
Lies in the Darkness de Amanda J. Clay

de Amanda J. Clay - Género: English
libro gratis Lies in the Darkness


It’s senior year at Pacific State University and all-night parties, cheap hookups and regrets are the ruling pastimes. Ungracefully pirouetting in and out of love triangles, drug addictions and unwanted pregnancies, four friends stumble their way through their last year of study and try to grasp the realities of the world on the other side.

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If you are looking for a NA book that is full of college students who are normal, drinking, drama starting young adults, this is the book for you! My liver is aching from the drinking these young kids could handle! Hahaha…

There were many characters but this author slowly pulls you in, and had me invested in each one. I even wanted to reach into my laptop and smack a few of them from time to time!

All jokes aside, this is a good book. I really enjoyed it. Especially the well crafted wording. Such as:

She hated what he did to her. How he summoned to the surface every insecurity that lingered in the depths of her inner self.


Sadistic butterflies bred their nasty wings against her gut.

Amanda has lots of talent and immense potential. Keep an eye out for this young woman. I know I will, and I will also be reading all her books :)

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

4 s June LuuAuthor 4 books25

Full review at Sunshine Reviews

ARC given for review and blog tour purposes.

This book almost brought me to tears. Seriously!

I started and finished this book in less than 5 hours. Literally. It was addictive, absolutely remarkable, and so so special. I sped through this book a champ, eating up the words and becoming so addicted to the story, the characters and the writing. It was utterly brilliant, and I can't get enough.

Lies In The Darkness tells the story of four friends, each struggling with their own problems, some harder to deal with than others but were still problems either way. We get to meet Sophie, Davis, Blake and Cassie, and I fell in love with each and everyone of these characters. The first time I got to meet Sophie, I was on the fence of being interested or being bored of the story. Often, when a book doesn't hook me at the 10% mark, then I'll more than ly become bored later on. But this one? I got hooked at 2%, and goddamn it was one of the best 5 hours of my life spent reading it.

Sophie was amazing. She was this complicated and broken girl that struggled with life and coping with the stress of growing up, school, friends and relationships. Her struggles were so real because they were normal stress that everyone in life goes through. I felt connected to her the most, mainly because I've had experience in her field and therefore can link to her feelings and emotions. She goes through this brilliant character development throughout the book, and you could see her transformation by the end of it. And to be honest, I was so so happy for her at the end, you could not believe how hard and wide I was smiling.

And Davis? What can I say? I think 5 words can pretty much sum up how I feel about Davis, and they are:

I. Love. You. Davis. Thompson.

Pretty much that.

Davis is the boyfriend I wish for, that crush you can't seem to let go of because he's just so amazing, trustworthy, funny, charming, strong, charismatic, rough in all the right edges and obviously: ridiculously h.o.t. Seriously, I have never loved a Southern drawl, but with Davis, I want to set it as my alarm tone every morning.

Cassie wise. She is this fantastic friend that I would love to have. She is strong, even though she faces her own problems that could be seen as much more important than Sophie's, but deals with it very maturely. I loved Cassie, her characteristics and her actions. I love her relationship with her friends, especially Sophie, how she's always there for her. The only thing I would to see more of is maybe more depth and detail about her problems and the way she deals with it. I know the book was mainly in the point of view of Sophie, but I think providing the story behind Cassie would give the book a much deeper complexity and development. I'm also on the same field with Blake. I loved that guy and adore his HEA. I'm so glad he got his happy immediate future, but would've loved to see more about him dealing with the problem that just sprung up in his face as well as the future.

Not only were the characters were amazing (I love love love the friendship depths in this book. Absolutely stunning), the writing was also exquisite. Many authors who focuses on the characters more than the book itself tends to forget to how to write up this amazing whirlwind of words that create their world. But Ms Amanda Clay did not do that. Her writing was beautiful, and I love the descriptive language she used to describe the scenes and characters, especially with Sophie. It was all just astonishing, and I loved every single second of it.

Overall, this book was amazing. I loved it, and I seriously want more (I'm sad that this is a standalone). But I think with the way it ended, it was perfect for the characters as well as the world they were set in. Ms Clay, you did a brilliant job, and I absolutely loved this book. adult best-realistic-fiction-ever-read contemporary ...more3 s The Smutbrarians2,239 1,736

Panty Scorching -3
Angst -3
Tissues -1
Value -4
Storyline -4
Overall Rating -4
Kindle eARC
Reviewed by Ladyballs

Whew......what did I just read? LOL....I don't mean that in a bad way...well not really. I felt I was on a roller coaster. So many characters, so many having sex...then swapping partners, love triangles, drugs, alcohol...my head is still spinning. Oh did I mention pregnancy too?

Ok, so I will start with, I d this book and the storyline. I truly did. BUT...there was just tooooo much going on and was hard to follow at times. I think some of the storylines and characters jammed into this book could have used there own book. This should have only really been about Sophie who trust me was definitely due her own book...She has enough drama for a whole book but damn girl, get a grip!!!! What a hot mess!!!! While it was interesting as hell, I was losing track of who was sleeping with who, etc. It was fast paced and kept my attention though, that is for sure.

Basically its about a group of friends and some sleep together, some don't, some realize they have feelings for each other when they have only ever hated each other....love triangles, pregnancies, booty calls....it was just crazy. It was kind of an episode of Melrose Place vs. St. Elmo's Fire but on steroids. LOL....There is just too many storylines for me to try to write about but I think I have pretty much outlined the basis. Definitely worth the read if you can keep up and I'm hoping that the author branches out and expands more on some of the characters that were jammed into this book and see more in depth what their story was and how they turned out. I felt the surface was just scraped with a lot of them and would love to read about them all some more.
2 s D.C. TrianaAuthor 2 books158

“He lay beside her…a flawed sliver of perfection.”

Is it Jay or Luke? No, it’s definitely Davis. Talk about angst, and sex, and drugs, and this array of new adult confusion that grabs you, enthralls you and traps you in this wonderfully written emotional roller coaster. Then there’s that special touch of a love story in the center of all the chaos that makes this book sooo good. From the first moment you meet Sophie De Luca you want to know what her deal is, and why she seems so broken. Then you meet Davis Thompson-with that sexy Tennessee drawl and his smooth talking ways, and you pretty much don’t want to put the book down until you find out what happens next. The fact that it’s not an insta-love and it’s more of a love-hate relationship makes the story even better. The characters are amazingly well written, full of depth and personality. From Sophie to Cassie to Blake & Davis, all you want for them is that perfect HEA. The twists and drama of the story and the complexity of the characters keep you wanting more. I am definitely looking forward to reading more of this Amanda’s books in the future.
contemporary literary-fiction new-adult ...more2 s Ravenna YoungAuthor 14 books68

Talk about a yo-yo effect! Wow. I really enjoyed this story, mostly because the oodles of angst tugged on my heartstrings while keeping me guessing. What I love about the main character, Sophie, is...everything: she's angry, hurt, sassy and REAL, not your typical main who is portrayed a princess who can do no wrong. Sophie is a mess, but it adds to the story and the relationships she has with her friends and love interests (Jay, Luke and Davis). Lots of jaw-dropping moments through this book and I laughed a lot, mostly because I could relate.
Loved the writing in this one too. Clean, edgy and no holding back.
LOVED it!2 s Recipe Fairy105 32

What a trip! This was one emotionally charged roller coaster of a story that takes you deep into the underworld of Young Adult angst. Fast paced and full of sex, love, alcohol, drugs and emotions- this book was utterly addictive and I found myself unable to put it down. With a uniquely intriguing storyline, complex and emotionally charged characters and complex descriptions, the author takes you on a wonderfully creative trip into this realistic world. There were so many emotions flying around I didn't know what to feel a lot of times- but in a good way! I was completely caught up with all of her intricate and complex characters and the trials and adventures they each go through. I was left devouring this book as quick as I could and just could NOT put it down for the life of me! Wow! 1 Amberlee2

Whew!! What a crazy, beautiful, emotional roller coaster. Not your typical New Adult. Although there’s a steamy love story intertwined, I would say this is a romance in loose terms. It’s really more of a coming-of-age story about four friends on a downward spiral at life, haha. It takes a hard look at some very real things that many people face at that age but don't get talked about much—drugs, eating disorders, etc. Definitely some cringe-worthy moments that were all too relatable. Especially thinking back at my own college days. The main character’s emotional turmoil dealing with a dysfunctional relationship hit RIGHT in the gut for me! And Davis might be my new book boyfriend! Definitely a standalone book but I’d love to see a sequel or spinoff of some kind. Highly recommend this read.new-adult1 Amanda ClayAuthor 16 books80

Can I just say how much fun this was to write?! I hope you all enjoy the world of Pacific State as much as I do! Thanks for reading!new-adult1 Kayt RothAuthor 1 book4

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

After skimming through the other on Amazon.com, I have to wonder if I read the same book. While quite well written, I didn't find this to be any sort of dark romantic comedy, as Lies in the Darkness is described in its jacket blurb.

Sophie is a glorious mess, and we've all been there in our twenties where we made stupid decision after stupid decision, especially when the object(s) of our desire is at play. The trysts between her and Luke and her consolation with Jay is certainly believable. Even her connection to Davis. If the book had just concentrated on those relationships, I might have enjoyed it more. But other characters in their circle (Cassie, Rita, Blake, Cheyenne, etc.) bogged things down, especially since their storylines weren't really fleshed out. And while I won't spoil it, the incident with Aaron came completely out of left field.

A good effort, but it could have been much stronger. Stephanie S41 20

"We're not so different, you know. None of us are. We all just want to be loved. Some of us are just so desperate for it that we'll do whatever it takes. It gets to the point that we savor the pain because it's better than feeling nothing at all... I thought I was in love with you beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I think... I think maybe I'm just addicted to you." (page 177) Heather40 1 follower

Man, oh, man... I cannot relate to the characters in this book at all, but what a fun group to read about! I genuinely was a "good girl" when I was in college, so to imagine there could actually be people living lives these, while going to school, is mind boggling. But hey, that's why we read books, right? To experience things completely different than our own personal experiences. I won't get into a detailed recap of the story, that's what the description is for. But basically it's a bunch of crazy college students having a whole lot of sex and consuming far too much alcohol, while also consuming various drugs. With those, bad choices obviously come into play, which results in lots of drama.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. There were times when I didn't quite understand why characters were doing what they were doing. Never more so than around the 85-90% mark, where I wanted to find Amanda J. Clay's phone number so I call and ask her why in the world she thought her character should make the decision she was making. I won't say more than that, because I don't want to spoil anything. Luckily, the story got back on track and ended how I wanted. That bumped this back up to 4 stars from 3. Haha!

My favorite part of this book was Clay's writing style. She's really got a way with words that took this book a step above what it would have been from the story alone. I meant to mark down a couple of the sentences/descriptions that really struck me to give as examples, but I didn't so you'll just have to trust me.

If you are looking for a pretty quick read that's also well-written and chalk full of sex, drugs, and drama, this is the book for you! Zoey ZaneAuthor 11 books253

Review originally posted here: http://readsandtreats.com/2016/05/13/...
*I received a copy in exchange for my honest review, as part of the book tour.

I truly wanted to love this book, but I will settle for really enjoyed. :-) . I enjoyed all the characters, all of which were pretty strongly developed.

Each of the characters had their own story, their own twists. I really d how all of the stories intertwined. However, I feel there was way too much going on. It's it jumped from one character to the next, with no breaks. It was super fast paced, and I felt at points it was hard to follow along to who was doing what and with who.

Amanda did an awesome job at keeping the fast pace; however, I think it was just too much for me. Although, I do have to admit, I was sick with a cold for the past two weeks, and it could have affected my judgement a little bit. But even without a cold, I do struggle to keep up with 3+ characters in a story, especially when the other characters are not minor characters. That being said, I would love to give Amanda another chance and see what else she comes up with! I still really enjoyed Lies in the Darkness. <3review-copies The kindle Kween285 25

I received a free copy of LIES IN THE DARKNESS by Amanda J. Clay in exchange for a honest review.

I work at a University (it's a bit of a party school too) Ms. Clay story-telling and dialogue were dead on. This is how college kids talk to each other. I strongly recommend you read this book.

I found her writing have a dark style similar to some of the John Green books I've read, which in my book is a big compliment. Her novel was cleverly realistic, raw and raunchy although not erotic in any way but still sexy. You enter college a child and if you do it right you evolve into an adult. I enjoyed how the four main characters grew throughout their Senior year.

Most of the NA books I read are simple, fun, safe and HEA. So, I was pulled into Ms. Clay's story because it was completely different than what I normally read (it's good to get out of your reading zone). In order for a book to be a must read it needs to have 1) HEA and 2) no cliffhangers. This book has a HEA and no cliffhangers. Natasha7 1 follower

So although this is my usual style of book, i found it quite difficult to get into at first. I'm not sure if it's because i couldn't particularly relate to the characters (having not been a hard partier at university) or if i wasn't accustomed to the writing style, but i really had to push myself to keep reading. I don't give up on books.

I have to say though, this impression was quickly washed away the further i got into the book. It became dark and intense, with a great love story twisting through, and i realised it was becoming a brilliant book. It's got a storyline that shows how the characters grow and change over the year, which is incredibly realistic of your adults, although the excessive drinking and drug use is not something that is typical of all universities, it does add to the storyline in a dark but humorous way.

Overall, i thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading others that Amanda j Clay has to offer.

Ann AtkinsAuthor 8 books2

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love getting lost inside a good book, and I was happily oblivious to the world around me while reading Lies in the Darkness. The characters were well written, and the plot was fast-paced and exciting. This book was relatable and believable, and I was completely drawn into each character's story.
Lies in the Darkness is filled with relationship drama, drinking, and some very sexy, steamy scenes. Who's sleeping with who? Who's breaking up? Who's getting back together? This book kept me turning the pages and had me reminiscing about my own college days.
Sophie was the character I related to the most, and I love finding a character in a book that I feel a connection with. The dialogue leapt off the page, and the imagery made me feel as if I were there. This book offers a realistic look at college life, and I highly recommend it! 251 Things To Do89 25

Amanda has a great style of writing. Being in my late twenties, I felt I could very much relate to the characters and it was a very accurate portrayal of the millennial generation culture. She showcases the struggles of discovering one self and the relations, insecurities people are faced with others as they grow into mature adulthood. The story definitely had a "Gossip Girl-esk" vibe to it, minus the rich/upper class main characters which is much preferable because it's a more common realistic dialogue that many North American young adults can relate to. I loved the authors descriptive imagery allowing you to feel you were right there in the room...many times down to the nitty gritty small things such as smells. You lived through the protagonist. Great writer, I look forward to more of Amanda's novels and this is definitely one to watch out for. 5 Stars Dee Price892 13

3.5 stars

It took me a little while to get into this book because there were so many main characters involved! But...once I got the gist of who was who and who was doing who, my eyes were glued to the pages! This book is filled with a lot of angst and drama but it also touches on a lot of serious and realistic issues that the author addresses in a prudent manner.

I d these characters and the friendships that existed between this group of friends. I d the way the characters developed and evolved throughout the story, even Sophie's narcissistic and db ex-boyfriend. There were a few typos but they weren't too distracting and trust me once you get into the story, all you're going to be interested in is what happens next!2016-reads betrayal drug-abuse ...more Brandy204 4

This story is very In Lightning, what happens in a large group of friends that are in college. The relationships that you have and the friends that you make. I think there was a great story here and the ending make the build up of what will happy well worth it. I think the journey you go on with this group could make you worried for them when it looks they are heading towards a bad decision! The characters are really good and all work well. I think with out any one the story would not be the same. Which really has a lot to do with how well the author wrote the book. T.J. LantzAuthor 14 books22

Lies in the Darkness is a solid addition to the New Adult genre. The atmosphere is realistic, and reminiscent of many people’s true college experience. Clay has a knack for writing relatable characters that while frustrating at times, have just enough redeemable quality to make you want to see them succeed. Lies in the Darkness is fast paced, with a comfortable prose that will keep pages turning at a rapid rate. ??Melanie G.&#x1f4d6;&#x1f49b;2,232

Wow this book was full of surprises. I actually really enjoyed the story filled with sex, alcohol, friends, heartbreak, laughter and joy. The growth that these young adults experience throughout this story is unbelievable at times. They party rock stars, sleep with anyone and everyone. Relationships...are completely unhealthy and almost disturbing however they learn, and grow from all of it. It was a great reading experience. Stacey307 8

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