
Dragon Guardian's Eternal Mate de Amelia Wilson

de Amelia Wilson - Género: English
libro gratis Dragon Guardian's Eternal Mate


Amelia Wilson Year: 2024

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Power grab.

Having not read any of the other novels in the series I felt a bit disoriented reading this novel. Although the idea around a power struggle when a planned marriage takes place is a great start here, I have no idea what the challenges or underlying issues facing the characters are. Avalon and Ryu are presented as strong characters at odds with each other initially. Other than marriage, I didn’t see any character growth or development which made it really hard to understand their actions as the story progressed. As well, the rating felt a bit clunky to me. Dialogue disappeared just appeared, with many parts of the story simply told to us in quite a black or white As well, the rating felt a bit clunky to me. Dialogue just appeared with many parts of the story simply told to us in quite a black or white fashion with no room for revelation or interpretation in between. Overall the idea for the story I gave a 4*, but my pleasure in reading would be closer to a 3*.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Julie596 7

Not quite sure how this was going to go when it first started, I quickly fell for Ryu and his dedication, not only to his kingdom but to Avalon and her safety. Initially she struck me as a spoiled Brat. Could be because she was acting one?! Ryu felt the same, and Avalon knew it. She also seemed to realize she was, in fact, being a brat and snapped out of it promptly. Seems the actual chemistry between them was helpful in accomplishing that task moreso than anything else.
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