
The Captain and the Duchess de Alexa Aston

de Alexa Aston - Género: English
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The Captain and the Duchess (The Strongs of Shadowcrest, Book Four)

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The fourth book in the series & it’s Dinah’s story. I’ve d her throughout the series & so glad that she found the love of her life. Drake Andrews was a brother to James Strong, they were both pressed into the navy at an early age & became close as they grew with Drake becoming James’ first mate & then a captain. I loved the chemistry between Drake & Dinah but he leaves to captain his first ship but neither forgets the other. Then he returns & sparks fly. But how can someone from Drake’s background be suitable for a Duchess. I loved their journey to a HEA it wasn’t easy & a couple of times I reached for a tissue but it made for a riveting read, which I read in a sitting
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own
4 s Emily Brown156 2

I found the world very fun and reminded me a lot of Bridgerton, which is always a good thing in my opinion! I thought the characters were very strong and each had a unique voice. Dinah in particular was very family-oriented, but also knew her worth and was bold and confident with her love interest, Captain Drake Andrews. I loved the yearning in this story, especially from Drake.


I did think that their romance went very quickly from purely sexual to being in love, and the timeline was a little confusing for me, because they had already met in the past that we didn't get to read about. I also thought the 'third act breakup' wasn't very solid, the reasons for Drake leaving didn't really make sense. Or they did, but then he didn't really address why he was so hurt by Dinah when he went back to her.

All in all, it was a fun and smutty read, but the insta-love and third act breakup definitely knocked my rating down a bit. 1 Mary Hart969 20

4 stars

Not a bad read. I'd been looking forward to Captain Drake's romance. Dinah is keen for a romance and some passion.
The Captain doesn't mind that but thinks there's no long term future.
I was a bit disallusioned that a minor character was killed off to give Drake a new position even though we'd been hearing how much he loved to captain of his own ship. It seemed to me that Drake had to give lots up because Dinah had at least a couple of more girls to launch off.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Sera352 96

This was a quick satisfying read. Our heroine is a widow and wants to find marriage for love this time around. Our Captain and Duchess have undeniable chemistry. They believe because of their social classes they can’t be together but of course they figure things out and we get our happily ever after in the end.1 Kathleen 198 2


I’ve been waiting for these two to get their act together! Such a great storyline for the two of them! 1 Ángela, Libros y Miscelaneas48

Regency-era novels are not my go-to romance. (Ironically, 'cause I love period dramas and classic books set in this period).
I'm not sure why; maybe some of the issues are that I have not gotten fully immersed in it to get a good taste. So, looking for something different, I requested this book on Netgalley. The synopsis looked compelling: The Captain and the Duchess by Alexa Aston is a regency romance novella following the secret romance between a seaman and a widow who can't help but fall in love with each other, even when society would frown upon their relationship.
I pirates, so my logic was: Pirates are hot, and they are seamen; so Captains, as they are seamen themselves, are also hot. You may find some issues with this logic of mine, and deep down I knew Captains don't equal hot pirates. But I take a leap of faith. And I don't think I was so wrong, even if my rating may not reflect this.When I finished this book, I was totally empty: No thoughts. Neither positive nor negative. I didn't know what I would discuss in this text, and even now I'm discovering how I perceived this novella.
Other reviewers seem to be quite happy with their reading experience so far, but I also notice they may have read the previous novels. I feel that it's the key of my lack of clarity: I'm not the targeted audience. This is my first book of the series and by this author.When first I got into this book I had completely different expectations: First and foremost, I thought it was a full-length novel, instead of a novella. As anyone can guess, my expectations could hardly match the product itself, as it was something different. 
The other thing I got wrong was that their connection runs deeper than I thought at first: Their journey begins as secondary characters in previous novels . It's not just some background for their romance to develop as I envisioned.
I feel I get all the vibes wrong; what makes it harder to share my thoughts and be fair with the text we discuss. It feels seeing a movie that is almost all the way through and then complaining it didn't make sense.It was a well-structured story and Alexa Aston's art shone through it. The plot was right to the point and the writing style matched the historical setting. It was an easy read, though sometimes it came through overdramatic and heavy since it tended to use old-fashioned expressions and terms. Some dialogs came, also, quite off. 
I will never forget the moment she asks flirtatiously if he has space for dinner, and he proceeds to tell her he was a hungry orphan once. "I only hope you will have room for dinner", she teased.
"I was always hungry as a boy," he shared. "I only have a vague impression of my parents and have no idea what they did to earn their living. I do remember there never being enough to eat"I shouldn't find that interaction THAT funny but... Are you guys having the same conversation? That's such a random comment and SO DRAMATIC. I kinda love it (and I may be referring to this scene from now on the annoying VIXEN I am.It also tended to unnecessarily do some kind of info-dumping about the previous books of the series, and I felt that made space for this romance to develop even narrower. It created a sentiment of unimportance to the plot. As their story was less compared to others.It was a short, fast story. No more. I didn't connect with it because I do not know this relationship, not for lack of context; that was provided, but for lack of exposure to this character connection and dynamics. There's a lack of tension with the conflict that keeps the couple apart because everyone seems so happy about it when they discover it, and the solution is tossed their way so easily at the end... I couldn't get into it.I think this could be an enjoyable reading to the fans of the series, that I would say are the targeted audience, and it would be a sweet and light reading experience for them. My experience, at the end of the day, was affected by my misconception and not being in touch with The Strong of Shadowcrest series.
I didn't have such a bad experience, I would to clarify, and I may even read another book of the series to get a better idea of everything going on in this novella!
Star rating: 2/5
General Rating: 4.50/10
Thank you to the publisher and to Netgalley for providing me with a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review
netgalley Bonnie771 10

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion...

This is book 4 of the Strongs of Shadowcrest, and focuses on the second chance at love story of the Dowager Duchess, Dinah Strong. She was married off as a young girl of 17 to the much older former Duke of Seaton, the father of the current Duke. It was a marriage of convenience, as the widowed Duke wanted a young, healthy second wife to bear him a spare. There was no love, nor even affection, and not even any regard, after she bore him daughters, but no second male, especially when James, his only son goes missing. Dinah, despite the lonely disappointment of her marriage, was a loyal and dutiful wife, and loving mother to her 4 daughters, and had more than enough love to share with her baby nieces, abandoned to her care after the death of their own mother, and abandoned by their father, Augustus, the scheming younger brother of the duke.

Now out of mourning, Dinah has decided that she would seek happiness for herself, while organizing the come outs of her daughters and nieces. After seeing the examples of loving relationships that two of her daughters, and stepson have managed to snag, Dinah is determined that if she were to wed again, it would be for love and passion. But so far, despite the attentions of many suiters and enjoying the fun of the Season, Dinah has yet to make that connection with any man in Society.

But she does remember one man she had that spark and attraction to, recently, and that is Drake Andrews, close friend of her stepson James, and captain of one of the ships belonging to the shipping line of her stepdaughter in law, Sophie.

Drake is a well-read, dynamic, handsome man who has finally achieved his ambition of captaining a ship. He is popular with women throughout the ports, but admits to himself that lately only one woman seems to consume his thoughts and that is Dinah. However, he knows that he is far below her in status, being an orphan of unknown origins, and raised poor on the streets of London before being scooped up to work on a ship. On his return to London though, he endeavours to reintroduce himself to Dinah in the hopes of any kind of relationship, at least until his next ocean voyage.

Dinah and Drake embark on an affair, with no intention of any lasting relationship, to explore their attraction and for Dinah to learn passion. They are careful, knowing that their relationship would be a scandal in the Ton, considering their differences in status, and that could reflect poorly on the remaining unwed girls and how they are received by Society.

But what Dinah and Drake cannot help is their growing feelings for each other as they fall in love. But despite their feelings, neither can see how to overcome Societal prejudices and barriers to be together. However, the Strongs are already an unconventional family, with a Duke and Duchess who are proud of their achievements and devoted and loyal to their family. So James and Sophie are determined to help Drake and Dinah be together. Unfortunately Drake misinterprets their actions and his pride also becomes a barrier is he presumes their efforts to bring him and Dinah together as meddling and not a reflection of his abilities, and experience, and what he has legitimately achieved as captain.

The story of Dinah and her disappointing marriage to the Duke, and what she had sacrificed to be a dutiful daughter, then a loyal, dutiful wife was so sad and lonely. It was quite satisfying that this kind, loving woman was able to find passion and love, so I quite enjoyed this story, and it fit in nicely with the series.

I was disappointed in myself because somewhere along the lines I forgot to read book 3, so had to go back and find that, and backtrack a bit. But that in no way impeded in the ability to read and enjoy this story on it's own. There were a few tiny holes in the overarching storyline of the Strong family, but not significantly impacting Dinah and Drake's story.

4 stars out of 5

1 Marion Löw244 2

Dinah‘s Love Story

Dinah and Drake’s story is an enjoyable read. It has a nice plot with a class disparity trope, endearing main and supporting characters, and some steam.
I d that Dinah and Drake are a mature couple, both having their dreams, desires and duties. And it was fun to see other members of the Strong family again and to experience their loving bonds.

Although this installment is part of the „Strongs of Shadowcrest“ series, it can also be read as a standalone.

After years in an arranged marriage to an older man, Dinah Strong, the Dowager Duchess of Seaton, is finally free to enjoy her life. She longs for love and passion, something she was denied in her marriage to the Duke. So she travels to London to look for a husband or lover. But she cannot forget Sea Captain Drake Andrews, the friend of her stepson and now Duke James, ever since she saw him for the first time.
When Drake visits her during a shore leave, he rekindles her passion and she asks him to show her sensual passion.

Drake grew up orphaned as a street urchin before finding work on a ship and meeting James Strong, who became a brother to him. Now, after many years at sea, he has his first assignment as a captain.
He also feels a strong attraction to Dinah and is only too willing to introduce her to physical love. But he realises that nothing more can come of it because they are worlds apart. He doesn't want to give up seafaring, and anything more serious between them would ruin Dinah's girls socially...

If you love historical romance novels with mature couples and where love transcends class differences, you will enjoy this book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Alexandra350 15

A very moving, passionate and deliciously steamy romance!

She’s a widowed duchess who raised six young women, he’s a dashing sea captain on leave in London before he sets sail again. They’ve met before - her stepson is his best friend - and ever since that first introduction they stayed on each other’s mind.
Because of class difference and occupation, they both know a future together is impossible and that heartbreak lays ahead, but resisting their attraction for each other is futile and after all, it’s better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all…
But then circumstances change, and opportunity presents itself. Will they be brave enough to seize it?

This may not be my favourite story in the series so far - the previous book is a tough one to beat in my opinion - but it’s an incredibly beautiful one, and I’ve grown very fond of this unique family!
It’s refreshing to read about real, considerate and responsible grown-ups for once. Open and honest communication, an impossible inner struggle, and those heartbreaking moments when that happy ending seems almost out of reach. Simply wonderful!

Somehow I know I’ll never be disappointed when I start an Alexa Aston series. There’s something about her style - compelling plots that are never unnecessarily complicated, the way she never loses focus of the main couple and yet beautifully weaves their story into the bigger picture. I love it!
If you’re looking for something different, I’d highly recommend reading this marvellous series!1 Cherie S836 14

A Perfect Romance Story for Me: Short, Passionate, Sexy:
The Strong family is at it again. This lovely family has captured my heart and they're not done yet.
This story features Dinah the widow in a loveless forced marriage. She has singularly raised a bevy of girls who are fairly grown up now so it just might be time for Dinah to kick up her heels and discover the feelings of what romance is all about.
Drake the handsome sea captain has returned from first command of the new ship. They had previously met once, and a tiny attraction spark was instilled in each of their thoughts at that time. When they meet again the spark only grows and what charming, delightful passionate love story this turned out to be. I would give it more stars if possible.
Even though this is book 4 in a wonderful series about independent women, handsome men, and a wonderful family this can be a stand-alone read.

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