
Francine de Alicia Cameron

de Alicia Cameron - Género: Italian
libro gratis Francine


Nella Londra edoardiana, la dama di una lady è scacciata nel freddo. Ma Francine non conosce la parola disperazione e quindi incontreremo una giovane donna notevole esempio di resilienza.
NOTA: Francine è una breve storia per kindle.

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A Female Sherlock Holmes

Francine has decided to live by her powers of observation and her skill in detection instead of living according to the strict standards that ladies must abide by. She has a private investigation firm helping young ladies when no one else will find out the truth. Francine is a spunky young lady who I hope will have many more cases for me to read. 1 HappyBookWorm2020343 14

I've read this book at least three times already. Francine is an inspiring, unforgettable character. This book is set in the early 1900's when women had few rights. Francine is a former lady's made who helped her mistress escape a violent marriage. Left unemployed, she creates an investigative business where families pay her (for example) to discover if the son courting their daughter has bad habits such as gambling, etc. Her eyes are always open for women who need help and for business opportunities for them and herself. She helps them start out and in turn, they help others.

Miss Philpott is one such woman. Fired from her governessing job when she was no longer needed, she was destitute - 'in a kind of holy terror' - when Francine spotted her and literally saved her life.

I cannot say how much I admire the characters in these books. I also recommend highly the next book in the series. Vibliophile1,547 124

(4.5 stars) - What a fun story!

Francine is a dangerous woman for she has learned how to work the social system of her time to make things happen. She takes on Matilda Philpott and transforms her into the woman she's always wanted to be but never believed she could.

It's a short story, but the fun concept opens itself up to so many other potential stories that I'm quite looking forward to seeing where the author takes it from here

*Clean romance level: passionate kisses
*Religion: use of "Gawd"; Francine is a doubting agnostic, but at least 2 supporting characters believe in God, story is secular Carol1,789 3

a delightful read

A cute little story…I am sure a prequel of more series to come about an innovative young girl who grew up in the the streets and how she is always creating opportunities to better herself and others in the world. With business savvy, a quick and clever mind, strong determination and a tender heart for all who face possible cruel actions from others she starts an investigation agency. This story focuses on the lives of a couple of her employees and how they create a hea from adopting Francine’s motto in life Margie3,445 24

I loved this story. I had read Book 2, Francine and the Winter’s Gift already and this book helps to explain Francine’s background. She is highly unusual for her day. I love how she makes lemonade out of the lemons life has given her. I hope there are more Francine stories in the works. She is so much fun to watch righting wrongs one person at a time. Donna Crane110 2

Not what I expected, but terrific

If you love to see the downtrodden win, and a singular woman win with determination, you will love this book. The characters are terrific and you will delight in their small, but meaningful victories. Absolutely loved this book & can't wait to read the sequel. Dani 1,014 13

Fun story set in early 1900s

It was fun reading a story that was set in a world where people could pull themselves out of poverty through sheer grit and determination. I also enjoyed reading a historical that was set during a time other than the Regency period. Can’t wait to read the next installment!novella women-s-fiction Corinne716 5

Francine is ingenious! While young ladies did not have many options at the time, Francine is determined to help them avoid marriage to cruel/deceitful husbands, even if deception is required. Original and very entertaining. Robert Slocombe70

Read this Book

Whether you love historical fiction or not. This book is fun, full of rich characters and a heartwarming storyline. It ticks all the boxes. How I would love to see this book dramatized. Pat Christie2,227 2


A clever young woman raises herself her stationer women property. She forms a business to protect other women from awful marriages and helps other women to raise themselves and expect more. Kelly1,524 15

It was neat reading Miss Philpot's story. I read one of the books before this one, and now I have learned more about her story. I've always admired Francine. God can use anyone to help other people. Vonna Fortner51 1 follower

Witty & inspiring

So brief at under 69 pages, but written succinctly and so well without boring the reader. I find this author has yet to disappoint me even after up to six of her books. This one was a little gem! Nena438 2

Short and sweet

Short and sweet. I d it and got it for free. Now I plan to get other books from this series. Pamela Baird83 1 follower

Just fabulous

What an absolutely lovely story. All the characters are great and the over arching theme is fascinating. I could read a lot more stories this. Lisa Whitehead479 4

I absolutely loved this!
It was so refreshing to read a story about a woman who wrote her own story, with herself as heroine - not that she perhaps would have realised it.
And, all done in such a way as to even be plausible for a woman to do in such times. Aline Damasceno188 2

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