
An Impossible Choice de Alison Ragsdale

de Alison Ragsdale - Género: English
libro gratis An Impossible Choice


Mothers talk about impossible choices. But, as I look at my daughter in a hospital bed, her red hair fanning out around her, my heart feels literally torn in two. Should I risk my son’s life to save my daughter, or keep my little boy safe and watch my precious girl slip away?

My darling daughter Tara has a rare form of cancer and there’s nothing I can do. At eleven years old, she’s already been so brave, but my sweet girl is hanging on by her fingernails. She has one last a bone marrow transplant from her little brother. But nine-year-old Callum has an autoimmune disease, and there’s a chance it will put him at risk.

It’s life or death for one of my children and I have to make this decision alone.

I wish there was someone by my side to help me and my family through this terrible time. But life has hit us so hard recently. A few months ago, my beloved husband died in a tragic accident and now I might lose Tara too. All I want to do is to protect my so much has been taken from us already. I hope for a miracle, but my daughter is running out of days, and I have to choose.

If I make the wrong choice, will I lose one of my precious children forever?

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From the moment I opened this book, I was mesmerized. This heart wrenching family drama kept me so thoroughly engrossed that I could not put it down; I could not get these characters and their stories out of my mind for one minute. From the beginning, it is clear that Honour, Kenny, and their two children will be going through some really difficult times. But the book is so beautifully written, it is so filled with love and determination, that there is always a glimmer of hope. Did I cry a million tears? Yes! Was my heart broken and shocked in a myriad of ways? Also yes! But the love and devotion that is the heart of this story lifted my spirits through the hard times. I had so much love for Honour and her family; I had so much compassion for her and for all the impossible decisions she had to make; I read every word, sentence, and chapter with my heart in my throat. Alison Ragsdale has gifted her readers with another story of great courage in the face of despair, filling us with hope and optimism even when the world seems dark and bleak. Bring tissues. Lots and lots of tissues. I read an advanced reader copy of this book which was provided by the publisher.4 s Linda879 107

This is your typical Alison Ragsdale book. Take your heart and stomp on it then mend it back together all the while laughing and knowing that she is still going to make you pay. Make your heart lurch. Make you weep. Right when I thought it was going to be ok I had a moment that made me literally gasp. And cry so hard. It was in the Epilogue of all places. I did not see it coming. I was floored.

This story is about a family. One that you think is almost perfect. Almost but not quite. I loved them all and felt their pain when Kenny fell overboard. When Honour could not hold on any longer. Then after going through that, the worse pain ever, she finds out her daughter has cancer. A fairly rare cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant. What more can happen to this family.

I loved Honour until I didn't anymore. I finally forgave her but it took a lot. If it was anyone else I would have been ok. But not in this case. And then when I kept hoping that Kenny wasn't dead. I wanted him to come back so bad. I wanted Tara to be ok. For Callum to be ok. For this family to heal and move forward. This story made my heart hurt. Made my eyes hurt. But it was also so good. I know that is crazy but it's true. This author makes you crazy with emotions. Then she reaches in and twists the knife one last time...

Read this one with a few boxes of kleenex. You'll need them.

Thank you #NetGalley, #AlisonRagsdale, #Bookouture, for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Five big stars. 4 s Stacia28 1 follower

First of all, I'd to thank Netgalley and Bookouture for the Advanced Reader Copy of An Impossible Choice in exchange for my honest review.
Anytime I read one of Alison's books, I know I will not be able to put it down. This one is not an exception. This book pulls on your heartstrings and makes you really think about your life and the choices you have made. It is a very emotional book, so have the tissues ready.3 s Susanne Baker629 20

Oh my goodness what an emotional journey this captivating story took me on!
I have read many of Alison’s books already so I knew to have tissues and a day set aside to loose myself in the book, as once I start reading them I cannot put them down!
From the very first sentence I was hooked, the dramatic start grabbed my attention and it did not wander away all they way through.
Honour is an amazing character, so strong and brave, the way she supports her family was awe inspiring. My heart went out to her so often as I turned the pages, feeling her utter despair and desperation for help in an unthinkable situation.
It was a heartbreaking situation but as always Alison manages to bring in uplifting moments and a truly beautiful community to support the family.
This was a thought provoking story, I have two boys, similar ages to Tara and Callum, and so it really hit home with the difficult choices that Honour had to make on her own.
Some jaw dropping moments too kept me avidly reading and had me enthralled to the very last page.2 s Heidi Lynn’s BookReviews1,209 101

First, I want to thank Alison Ragsdale, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

Warning you are going to want to grab your box of tissues and clear your schedule for the day. Alison Ragsdale’s An Impossible Choice is an incredibly emotionally filled book that pulls hard on your heartstrings. No parent should have to be put in the situation she was put in or choose the outcome..it was just sad. I wish I could have lept into the book and comforted her.

Alison doesn’t waste any time jumping into the fast paced prologue detailing the intense horror at sea that Kenny and his wife Honour were experiencing. It was an action packed scene that you would see in a movie. I was at the edge of my comfy chair dying to know what was going to happen to Kenny!

From the prologue the book jumps back three weeks prior to the events that occurred at sea. It is here we get to know Kenny a little bit more along with meeting the other characters.

Alison educates her readers on Ménière’s a disease that one of her character’s Callum suffers from.

So many times I just wanted to jump into the book and give the characters a comforting hug! There were just so many tragedies, heartache, pain and grief many characters were facing.

2 s Carla Suto784 81

AN IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE is the latest heart-wrenching, yet uplifting, family story by Alison Ragsdale. There is not a book of hers that I have read that I have not loved and this one is no exception. In this story, Honour is a mother faced first with the tragic death of her beloved husband, Kenny, then an impossible choice when her young daughter, Tara, is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Tara needs a bone marrow transplant to live, but the donor most ly to be compatible is her younger brother, Callum, and he suffers from an auto-immune disease that could put him at great risk. How can a mother possibly choose between the lives of her children? I was engrossed in this beautifully-written and emotional story of family, love and friendship from beginning to end and I know it will stay on my mind for a long time to come. I most highly recommend this touching book. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read and review an early copy.2 s Helen703 19

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book from one of my favourite authors who always gets right to the heart of human emotion in their books. This story was no exception and was a heartbreaking emotional roller coaster of a read which makes you question how lucky you are and to also think about what you would do if faced with a similar situation.

This story covers a lot of health issues in a very sensitive way and brings them to the forefront and educates readers about conditions they might not previously have much knowledge off.

As always with this reader once I had started reading I couldn’t put it down and read in practically one sitting. This is a book that will stay with you long after you have finished reading. And will definitely require a box of tissues.2 s Phyllis Jones Pisanelli Reviews 448 24

Alison Ragsdale has once again graced us with her outstanding ability to spin a story that will forever change us. Not only did I cry a bucket load of tears while reading An Impossible Choice but, I carried the sadness of the characters with me in my heart. I don’t know how you could possibly read this book and not feel profound empathy for Honour and her family.

I have found Ms. Ragdale has a way of developing characters that I find hard to dismiss. They wiggle their way into my heart and won’t let me go. I actually started this book on Saturday evening as I was getting ready to go to sleep and only read a few pages. I couldn’t put it down once I picked it back up again. I had to know what was going on with the people.

Tissue warning. Please make sure you have tissues next to you while reading this book. I was a blubbering mess within the first ten percent of this book. This book had times of complete joy to counteract the sadness. I do have to tell you what you find on the cover of this book will give you some idea of what you will be dealing with. Sickness of a child and the decisions that need to be made can tear your heart into a million pieces.

The storyline was believable and not at all contrived. You will have some good surprises along the way. The family has friends and a town that rallies around them to help with the hard times they are facing. It always warms my heart when you see people willing to step up and help out when needed. It always means so much. I will have to say that this book pulled a full spectrum of emotions out of me.

If you love a heartfelt book. One that will pull at your heartstrings and one that will make you hopeful and joyful then An Impossible Choice should be on your radar and on your nightstand. 

I will forever be a fan of Alison Ragsdale. Nobody can make me connect with my feelings and heart the way she does. If you haven’t read anything by her, you don’t know what you are missing. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. The opinions I have expressed are my own and I was not required to write a review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.1 Kamber Derosier187 7

I have never been disappointed by one of Alison Ragsdale’s books. An Impossible Choice was no exception. It drew me in right from the start and I felt an instant connection to Honour, Kenny and their family and the author dives right into the first tragedy leaving you feeling a bit bereft. She then gives you some backstory to help develop the view of the family and what led up to the tragedy. But this was just the beginning and you will need more tissues to get through the rest of the book. This family has way too much to go through. There are unexpected twists and turns and hard decisions no one ever wants to have to make. I highly recommend!

Thanks to Netgalley, the author, Alison Ragsdale and her publisher, Bookouture for an ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.1 Els 1,868 36

Wow! This story grabbed me by the throat and did not let me go.

After the book is finished, there is a note or a question from the publisher asking if my heart was broken in two by the story of Honour and her family. Unfortunately, I have to say no wholeheartedly. My heart was broken in a million pieces though.

I was gripped by the friendship, love and help Honour could count on during the darkest days and I have to admire how Cal and Tara, her children, coped with everything. They were a very strong trio. 

The only one who disappointed me was Kenny, Honour's husband. He should have had more faith and he should have realised what he put his family through. On the one hand, I can understand his feelings. On the other hand he is a bit of a coward. I am glad he saw the light.

This was such an emotional story that brought tears to my eyes. Now, a few hours later, I still feel tears well up. µ

I know this is fiction, but sadly some people really have to cope with these devastating events. Some days we all moan about the most trivial things. When I read this kind of stories, I realise how fortunate I am.

This is a very beautiful story that makes you see everything in a different light. 5 stars

Thank you1 MeWriter737 11

You can always count on Alison Ragsdale to write the most heart-warming and heart-breaking stories! An Impossible Choice is relatable, well written with well-developed characters that leads you to the stunning ending.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!1 Sharon Valler499 13

Oh my goodness! This incredible book pulled at all my heart strings. Filled with love and loss, pain and forgiveness, hope and gratitude, I adored every emotionally wrenching moment.

It is an impossible choice indeed, that Honour has to face when her daughter is diagnosed with cancer and only a bone marrow transplant from her son can save her. But Callum has Menières and harvesting his bone marrow puts him at risk too.

How can a mother choose between her children? But then there’s a shocker of a twist and everything is turned spectacularly on its head!

Alison Ragdale’s writing is completely immersive, the pacing is spot on and the writing flowed well. A stunning book.

5 ?? Thanks to Netgalley, Alison Ragsdale and Bookouture, for an ARC in return for an honest review.1 Carol Drinkwater376 10

Alison has done it again with this sad, heartbreaking beautifully written book

Great storytelling with excellent characters and I have no hesitation in recommending this great book.1 Michele Anne Waite200 40

An Impossible Choice by Alison Ragsdale is an eloquent and beautifully written book full of love, compassion, and hope. I’ve learned not to read Alison’s books in public as tissues are inevitable. With that being said, I’ve always enjoyed her books as Alison is a master in bringing tough issues to the forefront, yet creating an overall atmosphere of one of life’s greatest gifts, optimism. ALL of the characters in this book are wonderful and Alison does a fantastic job describing the surroundings in an impeccable manner. An Impossible Choice by Alison Ragsdale is a book I highly recommend.

Thank you to Alison Ragsdale, Bookouture, and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced reader’s copy in return for my honest review.1 Linda Zagon1,498 169

Alison Ragsdale, the Author of “An Impossible Choice” has written a somber, penetrating, and thought-provoking novel. This is an emotionally charged novel that is extremely heartfelt. The Genres for this novel are Women’s Domestic Life, Family Fiction, and Psychological Fiction. The author is an amazing storyteller and in this well written-novel, Alison Ragsdale discusses the importance of choices, family, second chances, forgiveness, love and hope.

The author describes the characters as complex and complicated. A wife becomes a widow and single mom, after a tragic accident. Next she is confronted with the most challenging and terrifying dilemma any mother faces. When her daughter requires a bone-marrow donor, can her son with an auto-immune disease be able to provide it? Be warned, have tissues ready!!

Even in the darkest of times, Alison Ragsdale is able to provide a light at the end of the tunnel. I highly recommend this memorable and inspiring book.
1 Nethanja705 5

Wow wow wow, this story pulls on your heartstrings. At one point predictable but at more points it takes you totally by surprise.
What an emotional rolling coaster. This was my first story by this author but won’t be the last.
Must read!1 Jenny131 5

"An Impossible Choice" is another emotional book by the brilliant Alison Ragsdale. It's packed with shocks, twists, sadness and happiness all in equal measures. It was a very easy read as I had to know what happened next as almost every chapter ended on a cliff hanger! Also the ending made the book 3 times better!1 Amy1,125

‘Hold fast’

WOW!! My heart was broken in a million little pieces. As a wife, mother, grandmother this story touched me in every way. The rollercoaster of emotions started from the very beginning of the story and continued throughout the entire book. I admired Honour for how she coped, as tragedy, illness and dealing with everyday life was no walk in the park.
Friendship, family, love, heart-wrenching story grabbed me in and kept me captivated. Mother/daughter relationship. I cried from the start of the book to the very end. Totally pulled at my heartstrings.
Have plenty of tissues next to you, as you will have tears flowing down your face as you read this thought provoking, heartfelt novel.
I highly recommend this book or any other book by Alison Ragsdale.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Alison Ragsdale for the opportunity to read this book.arc1 Pam Kovalic127 8

Honour is the mother to two children, Tara and Callum. Her children seem to be giving her the strength to go on after a terrible day at sea results in Kenny, Honour’s husband, being swept overboard in a storm and lost at sea. They all struggle to carry on after Kenny’s death, but find strength in one another and from the people in their village and Honour’s parents who help out and give her and the kids love and emotional support. Now the family is faced with another crisis - Tara is diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her knee and has to undergo chemo and surgery. When the cancer refuses to let up and Tara’s condition worsens, the doctor recommends a bone marrow transplant. The Dr. says the best chance for a match will be Callum, a sibling, but Honour is reluctant to have him tested because Callum has an autoimmune disease and could put his life at risk. This is the impossible choice - do you risk one child’s life to try and save the other.? I thought the characters were well written. The story moved along well enough but I felt I was being manipulated somewhat by how many times we were told Honour was so overcome with emotion when someone would do something nice. In one regard, I get it, people were going out of their way to be kind and helpful - but we don’t need to be constantly told this, we can see it by their actions. I don’t want to spoil the ending but I was disappointed with the couple of events that take place near the end. I didn’t feel this would be how a truly loving couple would act. I recommend this quick read for a good story about family and friendships, but the end left me a bit deflated. I give the book 3.5 stars out of 5, so I’ll round up to 4.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. The book is set to be published on June 7, 2024.1 Linda253 5

Sometimes, I just want to read a story that makes me feel something different and unexpected. Something that makes me reach for a tissue or two from the box I keep close by. Something that has me reading far into the night. Alison Ragsdale's newest novel fits the bill perfectly. She has crafted yet another emotional and poignant read that kept me riveted from beginning to end. You've probably read other about this book that mention tears. Lots of them. But they're not all sad or empathetic tears, or happy ones. There's a little bit of all of that. My emotions ran the gammit as Ms. Ragsdale's words inspired whatever she meant for me to feel in the moment. You may have heard that you can compare her work to someone Jodi Piccoult. And yes, you probably can. But this story is not that story. Not by a long shot. There are more twists and turns than you would expect. So many, that as you read it, you learn not to anticipate any particular outcome, because you will probably be surprised. Honour's dilemmas, one after the other, seem heartbreaking as they happen. But her strength in handling the situations as they arise are what makes this story worth reading and learning from. I absolutely loved this book, and I know will remember it for a long time.1 wellreadtraveler 962 31

An Impossible Choice will warm your heart, break it in two, then carefully stitch it back together. I loved this book and all the curve balls the author throws at the reader. It’s not easy to write a whole book of loveable characters and throw each of them into impossibly difficult situations. You’ll find yourself truly invested in the MacLeod family.
Honour MacLeod is the mother of two children and wife to Kenny. She lives a simple life working and juggling her kids busy schedules while her husband works as a fisherman. They have been together a long time and Honour can’t imagine her life without Kenny in it. Kenny pressures Honour into spending the day out on his boat to conquer her fear of the sea and enjoy some much needed alone time. Unfortunately every fear Honour has comes true and life as she knows it will never be the same.
The MacLeod family will get hit over and over and need to rely on family and friends to get thru these major life events. Honour will question herself and her life’s choices but will always wonder if she’s strong enough to make it through.
The love that a mother has for her children cannot be measured. Sam552 33

Welp yall, Alison has done it AGAIN! This woman truly knows how to write a book that gets you all in your feels. Think of the movie “Beaches” and you’ll know what I’m speaking of.

After her husband dies, a woman’s daughter is diagnosed with cancer. Not only are they still reeling from his death but, now facing a tumultuous cancer battle. It’s a rare form of cancer at that so, only a few would be able to give their bone marrow to help her. However her little brother has Ménière’s disease so, he’s already dealing with enough for his little body. The fight is on to find a donor and save her sweet girl.

Truly a heart breaking story but also a story of hope, love, courage, and forgiveness. I’m pretty sure it’s the saddest book I’ve read all year and I’m here for it. Sometimes you just need a good cry and this story fit the bill. Womens fiction is not Womens fiction without the name of Alison Ragsdale. Her writing is unmistakable and that’s a wonderful thing. I loved it and for that reason I’m giving it five stars. Laurie1,012

This is a sensitive, emotional book about family. Throw in some unexpected twists and turns and you have a fabulous story that has won my heart.
Two siblings, one with a chronic illness at nine and his eleven year old sister Tara, who learns she has Osteosarcoma .
Tara desperately needs a bone marrow transplant to have a fighting chance, but to find a match is finding a needle in a haystack.
It needs to be 100% compatible to even work to destroy the cancer and siblings have the best chance of this happening.
Can they put Callum through this? Should they?
There are secrets and emotions that begin to surface and yet must be forgotten for now.
Can it be done?

I loved this novel and it will surely remain with me for a long time.
BTW: FYI- there is a definite need for some (a lot) tissues.

Thank you to @NetGalley and to @Bookouture for this ARC and the chance to provide my own review.1 Jan CrossenAuthor 25 books7

I read an ARC of the book via NetGalley. Life is a series of challenges and the sweet little family in this book certainly has faced more than its fair share. Secrets and behaviors have consequences and the way in which we navigate life’s difficult times that cause our growth. Those who have been in a committed partnership will understand the conflicts and every reader who has nurtured a child is guaranteed to feel the strong emotions of this story. In this book we witness the deepening relationships between these vulnerable, yet strong, characters. This is a serious read that will pull hard on your heartstrings.1 Paula Williams 763 27

I’m so fortunate to read Alison Ragsdale’s stellar contemporary women’s fiction novels through Bookouture. Her writing grabs me, brings my heart in & has me invested until the end. She writes emotionally charged stories about family, love, loss, forgiveness, & finding new ways to happiness despite life's toughest challenges. 

This book pulled me in, tugged at my heartstrings and is one of the best of 2024 for me. It’s heartbreaking; about parenting, loss & finding light in the darkest of times. While heart-wrenching, Ragsdale’s writing is so exceptional, I can’t recommend it enough.

Thank you, Alison Ragsdale, Bookouture & netgalley, for my copy. All opinions are my own. Cindy657 21

This one wasn’t for me although I can definitely see certain readers loving it. If you are one of those you definitely will want a box of Kleenex by your side. There are so many heartbreaking events. I struggled that it felt too predictable and that the last part of the book was way too unrealistic. Not only the entire happening but also the specifics of the event (I’m being vague on purpose so this review doesn’t require a spoiler alert).

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an early release in return for a fair and honest review. Leanne1,612 22

Utterly gripping and I have cried so much while reading that my eyes are sore. My heart shattered in a million pieces for what Honour had to go through. I love fiction books this because life isn't always a bed of sunshine and roses. Sadly people really do have things the events in the book happen in there life. I have a lot of empathy so I feel for the characters. There are happy scenarios in the story but the sadness definitely outshines them. A emotional family drama plotted story I found myself enjoying even through my tears. Be warned have the tissues nearby!1 Beth Moylan277 14

Alison Ragsdale has done it again. Another wonderful heart gripping read. This story had me sitting on the edge of my seat from the very first sentence. This was such a wonderful story that I just could not put down and wow what a wonderful last few chapters and the surprises that came out. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC and wonderful read.1 Rachael Hall13

This book was a page turner. My first Alison Ragsdale book did not disappoint! With so many plot twists, I didn't want to put it down! Honour shows us the level of love a mother has for her children in the face of so many different trials. Her strength was truly unmatched. Make sure you have some tissues because this one made my eyes leak a bit! Serena Soape330 20

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