
Too Much Like Love de Andrea Simonne

de Andrea Simonne - Género: English
libro gratis Too Much Like Love


Andrea Simonne Series: Sweet Life in Seattle 05 Publisher: Liebe Publishing, Year: 2021

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Good overall

Brody and Nina were perfect for each other in this book.

I enjoyed the story and the characters overall. Though Brody did make a stupid decision. , really? Just, no. And he was miserable as a result. He knew the outcome wouldn't be good but he still did it. What a tool.

Thankfully, he got out of his boneheaded decision and made the right decision.

Their story was fun to read and experience through their eyes. Aside from his dumb decision. Haha. But even that made him truly appreciate everything he had.

The age aspect did get old though. 32 vs 40 really is nothing in the grand scheme. So the fact that everyone was so shocked was annoying. , grow up people, it's only 8 years! Ha. Rose Grabowski1,387 14

I love this series and Too Much Love did not disappoint. We follow Brody and Nina and also revisit some familiar faces. Brody has a very rude customer show up to get her car repaired. It will take a while, so although annoyed, she shows up later to pick it up. Unfortunately, she is quite drunk. It is after hours, and he can't let her take her car when she's in that condition but he's afraid to send her off in an Uber that. He brings her home with him and although she is horrified in the morning an unly friendship forms. There is a chemistry between them that surprises them both. The author has built a world that is a pleasure to read about and I look forward to #6 being published. Dawn486 11

First of all, I love Brody. I d him as a side character in the other books and I totally fell in love with him here.

I just did not feel the connection between him and Nina, though. I personally needed something to bind them together more, so I was very disappointed when the baby was not Brody's.

And at times it felt the author threw Trevor in there so that there was somebody telling us that these two belonged together.

And what kind of nickname is Nina Banana? It doesn't make a lick of sense, it doesn't rhyme, it doesn't roll off the tongue. Seriously Brody, Nina Bandita was better. Brandi13

Love this Series!!

I just love this series and Andrea did not disappoint with Too Much Love. I loved the Chemistry between Brody and Nina. It was great to see how the past characters were doing now and how everyone is connected. Andrea’s books are easy to read and follow and have just the right amount of drama that you don’t want to put the book down. Always a happy ending and the characters that you hate always get whats coming to them. Lol. I am looking forward to the next book. Linda C. Brizendine179

Decent book

I'm very conflicted about what rating to give this book. I mostly the works of this author but I have problems with this book. The problem is very much a personal preference for me and may not bother others. The story is good and is different in that the woman is older. My problem is that I thoroughly disd most of the other characters in the book other than the two main characters. Both their families were nasty judgmental people. If you don't mind this kind of personality, you will most ly enjoy the book. Rebecca Goss1,529 4

I was so excited for Brody to get his own story! I admit that I wasn't really feeling a sustainable connection between Brody and Nina initially. They really come from different worlds and didn't seem really compatible for the long term. But, I was wrong. They bring out the best in each other. She supports his dreams and he allows her to be herself. I cried at one point and laughed throughout the book. What a great book! Tracy Brady1 review1 follower

Another great story!!!

I love the Sweet Life in Seattle series. Too Much Love doesn't disappoint. The chemistry between Nina and Brody is off the charts. This book has all the feels, laughter, romance, pain, family, and hotness. Thanks for incorporating old characters in this new story. Looking forward to the next. Yomari386 2

Loved it!

This s definitely my favorite book on the entire series. Loved how Nina and Brody’s story developed. Their intensity, tenderness and smoldering hot chemistry grabbed me from the start and could let go until the end. I’ll be standing on the side, hoping for the next installment of this awesome series. Jo-Anne Herbeck17

Another Great Story!

I really d this book as I did others in this series. I was so hoping the test would prove a different outcome but it all turned out fine in the end. Look forward to more books in this series.

Ryan McCartney272 4

Nina and Brody are the bomb!

What’s better then two self declared “strays” falling in love?
I hated Keira at the end, I wasn’t keen on Brody either tbh, but he came through in the end.
Great fifth book in the collection. Michelle643 2


Enjoyable read with good characters. I was rooting for Brody. Have a four star because the constant breakups were a bit irritating. Carol Janet Helen337

An enjoyable read Kelly Palmer774 2


A beautiful story of friendship growing to love. A relationship that is so rocky, but will make you laugh, cry and swoon. A brilliant story. Laura Koslowski142 1 follower

Great Read

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Nina and Brody’s story. I couldn’t put it down. Would definitely recommend reading. Love this series. Alena Young-Raida1 review

I absolutely love this series! All 5 books were addicting. I highly recommend! Anne Sherman1,331 1 follower

Good read Esmee1,676 2

Ja sorry ik wilde niet meer verder lezen... Zo wat iedereen lijkt giftig daar te zijn... 40 procent... Haar keuzes zijn niet echt slim2023 Ashley Bicknell17 14

I thought that this book was very well written, but I found the ending to be a little rushed. The ending did not seem to flow with the rest of the book. Lorraine Martin232 3

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