
Stars May Burn de Alice Ivinya

de Alice Ivinya - Género: English
libro gratis Stars May Burn


Alice Ivinya Series: Stars May Burn 01 Year: 2024

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From the beginning, you are warned there is a huge cliffhanger that might make you want to wait until Stars May Fall. Since I decided to take the plunge into the fantasy world of romance, war, and alchemy, I thought I was ready for waiting until the next book. Yeah, that was an understatement. My first reaction was: no, no, no, no, no!!! I must know!!!

Stars May Burn introduces a Beauty and the Beast retelling in a way that is unique and well developed. Alice Ivinya always does a wonderful job at making exceptional characters and this story is no different.

Sophie Halfield is an intelligent young woman that’s traded around by her father to make their family prosper. When her husband passes away, she is forced into another marriage with the illegitimate son of the king, Kasten Batton. With his hilarious best friend, Callum Tavolyn, this story makes the serious moments absolutely comical. The amount of times I laughed, cried, and became anxious to know how the story ends was an exciting journey.

You can really tell how much research and effort the author put into getting to really detail the kryalcomy, herbology, and medical knowledge. This story was so well thought out and cultivated. I can’t express how much you need to read this book. It’s absolutely amazing and if you don't, you don’t know what you’re missing.

I received an ARC for my honest opinion. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful new series! I can’t wait for book 2 now!!
1 1 comment Michelle235 41

There's a reason Alice Ivinya's books are on my auto-read list - they're absolutely amazing! I don't even have to read the blurb most of the times; I just know that the story is going to be unique and keep me at the edge of my seat the whole time. And this one delivered!

The characters were well-developed and felt very real. It was almost I knew these people, and they brought out a variety of emotions in me. I especially loved Kasten! I have a thing for broken men, and l enjoyed reading about the ways in which Sophie changed the way he perceived things about his life. Even the positive changes Sophie went through with his support warmed my heart.

The conflict between the characters and their dynamics was well-written. I would keep guessing but never be able to figure out what move the enemy would make next. The secrets, hidden agendas and questionable loyalties made the story interesting.

The book was action-packed with no dull moment. The slow-burn romance was the best part of the book, and some of the interactions between Kasten and Sophie made me melt.

The technical and informative parts of the book were also done well. The author gave enough details without making it boring. Explanations regarding kryalcomy metals, medicinal plants, and halfsouls (zombie- creatures) helped me understand the story better.

Overall, the book had all the elements that make a story perfect. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to fantasy lovers. If you enjoy arranged marriage, slow-burn romance, grumpy-sunshine tropes then do not miss out on this gem.3 s Jill93 1 follower

Wow! Such a good book! Alice does an amazing job of drawing you in from page one. This book is part one of two and ends in a cliffhanger, but honestly, I had a hard time ever putting the book down because it had me so enthralled.

Both main characters, Sofie and Kasten, have always been used for others benefit and viewed as someone other than who they really are, but finally, they may have found someone who really sees them and now have something worth living for. On every page, you can feel the struggle they have to accept themselves as well as the possibility that someone could actually love them. They are deep, passionate characters that are so relatable, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading their story. I loved all the characters: Callum, the humorous sidekick, Meena, the loyal guard... Well, not all the characters, the bad guys were easy to despise because they were also so well done.

This book had everything a good book should have: a great, unique storyline, amazing characters, action and suspense, slow building, clean romance, a little humor. It's the type of book that I never want to end. I'm so glad there's a second book coming so I can continue reading Sofie and Kasten's story.

I received a free ARC of this book and have reviewed it willingly because it is amazing, and I never want to turn down a chance to read an Alice Ivinya book!1 Laura Fincher159 29

"She was my wife, but she was also as untouchable as a star. And I feared if I drew close to her, I would bring all the horrors of my life with me and destroy her brightness..."

Two words: BOOK HANGOVER. I am absolutely obsessed with this book and I cannot wait to read the sequel! Seriously...I need book number two ASAP. I really enjoyed Alice's other series but I can already tell that this one will be my favorite.

Everything about it was perfection. I loved the characters, the world, and the overall storyline. It was put together seamlessly! While this had all of the elements of a good YA, there was also a lot of deep character development that took it to another level. I loved Sophie and Kasten together; the moments between them were so tender! Their romance was a bright spot in a dark and complicated world. It reminded me a little of Defy the Night but with less morally complicated characters.

Read If You Enjoy:
Arranged Marriage
He Falls First
Slow Burn Romance
Touch Her & Die
Fantasy Romance

5/5 stars

*I received a complimentary copy from the author. All opinions expressed are my own.arc1 Marie ReedAuthor 3 books76

First of all, how dare you. The cliffhanger warning did not adequately prepare me for my heart to be ripped from my chest mere pages before the end of this book. Is it August yet?

This world is so cool. It's a royalty fantasy romance with scheming aristocrats, but throw it some alchemical steampunk vibes and bloody battles against unnatural foes. Sophie is such a great character, who sees herself as weak and downtrodden but doesn't realize how strong she's had to be just to survive her family. And Kasten, illegitimate son of the king, is also great once he gets his head out of...places. They are so great together and I can't wait to see how everything comes together in the next book, which I will devour even if it's over 400 pages this one.1 Kayt40 Read

Whenever I pick up an Alice Ivinya book I expect a masterpiece, and this book most definitely fits the bill! It was an epic tale filled with adventure, intrigue, suspense and the perfect dash of darkness! (Nobody writes dark Alice!)

Sophie and Kasten have both been raised as inconvenient commodities, but in completely different ways and for very different reasons:

Sophie is viewed by her father as a pawn to be married off to the highest bidder and he makes her feel beholden to him for giving her and her siblings a wealthy upbringing, because he made himself from nothing but “gave his children everything!” She feels it is her duty to keep the family in the comfort they have become accustomed to by being a good and dutiful wife and producing an heir. To this end, she takes fertility tonics given to her by her father and maid and doesn’t think to wonder what is in them, showing absolute trust in her father even though he has been cruel to her for most of her life! Sophie’s father is a nasty piece of work, driven by greed and selfishness and wickedness, I’m glad Kasten rescued her by marrying her soon after she was widowed!

Kasten is the illegitimate son of the king and his father has made it clear he will never rule. In fact, it seems to be the king’s greatest desire to kill off his son conveniently in battle, but Kasten – being an exceptional soldier – very inconveniently does not die, despite all the odds being against him. This is largely thanks to his best friend (and resident pest) Callum’s Kryalcomy inventions, which give Kasten’s soldiers a strength and resilience that none of them should not have as mere mortals.
Kasten got on my nerves for a while, with his illogical attitude that Sophie wouldn’t be in danger if she didn’t know anything and that the best way to protect her was to avoid her. In the end, this strategy didn’t protect her from harm but it did confuse her and make her feel unwanted. Nice going dude!

Thankfully he finally saw sense and started giving Sophie attention that didn’t just comprise of romantic overtures from a distance, and the slow burn began. Ah their romance! So Beauty and the Beast but yet SO much better! (Alice should rewrite that movie script btw, it would be a box-office hit!) Kasten was adorable (if slightly annoying) from the beginning and the way he filled Sophie’s room with flowers when he thought she loved flowers and then gave her a SWAMP when he realised she actually loved medicinal plants had me wishing for a man that in my own life! Dude got the romance down!!

The descriptions of Kryalcomy and the good and evil inventions people made from it were completely fascinating, the Fancifold knife was amazing and the soulless and half-souls reminded me of zombies except much more cleverly written! The twists had me hanging on the edge of my seat and it was amazing to watch Sophie transform from a lady who was desperate to please everyone, even at the cost of her own happiness, to a lady who was willing to stand up to her father, even at the cost of her own life!

I loved how she used medicinal plants to nurse Kasten back to health (imagine if he’d given her chocolates instead of a swamp – he’d be dead! lol) and how Kasten eventually agreed to let her into the secrets and give her a chance to protect herself.

Callum was funny from beginning to end – his snide humour and rude manners kept me very entertained, but it was really fun to see the way he eventually warmed up to Sophie and called Kasten out for being an idiot by avoiding her. It’s always great to have a friend who speaks his mind and Callum has no problems with voicing his opinion! lol

I could write a novella about how much I loved this book but I’m sure you’re probably already tired of reading my words, so I’ll stop there. I must just add though that I was highly amused by Alice’s warning about the cliffhanger in the beginning of the book and I think every author who includes a cliffhanger should pull an Alice and include a warning in the preface! I loved that little dash of humour but I also appreciated knowing what to expect – and what a cliffhanger it was!
Alice is a wordsmith of note. I’m not quite sure how she manages to produce works of perfection (if you don’t count a few typos here and there) every single time, but she does and I cannot wait to read her next masterpiece!

I received an ARC copy of this book and these opinions (which may be slightly badly written because I’m exhausted, lol) are entirely my own.
favorites Chad Barrus931 20

An intense read about a young woman who was controlled by her father and married to a business
associate of his in a loveless marriage. She tried to make the best of it but he died and unknown to her another witnessed her mistreatment and offered his hand in marriage to give her some peace even though he knew his life was probably going to be short lived. However, being around her, he saw a reason to live even though the king, his father and others want him dead. Being the general of the king’s armies he is in the heart of battles but he has a friend who has some secrets who keeps he and his troops alive against all odds much to the king’s displeasure!

He allows his wife to enjoy her passion and it turns out she is interested in growing plants that can be used as medicines to treat infections and wounds. This comes in handy when he is wounded and she nurses him back to health.

There is a dark plague sweeping the country besides the wars and her husband and his friend are trying to fight against it. Turns out others in high places are behind it and as they’re trying to gain evidence against them, his wife is kidnapped by her own father
on orders from these people. Her husband does free
her but she is bitten by one of those who is infected so now after all she has suffered from her cruel father, will she change because of being bitten or will her husband and his friend be able to come up with a
cure that will keep her from changing into a souless killing monster!

This story will tear at your heartstrings as you can’t help but emphasize with the plight Sophie has had to
endure her entire life! Having to endure a cruel unloving father who controls everything she did, having a maid who ordered her around, being married to a man she didn’t love, a business associate of her father who was abusive even and then being married off again to someone else she doesn’t know. Certainly not a happy life anyone would want!

Then there’s Kasten who is looking to die with nothing to live for until he sees Sophie and thinks at least perhaps he can make her life a little happier. As time goes on it finally gets through his thick head that she does love him in spite of how he has been trying to avoid her but now they have to find a cure for her if they’re going to be happy and with war coming time is running short!

This is an intense, book that you’ll be hard pressed to put down and at the end you’ll want to scream because you’ll have to wait for the next book, Stars May Fall, to come out before continuing the story!!

I enthusiastically recommend this book though as one I throughly enjoyed and I for one cannot wait until I can read the next book to see how Sophie responds to the treatments she receives and what happens to her father who kidnapped her in the first place!! Maybe being bitten would be a fitting punishment for him as well!! Emmy342 11

I absolutely loved this.

Regency vibes
Moments that reminded me subtly of Beauty & the Beast (not sure this was on purpose but I loved it)
Slow burn romance
Loyalty towards marital vows and mutual respect
And very relatable inner conflicts and weaknesses the MC's struggle to overcome
Oh...and did I mention hard magic system mysteries and political intrigue?

Heck yeah, this one had it all.

I think the only minor point I can think of is that the last chapter or two, three, the pacing was so fast, without any emotional breathers, that the ending felt quite sudden and abrupt. I would've d a bit more space to be able to process everything before the cliffhanger.
But it didn't ruin my enjoyment, as you can tell from my rating, and I really wish book 2 was out already!
Hurry up those fast fingers, dear lady Author, so we can continue the story!

Content warnings (mild spoilers)
Violence & gore: moderate violence, no gore. Nothing very graphic, but it is partly a wartime story and one of the MC's is a soldier. Mention of off-screen domestic abuse
Coarse language: none
Sexual content: no spice or steam. A sweet kiss or two, romantic tension mostly built up of looks and hand holding
Other possible triggers: infertility is a minor theme at some point in the book

*I received a free copy from the author. This did not influence my rating or review.clean na romantic-fantasy ...more MGB1,394 13

The author has delivered a blockbuster fantasy. It contains magic metallurgy that provides essential power. A variation brings the equivalent of zombies, so the one is needed to counteract the other. This brings an intensity to combat that will have you at the edge of your seat as you refuse to put the book down.

Driving the story is a love that develops and grows. It starts with a transactional marriage but the reader is brought into the thoughts of the two behind this love. You will see the need to communicate and grow with each other. They work together to conquer the challenges that the king's court brings.

Her view of him:
He had been…amazing. Completely confident in his abilities.

While she struggles with the role she was trained to perform:
Was it still possible for him to treasure me? But what would anyone treasure about me?

The author warned at the beginning that there was a cliffhanger, and she was not wrong. The story is excellent in spite of this, but be prepared - you will want to read the next book also. Carmen49

Newly widowed Lady Sophie has been thrown into an arranged marriage by her scheming, power hungry father. Sophie wants nothing more than to not disappoint her family and be the good wife she was trained to be, but finds it virtually impossible when her husband, General Kasten, continues to keep her at arms length. The general, however, has his own baggage that he strives to protect her from.

Told from the point of view of both main characters, Stars May Burn is a thrilling romantic fantasy filled with dark secrets, shocking turns, creepy zombie- monsters, and budding romance that is swoon worthy.

The author does a wonderful job building worlds and characters that you can believe in. The last few chapters were so action packed that I was left on the edge of my seat.

The book also ends in a heart pounding cliff hanger (which I was aware of prior to reading)…Good thing I really Alice Ivinya!!! :)

Thank you to the author for sharing an ARC with me. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Laura468 7

The author warns us before we even start: this book is a cliffhanger, so don't lose your mind when you get to the end.

Admittedly, I hesitated - but then I took the plunge, as Ivinya spins a tightly interwoven tale in her other books and this one is not an exception. The writing is descriptive enough that I can easily picture things while not insulting my intelligence by spelling it all out. Ivinya does deal with some heavy themes in this story though - but not without hope. We see so much growth and movement toward honest communication and integrity within one's self and with others.

So good.

While there are triggers, they are not heavily described or dwelt on (physical abuse, psychological abuse) except to demonstrate the growth and ferocity of deeply rooted compassion in truthfulness.

I can't wait for the second book!

I received an ARC; this is my honest review. Shayay2,520 47

Really enjoy the writing style of this author; rich world building and characters. I the scenario of two people who haven’t had the best lives finding that person that is there supporting them. I also appreciate when the characters grow and fight against those looking to do bad. Not exactly a fan that Sophie has been going with the status quo of things, but it’s nice that a fire, a strength is building within her. We have a slow burn connection between Sophie and Kasten; very sweet connection between them with a possibility of a deep passion. Also, some fun action and interesting fantasy elements add up to make an entertaining story! We have a cliffhanger ending going on here, so I’m really hoping the next book comes out quickly! Lj190

Stars May Burn is a wonderful action packed story with a slow burn romance. It does tend to have a slightly darker feel than some of the authors other books but remains clean with a little violence but no gore, sweet romantic interactions without 'spice' or 'steam'. The world is complex and well developed as are the characters. The worst part of the book is of course the cliffhanger ending; I'm sure no one actually s them aside from the authors who seem to enjoy tormenting readers with them. Book two can not arrive fast enough.

I received an ARC and offer an honest review. Angela Brown11 1 follower

Love love love! .... I cried with joy and sadness. I love the characters in this book. They are so warm and sweet. Both having dark pasts, they deal with an internal battle. Bringing them together to fight monsters of the present. I can't wait for the next book. I have to know if they can be freed from their parental prisons at last. Chantel95 10

If there has to be a cliffhanger, I want it to be epic. And the cliffhanger in this book absolutely fits this qualification.

But before you get an epic cliffhanger, you need a book that entirely captivates you and builds a world and characters that you are invested in. And this book does that too.

Sophie and Kaston both have had pretty much nothing but tragedy in their lives. And yet they are both gentle and kind. It just takes them a little while to figure out that they are worthy to love and be loved. And to start fighting for that with everything they have.

And by the end of the book you desperately need them to find happiness and peace.

This incredible story gripped me from beginning to end, and the ending completely surprised me. Exactly what I want in a book this! Veray1,250

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