
Immortal Tyranny de Aiden James

de Aiden James - Género: English
libro gratis Immortal Tyranny


Aiden James Publisher: Rain Press, Year: 2021

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These books are getting more worrisome as they go along, wondering whats going to happen to Judas and the rest of them. And Viktor? Come on, shouldn't he be dead? At least I thought so. But no, there he popped up again. I do wonder if anyone can get that crystal out of his chest. And as for Krontos, ugh! Nasty, nasty character. Hope they don't have to deal with him anymore. So now its on to the next one!1 Jen8

i d the development of a new character, and the use of historical events mixed in with the imagery of various locations in Europe. I'm not a fan of the continuing development of the relationship with Judas and his wife, as i think it's slightly unnecessary fluff, but I know it plays into the decision he has to make soon...1 Normand Girard248 2

What another fascinating supernatural thriller! Judas battles, yet again, with one more of his enemies who is almost as old as he is. Centering around the Holocaust at various death camps, Judas, Roderick, Beatrice, Alistair and Amy Golden Eagle face a life and death situation.1 Dawn Williams626

Great read

Highly recommend to anyone over the age of sixteen. It's the harrowing story of Judas himself fighting to collect the 30 silver shekels that he was paid to betray Christ. It is a tale of redemption, love and forgiveness for all involved.1 Tim608 28

Got this book as a free through BookBub. The premise seemed quite interesting, but I found out that this is the fifth book in the series, so in preparation I went on Goodreads and Wikipedia to get summaries of the first four. The premise is this: William Barrow, archivist for the Smithsonian and part-time operative for the CIA, is in actuality Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Christ for 30 pieces of silver (“Blood Coins”). Well, God punished Judas by making him immortal. William/Judas feels that if he can retrieve the 30 scattered coins, God will pardon him, cease his immortality and bring him to Heaven. By the time the first book, “Plague of Coins,” begins, 21 or so have been located and reclaimed. In this quest he has his wife, Beatrice; son, Allister Barrow, History professor at Georgetown; Alistair’s fiancée Amy Golden Eagle; and two friends, Roderick Cooley (another immortal, actually a Druidic friend of Judas from “Back in the Day”) and Frederick Tomlinson. Of course, there are always the bad guys, who would seize the coins from William and use them to their own nefarious ends (Think of the three Nazi baddies from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”). Thus, Viktor Kazlow, nasty, unscrupulous, albeit filthy rich, Russian, is on a mission to intercept William and company’s trip to Iran to find Coin #22; the CIA apparently has some alternate plans too…In “Reign Of Coins,” Viktor Kaslow somehow becomes immortal, and they race to Hong Kong, to find a cursed coin (among other related artifacts) from Genghis Khan, which supposedly inspired his violence. Apparently the CIA is at cross-purposes here too. The third book, “Destiny of Coins,” William seeks the “Singing Coin,” which has the most power of all of them; of course Viktor Kazlow is on the trail too, as are a number of other “interests.” Somehow, however, Viktor is disposed with or at least rendered nonthreatening. The fourth, “The Dragon Coin,” introduces Vlad Tepes, aka “Vlad the Impaler” (inspiration for Dracula), who’s been after William and Roderick for some time, but who wants the coins to achieve eternal youth and the ability to “walk in the sunshine.” Again, these are just thumbnail sketches of the first four books, for background.

That now brings us to “Tyranny of Coins,” in which another nasty Hungarian fella named Krontos Lazarevic has managed to flush our heroes out of a sort of fortress in Abdington, Virginia, owned by Roderick, and they are now hiding out in Sedona, Arizona. William’s family has been using magic crystals from the Tree of Life on their Iran trek, which reverse the aging process. Well, it turns out that Krontos was the fiend who had reanimated Dracul/Vlad, so he’s really a nasty character! To quote the book, “Krontos’ motives are always harmful to the human race. You’ve heard it said that madmen revel in the world burning to ashes around them. That image defines him better than anything else.”

Well, OK, now we are in pursuit of a coin that had been described as having very curative and helpful powers during Hitler’s reign, with the coin itself having been reportedly seen in one or another of Hitler’s death camps, and is referred to as the “Suttoff-Auschwitz Coin.” And if I may quote here: “A handful of survivors from these horrific death camps spoke of a magical coin that could heal, somehow feed, and protect dozens from the beatings, shootings, fateful trips to the gas chambers, etc. They say it glowed with a blue sheen – the same thing (we) can see in the other coins.” It had been in the possession of the Nazis for short periods of time and had reportedly been seen by the s of Joseph Mengele and Himmler. It’s for sale on the Black Market, but the sellers have been killed (uh-oh, I suspect foul play). William engages the assistance of Benevento Vitorio, who had betrayed Judas all those millennia ago, and who assists him at times as reparation for this betrayal. Benevento indicates that Rome has been watching Krontos for several centuries as he has been both a potential and an actual threat to their more humanitarian missions. Apparently, Krontos had had a shrine using the powers from three coins William now has in his possession (“Trinity of Coins”) and wants to reanimate the shrine for his own nefarious purposes, including, well, world domination.

The actual plot is much more involved and complex, adding to the enjoyment, but I’ve already gone on too much. Suffice it to say there is a climactic confrontation with Krontos, and William ends up with the Trinity of Coins. As to the coins themselves, whenever Judas/William has a coin in his possession, or even touches it, he suffers all the pain and humiliation Jesus did after his betrayal, with the pain and empathic suffering becoming deeper with each coin. Thus, even with the goal of amassing all thirty of them, William pays a deeper, more painful price. An additional problem is that, at the end of this book, there are only two more coins to find and collect, to achieve what William hopes is his salvation and deliverance from immortality. However, since William remains young and his wife and family have been able to become young again, William is quite ambivalent about ending these relationships. Some underlying tension, then, regarding entering into the final phase of his goal.

I must say I enjoyed this book, but really had to review the previous-book summaries to get a true appreciation of it. Indeed, there are references to characters and events in previous books that I didn’t find in the summaries. So, if you’re gonna tackle this series, I’d recommend starting from the beginning.

And, of course, there’s a bonus at the end, namely the first couple chapters of the next book, “Pyramid of Coins,” which takes our intrepid heroes to New Orleans and the current reincarnation of Jack the Ripper. There’s also a teaser from one of Mr. James’ other books, “Cades Cove: The Curse of Allie Mae,” a paranormal thriller series. Fun read.
Jim Kratzok1,070 2

Another good story.

So, William Barrow and company are now going up against the fiend that created Dracula and was basically responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany. The story was a good one although Alistair has become rather annoying since his return to physical youth. Beatrice is much too weepy considering she was described formerly as a tough barmaid. Amy has become almost a non-entity in thiz story, no longer contributing anything useful to the action. I hope the next book is a bit more the first one in the series.2019 action adventure ...more Barbara "Cookie" Serfaty Williams2,671 4

Immortal Tyranny: A Judas Chronicles Novel (Cursed Immortal Book 5)

The continuous adventures of William, Beatrice, Alistain, Amy, and Roderick. He is bad , Cedrie and he m bring back news. William and Roderick face a new enemy, Krontos Lazarevic. He wants all of Judas' coins. Will he give up his coin? Ok story. Myra Wray2,355 11

I found most of this story good, but some smaller parts are a bit boring to me.
Dana91 4

I have a Sunday (I don't want to be near Belmar for the Parade) Book Review for you! I LOVE this series! From The Brilliant mind of Aiden James Author? brings us the next installment of "The Judas Chronicles", 'Tyranny of Coins". In this story we see all of our beloved characters again, William Barrows(Judas Iscariot), Beatrice (his wife), Allistar and Amy (His son and Allistar's girlfriend), His Immortal Friend, Roderick and Cedric ,ex CIA Agent and friend and Bitter Immortal Evil, Evil enemy Krontos. William (Judas) believes he will be made to walk this earth until he can retrieve all thirty shekels he received when he betrayed Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. The search for this coin takes our heroes to Germany to find a coin that was known to be in The concentration camps during Hitler's rule. Krontos WANTS this coin to complete a unholy trinity of coins that will give power over mankind. Can William and his people find this coin and keep it out of the hands of this evil Sorcerer ? will he lose those most precious to him? And who is the Immortal from the pasts quests that resurfaces? (I'm not telling). The visit to the concentration camps was so very sad and compelling made you see thru the prisoners pain. and when William touches any coin he goes back and has to relive the pain, suffering, emotional heartache and betrayal that Jesus felt. You get a History lesson and a Spiritual lesson in each of the installments of this series. So compassionately and well written. I HIGHLY recommend this this entire series...Thank you Aiden James for such a 'different' way to view History ..I give this 5 shekels I wish I could give more! Ed204

The Tyranny of Coins (or Immortal Tyranny) is the fifth book in the Judas Chronicles series. Judas Iscariot (a reluctant and cursed immortal going by the name William Barrow) is searching for another one of the legendary "30 pieces of silver" (the coins originally paid for betraying Jesus).

Dracul (from the previous book) was apparently a puppet for Krontos Lazarevic, who is even worse. He wants the blood coin Judas liberated from Dracul before he died. But a new coin (#26), the Stutthof-Auschwitz coin, catches his attention because of the legend that it was responsible for certain miraculous events among Jewish prisoners at the concentration camps. This development causes Judas and his Immortal Druid friend Roderick to try to somehow block Krontos from acquiring it. For some reason, the family and friends all travel together to Krontos' lair, which of course turns out badly.

The book is not too long (< 175 pages) but it took me a while to get through it. 3 stars.christian-fiction ebooks Leah Speller411 3

And another one down now I will have to find the others. I do love to watch the growth the Judas has been going through in each trial not just with his enemies but his interactions of the coins themselves. He is truly walking through the fire and each time coming out more pure on the other side. My only complaint is I am not sure I completely understand what happened to him at then end. I amy have to read through it again.

Overall I would recommend this book and the whole series to anyone. I have found it to make me laugh and cry to the point of needing tissues. The descriptions of locations Aiden takes you through can make your heart bleed and your tears to overflow. It is my hope that you enjoy and perhaps be as touched as I was. Julie355 1 follower

Book 5 in the series about Judas collecting his 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal of Jesus. Judas has not been allowed to die (stay dead) in his long time on Earth. That is his penance. Now he only lacks a few coins to find, but there are always other immortals blocking his search or trying to kill him and his family. A very interesting premise that I have enjoyed for 5 books now and looking forward to more. Tim Coleman50 2

Fascinating read

Now that I have read the first five books sequentially, from start to finish, I must say that I was thoroughly intrigued.
The premise of the most maligned man in history could actually be a force for all that is good in the human condition.
I was caught up in the story from the first book.
I cannot wait for the next in the series. Sandra251 7

Really enjoyed this book along with the 1st four and I started on book 6 just minutes after finishing this. Since there are only 7 books in the series I will be sorry to see it end but alas. I just love this authors writing style and the premise along with story line have kept me enthralled as each book has developed. Julie Carter901 7

What an excellent addition to the Judas Chronicles. I love that with each book in the series we have the main characters we know and love as well as an introduction of an evil force to contend with. I find it intriguing that with each coin retrieval we see through Judas more of the suffering that Jesus went through. This series is mesmerizing and I am off to start the next book! Holly123 3

I read all 5 books in this series. I d the premise that Judas was recovering his coins in hopes to redeem his soul.
sadly the characters fall flat with me. Judas & Rod are the best, as for the rest... they're just blah.
this series had so much potential, but it just didn't live up to it. Reader Rick423 6

Interest beginning to wane.

Although there is enough interest in this series for me to continue reading. I am finding the stories are becoming a bit familiar. The good guys need to fight back a bit more. They need to be less vulnerable. Coleen Dailey587 3

The continuing saga of Judas and his recovery of the 30 pieces of silver. Help fighting immortals with other immortals and mortals. It is an easy read and a fun break from some of the heavier stuff I have been reading. Would definitely recommend the series. grundoon623 12

2.5 A much better narrative this time, but the plot lines are becoming repetitive and it seems we're being set up for more of the same. A bit of character development helped this one, now how about some villainy development? Sharita Bookreview10

Have not read the first four books...

Since I haven't read the first four books, I'm behind as far as what is actually going on. But the book could stand alone and still be great but I think I am going to get the other four then redo the review Yvonne86

This is a wonderful series. I really enjoyed the quest for the coins and the non stop action. It's always intriguing to see how a Judas story will end and this did not disappoint. R.d. BrunkAuthor 1 book

Excellent book. Harris Guilmette69 2

Too over-the-top, to the point it got in the way of the plot. Jeanine Walsh palinkas262 4

Ugh.... I hate cliffhangers! But I ?? this series. Well done Aiden James, well done! Janet2,522

love this series Cynthia Matthews-robertson61

Loved this one as well. Real page turner and kept you guessing until the end. Wayne Fielding143 1 follower

Loving this series of books. Greg Stillwagon35 30

No thanks ... horror William Bitner Jr.544 27

Book 5 of "The Judas Chronicles" was fantastic. This series gets better with each book. Aiden James is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Denise Patrishkoff15

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