
It's Got To Be Perfect de Allan, Claire

de Allan, Claire - Género: English
libro gratis It's Got To Be Perfect


All Annie Delaney really wants is her happy ever after. A big dress. A big day. A big commitment. She even has a scrap book filled to bursting with ideas for her dream day, her dream home and of course her dream man.

Only problem is, the current man on her arm isnt so much of a dream as a nightmare and as for the man currently in her bed thats a whole other disaster in the making.

With her relationship, and her life, heading into a tailspin Annie realises she has to re-examine just what can make her happy, while trying (and failing) not to make things worse.

But its never going to be easy especially when she sees her friend Fionn heading straight towards her own big day with her Mr Right. But then Annie misjudges the difficulties Fionn faces with Mr Rights very own Little Miss, not to mention the ex waiting in the wings.

Turning to her sister, Darcy, for support Annie has her eyes opened to just what can make you happy or indeed make you sad. And she ponders that age old question is there ever such a thing as the perfect relationship?

Number of Words in Auth: 2
Formats : EPUB
Number of Formats : 1
Has Cover : Yes
All Identifiers : isbn:9781842234334, mobi-asin:B008FPJKV2
Single Author : Claire Allan
Original Source : New_Files_07_11_U
Sorted Author by LN, FN: Allan, Claire
Title Length : 022
Title Parm D : It's Got To Be Perfect
Title Parm F : It's Got To Be Perfect
Title Parm G : It's Got To Be Perfect
Title Parm A : It's Got To Be Perfect
Title Parm B : (
Record ID : 5167
Uncomma Author : Claire Allan
Num of Aut : 1