably my favourite from Annabelle among a whole load of fabulous shifter stories. She has such a way with writing wolf shifters that puts you right at the centre of their world, feeling what they feel, seeing what they see.

Here it’s no different and I was cheering alongside Max and Jake as they found ways to bend around their pack restrictions and start investigating the crime and their alpha’s involvement in it.

No spoilers here, let’s just say I loved the direction the plot went in, the determined ways Max and Jake were willing to fight for their relationship, the support of the rest of the gang we’ve got to know over the series and the epic takedown which comes at the end!

This is a brilliant conclusion to the Dark Forest Pack but I’m so happy to see Annabelle’s not finished with this world as there’s a kind of spin-off coming featuring my favourite paranormal police witch Wyn!

PS: As an aside, the covers that Garrett Leigh has done for this series have been absolutely bang on!favorites15 s2 comments Sheri1,414 182

Book Binger.
Are you one? If so, you’re in luck! The Dark Forest Pack series is now complete. Loving Jake rounds out the series as the fourth and final book. Consequently, I am filled with joy tinged with sadness. I absolutely LOVED watching Max finally get his man, but in the same breath, I will miss this group fiercely. Jacobs truly has a gift when it comes to creating shifters. Paranormal romance has always been my favorite genre, but I’m finicky with shifters. My Kindle is organized with folders that include ‘shifters’ and ‘AJ’s shifters’. This is because they are not the same. If you’re new to shifter romance, take note of this…if you start with Jacobs everything else will seem subpar. And yes, I’ve read many of the big names before. I think it’s because I feel so much when I open one of her stories. I’m instantly connected to their frequency and plugged into a livewire of their emotions. This highly anticipated story was more than I could have hoped for…allow me to tell you why.

Max and Jake have been not-so-subtly circling each other for…let’s just say a while. Everyone around them knows something is up. A shifter’s nose doesn’t lie and they couldn’t hide their feelings if they wanted to. They’ve been packmates, roommates, and best friends for years. They basically live in each other’s pockets, but both are surprised when they discover their feelings have evolved into more. Though crossing this line isn’t one easily reversed. They must be certain before they start something with hefty repercussions. Surrendering to their newfound attraction is everything they dreamed it would be. Their first kiss had my toes curling and my heart pounding. Truth be told, I couldn’t believe how early they were getting hot and heavy in this book. I suppose they’ve had a few books of foreplay so it’s only fair. Ha! But then…then it was all ripped away. And that old saying, ‘it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’ does not apply here. It was agonizing watching their fire smothered just as it was beginning to blaze. Thankfully, they are burning up the pages by the end.

In the first few books, we spend most of our time with Rys and his pack. Max is prominent and present throughout since he’s Rys’s cousin and Mason’s partner at the paranormal police department. Jake isn’t a stranger and shares ample page time, but we don’t know much about their pack. My skin prickled as soon as we met their alpha. Then Jake’s dad ends up in trouble and everything hits the fan. I went from ‘yes, yayyyy, thank the goddess!!’ to ‘noooo, it can’t be, how could you?!’ I was furious on their behalf and itched to unsheath imaginary claws to help them fight. Because it was on…and they needed all the help they could get. I knew better than to get excited because Jacobs sent them fresh back up and they already had a formidable force behind them. Rys, Gabriel, Nick, Dathal, Alex, and Talis will not stand by quietly. Yeah, you kinda have to know them to know why. And if you don’t, I’m ecstatic for you…you’re in for an amazing ride!

Shifter dynamics are fairly straightforward. The pack consists of an alpha, or leader, betas, next in command, and then packmates. It’s more than a brotherhood or sisterhood, their kinship runs on a molecular level. Smelling emotions and sharing feelings doesn’t allow for hiding secrets. The alpha is meant to care for and protect every shifter in their pack. Max and Jake have suspicions about their alpha, but loyalty curbs their thoughts. That is until they are forced into a situation that no shifter should ever be in. When their alpha forbids them from doing their jobs and exploring the brand-new turn in their relationship the fissures of unease become an earthquake. Change is happening…but neither will accept being torn from each other as an outcome. What happens when the dust settles? You’ll have to wait and see!

Beware of: Besties to boyfriends are the best…and even better when shifters. A first kiss meant to turn into a thousand…might become one and only. The Dark Forest Pack might be blended with wolves, fae, and witches but they are still family…and will fight to the death for one another.

This book is for: Calling all paranormal lovers!! If wolves get your heart racing (and even if they don’t!) you must meet Max and Jake. Seriously, I insist!! Start at the beginning and hold on tight for this unforgettable ride.

Book UNfunk besties-to-boyfriends fave luv-2-reread ...more17 s2 comments Wendys Wycked Words1,581 3,899

Another great readbadass-hero fantasy-sci-fi-dystopian gay-love ...more8 s Bev 2,039 452

Really d this one, no unnecessary drama, 2 MC's that talked and listened and no childish hissy fits. I didn't expect this book to go the way the author took it, but it so totally worked

4.5 starskindle-unlimited mm paranormal6 s Rachel940 72

Review to come closer to release, think this is my favourite in this series!
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