
Say My Name de Alina Lane

de Alina Lane - Género: English
libro gratis Say My Name


Alina Lane Year: 2023

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Safety and Spoilers

Safe. No om drama, minor ow drama. H is a player but has it bad for the h. He says he’s basically known she was going to be it for him when he first saw her three years earlier. She turned him down when he asked her out and instead of taking his time to get to know her and woo her, he continues to sleep around with a lot of the single women in their small town. He knows her enough to know that she gets her coffee at the same time every morning and he brings his ONS there after their night is over. She witnesses this many times in the three years.
After they get together he leaves her alone in bed the next morning without saying goodbye or leaving a note. He also finds out some information about the h that he jumps to conclusions about instead of talking to her.
h shows up to H’s work to find an old conquest all over him and with her hands in his back pockets. He doesn’t stop ow from doing any of this.
The two get into a fight and both jump to conclusions without rationally discussing things. I don’t blame the h though for her thoughts. H is a known player, famous for his ONS and she finds him with another woman. I can she why she felt the way she did.
I was really hoping that the H was going to end up being a big player in the three years since he met the h but I was wrong. He’s always disappointed when she turns him down but never stops to think maybe it’s his behaviour with women that’s the turn off. Of course the h has been celibate in those three years but she’s not a virgin.
No cheating or abuse.4 s2 comments Raymie434 61

“I may taste sin, but you feel it,”

Chip has moved to Mistletoe Creek from Idaho after the death of her grandmother. Warrick has been trying for 3 years ask Chip out but she always turns him down until this year.

This is a good sweet and short novella for the holiday season. Chip and Warrick had some fun banter and chemistry.

There is 9 books in the series but they are all written by 9 different authors so all their writing styles are different, which makes all the stories different.

We get some good spice between Chip and Warrick because of the chemistry you can feel.

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