
The Blurring de Angela Peach

de Angela Peach - Género: English
libro gratis The Blurring


" 'Do you remember me?' It was clearly a stupid question, but I couldn't think of anything else to say.
'Yes. I remember you' her voice was barely a whisper, but I heard her above the ringing.
'I've been looking for you for over two years. I've got so many questions!' Her eyes felt like they were staring into my soul, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. There was so much adrenaline racing through my veins, my heart felt like it was going to punch a hole through my chest, and I was so nervous I was having trouble drawing a breath. But the electricity between us was incredible! It was how I'd imagine getting caught in an electrical storm might feel with the very air crackling and fizzing around us. "

For Tristen, life since a near fatal car accident two years previously couldn't have been more perfect. She had the ideal job, amazing friends and a dream boyfriend! She should have been happy.
But the nightmares? Every night, she relives the crash over and over again, and she is convinced it's because of the mysterious beautiful girl who saved her life...then disappeared. Tristen becomes obsessed with finding her, desperate for answers.
But when she finally does find her, nothing could have prepared either of them for the impact it would have on their lives. When reality starts to twist and blur around her, Tristen is faced with the burning question; is it all really happening, or is she just going crazy?

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“The Blurring” was surprisingly good. It’s surprising because I’ve seen mixed on this read and didn’t know where I’d fall.

I will say right off that there is a big sexual assault trigger so, if that’s an issue, this probably isn’t a good fit for a read.

The book is very much a paranormal roller coaster ride. It’s not paranormal in the usual sense since it’s not about ghosts but strange things abound.

The story kicks off within the first couple of pages and it was a page turner for the rest of the book. I was so curious where the plot was going and what would happen next and, except for guessing at what the ultimate culprit was, none of the journey was predictable. I was completely entertained.

For the relationship, there’s an instalust and instalove thing going on but the paranormal aspect also accounted for it. The feel of the book is very much an intense whirlwind romance with a lot of crazy shenanigans happening around our couple. They do click really well and have good chemistry.

As events became more intense I’ll also admit that, Tristen, the POV lead can be a jerk at times and I didn’t agree with everything she did. But I was so enthralled with what the author was unfolding I went with it.

As for sexual orientation, both of our leading ladies believe themselves to be heterosexual but are gay for each other so ultimately they're bisexual/pansexual. Tristen actually has a boyfriend for much of the read and infidelity does occur. And, for what I’d consider a lesfic book, there is a certain amount of nondescript m/f sex.

Editing-wise, it’s by no means perfect and you may notice missing punctuation here and there. And I found it somewhat annoying that the use of exclamation points and the word “babe” were used liberally. That said, the editing quality is also better than many and the actual flow of the story is really good. I’ve seen the premise of this story in other works but I have to say that I really enjoyed its execution here, much more than I’ve seen elsewhere.

I’d recommend this book to those looking for something outside the norm that is able to tolerate some m/f and infidelity in their lesfic reads.

It’s an unusual read, for sure. On the whole I found this to be a gripping, entertaining, somewhat disturbing but really enjoyable book. Absolutely worth the $0.99 buy.200-250-pages bi-romance bisexual-character ...more25 s vacatedboat153

Molly Tristen has spent two years searching for the woman who saved her from a car crash. When she finally finds her, neither of their lives will ever be the same. That’s really all that can be said without spoiling anything.

I have no idea how I feel about this book. A few have said that it’s a love it or hate it book and, for me, I do feel that way about it, not as a whole, but in pieces. There were certainly some things I really d and some I really hated. I got sucked into the beginning, but around the midway point, I was doing a lot of eye rolling. It’d get better for a chapter or two...and then I’d be back to rolling my eyes at the absurdity of these two and the decisions they made. The epilogue is actually the one thing that really saved this book for me because everything else that happens in the last 45% had me shaking my head and wondering what the f* I was reading. Not necessarily in a bad way; I was obviously curious enough to see how it ended to finish it.

The writing here was ok, with minor errors that were easy to overlook, but what drives me absolutely bonkers sometimes is punctuation. I don’t know if it’s a geographical thing or a personal style thing, but some authors really their exclamation points! Peach certainly does and I suppose it wouldn’t be such an issue, but I tend to read it as either excitement, shock, or horror...and the over abundance of them here is way too excitable for me!

Overall, a decent enough read with an interesting premise. My own inability to verbalize how I felt about it means that I can’t say I’d recommend it or not. I definitely think this will be received by a lot of different people in a lot of different ways. 2.5* that I’m rounding up because of the end.
14 s Corporate Slave340 5

Ok it’s been a while since I’ve written a review. So obviously it means that it’s worth it! It’s either you are going to love or hate this one!
At 25% of this book my rating was at 5, at 50% it dropped to 3, at 75% it went up to 4, at 95% it dropped to 1, and at 100% it went up to 5!!!
Never have I been more confused about rating a book!
The genre I would say is paranormal .. and the sex is amazing, the connection is unbelievable between both characters. This is a very very very interesting read! Again, you will either love it or hate it!
I always have a statement when I’m done reading, it’s either: oh how cute, or : good one , or: wow that was hot... mine for this book is: what the f**k just happened!
12 s Corrie1,577 4

I just finsihed The Blurring in one take. Only paused to make some dinner and went straight back in. I think that tells you something about the way Angela Peach tells her story and how you keep on turning the pages. This story was one hell of a mind fuck. Talk about twisty. Just… wow.

Peach keeps turning the tables and it gets very uncomfortable but at the same time you perversely want stuff to keep happening. It reminded me of The Twilight Zone. This was my first Angela Peach experience and I am hooked. I love this sort of writing, where I can’t really trust where the author is taking me and if I will truly it in the end. But when the journey is this intense, who the fuck cares, right?

m/f, f/f trigger warning for rape scene

Themes: holy fuck!

4.7 stars
1st-person bisexual cheating-infidelity ...more12 s Alexis510 613

I have an image of Angela Peach sitting in a high backed leather chair twirling her evil villain mustache as the first of this book started pouring in. I mean, what else would you do knowing your readers are killing off their brain cells trying to figure out what's going on? You know a book has you thoroughly confused when at one point you're wondering if the author was sipping on some mushroom tea when she wrote this. (If you don't get that reference you need to read In Reflection.)

As always seems to be the case with the diabolical Ms. Peach's books, this story immediately sinks its hooks into you Pinhead did to Frank in Hellraiser. Then it drags you kicking and screaming along with the plot until you get to the end and wonder what the hell you just read.

I know what I just wrote didn't tell you a lot about the book or story but I feel I can't say anything else because it would be so easy to spoil. The story starts as a mystery slowly unraveling the plot until the pace and craziness is ramped up to full on insanity. Hopefully by then you will have figured out what's going on.

That brings me to things I didn't about this book. Namely, I figured out what was going on which wasn't that hard but.. I also figured out how the book would end :( The final thing I really didn't and actually found unnecessary was a scene involving Tristen and a character who showed up out of the blue. To me it added nothing to the plot and only served to disgust and shock readers.

Maybe that was the whole point, in that case touché Ms. Peach. GROSS! But touché nonetheless. Fans of psychological & paranormal thrillers & mysteries will not want to miss this. Once again though I have to warn you not to take the following trigger warnings lightly.

Trigger warnings: explicit f/f scenes, alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts and rape.bisexual-pansexual-fluid crime-mystery dark-twisted ...more11 s Joc762 183

This is a fantastic read and I love the shifting of reality but it's not a romance. Tristen is in a car accident and a beautiful woman pulls her from the wreck and then disappears. Plagued by nightmares for two years, Tristen believes finding her will end them.

It wasn't at all what I expected and there were a number of wtf moments but I ended up really liking it. I would probably have had more enjoyment from it if I had mentally taken it out of the romance category right in the beginning. It's twisty, clever, paranormal-but-not-quite and with a number of squick-worthy moments.bisexual drama explicit-content ...more10 s Danni Mladenovic233 30

Had it not been for the ending, the rate would've been lower, but the ending was refreshing and suddenly, instead of everything seeming confusing, inconsistent and frustrating, it all made sense. I was actually very surprised with the ending; didn't see that coming at all!4 s Linh Nguyen151 1 follower

3.5 stars
Bonus point for the creepiness, warning against reading at night. However, the ending is just...meh.queer thriller young-adult2 s Ed6


How could you end it that .. Worse ending ever. After all they went thru, you thought to end it that way. The only reason it got a 2 is I d the book. But the ending was a total let down. I will make sure to never read another of your books...the ending was awful..... 2 s Odd Bin277 12

I really enjoyed this one. Except for the shit that happens with her brother. It turned my stomach and I wish the author could have found another way to move the story along.1 Ari123 Read

idek how to rate this....20241 moxieBK1,708 4

Another book that had soooo much potential and then the ending came and I was: "...huh? What the heck just happened there?" Very confusing ending, which took away from the overall great book. The ending affected me so much that it knocked two stars off the rating. What I can't understand was why? Why did the author do that? I went back and re-read the book, and I still don't know what was going on. The ending really messed with me bad.lgbtq1 NGM60 1 follower

Mix feelings with this one

Well I'm not quite sure yet if this fall into paranormal or sci-fi genre, but it was at points sweet,romantic, sometimes funny a definitely weird and up until the epilogue was perfect. The only reason I'm giving it four stars it's because this book could do just fine without the epilogue (and the hetero sex scene, but that's just me ) Dee1,984 83

This is my first book by Peach and what a trip.

Despite the shitty punctuation, something I normally find hugely distracting, I could not put this book down.

4 f*&kery stars.angst bisexual dark-not-fluffy ...more bookster532

4.75 Stars Wow! Talk about twisted ending.. what just happened? This is my first book by Angela Peach and what a trip.2023 4-and-3-quarters-stars Pat18 2

Really enjoyed this book. Very fresh storyline. Two women cross paths during a car accident. What follows is an unpredictable story, with a very unpredictable ending. This is the first book of Angela Peach's that I've read and am definitely going to check out her others Naomi Ford29

Mind twist

I loved this book from the start to the finish.I was constantly aware something was not right but couldn't put my finger on it until I was meant to. love the author can't wait to read more of her work she drags me into her books. definitely ashamed to admit I've never been a reader but this author is certainly turning me in to one and I love it. Liz BuggAuthor 3 books22

I won this book in a private giveaway. "The Blurring," Peach's other book, "In Reflection," has an interesting plot that circles around what is happening inside the mind of a young woman. Once again, from the perspective of this reader, a relatively specific audience is targeted - young women, newly out or bi-curious. The ending is worth the wait. Sharell31 13

Trippy fantasy lesbian fiction novel that blurs reality. The fun part is trying to figure out what's going on until the absolute gut punch at the end of the book. The ride is well worth it, and I'm disappointed that this is not more popular. Definitely one of my favorite reads. Celene Delice4

I am still confused after reading this book. Marty PreslarAuthor 3 books14

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