
Les ales de lÂ’esfinx de Andrea Camilleri

de Andrea Camilleri - Género: Policial
libro gratis Les ales de lÂ’esfinx


No és un bon moment per al comissari Montalbano: la guerra amb la Lívia continua i els molts anys d'ofici comencen a pesar... Com sempre, però, la tragèdia real és més urgent que la moral: en un abocador han trobat el cadàver d'una noia nua i amb el rostre devastat per un projectil. L'única pista per identificar-la és un petit tatuatge en forma de papallona a l'espatlla esquerra, que esdevindrà el punt de partida de la investigació.

I aviat de noies tatuades n'hi haurà moltes més, i totes han arribat de l'Europa de l'Est gràcies a l'associació catòlica La buona volontà, que aparentment les ha rescatades de la prostitució.

Mentre la recerca segueix el seu curs, el comissari és veurà apressat per tothom: el bisbe, decidit a protegir La buona volontà peti qui peti; el senyor en comandant, per dir-ho en catarellès, que no vol fer enfadar els que manen de debò; i, naturalment, la Lívia, que l'espera neguitosa per fer un últim intent de salvació de la parella. Tantes pressions alhora no podien sinó conduir a un final accelerat, tan angoixant per a en Montalbano com per als lectors mateixos.

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#11 in Andrea CamilleriÂ’s mystery novel series featuring Inspector Salvo Montalbano, and one of the darker ones, as Salvo is grumpy about his getting older, grumpy about Sicilian political corruption, and grumpy about his long-time relationship with Livia as it seems more than ever on the rocks. This is a good book, but as I see it, it's standard fare for the series. ThereÂ’s great food lovingly described cooked at Enzo's Trattoria or by SalvoÂ’s housekeeper Adelina. And the amusing crime team antics continue as usual as a kind of counterpoint to the violence, which begins with the death of a woman who has emigrated from Russia with NOT a dragon tattoo, but a Sphinx moth tattoo. And sheÂ’s not alone, as other women from Russia also have this tattoo (And the woman is of course as in most crime novels not only dead but beautiful and nude; can it be otherwise? I have a far-fetched theory about this that probably has been written about countless times).

Not surprisingly, the women are all victims of sex trafficking in ways familiar to us now--promised a better life, taught to do "exotic" dancing, then turned to prostitution to pay back the men who house and feed them, and so on--the women, marked with the tattoos, came to Sicily rescued by an organization called Benevolence that turns out to be connected in shady, possibly corrupt ways to the mafia and maybe even the Roman Catholic Church. Yes, Camilleri is so popular at this point in Sicily that he can even take on these two powerful organizations.

DonÂ’t get me wrong, from my three-starring. This book is good, just not surprising in any way, and it would be good if you want to raise attention to a world-wide scandal to have us get to know one of these women as a human being. But although itÂ’s a darker book with this sense of doom over Sicily and human trafficking and Livia, it's still good.
mystery-detective-thriller20 s Kathy3,605 256

This was one of the Montalbano treasures I had missed, so I corrected that error with a satisfying read. It opens with: "Whatever happened to those early mornings when, upon awakening, for no reason, he would feel a sort of current of pure happiness running through him?"
We soon learn the latest case he is mulling over involves identifying a female corpse with a distinctive tattoo (the wings of the sphinx). The inspector and Livia have had a break, but he is not without female company.17 s Bill RogersAuthor 21 books96

There are several reasons that I love Andrea Camilleri's series involving Inspector Salvo Montalbani. Firstly the way in which he seems to capture the soul of contemporary life in Sicily. Secondly, the gentle humour with which excoriates the corruption and laziness of public office in his country. Thirdly the quality and intelligence of his writing. Fourthly, the simple yet engaging plots that he weaves. And finally, the wonderful characterisation that flows through the whole series; not least that of Montalbani himself and his long enduring mistress Livia. Oh, not forgetting the hilarious way in which Officer 'Cat' Catarella manages to massacre every message he receives and transmits, to the amusement and frustration of his Boss. And finally, because he was not discovered until he reached the ripe old age of 67. Agents and Publishers please take note!

In the Wings of The Sphinx Salvo's relationship with Livia appears to be on the rocks. He's also getting tired of the violence and corruption that he faces day to day. He feels that he's getting too old for the job. Then the first of the bodies turns up at an illegal dump. A young woman with a distinctive tattoo. Reinvigorated by his passion for justice - and frequent lunches of fresh fish, local produce, and wine - he sets out to solve the mystery, cut through the
smokescreens blown across his path, and regain the love of his life.

These novels may be short but what a lovely gentle read - and a perfect antidote to the indigestion we sometimes feel after a little too much crime noir!13 s Mark1,442 154

Another day and another Montalban mystery in which he is at odds with his lady friend Livia and at the end of the story they are still as far away physically from each other as at the start of the story.

A naked girl is found she is murdered and has no identity so it is up to the usual suspects to find out more, Fazio is great at background in extreme detail, Mimi the ladies man, Caterella who is the running gag with him always entering with a bang and messing up names (quite sure it give the writer some wicked pleasure), Montalbano's boss who is a creature of politics (something that goes together well with the Mafia in Italy) and the cranky pathologist who dis Montalbano as much as he s him.

The dead girl might be a Russian victim but who is she and what is her name, she has one identifier namely a tattoo of a Butterfly specifically a Sphinx. There are others who carry a similar tatto and they cannot be fund either. It takes Montalbano's brainpower to make progress even if some in power might not think that would be in their best interest.

These novels are wickedly funny and at the same time an observation on life in Italy and Sicily, you might have issues with all the food described in a Montalbano novel, but she hanker for some Italian food having read these books.

Another swell instalment by the always excellent writer Camilleri who proves that age does not stop a talented writer. 2021 camilleri police-stories9 s Pamela1,444

Montalbano investigates the murder of a young woman who has been shot in the face with just a striking tattoo on her shoulder to give a clue to her identity. He discovers a link to a charitable organisation which rescues girls from the nightclubs, but the three girls who may have been the victim have all gone missing and he is facing political pressure to drop the investigation. Meanwhile a local businessman appears to have been kidnapped.

Camilleri is on top form with all the things I love best in the Montalbano series - two intriguing and convincing plot lines, a great range of minor characters from the sinister to the comic, acerbic comments on the world in general and Sicily in particular, mouthwatering mentions of the local cuisine, and significant contributions from the team of Augello, Fazio and Catarella.

ThereÂ’s even an appearance from MontalbanoÂ’s friend Ingrid - much more engaging than his dreary girlfriend Livia (who fortunately only appears by telephone in this novel, due to yet another crisis in their tedious relationship) - which adds some sparkle to lighten MontalbanoÂ’s rather glum mood. Very enjoyable overall.crime-italian7 s Andrew621

I love this series and love Inspector Montalbano, not many books translate well but these ones do. A great little group of characters that have been pulled together with always some interesting crimes or murders for him to solve. Good, light, fun reading and I look forward to continuing with the next book in the series. Although I do have to say he needs to sort out his love life before it is too late! Haven't read these? Do give them a try.7 s Kostas Kanellopoulos558 29

Dream Sicilian team6 s DeAnna KnipplingAuthor 160 books270

A naked, murdered girl with gold on her hands and a four-winged tattoo on the back of her shoulder. A man whose wife can only believe that he has been kidnapped. A relationship that wearies of itself.

It feels both the author is coming into himself and breaking out of the mold of the first nine books, and not quite there with whatever it is that he learned. He definitely didn't decide to go back to the repeated plot from the earlier books. The plot here is more exploratory, a version of the detective-follows-a-string-of-clues-through-the-labyrinth plot that you see in other mysteries, but somehow different. I'll have to see where this goes.

I continue to listen to the series on audio, which remains excellent.6 s Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus)280 344

I adore the Montalbano series, but this one isnÂ’t one of my favourites.

Opening a new Montalbano book feels returning home. I have come to love the characters and CamilleriÂ’s writing is incredible. The descriptions of food always make me feel so hungry!

However, I was really enjoying this book until the last couple of chapters. The end to the case seemed rushed and has actually left me feeling a little frustrated and confused. I am hoping that the next book has a case that grips me all the way through and has a plot twist before the end, as I usually expect this from the Montalbano series. I close this book feeling slightly unsatisfied, but hopeful for what is to come! 6 s Veronica GoodwillAuthor 17 books103

Nada mas abrir el libro me transporto al mundo de encanto y maravillas policiales de Salvo Montalbano. He reído, me he enfadado, seguí riendome y hasta seguí sus pensamientos como cuando leía a Sherlock hace muchos años. Señor Camilleri, hágame un favor, siga con nuestro Salvo largo y tendido porque el mundo e Italia lo necesita :)
detectives5 s ??????? ???????????281 26

??? ????????? ?? ??????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ???????????!5 s The Frahorus877 92

Il commissario Montalbano ormai si è sdoppiato e parla con se stesso: c'è il Montalbano più "saggio" che cerca di domare il Montalbano "istintivo" e vedremo che il rapporto con Livia continua ad avere alti e bassi.

Stavolta il nostro commissario si trova davanti all'omicidio di una giovane ragazza che ha uno strano tatuaggio, una sorta di farfalla/sfinge che lo porterà a conoscere altre ragazze che hanno un tatuaggio uguale. Ma gli omicidi non si fermano solo alla ragazza. Cosa ci sarà dietro queste ammazzatine?

Montalbano inizia a sentire gli acciacchi dell'età e si interroga ripetutamente sul suo rapporto con Livia, dopo i tradimenti vicendevoli che hanno avuto nel romanzo precedente (per errore ho saltato la lettura delle due "puntate precedenti", ovvero "La luna di carta" e "La vampa di agosto" ma che recupererò al più presto) e le vicende che viene a conoscere durante le sue indagini non lo aiutano a pensare in modo positivo.

Viviamo purtroppo in una società malata che riguarda tutti i campi, inclusi quelli "religiosi". Mi piace di questo commissario siciliano che privilegia sempre l'umanità, anche compiendo azioni che a livello di legge sarebbero abbastanza criticabili ma, come si suol dire, lui lo fa per salvare delle persone, o comunque per cercare la verità.

Catarella che storpia i cognomi delle persone ormai è diventato un classico, o la pazienza dei suoi collaboratori più stretti e sempre efficienti Augello e Fazio ormai sono un marchio di fabbrica delle storie di Montalbano, con le sue nuotate in mare a Marinella (in realtà siamo a Punta Secca). Il finale poi mi ha fatto sorridere, il fatto che alla fine non è riuscito a incontrarsi con la sua Livia (non aggiungo altro) fa capire tante cose, che il nostro commissario quando c'è di mezzo l'amore va in tilt!

Un altro punto a favore di questo capitolo montalbaniano è stata la scorrevolezza della storia, non riuscivo a chiudere il libro perché volevo sapere come sarebbe proseguita l'indagine nel capitolo successivo. E poi il dialetto inventato da Camilleri ormai mi è familiare, quasi musicale.

Lo consiglio anche a chi non ha ancora letto nulla sul commissario Montalbano, anche se tra i miei preferiti resta assolutamente "Il cane di terracotta". giallo italiana montalbano ...more4 s Roman Clodia2,615 3,547

Un so many other long-running series, Camilleri's books never pall. Here Montalbano is still struggling with getting older and his internal voices are particularly entertaining. At the same time, he and Livia are at a bit of a crossroads and Ingrid makes one of her slightly enigmatic appearances.

On the work front Fazio, Augello and the divine Catarella are all their inimitable selves, and Montalbano solves a murder that crosses all kinds of uncomfortable jurisdictions.

One of the things I love about Camilleri's writing is the way he keeps things light without being vacuous: there are always hidden depths to his characters that are merely hinted at in the books so that they never descend to being mere caricatures. And his political sense is both acute and able to identify the farcical in the serious: prompted by the list-loving Fazio, for example - "If Fazio, thought the inspector, hadn't been Sicilian but Russian in the time of the KGB, he would have had a brilliant career. Perhaps to the point of becoming prime minister, as had now become the custom there, in times of democracy."

Brilliant light reading with substance.3 s1 comment Susan Stuber212 136

This is a pretty good short detective novel, as far as detective novels go. I imagine one would get more out of it if one had started with the first of the novels in this series, because then you would have more of a relationship with the main characters. But I am interested enough in Camilleri now that I would read one of his other works (not necessarily from this series though).

I enjoyed it. It is light but snappy, witty, and even sometimes reflective reading. A welcome change to some other heavier stuff I've been reading.detective-spy-mystery2 s Laura6,984 583

4* The Shape of Water (Inspector Montalbano, #1)
4* The Terra-Cotta Dog (Inspector Montalbano, #2)
3* Excursion to Tindari (Inspector Montalbano, #5)
4* The Smell of the Night (Inspector Montalbano, #6)
3* Rounding the Mark (Inspector Montalbano, #7)
4* The Patience of the Spider (Inspector Montalbano, #8)
3* The Wings of the Sphinx (Inspector Montalbano, #11)
3* Acqua in bocca (Inspector Montalbano, #16.5)
4* Treasure Hunt (Inspector Montalbano, #16)
TR The Snack Thief (Inspector Montalbano, #3)
TR Voice of the Violin (Inspector Montalbano, #4)
TR Un mese con Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #4.5)
TR Gli arancini di Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #4.7)
TR La paura di Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #6.5)
TR Storie di Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #6.7)
TR La prima indagine di Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #8.5)
TR The Paper Moon (Inspector Montalbano, #9)
TR August Heat (Inspector Montalbano, #10)
TR The Track of Sand (Inspector Montalbano, #12)
TR The Potter's Field (Inspector Montalbano, #13)
TR The Age of Doubt (Inspector Montalbano, #14)
TR Racconti di Montalbano (Inspector Montalbano, #14.5)
TR The Dance of the Seagull (Inspector Montalbano, #15)
TR Il sorriso di Angelica (Montalbano, #17)
TR Il gioco degli specchi (Montalbano, #18)
TR Una lama di luce (Montalbano, #19)
TR Una voce di notte (Montalbano, #20)
TR Un covo di vipere (Montalbano, #21)
TR La piramide di fango (Montalbano, #22)
TR La giostra degli scambi (Montalbano, #23) e-books italian-literature italy ...more2 s Leslie2,759 217

July 2022 re-read via audiobook: I love Grover Gardner's narration but I miss translator Stephen Saratelli's footnotes, so informative about the food and culture of Sicily.ebook2 s Heidi Burkhart2,306 52

IÂ’m a big fan of the Inspector Montalbano books. This might be my favorite one...so far. 2 s David Highton3,147 17

Another great story about Montalbano and his team, with a distinctive tattoo on the shoulder of the corpse of an attractive naked girl found in a rubbish tip.2 s Roberto318 40

Nel bene e nel male, Montalbano è noi

Ogni tanto ci vuole. Ritrovare Montalbano, e con lui i pensieri di Camilleri, e la verve e le riflessioni di questo nostro grande, anche umanamente, è un piacere. Mentre si barcamena coi suoi pochi mezzi in questa nostra società malata senza troppe speranze, consapevole ma anche saldo su quelli che ci piace definire i principi. Principi sani, da sempre in lotta per sopravvivere contro le forze della nostra meschinità, dei nostri egoismi, della nostra malvagità.

Perché Montalbano è noi. Che non riesce a far funzionare la propria vita privata, e svolge con passione la sua missione vitale. Contro i mille ostacoli legittimi e meno che la vita, l'universo povero che ci circonda, ci pone. Senza poterne fare a meno, perché ciò che siamo non può cambiare. Quella è la sua e la nostra natura, un giorno dopo l'altro, un errore dopo l'altro, a volte dopo un successo. Siamo noi Montalbano, e Andrea lo sa bene mentre ce la racconta. Lo è anche lui.2 s Ardesia181 58 Read

Il tempo passa per tutti e in questo libro sembra proprio che anche per Montalbano sia arrivato il momento di prenderne atto.
La storia naturalmente mi è piaciuta. Dico naturalmente perché Montalbano o si ama o si odia, e se lo si ama come si fa a non sorridere, a riflettere, a "santiare" con lui, qualsiasi sia l'indagine in corso? Anzi, a dirla tutta per quanto apprezzi la maestria di Camilleri nello svolgere una matassa di trama colma di indizi e di incastri perfetti poi alla fine il ricordo dei fatti mi sfugge via appena girata l'ultima pagina. Quello che invece resta con prepotenza sono le atmosfere e i personaggi di un mondo talmente ben costruito da "bastarsi", così vivido da sembrare più vero del vero. Dai, Montalbano non può non esistere sul serio, è impensabile! È talmente vivo che da qualche parte deve pur essere! E anche Catarella naturalmente!!montalbano-sono xxxbc2 s Feles_et_libri53

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The story is by the by - the main pleasure is the dialogue and backstory.crime translated-from-the-original2 s Mack 1,498 55

Superbly absurd. 2 s Hugo81 1 follower

Éste es el tercer libro de Montalbano/ Camilleri que leo en menos de un mes. Totalmente enganchado al universo de este peculiar comisario, y disfrutando con sus compañeros de trabajo, entendiendo y comprendiendo la difícil relación con su amante Livia y gozando de su refinado gusto por el arte y la gastronomía.

La excusa para leer con tanta intensidad a Camilleri ha sido esta vez el oscuro tráfico de jóvenes mujeres rusas a Europa, con asesinatos, dolor y mucha soledad de una sociedad cada vez más egoísta y que solamente está mirándose su ombligo.

No es la mejor historia de Montalbano, pero es un magnífico libro2023 novela-negra-policiaca-detective Sarah720 4

OK. Not outstanding. Quite easy to read, but not sure if I'll bother reading another one of his.1 Natalia Trybus98 69

Przeczyta?am, bo dosta?am, ale nie zamierzam nadrabia? i kontynuowa? serii
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