
Claiming a Demon de Amy Padilla

de Amy Padilla - Género: English
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Amy Padilla Series: Dallying with Demons 03 Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798325150685

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3.25/5 This one didn’t work quite as well for me as the others in the series. Maybe there was a little too much packed in there for the length of the novel, and so I felt things were dealt with really quickly or just didn’t have room to expand. I found Zach a bit too pushy at times, and Mal a bit too much of a pushover, and sometimes it spilled into the relationship.

It took me a little while to get into the relationship, I think because Mal was so guarded and quiet at the beginning, he’s a bit of cypher. But the set up is clear: Zach is the bubbly extravert, and he’s bringing Mal out of his shell, and Mal s everyone about Zach and is ready to take him as he is. It’s going well but fast, but this is a short book, I’m okay with that. And then Zach hit 100% unreasonable for me: he announces they’re boyfriends (a fake out during a confrontation), then leans into it. Mal doesn’t object. Then when Zach’s brand new, laconic boyfriend who is struggling with his father’s illness doesn’t immediately announce his current struggles to Zach, but instead wants physical comfort, Zach decides this must mean Mal isn’t really into him, he’s going to cool it on the boyfriend front, but they can still be friends—which he demonstrates by being distant and busy and not very available for the next week. For someone who supposedly wants to help Mal have a voice, Zach seemed big on making a lot of choices for him. Sometimes, they’re really bad at communication, and it doesn’t feel they actually know one another that well.

Mal also demonstrates at points that maybe Zach is right and he’s not in a great place for a relationship. He doesn’t notice Zach’s discomfort during the “distraction” intimacy, he doesn’t notice Zach has left the hospital and doesn’t think about him at all. (There *is* a lot on his mind, but that’s kind of the point.) He rages at his family in a very unhealthy way, and it never gets dealt with. There’s a successful outcome, but I think he would seriously benefit from therapy.

Most of the time, I don’t much the way his siblings treat him, nor his parents, nor his friends. Zach is presented as the only one who understands and can read Mal, and while that’s nice from the “mate” perspective, it makes me pretty sad about the rest of his life and how it seems none of these caring people tried very hard with him. (His friends couldn’t come even once to the fancy restaurant where he cooks? To support their friend even though it’s not super their thing? No?)

Mal is able to assert his opinion in more healthy ways at some points. Felix defends Mal, Callum is there when Mal needs him, Mal’s parents demonstrate he’s not the only one who makes dumb decisions, Zach lets himself be taken care of occasionally…. There are sweet and supportive moments in the book, it just didn’t quite balance right for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Cindy1,148 10

Zachariah intercedes when bullies try to harm Malakai, a demon. Zach is a delightful, energetic human and so sweet and kind. Mal is quiet and reserved, hiding his emotions. They are perfect together, complimenting each other's needs. They form a friendship that grows into love and support through Mal's angst and Zach's illness. Their's is a gentle, caring kind of love, nurturing and enabling. I am enjoying this series of humans and demons in relationships. I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary opinion.2 s Flick793 4

I really love this series

I am loving this series and the couples in it and Zach and Mal are no different. What I find interesting with this series is that the characters are not ‘perfect’ friends. Often you have a group of incredibly close characters (each of whom gets a book) and they’re perfect with each other. Amy doesn’t have a perfect friend group. They make mistakes, sometimes huge ones ( Felix and Callum and then with how everyone but Felix reacts to Zach). But that happens. People get tunnel vision or start seeing people in one light. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re able to come back from it and these guys do. They work to get past the not so great moments. Zach and Mal do have a harder time with their relationship internally in this book. Mal is going through a lot and that combined with Zach’s need to help and support mean that communication between them isn’t awesome 100% of the time. It also doesn’t help that Mal has trained himself to never voice his opinion. Once they actually talk all those issues disappear pretty quickly (which is often the case because mind reading doesn’t work even if you can actually do it). What’s left is a really sweet ending that makes you feel happy these two put in the effort to support each other and work through the iffy spots. I’m super excited to see what’s coming for Hen - especially as we didn’t really get a glimpse of his person in the sneak peek! Melissa116 1 follower

I was so busy trying to protect myself, I forgot that sometimes love was worth the risk.

I really enjoyed Mal and Zach! I mean, what introvert doesn't want to be adopted and cared for by an extrovert?! Zach stands up for Mal from day one. That kind of strength and care taking were lovely scenes in the book. Watching them navigate their friends to lovers situation with relatable confusion made me want to hug them both and force them to say the scary thing of 'I you and I love you'.

Both Mal and Zach have some hang ups and past trauma, but they find a way to support each other and understand each other along the way. They might be my favorite couple?!

While I would have d a couple more chapters to tie up some issues I had with Mal's family in particular, overall I had a great time reading this book! And am looking forward to our demon rockstar finding love in book 4.

Claiming a Demon is book 3, and can be read standalone, but personally I think best to be read in order.

MM Human/Demon
Size Difference
Found family
Open door spice
On page bigotry
Illness/palliative care (not our MCs)

*advanced reader. thoughts and opinions my own* Nicole252 13

Third in series (Dallying with Demons), best if read in order. Paranormal. Opposites attract. Hurt/comfort. Dual POV. Heed content warnings.

When Mal goes looking for a present for some human friends he doesn’t expect to get help from a charismatic, energetic human that somehow comes to his rescue. Zach doesn’t mind that Mal hardly talks, he enjoys getting to know him and helping Mal relax either by being his massage therapist or his friend. Mal and Zach easily fall into friendship and then can’t deny the attraction they both feel, and neither try to change the other, finding happiness in being together.

I really enjoyed their sweet interactions, Zach doesn’t push Mal out of his introverted comfort zone and Mal appreciates Zach’s effervescent personality. The story has some helpful secondary characters, some nice and spicy scenes, and two main characters that aren’t afraid to show vulnerability and care while supporting each other and falling in love. Really enjoyed this opposites attract addition to the series. Janet1,387 4

Loved Mal but wanted more showing than telling

I loved the first two books and I loved sweet, quiet Mal here. Zach was a good character too.
The connection between them grew as the story continued but I felt as though we were missing a lot, as when they spent time together, we were just told they talked about lots of things. I didn't need a transcription of every conversation they had but would have loved to see some of their chats to really see them bonding.
I wasn't keen on Mal's family, especially how his sisters treated him and what effect that had on him. I felt as though his friends all overlooked him, just because he was quiet. Mal faded into the background at times while Zach spoke for him, and I felt so sorry for Mal when Zach charmed all Mal's family while Mal was the villain for finally standing up to his mother and sisters.
Apart from that, I did love Mal and I d Zach for him, once they found a balance when Mal came out of his shell.
I can't wait to read Aziel's story but Hendrix is next. A demon rock star? Yes, please. C.194

I've read all of the books in this series so far and they have all been good. This is one of those series that gets better with every book and is becomming a favorite.

Mal is dealing with a lot of family stress and he has held his feelings back most of his life. Zach is full of energy and caring and feels a need to help Mal. Their friendship grows and eventually develops into love. This is a relationship that took time to progress. The couple knew each other for weeks and were friends before it progressed to romance. It was nice to see.

I look forward to reading more books in the series and hope for many more books from this author.

I was given a copy of this book and this is my honest opinion. Jeanette Waters1,175 1 follower

Claiming a Demon, the newest book in Amy Padilla's Dallying with Demons series is a love story about a shy demon who hides his feelings behind a stoic mask, and a human who is a natural caretaker and the only person who can see the demon behind the mask. They display a sweet protectiveness towards each other. And have excellent chemistry in and out of the bedroom.
Claiming is a fun, quick read. Not a standard cookie cutter demon/human romance, Padilla touches upon species prejudice and terminal disease with a light, respectful touch. A well earned HEA.
An excellent book. An outstanding, original series. The next two books are in the works. And I can't wait.
I received an advance copy of this book and this is my review. Bianca580 4

Malakai and Zachariah story was sweet and quirky, with lots of laughs, caring, sweet loving moments and connecting to the family.
I simply adored Zach's personality as his way of taking care of people as well as taking charge, and expressing his mind without a care.
Mal was adorable and I really d when he took matters in his own hands and made his opinion known.
I d the way they interacted, the way the learned to express their feelings was a learning curve, and the support they had for each other was so sweet and adorable.
I really loved the story and I'm looking forward to see what happens next. Demetra Roussakis1,039 9

This is book 3 in the series and recommend they be read in order. This one features Malakai and Zach. Mal is in a gift shop trying to find a gift for his friends who just got engaged. Zach stepped in when he was struggling to figure out what he wanted to buy. When Zach suggested couples massage, Mal was all in. When Mal went to get a massage where Za h works, he was able to relax. This is how their relationship slowly started with finding out why Mal was stressed and how Zach was able to help him get out of his shell. Great world building, high heat and chemistry. Cannot wait for the next book in the series. Gabrielle Lee705 31

Mal and Zach are total opposites yet something draws them together. There is no denying the attraction they have for each other. I enjoyed watching their relationship build as they spend time together. The two are good together and it was nice to see the trust grow between them. Zach is certainly a handful but he is loyal to those that he cares about. Mal may be quiet but he has a heart and deals with so much. I loved seeing Zach step up and help Mal right from the start. I was quickly immersed in their story and engaged all the way to the end making this a good addition to the Dallying with Demons series. Tracey Johns293

Zach is awesome, and I'm glad Mal realized it pretty early on. These two worked on so many levels, and yay to the author for such lovable & relatable & fleshed out characters! Love the world-building and especially the external family drama (thankfully not the usual kind). All of this, add in the friend drama on several levels, & the love/mates thing - and you end up with an enjoyable, entertaining, sweet with heat Paranormal romance with the most perfect grand gesture HEA - so sweet! Love this series, these demons & their mates & found family. Keep em coming! Cynthia M Brow570 2

Claiming a Demon is the 3rd book in the Dallying with Demons series. Each book can be read as a standalone but I feel they are best read in order so why not enjoy the whole series. This book is about Zach a human and Mal a demon. Mal is an introvert while Zach is an extrovert. I love how these two just work together. I love the way Amy writes her characters and the world she has created. There is a lot put in the story so at times it felt a little rushed but that didn't take away from the story. I would definitely recommend this book and series.
amy-padilla L27

The relationship between Mal and Zach was very sweet and I the acceptance and support they gave to each other. Again, most of the angst was caused by outside sources. Although Mal's family dynamics were enough to make me want to hide too, I d that he was letting go of his mask with Zach's help and finally speaking up. Looking forward to the next book.

I noted only about a dozen proofreading issues in the ARC, which I sent to the author, so they may be fixed already. Marta141

Zach and Mal are great together, but I felt a little bit disappointed about how Mal silence and keeping things inside is treated here. I think the author should been more careful with it, because it feels trauma and that doesn´t have an easy fix.
Same with how to face a bad illness, maybe it was too close for me.
The way Mal and Zach grow closer however is very well told and very relatable. This two together are quite cute. Suzanne McNeill Taviner1,366 5

This was such a lovely story to read, I loved Malakai, he was such a gentle giant I just wanted to cuddle him! And Zach-wow, he was such a bundle of joy and energy, I loved them together, they balanced each other so well and I loved that Zach saw Mal in a way that no-one else did, he saw all the stuff he was trying to hide and helped him find his voice. Raven and Chris2,477 22

Zach is such a cute little guy and absolutely perfect for our stoic Mal. Zach really is a pixie and I adore him! This story was good. I love how these two interact. Mal has spent so much time keeping his own emoticons and thoughts to himself that it takes Zach some work to bring him out from behind his mask.

This book is a great continuation of the first two books.
What goes on in the head of the most introverted demon you’ll ever meet?
When they choose to stay quiet instead of getting rejected for their opinions and beliefs?
And meet the man who despite the mask can read him a book and teaches to him to find his voice.
Can’t wait for the next one.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Lisa C919 21

Wonderful story of masseuse, Zach, and Malachai, an introvert demon. Loved how Zach was exactly what Mal needed from the start and how they found out Mal was what Zach needed as well. Part of the Dallying with Demons series but can be read as a standalone. Great read! Margaret 893 5

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