
Seed de Ania Ahlborn

de Ania Ahlborn - Género: English
libro gratis Seed


Fans of Stephen King, Jack Kilborn, and Blake Crouch… prepare to meet the Devil.
In the vine-twisted swamps of Louisiana, the shadows have teeth.
Jack Winter has spent his entire life running from something no one else can see. His childhood is his darkest secret, but after a near fatal accident along a deserted road, the darkness he was sure he’d escaped rears its ugly head… and smiles.
But this time, he isn’t the only one who sees the soulless eyes of his past. This time, his six-year-old daughter Charlie leans into his ear and whispers: "Daddy, I saw it too."
And then she begins to change.
Faced with reliving the nightmares of his childhood, Jack watches his daughter spiral into the shadows that had nearly consumed him twenty years before. 
But Charlie isn’t the only one who’s changing. 
Jack never outran the darkness. It’s been with him all along. 
And it’s hungrier than ever. 
A new breed of dark fiction: the subtlety of Seed will haunt you, and the end will wickedly satisfy.

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“Seed” by Ania Ahlborn started out with such a bang I was instantly hooked. That first chapter was incredible and I thought it was an awesome way to set the tone of this novel thanks to a huge ZOMG moment. Don’t worry, I won’t ruin anything for you but it was fantastic and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen.

Now, before I begin my review, I definitely need to let everyone know of the two major trigger warnings I found when it comes to this novel. There is major violence against pets and children that is very graphic and descriptive. If either of these triggers you, please do not read this novel.

Moving along, I truly enjoyed reading this novel. Ahlborn has an excellent style of writing as this is the second novel of hers I’ve read after “The Shuddering” which I gave a 3/5. I d that novel but felt it needed more horror and less romance. That wasn’t the case at all with “Seed” as the tension, buildup, and unique way of telling this story with dual timelines done seamlessly were great with a ton of horror.

This was a very creepy, disturbing, and horrific read. If you love horror novels about demons, possessions, and all the creepy stuff that comes with all things fiendish, this is all that and then some. I also loved how Ahlborn had some fun references to “Christine” and “The Stand” by Stephen King. She even mentioned “Spaceballs” which is one of my all-time favorite movies growing up which added another nice layer of immersion for me. LoL anytime you can naturally mention Barf in a book is always good.

All the characters were great with Jack leading the charge since I loved everything he was about and especially his backstory as to what made him tick. The layers of depth with him being the main protagonist were absolutely remarkable. I felt all sorts of different emotions with his journey and that little bit of mystery to his character as to why things happened in his childhood and now in his adult life were fascinating.

“Seed” is such a genuine pageturner that I simply could not put this down. I made lots of faces while reading all the scary parts as they were terrifying as I read deep into the night. I loved all these moments and the only thing I can say that I didn’t all that much were the few parts of this novel that dragged on a bit. I wasn’t too bored or anything but I think if this novel was maybe 30-40 pages fewer by omitting the repeated dialogue of what already transpired, this would have been a perfect demonic read.

The ending was exhilarating as I didn’t expect what happened to go down at all. I was shocked and couldn’t believe it ended that way. It was a drop-the-mic moment that left me mystified and genuinely creeped out. Needless to say, there are some crazy moments of gore, bloodshed, and everything else in between. There’s no holding back here and considering how extreme things got from the 80% mark, this was a wild ending to a memorable read.

I give “Seed” by Ania Ahlborn a 4/5 as I had a blast with this novel and am so glad I finally read it. I actually enjoyed this a whole lot more than “The Shuddering” as this added a fresh and modern twist to demonic horror. The characters were solid, the plot twists were very good, and I’ll never forget such a twisted ending. My only complaint is I wish some of that excessive dialogue at around the halfway point wasn’t there as it broke up the natural flow of the craziness found all throughout this novel. Besides that, I highly recommend this novel to those that love horror with an evil twist. Mr. Scratch is here.235 s6 comments Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,589 10.8k

*Buddy Read with Latasha and some peeps over at Horror Aficionados*

Well, that was creepy right from the get go and then it sort of fizzled out for me and then picked back up.

The creepy little Charlie girl freaked me right out!

Jack and his family, wife Aimee and daughters, Charlie and Abby get in a wreck one night on the way home. Jack thought he saw something in the road and so did Charlie. From then on out it's crazeville.

This book is about possession, but some of it wasn't explained good enough for me. But who can explain why there are possessions and such. Maybe that is all there is, right?

That ending though . . . that was some messed up stuff! 131 s Sarah462 198

There is nothing more scary to me than a “creepy kid” possession-style horror. Probably because of watching The Exorcist and The Omen at such a young age, and just the notion of something sinister hiding within the innocence of a child is the most terrifying thing.

Jack and Aimee Winter, along with their two young daughters Abby and Charlie, are involved in a car accident. All al of them survive, but Charlie has not been acting the same since. Aimee starts to fear her own daughter, but Jack is hesitant to vocalise his own thoughts and feelings, because he has seen this all before. It happened to him as a child and drove his own mother Gilda to the depths of despair.
Can Jack save Charlie from suffering the same fate? What is the full story of what happened to Jack decades earlier?

Ania Ahlborn’s talent really shines here. There are some standout horrifying moments of shock and gore, but the true horror here is in the build up of what is happening to Charlie and then how it links to her Dad Jack’s, past.
I love when horror books read as though you’re watching a movie, and I absolutely could see this one being made into a movie some point in the near future…! I have read that Amazon have picked up the rights to it and they are correct in doing so!

”But that’s how the Devil worked, making his appearance when you least expect it”

4.5 Stars
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