
Yes, Chef de Alex Cohen

de Alex Cohen - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, Chef


Nothing is more important to Diego than his kitchen. He's dedicated to his job running one of the top restaurants in town and doesn't have time for relationships. Then the boss, building on the restaurant's success, brings in Ben. He's young, hot, and not nearly as unlikeable as Diego wishes.But between the distance of age and the old wounds both men are still nursing, it may be easier if Diego gives up on making something other than his kitchen the center of his world.

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Looking back, I realize that I’ve read quite a few M/M novellas set in restaurants and bakeries over the last year. I think it has something to do with allure of reading about sweet, sexy men who could turn even the sad contents of my refrigerator - which consists mostly of condiments, booze, and brie - into a feast fit for a king (don’t judge me; when you’re a single woman with a culinary repertoire of about five things, that shit is sexy). It also doesn’t hurt that the main characters in these books tend to be creative, passionate, authoritative individuals – all characteristics that whip my egg whites into stiff peaks, if you know what I mean.

So I started Alex Cohen’s Yes, Chef with a certain sense of anticipation.

I have to admit that Cohen worked overtime in the first few pages to make the reader feel as if they had been transported into the middle of a fully-functioning kitchen filled with strong personalities, established routines, and a constant hum of energy and movement.

Right off the bat, Diego Ramirez, the restaurant’s head chef seemed a character I was going to . He was a bit older, more experienced, and a little gruff without being a totally arrogant douchecanoe. He was a man with exacting standards, a little bit of personal pain in his past, and I couldn’t wait to see how he was going to rub on with the bright, young, cheerful new pastry chef, Ben… who just happened to be the nephew of the boss (yay nepotism!) and hiding a little of his own pain as well.

Unfortunately, as soon as Ben was introduced to the story, everything started to crumble. It wasn’t the poor guy’s fault, but the writing just wasn’t there. The author resorted to telling us things about the characters rather than showing them to us. In fact, sometimes the details the author was telling us via the secondary characters seemed not only nonexistent, but in direct opposition to what was on the page. For instance, Ben was supposedly depressed, but his smiles and general good humour throughout those sections of the book seemed to refute that entirely.

Awkward time jumps and a few scenes that didn’t feel purposeful (they failed to drive the plot or the characters’ relationship forward) didn’t improve my overall impressions of the story either.

Other than a few tense moments in the opening pages of the story that gave me hope for some delicious sexual tension, I didn’t find that Diego and Ben had a lot of chemistry together. This was only made worse by the rapid hot and cold – or should I say lukewarm and cool? – game that Diego was playing with Ben’s emotions, keeping him on the hook but refusing to commit to so much as a first date. For a grown man, Diego seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time angsting over a relationship that didn’t even exist yet. To be honest, it didn’t take me long before I started to wonder why Ben was attracted to him at all.

By the halfway point I found myself indifferent to the characters, their struggles, and their relationship, and I was ready for this book to be over. It wasn’t a terrible book by any stretch of the imagination (objectively it was probably pretty serviceable) but I just didn’t find it compelling. Cohen didn’t make me feel anything for the characters as I was reading, so when we were given a whispered, one-way “I love you” (with nothing to base it on) and a completely unsatisfying frottage scene at the end, I’m pretty sure I yawned.

Please note that an ARC of this book was provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.9 s Kristie1,170 78

2.75 stars. It's kinda nice and all that. But even as short as it is, it dragged a bit. It's okay. 4 s Luucy53 66

You can read this review on my blog: https://makingdaysbetter.wordpress.co...

** I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange of my honest review **

This is the first time I read a book about men falling in love on the kitchen and it was quite interesting. Yes, Chef is a really easy and quick read. The thing I this book was that the characters were kinda cheesy but they were nice people as well. :P

Diego had a really dramatic past which made him complicated and had a low self-esteem. However, I only quite understand his past at the end. I d him because although he was kinda dramatic sometimes, he was cute and he never wanted to hurt anybody. I felt we could be friends in real life. :D

Ben was more easy going, he had a rough past too but he didn’t show it that much because he’s overcoming it and it was nice to see that. :) I truly d him because he was really sweet and charming with everybody especially with Diego and that’s everything I have to know for liking him a lot. <3

Although this two characters were nice, my favorite character was Amalia. <3 That girl was so funny, sweet and really wise all the time. I adore how she always try to help and put a smile in her friends. But the great thing about her was that she was soo confident, I love when people are that, she was it and it was hilarious. :D

The thing I didn’t about this book is that it didn’t explain the time frame pretty well, I didn’t know how much time happened from one scene to the other. Also, the age between them was a huge problem for Diego and I couldn’t see it because I didn’t know how old was Ben and that made the story less understandable for me. :/

However, I d this book because of it sweetness and great characters. It entertained me a lot while reading it and it’s definitely worth reading :) .read-in-20162 s lucia meets books284 153

I think Yes, Chef was the first m/m romance I've ever read and I adored it!

The characters were what made me fall completely in love with this book, especially Diego, he's the one I remember the most and I haven't read this book since 2015 so that on itself it's pretty impressive :P

Also, it's a super short book, which I was afraid before picking it up because I'm not a big fan of short stories but surprisingly I didn't have a problem with that. The problems I remember having were that I didn't know how much time had happened between one scene and the other (a day, a couple of hours? I never knew) and there's also an age gap that created a lot of problems but I couldn't understand why because I didn't know how many years older one of the character was compered to the other...

I would still recommend this book if you want something sweet and super quick to read <34-stars arcs contemporary ...more2 s Didi1,535 86 Shelved as 'do-not-finish'

DNF-ed at 37%

Felt being dumped into the middle of a story where reader was expected to already know everyone and what happened. So, despite the mouth-watering mentions of food, I don't have the patience to continue reading.contemporary freebie m-m ...more2 s Julie 529 41

Diego is a chef and runs his kitchen. He was hurt by his former fiance and has been avoiding relationships since. The restaurant owner hires a new pastry chef, who just so happens to be his nephew. There is a a lot of chemistry between them but Diego has a lot of relationship hang ups and is also a little wary because he is much younger than him, and his boss' nephew.

This is a super quick read at only 92 pages. Diego made me a little crazy with his flip flopping attitude. One minute he is kissing Ben and then he's pushing him away again. He's so hot and cold constantly! After a while, I couldn't even understand what Ben saw in him. It also was a little insta-lovey. They hardly ever speak because Diego is so awkward but they both end up with strong feelings for each other? This one just wasn't for me, I guess.

** I was given an ARC of this title for free via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. **netgalley1 2kasmom1,449 54

Diego runs his kitchen and s it. He was already hurt by a man who was wrong for him. Along comes his new pastry chef, who just happens to be the bosses nephew.

Ben has his own past pain. He wants a chance with Diego. Diego cannot decide if the chance to take is worth it. Will it be too late when he finally makes his decision known?

This was a quick and fun read. Both men are hot and interesting. What they cook up makes anyone happy to read.

***This ARC copy was given by Netgalley.com and its publishers for review only.1 Diana227 1 followerWant to read

Ohh parece bueno.. Quiero leerlo.1 Book Gannet1,572 17

This is a cute, quick read set in a busy kitchen with a head chef who had his heart broken by his emotionally abusive ex, that’s left him exceedingly wary of relationships and not all that keen on living life beyond his kitchen. Until a young pastry chef comes to work for him and begins to stir him back to life.

Diego is a grumpy sweetheart. He’s hurt and brooding and thinks Ben is too young for him. He doesn’t want to put his heart at risk again, so instead he lurks in the background, trying not to get engage in anything. Except Ben s him too and his friends are keen to bring Diego back into the land of the living.

The problem is, as sweet as this was and as much as I d Diego, this story is told entirely from his POV. Ben comes across as this friendly, able guy who Diego wants to avoid. We hear from other sources that Ben’s had a rough year and has suffered from depression, but we get no evidence of this from Ben – he doesn’t even talk about it with Diego, since the pair of them rarely talk at all. There’s also very little chemistry between them – mostly because Diego avoids him, making it a bit confusing as to why Ben is attracted to him in the first place.

So the story is a little disjointed and because Diego is oblivious to anything beyond his work, things come out of nowhere and other things happen in a rush. It also took me ages to work out just how old Ben actually is. One of Diego’s main excuses for why things wouldn’t work between them is because he’s old and Ben’s so very young. Turns out there is a twelve year age gap and Diego is forty-two (I think), which makes Ben thirty. Hardly a baby!

Where this story is strong, however, is in the kitchen. The food stuff is great, and I really d Diego’s friends and work colleagues too. I felt I got to know them so much better than Ben.

So overall this is a cute read with some nice characters, but only an okay romance. If Ben had been given a few scenes from his POV, I think that might have improved things and given the romance a little more power. As it stands, if you read it mainly for the food and kitchen stuff, and maybe the friendships too, then you should find plenty to enjoy here.

(I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)3-star-review gbtl-reads m-m-romance ...more Joyfully Jay7,967 458

A Joyfully Jay review.

3.5 stars

Yes, Chef is one of those nice little novellas that, on the surface, present as a great story. And there were moments where I really enjoyed it. I thought the author has a great voice and style and the words flowed well. But I had a few issues with inconsistencies in the characters, and some of the time cuts left me wondering exactly how much time had passed, pulling me out of the story. So there were times when I was absorbed in the book, only to be jarred out of it with a strange time jump or someone acting out of character. The story was good, but I wasn’t overly impressed.

This is Diego’s story, really. And, for the most part, I enjoyed him. He has a big heart, and loves his job. And he had been stomped on by a controlling ex. I thought the author got his mindset right and portrayed it well. He is a bit of a victim, and he hasn’t quite healed from everything yet. I didn’t quite see him as much of an asshole as others said he was, and when he had outbursts of temper it seemed out of keeping with the character I was learning about. I will admit that his wishy washiness started to get to me at about the three quarters point, as he was supposed to be an older man (in his forties, I think) and he just wasn’t acting his age. A few instances where he couldn’t commit or second guessed himself would have been appropriate, but as it repeated, I started to have trouble with it. I was relieved when he finally had epiphany moment, and cheered him on as he set about making things right.

Read Kris’ review in its entirety here.
kris Jen3,243

Note: This ARC was provided by Less Than Three Press in exchange for an honest review.

Yes, Chef is a novella set in the always fascinating (at least as far I'm concerned) world of professional kitchens and was written by Alex Cohen. Here we have Diego Ramirez, a forty-two-year-old executive chef in a successful and popular restaurant in Michigan known as The Local Dish, and Ben Walsh, a newly acquired twenty-nine-year-old (though that's only my educated guess based on the information about him in the story) pastry chef and the restaurant owner's nephew. Diego is wary of Ben, not only because of the nepotism involved in his hiring, but because of his attraction to this man who is much younger than him. The acrimonious end of his decade-long relationship has also left Diego jaded, so he keeps his distance from Ben, even though the attraction is quite mutual. Will it be too late before Diego comes to his senses?

Even though the story did drag for a while, what with Diego unable to actually pursue his obvious feelings for Ben but exchanging kisses with the guy when they least expect it, I d how this was a slow romance. Yes, there were moments that I wanted them to get on with it already, but Diego's last relationship, which led to a broken engagement, scarred him, making him less ly to jump into another one, especially considering Ben was much younger than him and worked under him in the kitchen. Ben was a highly likable main character, wise beyond his years, and both Amelia Parson and Jesse (no last name) were great as supporting characters who pushed and prodded because if they didn't, Diego would still be stuck in neutral. Yes, Chef was a pretty good short story, one that works well as a quickie weekend read. Four stars. ? books are love3,134 23

Received from netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

Diego and Ben are amazing. Love Ben the most because he is the one that helps Diego see. See that he isn’t worthless. He helped him see his ex is a ass. Ben is a sweet, kind and flirty pastry chef who has been through so much. He is sad and lost when he joins the kitchen that Diego is the chef of.

Diego is still reeling and recovering from the decades relationship that ended a year ago from his controlling and to me mentally abusive asswipe. He’s made Diego believe he is worthless and has no friends. Diego who is a teddy bear on the inside believed this hooey crap. So much that he has isolated himself. His friends are still trying to get through. Than sweet Ben comes into the scene.

Diego at first is surly towards him due to fear. His fear and his age. Slowly Ben works his way in but Diego is still floundering and scared. What changes? One night seeing his ex at a bar and what Ben says afterwards followed by Ben almost being lost to him.

This is the fun sweet adorable story of Ben and Diego. Of how Ben helps Diego heal and open up to love and let it in again. Of how Diego helps Ben feel loved and that he belongs where he is and has family. That he is needed. It is the tale of how they came together and helped each other overcome fears and themselves to be together. Kris Mielke80 1 follower

I received an Arc from Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.
Diego is still licking his wounds from his break up with his last boyfriend. A man who manipulated most of Diego's everyday life for many years. Diego also doesn't know how to be in a relationship after all this time. To ease his pain, Diego throws himself into his work. He closes himself off to everyone around him. Diego finds Ben very attractive but can't seem to get past the almost 20-year difference in age between them. When A couple of the other guys at the restaurant start flirting with Ben, Diego becomes jealous. But it's still not enough for him to make his move. Until one night when his ex shows his face and reminds Diego of everything he's about to lose.
Ben lived with his Mom in California all his life. She has just passed away from cancer. She was the only family he had other than his Uncle Evan and his wife. Ben's uncle offers him a job at his restaurant in Minnesota so he can be closer to the only family he has left. Ben begins to make friends at the restaurant easily.He enjoys going out with the gang after their shifts are over. The night Diego's ex shows up, Ben can't believe this is the guy holding Diego back. When Ben announces he's going to move away Diego does everything in his power to get him to stay. m. ? On Hiatus ? 624 12

Diego is the executive chef in a swanky restaurant in the northern midwest. Not only is he an incredible chef, but he also runs a tight ship in his kitchen. When the owner hires his own nephew, Ben, to be the restaurant's new pastry chef, Diego does not want to him at all. However, Ben is so charming and nice that it's actually pretty difficult to dis him; and Diego enjoys spending more and more time in his presence. Both men are harboring painful pasts, and those issues could potentially hinder any romantic opportunities presented to them.

I have to say that I was neither wowed nor bored with this novella. It was okay. I loved the cooking aspect of the book, but the actual romance between the main characters fell flat. Diego and Ben also suffered from an extraordinary (and annoying) case of not being able to communicate. This is standard in many books, but these two just refused to utter even a single word that could have made their lives better.

All in all, it was a nice book, but not all that memorable.

I received an ARC from the publisher, via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.age-gap angst-hurt-comfort friends-to-lovers ...more Ela The Queer Bookish275 31

This novella made me really hungry! So much tasty food... But not only the food is great. I really d how harmonic Yes, Chef is, even though both main characters have their fair share of a depressing past. There is no competition in the kitchen, just friends having fun while working.

While it's a short story, it manages not only to give Diego and Ben character, the side characters have their own pasts, too. Bonus points for Jesse. Why? You gotta read it.

Diego is a little bit of hot and cold, but considering his past, it makes sense. And sex under the influence of alcohol is not a great idea, especially if it's a couple's first time (consent issues, y'know?), so I was very happy, that their first time wasn't then.

Disclaimer: I received through NetGalley a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.do-read Dani75 1 follower

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