
Susurex de Amelia Rademaker

de Amelia Rademaker - Género: English
libro gratis Susurex


Amelia Rademaker Series: Susix 2 Year: 2023

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This is a surprisingly controversial opinion in the romance reader community, but I actually cliffhangers. I’m flakey and forgetful AF, so much so that I rarely manage to finish a series even when I love it. So anything that helps to draw me back to read the next book is a godsend to me.

However, if you’re the kind of reader who hates cliffhangers, do be warned that this book ends on a doozy of a cliffhanger.

Susurex was a lot of fun to read, much Susix. Now that the snake alien crew knows that Cece is a sentient being and not, in fact, a wild animal, they are doing their best to communicate and satiate their curiosity about their human stowaway. Culture clashes and silly shenanigans ensue.

There’s actual romance in this book too. Three out of the five crew members take an active interest in Cece, and it’s clear that all five will get there. Cece reciprocates, but haltingly, since she thinks there’s a good chance the Susix will kick her off the ship at any moment. They don’t do nearly enough to disabuse her of that notion, either. (Why so eager to get rid of her?? Seriously!! Just make her a part of your nest! Who cares if it’s a little inconvenient that she’s human?)

This is the part of the book that got on my nerves…there was quite a bit of drama that felt fabricated and unnecessary. Cece and the crew are clearly falling for each other but pushing each other away for flimsy reasons.

Another thing that was annoying to me was the way the Susix kept on treating Cece she’s an idiot. Yes, she doesn’t know much about the galaxy because she’s never been off her home planet. But they act she’s some kind of toddler who might tear apart the ship then kill herself accidentally if left unattended. Have some trust, hm? She’s got a brain.

Overall, I blew through this book and can’t wait for the next book’s release, whenever that is. I’m hoping for more romance development and to see Cece take charge of her own destiny a little more. Also, I want to see Susurex! The worldbuilding so far has been phenomenal.

I will say this: Amelia, your editor is failing you. There are more than a few typos and errors all across the book. Grammarly is also failing you. Lots of the comma misplacement issues I noticed are exactly the kinds of errors that Grammarly will cause if you run your entire manuscript through the software and accept all changes. The program is not all-knowing, and it’s especially stupid when it comes to commas. (This is one of those extremely rare edge cases in which I actually know what I’m talking about, since I’ve worked as a line editor going on five years now.)

Also, Amelia, while I’ve got you—put me on your ARC team please and thank you
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