
Wrath & Bones (The Marnie Baranuik Files Book 4) de A.J. Aalto

de A.J. Aalto - Género: English
libro gratis Wrath & Bones (The Marnie Baranuik Files Book 4)


A.J. Aalto Publisher: Pixiegrind Ink Publishing, Year: 2016 ISBN: 9780995200432

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WARNING: spoilers in the comments section. This review is spoiler-free.

For some time, I've been offering my soul in exchange for ARC's from my favorite series, and this time my shameless offer finally paid off; big time! I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
To whoever owns a piece of me now and thinks that you got the better deal: Nuh uh! It was soooo worth it! ;-P

Yes, everyone's favorite horny/snarky/lovable Groper is back with a vengeance - and as usual finds herself immersed in one unly scenario after the other. Because really, who’d have thought Marnie could rock the frilly ballgown look? Or argue women’s liberation in front of the Unholy Throne and a bunch of misogynic vampire royals?

Did I say unly?
To you and me maybe, but not so much for our Groper extraordinaire!

Who other than Marnie would eat moldy mummy confection? (Piece of cake, so to speak for this DaySitter.) Cuddle a Yeti in the mountains of Tibet? (Sssh! What happens in Nepal at the foothills of the Himalayas stays in Nepal at the foothills of the Hmalayas!) Or visit an Orc psychic to have her future told. (All in a day’s work for the Licking-Viking Snapple-Humper / Litenvecht Späckkenhuggar)

That’s right, ladies and gents, even though Marnie finds herself treading unknown waters in Wrath and Bones, she does so with her usual lack of grace and plentiful curse words. When the newly knighted sir Marnie of Toots, sir Declan the Abominable and Mark Batten set out on a quest to find three artefacts for the Overlord, she is pursued by muderous DaySitters, vengeful vampires and a questionable werefox. But all is fair in love and war and failure could result in fate worse than death; namely the daily intake of nutritious Nutrimax bars for the rest of her long(?) life.

But… Normal shenanigans aside, Wrath and Bones brings something new to the table

When Marnie is brought to the revenant stronghold for the very first time, certain truths about DaySitters are revealed to her. Not all of them good. I must admit I was tempted to sic Kill-Notch Batten on their undead asses. Harry had better not entertained the notion of… No, I’ll let you discover that for yourselves. I refuse to tattle!

Wrath and Bones has a new and somber quality you won’t find in any of A.J’s other books.

I have to admit, I didn’t see it coming. Perhaps I should have… Because it sucked…

…on so many levels.

Look, I’m not going to spoil this book for you, you have to read it to believe it. me, you’ll probably have uncontrollable laughing fits, but prepare for something… more… as well.

But when you’re done, I’d love to discuss theories regarding the phone call at the end of the book.

On a lighter note: When you're curled up in your favorite chair , reading your favorite book you need a hot beverage, don’t you agree?

Certain parts of this book takes place in Norway, and you will hear mention of a Norwegian drink called KARSK. It’s a Northern Norwegian speciality the fishermen used to drink. (They probably still do.)

I thought I’d give you the recipe just in case you’d to try this culinary masterpiece while you’re reading about Marnie’s adventures.

Northern Norwegians swear this is the correct procedure, so here goes:

SKÅL! *hiccup*arcs-recieved-for-review demons-devils-gargoyles favorite-series ...more10 s Montzalee Wittmann4,755 2,301

Wrath and Bones (The Marnie Baranuik Files #4)
by A.J. Aalto
I really love these characters and this world! In this book, Harry is summoned, with all the other in court to the Demon King in the North. The excitement, betrayal, wonderment, and action is wild! Love it! Unpredictable and super awesome! This world gets better and better!science-fiction-fantasy9 s Gwen292 54

*** To Be read with sounds of wailing and gnashing of Teeth *****

Oh whoa is me !!!! how can this book be finished- only 496 pages of utter bliss, pure sarcasm, and wrapped in the strong arms of kick ass action and betrayal (which I didn't seem coming).

Clearly this book could have been 1000 plus pages, it wasn't nearly enough. The release of the book came as a bit of a surprise but to much excitement and fanfare - what a great christmas present, and as such any plans went to hell and I spent all my time reading the book and the family got dog biscuits for lunch.

What wasn't to enjoy, Marnie was her usual sarcastic, filthy mouth best, Harry was pure British elegance and Kill Notch will no longer be mentioned in polite society. We went all over the world from Norway to Cairo - we met mummy's, yetis and a host of other interesting characters, a new queen was crowned and our world was expanded.
I don't know if I a quoting someone but: "Writers are those people who can put the dreams we never had on paper and allow us to dream with them" ( I thought that was quite nifty)

Thank - you A.J, it's your curse but now you just have to get back to work and get the next one written because I want more.anyone-do-time-travel assassinate-slow-authors best-series-ever ...more8 s Meigan1,238 72

*Cliterary Genius 2017 reading challenge, January: read a book you've been meaning to read. 2017-cliterary-genius-challenge demons dwarves-giants-trolls-ogres ...more7 s Tracy788 11

Holy crap on a cracker.

Seems I waited forever for this book ...... Now I want a do-over. I want to scrub the last 15 pages out of my mind

Sucks toad balls.

I'm am ab-so-fricking-lute-ly. Numb.favorite-author favorites follow-up-4additional-books6 s Jeanny1,937 161

This book counts towards the Cliterary Genius 2016 A to Z challenge. Letter: W4 s Someone's Potato140 25

At around 95%:
favorite-guys favorite-mc favorites ...more4 s S.J. CairnsAuthor 8 books138

As a Marnie Baranuik follower I had certain expectations for Wrath & Bones since we're quite far into the series by this point. Boy howdie, I was not let down. There's no better bumbling hero to admire. Marnie and her cold company are always entertaining, Harry's ever the dashing gentlemen with the right amount of edge to make you shiver in the best ways, though it was Marnie and her immortal assistant Declan whose banter and ease that made me want to be a part of the pack on all the missions Marnie is quested with in order to save, well, a lot of people.

Taking us to another part of the world to an environment on the opposite spectrum of Marnie's Canadian home was a welcome change to the series, though I can't say I'd want to brave the trek to get there. Encountering monsters and creatures, AJ Aalto introduces her fans to those otherworldly beings we long to find in a dark cave or a forest cavern and brings them to life with a brand of description and humour AJ Aalto has skillfully perfected along the way.

The biggest shock makes itself known and had me ugly-crying for hours until I worked myself up into a migraine. The turn of events which occurred was not only unexpected but made perfect sense for the story and promises great character development in the coming books.

At no point has AJ Aalto become accustomed to mere dick jokes and scary beasts (though I promise there's plenty side-splitting one-liners), but has created a world anyone could see themselves a part of with the glimpse into an exciting future for Marnie and her cohorts.

Highly, highly recommended. 3 s Amanda154 3

The sign of a truly great book is when you become emotionally involved in the story. I was flung full force into the depths of this book. Snickering in public whilst reading on the train, devouring every word I needed them to live. Now least I should spoil the plot all i will say is this;
I am currently heart broken. This book provided a rollercoaster ride for my emotions and I may take some time to recover.

This was an epically great read and I whole heartidly say that if a book 5 is not planned to follow Wrath and Bones that I shall have no choice but to grab my pitchfork and join the no doubt massive mob of fans demanding more. Bring on the next book!3 s Angela VerdeniusAuthor 70 books668

Where to start? This book had me in the freezing snow and on a quest with Marnie and Declan. I mean, a gathering of revanants, a vampire hunter, a sassy heroine and a hapless ally (that'd be Declan), what could possibly go wrong?
Everything, apparently.
This story had me laughing, and the ending - did not see that coming. Okay, yes I DID know it was coming because I couldn't help but read spoilers (so sue me, I also read the ending in paperback romances before I read the whole story and I'm not ashamed to admit it!) but even though I knew it was coming, the actual events around it I didn't know. It truly left me stunned.
So now I'm wondering - is it true? Could it be a trick? Is it truly the end? (I'm not giving away spoilers ). But nothing is always as it seems in UFs, so I'm not convinced it's the end for that...thing.
Regardless of whether it turns out to be the end or not, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.2 s Kayla54 4

I love this series, but damn..... I don’t have any words right now. How could you do this to me? (and Marnie) home-library2 s Sebrina50

And now I'm distraught, but not for the reasons people might imagine. 2 s Imani Zoe227 4

Even better.. yes I cried baby..
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