
I Am Wolf de Alastair Chisholm

de Alastair Chisholm - Género: English
libro gratis I Am Wolf


Alastair Chisholm Publisher: Nosy Crow, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781839945335,9781839945311

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I absolutely loved this book, devouring it over 2 days. I love the imagination of a world where people live on giant animals called Constructs. We meet a boy called Cal who has two prosthetic limbs. His story develops over the book, and we find out what kind of a person he could turn out to be in the future books. I just love the way the author has brought the story alive and it is a great way to show children that it doesn't matter what we look or where we come from, what we are told, we can be friends and form strong bonds. This is a beautiful book to read with a class.3 s Kirsten Barrett263 2

Thank you netgalley for a copy of this ebook - I will be purchasing paper copies and gifting them at Christmas.

This is one of my favourite reads this year - I devoured it so quickly that I want the next book now!

Set in a time where mechanical beasts roam the earth, they are powered by anthryl - is it magic? Is it science?
Living inside are the crew and we are immediately introduced to the protagonist - Coll. He is a great main character as, at times I found him to be frustrating - he didn't always make the best choices and I was yelling in my head for him to accept himself! (He wasn't ready to hear that though)

I adored his character development and want to find out what happens next. It's a mix of sci-fi and steam punk. A splash of mystery and a theme of belonging and fitting in.

A brilliant read!!2 s Hannah Rials JensenAuthor 8 books55

I can so easily see this book being made into a video game, and I feel that’s a good sell for gaming kids. Loved the found family, the action, the metal constructs, and character arcs. Could’ve done with a bit more world building just to really cement everything in my mind though. 2 s Murkius7

Lots of people to make based on the bad things in books, but honestly, the only thing this book sufferes from is it's length and maybe the target audience.
The book is short; you can get it read in a couple hours. But those will be enjoyable hours. The setting and worldbuilding are so cool, it's such a unique concept and I can't not it. The characters are all distinct and the pacing is consistent and snappy.
The target audience of the book is children, specifically young teens. I think you have to keep that in mind while reading, because some elements are simplified or angled towards children for the sake of keeping a child's attention and making it relatable to them. But the book is also not afraid to deal with much heavier themes than at may first appear; there's definitely enough here to keep more mature readers interested.
It's not often I find a legitimate "page-turner" ie, one that I just want to keep reading to see what's next, but this was definitely one.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the sequel.1 Nic85 2

I am Wolf.
Alastair Chisholm
Nosy Crow
Publishes 9th May 2024

Coll’s whole life is Wolf; it always has been. Operating Wolf with his crew all focused on the same movements, the collective will to drive Wolf on and protect Wolf territory is all he knows. When Wolf is attacked and Coll falls from her, he is thrown into a state of panic and normlessness. He will have to adapt in order to survive.

This is a story about identity: Coll wears prosthetic limbs and has always felt the need to prove himself, even on Wolf, amongst his own. Being separated from his clan, where survival is the reward, and where he must rely on others too, Coll is pushed to examine his identity and challenge his mindset, learning what can be achieved with a shift in thinking.

A lot is achieved in only 240 pages. Alastair Chisholm has created a world we can believe in. I was gripped from start to finish and found Coll a compelling lead. He has also shown where sources of conflict and intrigue lie in the subsequent books.

As I approached the end, I was watching the page count dwindle and it became very clear this this is to be considered part of a wider work. However, the ending was still well managed and I didn’t feel short-changed.
I love the premise- the Constructs remind me of the Jaegers in Pacific Rim, albeit with more of a raw connection with the natural world around them.

I will definitely recommend this book to my pupils- they will love it and I can’t wait to pick up the story again in ‘I am Raven’ - Caw! Caw!

Thanks to @alastairchisholm @netgalley and @nosycrow for the chance to read this book in exchange for my honest opinions.1 Les McFarlane165 9

I really enjoyed this. In the first few pages my mind kept flicking back to the Giants that visit cities around the world- they came to Liverpool not that long ago. Having watched the crew work together to control those massive creatures - I couldn’t help but compare.
In this book’s bleak landscape, where only the strongest survive, crews of people use Constructs to roam & find the highly prized Anthryl & to take control of territory. Anthryl, the nano technology that holds together the Constructs also provides protagonist Coll with a prosthetic lower arm & leg. The crew don’t weakness or difference - but they tolerate Coll because their Alpha is his mother.
Coll’s Construct is Wolf. Wolf is hurt during a fight & Coll & a young boy, that has come from Boar, get separated from Wolf. As they try to get back on to her they find a tech bowling out of Wolf on her own volition. They’re soon left behind. They find they’re being watched by one of Raven’s crew that has become separated from her Construct & crew. Despite her prickly ways they decide they must stick together. The four of them- despite different agendas- have to work together to stay alive.
Here starts a perilous adventure to get back to Wolf. Although the land they travel through is merciless, the emotional journey they make is just as full of frightening & frustrating hurdles. They come to realise that family & crew are created by being able to face who and what you truly are so you can connect with others fully. The strength of those bonds is measured by how much you’re willing to give and how much you trust in the crew that you create.

Pacey, action packed, thought provoking, vicious & tender. Looking at what makes us different & how much we are the same. A really good read for nine to thirteen year olds (or sixty year olds
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